My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 2 The Reincarnation of Pluto

Carron knows that this is from the Hell Giants, Titan Giant! With powerful power and born with a powerful hellfire. Yes, burn anything with a soul. Even the soul of God can be burned directly. Thinking of such a huge one with a height of more than 50 meters, it should be regarded as a relatively powerful Titan giant, right?

The woman smiled faintly and suddenly said, "Even if it is already the power of the lower god. However, this Shaka should have burned his soul directly! So there is no need to be afraid of them at all!"

Carron nodded his head slightly, and the blue demon could resist it. Similarly, Lin Peng himself can never stop his offensive.

The pure power of the flame, the power of the sun, perhaps as long as there is a sun, he can exert it to the extreme! However, as long as this master with a strong hellfire follows, maybe... can you really defeat Lin Peng?

However, in Karon's real psychology, it is only a possible appearance. Instead, it's a real defeat! Moreover, that's what it is.

Xingyao is still alive, and the moon god is still alive... Even the four saints are still alive! How can such a force let the two of them kill Lin Peng with their eyes open?

Fundamentally, in the bottom of Caron's heart, it is absolutely impossible!

"I will send death to send you to the human world! Now, it's time to go!" After saying a faint sentence, the woman smiled slightly.

Caron nodded his head slightly and retreated to the back of the hall. At this time, the tall giant was still standing there! It seems that we are waiting for other orders!

"Do you still have a problem?" The woman glanced at Shaka and said coldly. Shaka shook his head and suddenly said, "I always feel that this man is not very reliable!"

The woman nodded her head slightly, as if she was silent about something. Instead, he suddenly smiled and said, "Do you really think I will send him to follow Lin Peng?"

Titan still shook his head and said dullly, "No... you should send other people!"

The woman nodded her head slightly, and immediately looked at the side hall on the other side. That's the way a huge passage.

A very strong figure slowly walked towards the passage. On his back, there seemed to be something on his back, and it seemed that the two bulging pieces lit up.

"Is it him? That guy who stole our sacred flame?" Titan's eyebrows, like two walls, frowned slightly together. It's like talking about something.

Some people hate this man even more. Yes, it's just a man. A shiny bald head, which is also full of tattoos.

It's like a tattoo of some Teng pictures, and it's like a dazzling picture hanging on the forehead. And this man, according to the figure of the devil, is extremely burly.

At least, it has a height of two and five meters. Those strong muscles are even more like carving. As soon as the man came out, he glanced at Titan.

smiled coldly: "Wang, do you want to cooperate with this guy this time?"

The woman nodded her head, laughed softly, and said with very charming eyes, "Even if the God of War comes out to stop him, he will never let him escape?"

The man did not speak or have any expression. For example, dealing with important things in general: "I have always been aiming to defeat him!"

With that, he also went straight in the direction of Caron's walk out...


The underground world of the dark city is at least ten times larger than the original summoning venue. What's more, it's like sitting directly in a football field.

Moreover, among the statues on the other side, all the demon angel systems have been sounded. However, what makes Lin Peng a little depressed is that he still has his own statue.

This is true, which makes Lin Peng unable to react. The blue devil on one side smiled and said, "I didn't expect that there was a statue of you. Ha ha, it's a good job!"

It seems that it is suddenly cheerful, and I don't know what's going on. Anyway, the recent Blue Devil seems to have more nonsense. Lin Peng scratched the back of his head, which was also a little depressed.

Looking at the Pope, Pope Harry seemed to be very glorious and said seriously, "Of course, we have to shape the statue of Lord Lin Peng. If it hadn't been for the help of Lord Lin Peng, maybe it wouldn't have been the dark church today!" Ha..."

Lin Peng was speechless and sat down directly. The spear was inserted next to him, and his hands were slightly folded. Here we go, the real call. Of course, this time is not to summon any powerful master.

But the use of Cardiology!

This time, I use this altar just to talk to the demon world. After all, did Caron appear? Or, is there any news from Caron?

The dark angels in those statues suddenly seemed to have their eyes lit up. Lin Peng, who sat in the center, burned flames all over his body.

Elizabe on one side narrowed her eyes slightly. Lin Peng's current strength is too strong. Not only did he directly defeat the leader of heaven.

What's more, I don't know what magic was used to block the impact. It can be said that Lin Peng now is completely different from Lin Peng in those years!

It made Elizabeth suddenly think about when she would really wake up. In that glorious city, I once knew that this guy was definitely an ancient inheritor.

So, it can be said that Lin Peng should have awakened some of his strength. Perhaps, only this part of the power directly gives him the strength he has now!

I sighed slightly, or I'm not strong enough...

There are some red spaces. Of course, this space is just a space of spiritual power. And no, the real power of space.

At this time, Lin Peng suddenly appeared in the space. After turning around slightly, he smiled and said, "I didn't expect that my soul power seemed to be getting stronger and stronger?"

In this soul boundary space, it can be said that it is completely maintained by soul power. The clearer the soul is, the more powerful it is in this space.

At this time, another figure suddenly appeared. God of War, good... There are four figures. Yes, like Lin Peng, it seems very clear.

There is only one figure, which seems to be directly surrounded by a layer of fog. What's more, I can't see clearly. What does it look like? However, when he saw this figure, Lin Peng was still extremely excited.

He hooked the corners of his mouth and smiled, "Why... all four of you appeared? No, is there anything important to say?"

The God of War appeared at this time, but he was an extremely majestic man. This soul alone knows that he is definitely the most powerful figure among the dead.

slightly nodded: "This time, I mainly want you to pay attention to that Caron's problem? Maybe the future will send him to kill you? Maybe other masters will be sent here. Anyway, Death has directly opened the space channel, and they may appear in the human world immediately!"

As soon as it was exported, it was such a piece of news, which directly stunned Lin Peng. What's more, it's a little like I can't figure out what's going on?

When did even the queen want to get rid of herself? Or was it provoked by Caron?

"So you came here to remind me of this?" Lin Peng asked strangely. Reasonably, it's enough to let Shia directly say such news!

Is it necessary for these real masters to come here? It seems that there is no need at all!

"The real reason why we came here is mainly... or is it because of Pluto?" The God of War froed for a moment and finally said it.

"Puto?" Lin Peng was slightly stunned and had always heard of the existence of this character. Do you really want to see it now? Or is the reincarnation of this guy also in this world?

Some are unimaginable, and some seem to be confused. The God of War suddenly smiled faintly and said, "Yes, it's his reincarnation!"

The other three also smiled. It seems that this is a funny thing...