My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 41 The End of the Ancient God

The light spots are as if there is a distance of ten thousand years. No matter how the God of Light pulls Lin Peng's real power, he is persistent. What's more, there is no possibility of moving forward.

The corners of his mouth were raised, and at this time, Lin Peng already had extremely strong confidence. In space, it seems that all the power is also absorbed by the darkness at the same time.

But the same thing is that it is also absorbing extremely powerful heat energy. What's more, the thermal energy that can be controlled by Lin Peng. The corners of his mouth opened and said, "It seems that you are no longer my opponent?"

The god of light was stunned, and his face was full of cold color. Originally, I turned to Diablo to defeat this guy. Is it possible that even the dark force can't shake this guy!


This is the answer of God of Light and the only faith he supports now. It is impossible to use dark power and can't defeat him. Even more unlikely, even the power of darkness will not be afraid.

After the corners of the mouth twitched slightly, the whole body seemed to begin to darken. What's more, there is a faint dark light.

bursts, as if in this world, it has become dark.

Lin Peng's eyes narrowed slightly. Immediately, the eyes closed directly again. In the two dark light spheres, the golden light spots are getting brighter and brighter now.

And Lin Peng's body also appeared a little golden light at this time. Slowly, these golden light spots began to gather.

In less than a quarter of an hour, it directly gathered into a big, football-sized light spot. No, it should be said that the photosphere is more suitable now.

And at the moment when this photosphere appeared, the dark photosphere seemed to slowly lead to a faint golden color at this moment. A little bit, it looks particularly dazzling.

Hehe smiled, and Lin Peng's left hand was also placed on the light ball. Suddenly, a golden light appeared. The God of Light closed his eyes in an instant, but it happened at this moment.

The whole body seems to be unable to control these two dark light balls at once. The photosphere directly turned into golden light and disappeared in an instant. Throw into the arms of the light ball.

And the body of the god of light became dark in an instant. It seems that the whole body is formed by dark fog.

Unexpectedly, there was a faint fog that looked extremely strange. Pieces, first of all, turned into fog from the hands and feet.

Then, it starts directly from the body. Of course, he was also very scared at this moment. With that kind of surprised look, he looked at his body.

The golden light has disappeared. However, the light ball continued to float beside Lin Peng's shoulder. After taking a deep breath, Lin Peng said, "This is the so-called dark power. Without the body, without any control, and even, it is possible to be controlled by others!" The god of light suddenly laughed, raised his head, and said to the gray and unknown sky in the silence, "No... Now, it's not that I can't control the darkness. Instead, the real darkness has changed!"

"Dark change of owner? What does this mean?" After Lin Peng was slightly stunned, he asked unresponsively. At the same time, Neptune, Pluto and Xingyao are also like they can't figure it out.

The god of light seemed to be breathing the last air, and his eyes stared at Lin Peng strangely. For a long time, until those dark spirits began to melt directly in front of their chests.

Then he said slowly, "Dark, he doesn't have a fixed body. So, I can't stand the damage caused by that powerful heat!"

Sea King and Pluto are both heads. Of course they know this kind of thing. What's more, this is very clear. Therefore, the extreme light of the Creator can hurt him.

However, the frozen gas of the ancestors, no matter how powerful it is. However, it can't hurt him at all. Therefore, Diablo will say that if Lin Peng really becomes strong.

What's more, if it exceeds the peak, it is possible to kill him directly. However, Lin Peng does not have such strength now!

After a faint smile, the God of Light said again, "It is said that that woman is loyal to me. However, I feel that I am working hard for her! From the beginning, I just devoured the power of creation. Moreover, even if it was swallowed, it threw it into the dark embrace. Therefore, such power cannot be used at all. But that woman..."

When I said this, there was some fear in my eyes. What's more, as if she had seen the dark, after shaking her head slightly, she finally said, "That woman actually had the intention of devouring the dark power from the beginning! And now, she has really succeeded!" As soon as the voice fell, the whole head was directly dark and gasified again. A faint fog has formed. In the fog, it seems that there is still the soul of the god of light.

Unexpectedly, it still has a slightly bright light spot.

Lin Peng is dull, and the Sea King, Pluto and Xingyao are also dull. I don't know if what I just said helped them.

I don't know what the Light God thought of in the end.

However, at this time, Pluto Harris took a deep breath and immediately smiled, "I didn't expect that Rocky would end up like this!"

Lodge is the real name of the God of Light. Perhaps few people will know, but these ancient existences are still quite clear.

Originally, he was a real comrade-in-arms or good friend. Good brother, real, bosom friend is not too much. However, it was just a wrong step.

So, step by step, death until now. Pluto Harris gently pointed at the light spots. Instantly, all the light spots.

seemed to get into Harris's body at once. At the same time, Harris closed his eyes directly. However, he immediately frowned.

What's more, I'm thinking about something general. For a long time, maybe a day has really passed. Maybe it's just a quarter of an hour.

Harris opened his eyes and sighed: "I really didn't expect that the existence of darkness made so many people crazy. What's more, the woman's reason is that the angels of tens of thousands of gods are staying in the dark abyss. Maybe we will go a little later. Both the ancestors and the creation of the world are in danger!" With that, it directly turned into a light and flew rapidly in one direction. At the same time, he said, "Now, Queen Lopez is in the final combination of darkness. If you don't hurry there, I don't know if there is any hope!" The four people turned into several beams and disappeared under the sky.


A heavy dark fog, as if starting to gather, rotated towards the heads of tens of thousands of falling angels. At this time, it already looks like a nebula.

And these tens of thousands of angels, one by one, even their eyes, began to turn dark. Deep darkness, like a small abyss.

Genesis frowned and glanced at the ancestor. This seal seemed to tremble slightly at this moment. It seems that it will collapse at any time.

If it hadn't been for the blessing of these two, it might have collapsed long ago.

"Do you feel it? That crazy woman really fits together. Unexpectedly, can it really be successfully combined with Darkness? Has Diablo also noticed it since ancient times!" After taking a deep breath, Genesis said this sentence in an unspeakable voice. And the ancestor still frowned tightly.

is even more like he can't figure it out.

They are very clear about the dark strength. Moreover, without a body, it can be so powerful! Well, there is a body that protects him.

Can these people really compete with you? The answer is not very clear, and I don't dare to imagine it. After being stunned for a while, the ancestor said, "Maybe, we really have to wait for those guys to come and go in and have a look!" Genesis smiled and nodded his head. Yes, that's all he can do. When my eyes were just closed, I suddenly opened again!

"I didn't expect Rocky to end up like this. It seems that he did not seem to provoke any war between gods and demons in ancient times. Most likely, that woman!"

When Genesis finished saying this sentence, there was still some regret in his eyes. What's more, it seems to be in pain. And the ancestor nodded his head hard.

said in that kind of admiring voice, "Do you remember when Harris got married? The woman looked at Lin Peng's eyes as if she wanted to bite him to death. Unfortunately, the little guys at that time really didn't know how to think about things! Ha ha..."

Creation also seems to have come to mind directly. I laughed happily, and the laughter came out from afar... I don't know whether to have fun in this abyss or really happy...