My beautiful boss's wife

Chapter 049 Who is the black hand behind it

On the weekend, I thought that the big fat man Jin Run would thank himself for his annual meeting, but he saved his life from the dead.

A person was besieged by eight people and knew that he would die, but the big fat man was fearless. A person with such courage would not be a white-eyed wolf.

Of course, saving the big fat man on weekends is not to make the big fat man grateful to himself for a lifetime, but to feel that such a man is worth saving.

The big fat man knelt down abruptly, but also simply and straightforwardly, as if the phrase "there is gold under the man's knees" was a bullshit in his eyes. Because of his huge body, when he knelt down, his knees made a bang on the ground, which shows the strength he used when he knelt down.

In a hurry on the weekend, he quickly stood up to help him, but the big fat man was so determined that he couldn't help him up at all, and the size was too big. While helping him on the weekend, he slapped him on the weekend and pushed it gently, and then sat back on the sofa on the weekend.

"Brother!" After the big fat man pushed the weekend on the sofa, he knelt on the ground, knelt in front of the weekend, and said seriously, "My name is Jin, my name is Runnian. You can call me the big fat man in the future. My brother is 23 years old this year, and I guess he is a little older than you, but I want to call you brother!"

"Fat, I came out of the mountains when I was 15 years old. I haven't read a book. I don't know a big character. I have done any work before. Before I met my brother, I was hungry and beaten, but I really didn't kneel."

"Fatty, I don't kneel to the ground, but I'm going to kneel today, not only to kneel to my brother, but also to say something to my brother."

When he said this, the big fat man who had straightened his waist and knelt down directly crawled to the ground. If this was in ancient times, it was the kneeling on the ground. The highest etiquette, the big fat man's voice suddenly raised, and the thick bass resounded in the whole card seat: "Brother, from my worship, my life is yours. From then on After that, fat man, I will be your shadow!"

"If you don't agree, I will always kneel here." As if he was afraid that he would not agree on the weekend, the big fat man said such a sentence.

"Uh..." I was almost scared by the big fat man's words on weekends. On weekends, I occasionally watch TV or something, especially martial arts dramas. At any time, my little brother handed over his life to the protagonist. However, after all, it is arranged by the director, which is fundamentally different from personal experience.

Suddenly, I don't know what to do on the weekend. It's okay for him to be alone, but there is also a sister who goes to college to support, as well as his increasingly elderly parents. The only thing I worry about on the weekend is that if the big fat man follows himself and becomes his shadow, this big man has to eat, right?

The little man is like this. First, he will calculate whether his interests will be damaged. That kind of righteous awe-inspiring, waving is millions of soft girl coins thrown casually. On weekends, it is either stupid or a fairy tale.

"Brother..." I didn't hear the answer on the weekend. The fat man who was also poor seemed to think of something and said, "Don't worry, I have a lot of strength to help you make money!"

"Really?" The weekend paused and asked awkwardly, "What other special skills do you have besides strong strength?"

"I..." The big fat man was confused. He didn't expect why he would suddenly ask this on the weekend, so he replied rigidly, "I've been a chef in a hotel, is that true?"

"Calculation! That's too much!" Hearing this on the weekend, the big fat man's eyes were like looking at the baby. He helped the big fat man up, patted his chest very manly and said, "Big fat man, you will hang out with me in the future!"

Naturally, the big fat man didn't know that his intention on the weekend was to throw this big man to the baby travel agency to share his work, so that he could agree on the weekend, and his eyes turned red with gratitude. If he were a fat girl, he would probably give his body to the weekend and let him go.

Big Fatty, who was a little security guard of a property company six months ago, was beaten by a dozen brothers of Hongmen Mo Laodao because he offended one of his brothers, and threatened the property director not to let the big fat man continue to work in the property company.

How dares the property manager offend Hongmen? At that time, the big fat man was on his way.

From then on, no matter where the big fat man went, he would be driven away by Mo Laodao's men in the same way.

The big fat man finally couldn't stand it and was determined to teach Mo Laodao a hard lesson.

It happened to catch up with the Hutou Gang and Hongmen fighting in the abandoned factory. The big fat man fell into a chaotic war and suffered a heavy head injury. If it hadn't been for the weekend rescue, it would have been dead now.

Before fainting, the big fat man remembered the appearance of the weekend. He was simple and secretly made up his mind that if he could wake up, he would repay the weekend.

In the end, the big fat man woke up, but his benefactor was gone.

After all, the big fat man only has an impression of the appearance of the weekend. He doesn't even know what the other party's surname is, and he is not popular. For privacy reasons, it is impossible for the hospital to disclose the weekend information to this dull-looking fat man.

The big fat man stayed at the gate of the hospital for a day and a night without waiting for the weekend, and finally chose to go back to his hometown.

Coincidentally, a man took a fancy to the fat man and talked about a business with him.

The man admitted that as long as the big fat man did what he said, he would give the big fat man a commission of 50,000 yuan.

Hearing the other party say that he wanted to kill people, it was impossible to agree with the character of a big fat man, but on second thought, he was forced to be desperate by the man in Hongmen. Now he is also a person who died once, and he can't earn 50,000 yuan a year even if he works hard.

