My beautiful boss's wife

Chapter 142 Who is called Su Daji

Of course, the reason why it can't be distinguished is from limbs, and if it is from facial expressions, it is obvious.

The black man's facial muscles are twisted and his pupils are wide open. As for the weekend, his face is calm and the corners of his mouth rise slightly, which is not only proud, but also defiant.

"Who is weak and who is strong is not distinguished by the size of the man!" While saying this on the weekend, he grabbed the black man's hands again. Suddenly, the black man's twisted face began to tremble, and his eyes seemed to be congested.

The most incredible thing is that the black man's feet began to stand on tiptoe slowly.

When his hands can't be retracted, the only thing a black man can do is to lift his feet to kick the weekend, but his hands seem to be crushed, and he can't lift his feet at all.

Moreover, the weekend was obviously much faster than him. When the black man's body was about to be lifted by him, he raised his foot and kicked the black man** accurately.

"Oh..." With a scream, the black man hit the wall fiercely and fell to the ground the next second. He wanted to get up again, but he staggered for a long time, finally turned his eyes white, and then fell to the ground heavily.

Because the black man's figure is ridiculously burly, he makes a very dull sound when he falls to the ground.

Dongdong! Dong Dong Dong!

When I saw a black man faint on the weekend, he was about to take out his mobile phone and call the police when there was a knock on the door.

Who will knock on the door at this time? Baby Qi? Daughter red? Or...

He pulled out the military dagger used by the black man from the wall and came to the door with his hands behind his back on the weekend. He bent down and tried to see who was knocking at the door through the crack.

Through the crack of the door, a pair of blue eyes appeared in the eyelids of the weekend, with blue eyes, white paper-like skin, high nose bridge, white "white ghosts", black companions.

When I saw the person knocking on the door, I was hesitating whether it was time to open the door again. The white ghost kicked the door and tried very hard. Since the last time I was kicked by the killer on the weekend, the door of the bedroom had just been replaced and broken again.


While the door was kicked open, he subconsciously stepped back five steps on the weekend. The next second, the dagger hidden on his back had been raised. He made a move to jump out of the door, but in the end, he failed to do so, because he held a silver-gray pistol and gun eye in the hands of the white ghost who had just closed his feet at the door. It's facing the forehead of the weekend.

Of course, the most important thing is that the white ghost is still holding a person - Qi Baobao.

Qi Baobao's mouth in light pink pajamas was covered by white hands. No wonder she failed to signal to the weekend when the white ghost knocked on the door.

Qi Baobao's peach blossoms eyes are full of fear. Of course, they are more worried about the weekend.

Eyes are the windows of the soul, not to mention Qi Baobao's eyes or any man can read the soft peach blossom eyes when they see them. From these beautiful big eyes, the weekend seems to hear Qi Baobao talking to himself: "Weekend, run, leave me alone, this white man is crazy!"

At this time, the weekend's head was pointed at the eye of a gun. Not to mention whether he can escape, even if he can really escape, it is probably impossible to leave Qi Baobao to escape alone.

"Friend, we should not be enemies, right?" After a pause, he began to speak on the weekend, fluent in native English.

A young man under 20 dropped out of school in his second year of high school and went to work in a brick factory. It is hard to imagine that such a young man would have such a standard spoken English. If it is a rating, it should be at least level six.

"Talent, your English is more fluent than my local!" The white ghost praised the weekend in his non-standard American Chinese without hesitation, as if he had met his relatives in a foreign country, and his language should be more kind and kind. "I'm not a demon who likes to kill, but if you don't obey, I don't mind cutting off the neck of this oriental beauty in my arms!"

"Say it, how do you want me to be obedient?" On weekends, white ghosts can speak Chinese, so I won't show off. While he spoke, he had been secretly looking at the white ghost.

A decent white suit, and it is also the kind of swallowtail. In Western countries, such a dress is very fashionable, but on weekends, it looks more like a white-faced clown. The white ghost's posture of holding a gun seems to be light, but there is a feeling that this white man is a master of playing with guns on weekends.

Because of Hualou, people with white faces have been disgusting on weekends, not to mention that white ghosts are whiter than Hualou because of their skin color.

Since the goblin daughter Hong lived in the baby travel agency, the baby travel agency has never been peaceful. In addition, tonight, the baby travel agency has three killers patronize. She is not a fool on weekends. Naturally, I guessed why these killers visited the baby travel agency.

The white ghost listened to the weekend and said, "I hope you can tell me which room Su Daji lives in!"

"What? Su Daji?" The weekend was stunned for a moment and immediately blurted out, "Do you think this is the list of gods, or Su Daji?"

The white ghost didn't come to find his daughter Hong, which surprised the weekend. Of course, at the same time of the accident, he also breathed a secret breath.

Since the other party didn't come to find his daughter Hong, he was not so nervous on the weekend. The most urgent thing was to save Qi Baobao, who was controlled by the white ghost, so he paused and said on the weekend, "Brother, the girl you are controlling now is responsible for registering the tenant information in our travel agency. I don't know the person you are looking for. However, she can check it for you.

"Hmm?" The white ghost is obviously reluctant to believe in weekends. As a killer, he believes in his own feelings. He always feels that this naked and seemingly thin young man is a dangerous person. How can his companion lie on the ground at this time?

