My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 43 Entering Darkness

This light curtain is colorful, not bad, it is a gathering point that gathers the real power of many masters in ancient times. It can be said that it is the real source that can directly suppress this dark power.

If you can really enter directly, then what are you waiting for here? Anyone always has a heart knot or a dark side in their heart.

Even if it is a god, it will never be an exception. After all, the God of Light is an example. Moreover, when such a powerful darkness appeared.

Even the ancestors and the creation of the world almost lost their hearts.

So, when I heard Lin Peng say directly that he wanted to go in. Almost everyone was a little stunned. What's more, with a strange look.

Harris, in particular, pointed to the dark atmosphere inside that had covered all the light and said, "Such a strong dark atmosphere, you will definitely lose your heart when you go in." The creation and the ancestors suddenly narrowed their eyes. Speaking of which, this guy is definitely the guy who forgot everything.

Maybe it is not even clear how the real power is exerted. When I thought of this, I suddenly felt that it was not necessarily a feasible solution.

After slightly biting their heads, the two looked at each other: "Did you lose your heart when you fought with that boy just now?"

Speaking of this, Harris and Poseidon were also stunned. Yes, this guy really doesn't seem to lose his heart.

If you really break in, then you may not be lost.

Lin Peng shook his head and said depressedly, "Is it that powerful? However, I found that I lost my heart or something. For me, I am me, and there is no loss at all!" Of course, it's not that Lin Peng doesn't know the horror of this power. Similarly, he is not afraid of such power. At the moment when the god of light finally died, it seemed that he saw his golden light and seemed to be able to suppress this black gas. What's more, it has the absolute ability to eliminate this black gas.

Therefore, now Lin Peng is very confident to choose to enter this seal. Maybe it's really lucky. Maybe the golden light can really dispel these black gas.

Everyone seemed to be stunned at this moment. After a long time, finally Chuangshi laughed and waved his hand: "Go ahead, if you really can't stand it, go back immediately. Otherwise, I can't save you! At this time, her body may have enriched so much power at once, and it is unlikely to explode immediately!" Lin Peng was stunned, but he didn't expect that this old guy would really let himself in. He smiled faintly and blinked his eyes and looked at the three people who came together.

After slightly biting his head, he smiled and said, "Don't worry, at least I can't die in it like this. Haha..." After laughing, he passed through the middle of the colorful curtain in an instant.

Harris frowned and was obviously worried. This... But it's really dark! Moreover, it should be said that there is already a dark body.

Others don't know that this darkness represents the power. However, they are very clear. In those years, even the creation and ancestors had such a strong lineup.

It seems that it can only be sealed. Moreover, this is the deepest part of the universe. It is the real abyss of the universe. This is really his territory.

And now, a guy with only the power of the upper god really rushed in so boldly. After slightly frying his sword-like eyebrows, he asked, "Father, are you really all right?" Xingyao and Poseidon also looked worriedly at the old man who was called God the Father. That's this guy's point and teaching.

That's why there is such a word as God! What's more, it is as powerful as God. Therefore, to a great extent, they are still somewhat dependent on the old man.

And more often, perhaps one of his decisions can make them born and die. Genesis blinked his eyes and looked at his ancestor. He said, "What do you think?" As the leader of the demon clan among the ancient ancestors, the ancestors must have their powerful places. And of course, the vision is also unique.

smiled slightly, looked at it, and went far away. It seems that Lin Peng, who disappeared all of a sudden, said, "To be honest, I believe this boy very much!" Have you all forgotten? In those years, why did the God of Light swear to kill this boy? Perhaps the biggest reason is that the dark is afraid of this boy!"

After a little pondering, Lao Zu said directly. Everyone else nodded. In those years, although the God of Light wanted to compete with Lin Peng.

However, the biggest reason may be because of being seduced.

Perhaps Lin Peng in those years has already made Diablo fear. What's more, I'm afraid that this boy will grow up. Fear, after growing up, you can kill him!

"Father God!"

In the distance, a deep voice came with a steady voice. Harris and Poseidon both looked in that direction.

"It's those four kids!" After being stunned for a moment, Poseidon said with a smile. Yes, the people who came are led by the four saints of the Sun God King.

Those gods who are powerful and with perseverance.

Creation also smiled at this time. With the investment of this force, it is absolutely possible to limit the growth of these dark guys to the greatest extent!


When Lin Peng entered this dark world, he found how strong the dark atmosphere here was. It can be said that there are not many other elements here.

Well, to be precise, there are many elements. However, the real ones are hidden in these darkness. Or, suppressed by these darkness.

In front, many angels, not only their wings turned dark black. What's more, the whole body began to turn dark black. In particular, the dark atmosphere on the head, which looks like a fog, occupies all their power at this time.

Among them, the front square array slowly opened its eyes.

In that look, there was already a look that I didn't know whether it was a joke or a mockery. They all stared at Lin Peng's figure firmly.

"A bright angel actually threw himself into the dark. I have to say, that bright boy, what kind of leader he has, what kind of soldiers he has!" After Lin Peng muttered faintly, the spear in his hand suddenly clenched. Slowly, step by step towards the angels. Roughly, these angels should have thousands of appearances.

And, judging from the current momentum. What's more, at least there is the power of the upper god. Lin Peng didn't expect that all these angels were the power of the upper god.

However, when I think of that door, I may be relieved that only the upper god can really enter. With a faint smile, the spear in his hand had already emitted a golden light.

"In this case, we can only destroy all of you first! Hey hey, unexpectedly, all of them have been retouched with the dark power. It should be easier to kill!" After a sneer, the Sun Shield also burst into unprecedented light at this time. Even outside the colorful light curtain can be clearly seen.

"Flame, burn it!" After Lin Peng suddenly opened his eyes and shouted, there were countless dark qi. Those flames began to rise slowly, and those dark gases, when they touched these flames.

Yes, they began to make a fluttering sound.

It seems that I am very afraid of this kind of flame. Among them, like the dark top of ink, a mature and enchanting figure paused slightly.

muttered, "I didn't expect that this guy dared to come in directly."

After meditating for a moment, the corners of my mouth gently moved. I don't know if it was a spell or something else. In an instant, the angel of another phalanx below.

At this time, they all opened their eyes.

With a sound, nearly 2,000 gods and angels all pulled out the angel swords at their waists. However, the angel at this time is no longer an angel.

At most, it can only be regarded as a fallen angel. Therefore, even the sword that represents light. At this time, it also looks like a hazy dark color.

Among them, a master in the middle of the upper god fell to the angel, and the long sword pointed to the sky from afar and shouted, "Kill!"



The angels on both sides responded one after another. One by one, their wings flapped, jumped high and stabbed straight towards Lin Peng...