My beautiful duke's wife

Chapter 51 Dark Road 3 Finale

When Poseidon just wanted to jump up and fight with this witch. Suddenly, in the dark whirlpool behind him, the golden light of the Tao began to circle into a ribbon of light. It is as beautiful as silk hanging in the sky.

Bosedon was not only stunned, but even the queen at this time was directly stunned. He frowned slightly and muttered, "How can that boy directly break through the dark blockade so quickly!" Suddenly, Lin Peng's body in front of the whirlpool, at this time, the golden light seemed to be more brilliant. It even directly turned into a photosphere. Suddenly, he bumped into the whirlpool.


The whole space seems to have exploded. The darkness was gradually annihilated in the firelight and golden light. Poo... The queen on the throne directly spewed out a mouthful of dark red blood.

Looking at the whirlpool with frightened eyes. And the hands also began to dance one after another. In an instant, the whirlpool became slow.

is even more, dissipated in this dark world immediately. At this time, the firelight and the golden light rushed directly into the sky.

Lin Peng's body suddenly became energetic at this moment. What's more, the photosphere slowly began to disappear. The real figure was revealed.

When he looked at the throne with a cold face, he also caught a glimpse of Poseidon. When I saw Lin Peng appear, I was happy for a while.

However, his eyes became dim.

"Where are the old man and the old ghost?" Lin Peng also cracked his mouth at first, but at this time, it suddenly became a little cold. He is still a little worried about the absence of Genesis and his ancestors.

Just looking at Poseidon's eyes, you will know that there is something wrong!

"You should, you can feel the sudden surge in strength!" Poseidon smiled bitterly and shook his head helplessly. Instead, his eyes suddenly became extremely sharp.

Like a knife, shooting at the queen on the throne.

Lin Peng was stunned for a moment and immediately understood something. Absolutely, after receiving such a powerful power of inheritance at once can we control more power of light.

Of course, you don't have to think about the power that suddenly comes from the body. It's definitely the Creator, so... In a blink of an eye, he looked at Poseidon.

So, has the power of the ancestors been passed on to Poseidon?

However, it's not the time to think about these things. Instead, it's time to really kill this woman. If it weren't for this woman, so many things wouldn't have happened.

If it is all dark, Lin Peng is very sure. In addition, the assistance of Genesis and others. But now, it's this woman, and the dark force has an entity.

So, such a battle seems particularly tiring. After all, with the entity, it is absolutely impossible to be so afraid of light. He snorted coldly and shouted, "Look for death!" As soon as the voice fell, Poseidon had not reacted at all. Lin Peng's figure has disappeared, and he appeared directly in front of the throne.

On the dark black robe, although the dark black is obvious. However, the blood stains on the chest also made the robe darker and weirder at this time.

Although there are still blood stains on the corners of his mouth, he looks so beautiful at this time. It's more like a flower that can be picked immediately.

"Do you really think that even if you get the power of those two old ghosts, you can really defeat me?" Minghou smiled faintly and said as if she were holding the victory.

Lin Peng shook his head and said calmly, "Even without their help, I will definitely defeat you. No, it's killing you! Of course, maybe more time will be used! But now, with the power of the old man of creation, plus Poseidon, who inherited the power of the old ghost, I believe it's still easy to kill you!"

With that, the whole body burst into golden light again. What's more, a round ball was formed all of a sudden. It seems that this body is like a sun.

After him, Poseidon has also appeared, and there was a smell of ice all over his body. The whole rooftop, even on the throne, directly froze! After a cold smile, she pointed her hand to the sky. However, as soon as I pointed it out, I was a little stunned. In the sky, there are red clouds.

At this time, it looks so dazzling. What's more, those dark forces of suppression don't even have the power to take action! In a blink of an eye, he looked at Lin Peng.

From the beginning, did you expect this step when you hit the dark whirlpool with your body? Or, the advantage unintentionally! Lin Peng looked at the movements of the queen and smiled faintly. One hand directly stuck to the neck of the queen, and in an instant, he picked it up. Before Poseidon could react, he suddenly fell out of the throne.


After a crisp sound, the whole sky and the ground began to roll. Poseidon looked at Lin Peng and didn't understand why he didn't kill this woman just now.

Instead, you must throw her out of the throne. Is it possible that there is something wrong with this throne? In a blink of an eye, he looked at the throne.

The throne looks very ordinary. That is to say, it was refined with the power of darkness. On the contrary, the few runes above made Poseidon a little dazzle.

From the beginning, the Queen has been sitting on this throne. From the beginning, even if the Empress Dowager used extremely powerful tricks, she still sat on this throne all the time.

Lin Peng has always felt that something is not right. In particular, when she stuck her neck just now, she was not afraid.

