My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 62 The Arrival of the Fire Devil 2

The sky began to shrink suddenly, as if some powerful creature was about to pop up. Suddenly, after bouncing directly, a crack appeared.

In this crack, it seems that you can still see a lot of fire. What's more, there is a lot of wind and snow. Slowly, these blood flowers fell towards the ground below.

But now, it is impossible to have snowy weather. Those who didn't know what was going on looked up one after another and looked into the sky.

Suddenly, when I saw a crack in the sky above the dark city, a crack appeared. Suddenly, as if waking up, they bowed and kowtowed one after another.

At this time, Lin Peng is absolutely not clear about the human situation on the ground. What's more, it is not clear whether this crack can be passed at this time. As soon as I entered with the Blue Devil, countless space storms, like real blades, attacked the two of them. If it weren't for the Sun Shield and its own strength, perhaps, just passing through that channel would have been sacrificed.

Therefore, when the space crack breaks. Lin Peng and the Blue Devil jumped out directly. However, as soon as it appeared, it directly put a layer of ice and fire on the whole sky.

Half of it is printed directly in red. The other half was even more snowflakes. At this time, the sun is still at the top. What's more, the sun shines like a real flame.

In this half of the flame, almost half of the dark city, began to sweat. The blue sky on the other side is frozen and trembling.

As soon as he came out, the old leader of the world had narrowed his eyes. This powerful field alone has shocked him.

However, what makes the old man a little strange is. On one side of the flame, the demon in the sky suddenly seemed to have lost his center of gravity and fell directly down.

At this moment, even the old man was a little stunned! This has just been summoned, right? It seems that there is no preparation for fighting or injury?

Why, suddenly it seems like it's not working?

The blue devil on the other side appeared beside Lin Peng in an extremely fast moment as if he suddenly found something. At this time, Lin Peng's whole body seemed to be full of flames.

Below, of course, the old man of heaven also knows what is ordinary. Suddenly, a light appeared in an instant. In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of the blue devil.

With a finger of the long sword, a dark blue light also popped up. After a chirulu call, he landed with the Blue Devil and Lin Peng.

At once, he appeared in the main hall of the dark castle. Although, this place can only be regarded as ruins. However, Lin Peng still seems to be quite happy.

Slowly, he stood up with the bone horse and suddenly laughed: "I didn't expect that it really came out!" Hahaha... Or is the air here better? That's right, there's a little too much dust!"

Just now, he didn't really control his body because of his weakness as soon as he appeared. Now, after a little relaxation, it is obvious that it is still a little imposing.

In particular, in that kind of laughter, it seems to be as loud as the double vibration of space. The flames all over the body still did not stop.

In the hands, the Sun War Spear and the Sun Shield shine red. It seems that even the whole ground is starting to burn.

Suddenly, in a blink of an eye, he looked in the direction of the side hall. The shield in his hand suddenly emitted another light. Suddenly, a figure floated out of the side hall.

Klinx has appeared beside Lin Peng, although he has grown into a young man. However, in front of Lin Peng, plus the power of the original flame.

At this time, it's like a child standing in front of a real demon. Klinks cried and laughed, with some blood on the corners of his mouth.

Summoned Lin Peng, and the power he consumed was not ordinaryly powerful. If it hadn't been for Lin Peng's imprint, he might have died of exhaustion now.

At this time, when I saw the master, I was obviously a little tired. Suddenly, I was a little dizzy. On the other side, the little one who picked up Wengers and Galen shouted, "Master, that old man is the leader of the light tomorrow. It's here to kill Elizabeth. Just now, the moment you just appeared, it was this old guy who attacked you!"

Hearing such news, Lin Peng and the Blue Devil both put their heads directly and looked at the leader of the light tomorrow world. At this time, the leader of the light tomorrow world, of course, also knows that these two demons are powerful!

If you are a subordinate god at the peak, and you are still a subordinate god in the realm of God. These two guys are definitely real masters who are stronger than themselves.

It's just that I don't know how much strength they can exert in such sunshine. In particular, the young guy just now seems to have been injured.

Therefore, the main reason why the leader of the tomorrow world did not escape at this time. Just in the state of Lin Peng's injury, as for the Blue Devil's words, although he can't see his strength.

However, I want to be in such a human world and under such sunshine. It seems that the ice field is impossible to reach the limit. Then stop to see what's going on!

However, Lin Peng really can't hold that power at this time. I don't know if I'm unfamiliar or really can't use it. He frowned slightly and looked at Elizabeth again!

Hehe laughed and said, "I didn't expect that there will be traitors in the world tomorrow! It seems that it is not necessarily that there will be traitors in the demon world? However, I will kill the traitor in the demon world sooner or later. As for you?"

Elizabe was slightly stunned and immediately smiled bitterly. It seems that he knows what Lin Peng wants to say. Automatically, take a step forward.

At this time, Lin Peng's words turned around and said, "But as for you! How dare you attack me, hey hey... Today, if I don't kill you, doesn't it seem that I'm not strong?"

Speaking of this, Lin Peng's eyes suddenly opened. The spear in his hand also suddenly stabbed forward at this moment. With a scorching flame.

It seems that the whole main hall suddenly appeared like a sea of fire. At this time, the Blue Devil did not do anything. It's just that I looked at Pope Harry.

"Are you excited?" Blue Devil asked in a low voice, as if he was asking a very boring thing. However, Harry became more excited at this time.

Lord Yanmo appeared again, and I didn't expect him to be so powerful. The leader of this heavenly world also has the strength of the lower gods.

He nodded his head and asked, "Your Excellency, I'm Harry, the spokesperson of the dark world! Excuse me, is there anything I can answer you?"

The blue devil's eyebrows frowned slightly. At this time, the bone horse under him also seemed to kick a stone with a bad temper.

"I have nothing to do with Dark Power! Even the relationship between Lin Peng and Darkness is a little complicated. Well, maybe it's the dark power that relies on his power, or maybe it's him who grows up with the dark power... So you don't have to think of me as those masters of the dark power!"

With that, he walked directly to the position where Lin Peng was originally standing. That's where Klinx is sitting. At this time, he had no strength to stand up.

The Blue Devil tilted his head and seemed to be thinking about something. After a while, he said, "Well, you are still his apprentice!"

Clinx was stunned and smiled, "Thank you for your praise!" The blue devil nodded his head slightly and immediately looked at the battle on Lin Peng's side.

Judging from the current situation, Lin Peng should be a little at a downfall. However, the power of the fire-like field has been strengthening.

is even more, with a momentum that even the earth is about to burn directly. Every shot by Lin Peng always seems to be attacked with flames when he goes out.

Similarly, the old man held a long sword that looked like light in his hand. On the contrary, it looks a little similar.

Of course, only the Blue Devil knows how powerful Lin Peng's spear is...