"You don't believe it?" A trace of impatience flashed in the eyes of the white ghost on the weekend and said, "Don't believe it. What I said is true." As he spoke, he pointed to the black man lying on the ground, "Is this your companion?" He jumped in through the window before, which was very unfortunate, because he stopped the car and hit the wall by himself. It's none of my business.

"Ha ha!" The acting on weekends is good, but this excuse is too bad. With the skills of a black man, he will hit the wall and faint by himself? He didn't believe to kill the white ghost. The white ghost was obviously impatient. Therefore, after a cold smile, the hand covering Qi Baobao's mouth suddenly increased its strength. Suddenly, Qi Baobao, who would have blinked his eyes, rolled his eyes. Looking at the situation, it should be that her mouth and nose were covered by the white ghost and could not breathe. In other words, she suffocated. .

"Wait a minute!" Seeing Qi's baby, he was about to faint. He was anxious on the weekend. In order to show his willingness to surrender, he threw the dagger capital in his hand to the ground, "Brother, be gentle to girls!"

"How gentle?" As soon as the white ghost's stinky mouth reminded him, he seemed to think of something and subconsciously glanced at the shrug on Qi's chest. Although Qi's baby's pajamas were very loose, the fullness was still so seductive. "Do you want me to pinch here?"

"I'm the grass!" I almost went crazy on the weekend and couldn't help cursing.

I have to say that Chinese is really broad and profound. Although the white ghost, as a killer, has learned Chinese since he was a child, he really doesn't understand the meaning of such a curse on weekends. In his Chinese dictionary, there is no ranking of "I grass", so he has no choice but to ask the weekend, "What do you mean?"

"Praise you for being handsome!" If it hadn't been pointed at by the gun in the white ghost's hand, or if Qi Baobao was still controlled by the white ghost, I really wanted to laugh on the weekend. * Foreigner, don't you know?

"..." Although the white ghost doesn't believe it, he can't look up the dictionary now, so he simply stops struggling with this issue and continues to say to the weekend, "Chinese boy, don't delay with me. Tell me where Su Daji is, or I'll let your woman die in front of you." While speaking, the silver-gray pistol in the white ghost's hand was on Qi Baobao's forehead.

Baoqi felt so wronged that he didn't fall asleep in the middle of the night, and then heard traces of being moved by the big iron gate, so he opened the door and looked at it!

As the saying goes, curiosity kills people. Qi Baobao didn't believe it before, but when she was caught by the white ghost as soon as she opened the door, she believed it.

How fast is the white ghost? I haven't seen it on the weekend, but Baby Qi has personally learned it. Up to now, Baby Qi hasn't figure out how the white ghost jumped in front of her before. It seems that from the big iron gate to her bedroom door, more than ten steps away, the white ghost suddenly came over. Because the speed was so fast, Qi Baobao even saw a white one. The remnants of stream light.

From opening the door to being covered by a white ghost, Qi Baobao didn't even have time to call for help!

At this time, she was pointed at her head with a gun by a white ghost, and the female bandit Qibao can no longer be a female bandit. Although her mouth and nose are covered and she can't speak, it doesn't mean that she can't cry.

The peach blossom eyes flashed, and then the big tears slid down from the corners of her eyes drop by drop, which was more intense than the drizzle outside. You can imagine how Baby Qi would cry if the white ghost took away the hand covering her mouth and nose.

"Baby, don't cry." As soon as he saw Qi Baobao's tearful appearance, he was nervous on the weekend. As soon as he was nervous, he was easy to talk nonsense. He scolded without warning, "Daughter Hong, you stinky dead goblin, do you want to sleep like this? I've dragged this white man for so long. Why don't you come out to help?"

It seemed that the daughter Hong, who had never appeared, seemed to expect that she would eventually scold herself on the weekend, so as soon as she opened her mouth to scold her on the weekend, the mobile phone rang on the weekend.

"Ding-dong..." text message ringing.

"Is there any girl who asked me out in the middle of the night?" On the weekend, his heart thumped, and then smiled at the white ghost, "I'm sorry, take a text message first!" While saying this, he turned around to the head of the bed to get the iPhone that had been almost punctured by the black man's dagger. It seemed that he was not worried at all that the white ghost would fire a dark gun in his back.

"If you scold me again, I will tear your mouth!"

The daughter's red-haired text message also left a gloating smiling face.

"Uh..." When I saw this threatening text message with no nutritional value at all on the weekend, I even cried. Just as he was about to leave his mobile phone and continue to struggle with the white ghost, his daughter Hong's text message came again.

"If you believe me and lead the white ghost to my room, I will help you."

Seeing this text message, he finally had a bottom in his mind. Although he didn't know that the white ghost said in his daughter's red-haired text message was the white man controlling Qi's baby, he understood it at the thought.

He threw his mobile phone casually in ** and turned to look at the white ghost again on the weekend: "Brother, I know where the person you are looking for is. Do you dare to go with me?"

While saying this, he also stroked his little finger at the white ghost on the weekend.

"T lead the way!" Unexpectedly, he was still in the mood to play with his mobile phone. The white ghost couldn't stand it for a long time. It was also because of his conceit that he was so calm that he pushed Qi Baoyi aside, and the white ghost's gun eyes pointed to the weekend's forehead again, "Come here."