However, as soon as you leave this throne. It seems that I suddenly became a little scared. It can be proved that the absolute problem is on this throne.

When the underworld has landed on the ground and wants to stand up hard. The whole body began to emit a dull black gas. Like a woman who is about to turn into coke.

Unexpectedly, the original white skin also showed a dark color. Lin Peng's eyes narrowed slightly. Of course, he also knows that this is the most critical time.

"Immediately, freeze the field!" After Lin Peng roared, the spear suddenly popped out. Suddenly, he stepped out step by step. It seems to be like a teleportation.

appeared in front of the Queen, and a shot had passed directly through her chest. The queen's eyes stared to the limit. My mouth is open and I want to breathe the air deeply.

However, the air just can't be sucked in. It seems extremely uncomfortable. At this time, another voice also appeared.

"Kid, you actually got the power of that old man. However, if it weren't for this stupid woman, do you really think it could hurt me?" Dark?" Poseidon was stunned and didn't make it all of a sudden. However, without any hesitation, the ice field was directly released.

In the whole abyss, a click sound appeared. The continuous ice sheets spread out directly. Directly, freeze the Queen into an ice sculpture.

It's just the spear that runs through the chest. At this time, it became more red, as if in the heat of burning everything, with the power of piercing.

"Oh..." A roar suddenly appeared at this moment. At this moment, the queen's body suddenly shrank. Suddenly, a dark atmosphere appeared.

In mid-air, a figure was slowly formed.

Darkness really appeared at this time. Lin Peng narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "From the beginning, I felt that even the queen. Pluto's woman is the closest to the dark woman. However, no matter what, Moratti can't touch any dark force!" After a short pause, he glanced at the throne: "Until just now, when I stood next to the throne. I just woke up. This woman was originally cultivated by you. Ha ha... I didn't expect that you could make such a big picture. Unexpectedly, even the old man of Creation and the old ghost of the ancestor can muddle through. Maybe they have found it, but they just didn't have time. Or maybe... Is it for other reasons? He looked coldly at this, dark shadow. However, the dark shadow at this time did not say anything. Just, hands are facing the sky.

be into one, praying.

It's like praying for some dark force. At this moment, the whole sky rolled up again. Countless flames seemed to be covered by those dark clouds at once.

What's more, even the whole earth began to really shake at this moment. Countless black fog and dark air began to be like tornadoes at this moment.

turned around and rotated, and attacked Lin Peng one by one.

Of course, Poseidon also knew what had happened and sneered: "Hahaha... Do you really think you are invincible? As soon as the voice fell, the whole sky also stopped rolling.

Pieces of snow fell down one after another.

"Hmm?" After the shadow was stunned for a moment, Lin Peng closed his eyes. The whole body suddenly turned into a real ball of light. Like an eternal star of a planet.

The dazzling light made the shadow howl. It seems that when you meet the most powerful thing in the world. A whirlwind is at least ten feet wide.

I want to wrap the shadow and escape, but at this moment, it also seems a little powerless. With the dazzling light, it suddenly disappeared.

With a click... With the freezing sound of space. At this moment, the shadow seemed to be frozen. At this time, the photosphere suddenly turned into a real comet.

From the sky, booming...

The whole space exploded with a howling sound: "I will definitely come back again!" Eventually, the abyss disappeared. The bright sunshine is exposed.

At this time, Moratti also slowly opened his eyes. Lin Peng stood up softly and smiled. Outside, the seal at this moment is of course useless.

At almost the same time, Harris appeared under this step. Looking in the distance, Morati, who had just woken up like a baby, cracked the corners of his mouth.

Unexpectedly, he laughed.

"Lin Peng!" At the same time, three voices sounded, and the nine-tailed fox, Shia and Elizabeth all surrounded Lin Peng. What's more, they scrambled to support this man one by one.

Poseidon in the distance hugged the moon god with a laugh, like a person who had just woken up. However, at this time, Lin Peng's heart was still heavy.

Is it dark? Will you still come back? I have some remains. Why can't Irene see such a scene at this time? Also, Abel, it seems that he doesn't have the strength to enter here!

hehe...... Maybe that's enough! At least, I have... I tried my best...

PS: Finally finished, the little magician is just a novice. Many of the loopholes in many books may not have really been filled. Even in some places, there is no logic. However, at the same time, thank you for accompanying me all the time. Thank you very much for accompanying me to the end.

Without your motivation, maybe I can't write it down at all. Ha ha... It is also a big challenge for me to come here and write the first million words. Only now have I found that writers are really a very tiring job.

The new book is still brewing. Of course, with this experience, I believe that there will be better plots and better stories to repay everyone. Thank you...