When the big fat man thought of going back to his hometown, he was penniless and could not explain to his elderly mother. Therefore, he gritted his teeth and received the 10,000 yuan deposit and a pistol from the man.

The fat man never thought that the man who wanted him to kill would be his lifesaver weekend.

In fact, when he put a gun to the back of his head on the weekend, the big fat man doubted it when he noticed the school uniform on the weekend, but he didn't expect such a coincidence in the world.

When he turned to look at him on the weekend, he was dumbfounded.

"Do you know who wants you to kill me?" After listening to the big fat man talk about the cause and effect, he blurted out on the weekend.

When the big fat man thinks about it now, he still feels that the whole thing is too terrible. If he misses to kill the weekend, he will probably live in self-blame in his life. After a pause, he shook his head: "Brother, when the other party met me, he was masked, and he was on the roadside in the car. I didn't know what he looked like at all. As for his name, I didn't hear it."

"Old fox!" I couldn't find a clue from the big fat man, which was quite disappointing on the weekend.

I'm used to killing people who have done myself or trying to do myself, I always feel that I don't want to pull out the person who wants his life. I'm uncomfortable all over, with a knife hanging over my head. I don't know what's going on when I fall asleep. This feeling is very uncomfortable.

I sat with the big fat man until late at night. On the weekend, I suddenly had an idea and called Awei and said, "Awei, you can let people spread these words into the circle now, as soon as possible!"

"Big Zhou, the new leader of the Tiger Head Gang, was played with Yin today. Unfortunately, the man failed to succeed. Not to mention losing soldiers, he also lost a pistol. The most outrageous thing is that the killer he hired also became a brother with Boss Zhou."

Awei's work efficiency is very high. In less than an hour, this news spread in the circle. After all, the whole Kangcheng, the laymen seem to be very large circle*, but in the eyes of the people in the circle, it is just as big as a well.

After hearing A Wei say that the matter was done, he patted on the weekend and took the big fat man back to the baby travel agency to rest, and walked.

The reason why the news was spread on the weekend was to lead the snake out of the hole, so that the behind-the-scenes black hand couldn't help but take the initiative to take action.

After all, when the man negotiated with the big fat man, although he was masked and didn't even reveal his name, how could he guarantee that the big fat man could not find any clues? Moreover, the big fat man and the weekend have become brothers. What they know must be fully made.

In fact, if the behind-the-scenes black hand can put up with it, I guess there is no way on the weekend. But he is really worried that he will know his existence on the weekend, and then it's better to do it first.

The journey from Kangcheng New District to the baby travel agency on the outskirts of the old city is very long if you walk on foot.

Along the way, no one talked to the big fat man on the weekend. On the weekend, the big fat man followed closely and seemed to go fast, just like he was doing something wrong and avoiding. In fact, the two people's eyes have been secretly staring.

When passing through a narrow lane, the weekend and the big fat man suddenly stopped as agreed in advance.

Because, at the corner in front, seven or eight people with knives and steel sticks came out, and then seven or eight people came out behind them.

It has been three times in the middle of the night, and this alley is already sparsely populated, so there are no passers-by at this time.

The alley is quite narrow, with walls on both sides, and the street lights have been smashed. Obviously, it was arranged by the other party in advance. After all, if it doesn't work, this alley is the only road from the new district to the suburban railway station.

There is no street lighting, the alley looks gray, and people look at people, which is not so real.

On the weekend, he swept his eyes and hit his crowd, took the cigarette handed over by the fat man, and paused. He said, "Brothers, you look up to my weekend too much. Just to kill me, do you need more than ten or twenty people?"

"Don't talk nonsense with him, do it!" The other party's intention was very clear, that is, to let the weekend lie down, so they did not intend to talk to the weekend. After the leader whispered a word, the people around the front and back of the weekend rushed up silently.

The big fat man saw the crowd rushing up and suddenly pulled out the firewood knife hidden in his waist. It was the rusty firewood chopping knife brought to the AC bar from the baby travel agency on the weekend: "Who dares to come up and ask me the firewood knife in my hand!"

The big fat man with a firewood knife has the smell of a horizontal knife and a proud hero in the world. Especially when he said this, the firewood knife in his hand waved twice. He was so powerful that he waved so casually that it was actually tiger and windy.

Nearly 20 people besieged two people. Whoever is strong and weak can be understood by a blind man.

However, the firewood knife in the fat man's hand is too fierce. Just by listening to the whirting wind, you can know how powerful it is.

So, the other party was temporarily scared, because no one wanted to rush to the first one.

When the leader saw that everyone just surrounded the two of them on the weekend but did not attack, he was anxious. He kicked the little brother beside him and said, "The boss said, give it to me. If he is injured, give 5,000, if he is disabled, give 100,000, and if he dies, give 500,000!" If you kill this boy, you will also be rewarded 500,000 yuan!"

Regardless of the authenticity of this person's empty promises, but not to mention, this is too useful.

500,000 people died by themselves, and 500,000 people died on the weekend. What is the concept of 500,000? These desperado who are used to licking blood with knives are too clear.

"Kle him!" With a dull roar, finally, the people who were afraid of the firewood knife in the hands of the big fat man moved, and all rushed to the weekend desperately.