My beautiful boss's wife

Chapter 161 The New Owner of Villa No. 9


Hearing the shaved security head call himself "boss" and looking at the other party's fake compliment, he was secretly unhappy on the weekend, but he did not show it.

If you ask me to go there, I'll go there?

On the weekend, he stopped stepping out of the door and stood still. He stared at the security guard and his five companions with his clean eyes, smiling and saying, "Brother security guard, what's the matter?"

Although the weekend smile is also on the surface, I don't know how smart it is compared with the non-standard smile of the security guard. It was also because the smile was so pure that the security guard and his companions felt that there was something wrong with the young man on the weekend.

At present, the security guard no longer talks nonsense and leads his companions to the weekend. Together with the security guard, there are a total of six security guards, all of whom are burly.

People who have also fought several times on weekends can see that these security guards have more or less skill, at least they are veterans, which also proves the awesomeness of the emperor's Longting security system from the side.

Headed by security guards, a group of security guards intend to surround them on the weekend.

Looking at the other party's intention, the weekend suddenly broke out and couldn't help blurting out, "Is it possible that your security guard still wants to rob?"

When he said this on the weekend, he still smiled, so that the security guard and others mistakenly thought that the weekend was a joke and vaguely thought that the weekend was a fool.

"Brother, you're so funny!" The security guard maintained the expression of the big man who has always dealt with the emperor's Longting and suppressed his unhappiness to the weekend, "We are the B-level security guards of the emperor's Longting security department and routinely inspect people who go out."

The security guard said this very implicitly, but on the weekend, he still understood the other party's intention and dared to treat him as a thief. Looking at the travel bag on his shoulder, it was as big as a sack and bulging. No wonder the security guard and others would treat him as a thief.


On the weekend, he simply threw the travel bag on his shoulder in front of him and said, "Do you want to check it, right? Please!"

"..." I didn't expect the weekend to be so refreshing. The security guard was stunned and then smiled apologetically, "Boss, don't suggest. This is routine."

"Is it routine? Then why did I see a car that just went out and you didn't stop to check it? On the weekend, he asked with a smile.

How can he not know that these security guards suspect that he is a thief because he is not driving? This kind of dog-eyed things can happen everywhere.

"That..." The security guard suddenly stopped saying.

Fortunately, although the head of the security guard is not very good at talking, there are many fangs among his companions. When he saw the boss eating, one of the strong men who was five or three thick and chased 1.9 meters tall said angrily, "Head, what can I say about such a poor man? Can you directly check his villa number and identity, and then search his body?

"Hehe! Poor hanging?" The weekend smiled more simply. He usually likes to be poor, but it doesn't mean that he will answer happily when others think he is poor. This word is a discrimination against young people who have just started. "Big man, don't think that you will be awesome when you wear a security uniform. Ten years ago, when you and I were the same age, you may not Isn't it poor?"

"Speak and say it. I don't want to pester with you here. I'm the owner of Emperor Longting No. 9 Villa. If you don't believe it, you can call your security center to check."

"Villa No. 9?" The big security guard was immediately happy when he heard the weekend's words, "Kid, who are you talking about? Villa 9 is the residence of Mr. Alcatel, a multinational boss, okay? Fortunately, you dare to think that you think of yourself as the owner of Villa 9.

The security guard frowned slightly. The big security guard told the truth and lied on the weekend.

"Little brother, tell me, what did you do in the Emperor Longting, and what's in your travel bag?" When the security guard said this, several of his companions surrounded the weekend a little more. As for the big man, the bull's eyes had locked the travel bag placed on the ground on the weekend.

"Head, I opened the travel bag and looked at what else the boy said." The big man did what he said, and as soon as he opened and closed his big hand, he pulled the zipper of the travel bag.

"Do not touch my things!" How can people search their bodies casually on weekends? This is about the dignity of a man, and it is no wonder that he will be angry. While saying this, he grabbed the big man's hand that wanted to zip the travel bag on the weekend. "Take your dirty hand away, or I don't mind crushing it."

"You..." When he said this on the weekend, a trace of cold flashed in his clean eyes, and the big man was so scared that he almost withdrew his hand, but the man's face made him unable to do so.

It's just a young man. What's there to be arrogant about?

The big man was secretly unhappy, but he didn't show it on his face. He smiled and said, "Thief, we have the right to check your travel bag. If you think you can crush my hand, I don't mind you trying it, but you have to be prepared to get your front teeth and locked in the bureau."

"That's what you said." On the weekend, he raised his eyebrows and suddenly grabbed the big man's hand.

"Just your little arms and calves, and...ah..." The big man screamed before he finished his arrogant words.



With the crisp sound of the five-finger bone joint of the big security guard, the other hand on the weekend pinched into a fist and hit the big man's mouth full of yellow teeth with lightning speed.

At that moment, two yellow teeth mixed with blood rolled out of the big man's mouth and fell to the ground, which was unusually dazzling.

"Ah?" When the security guard saw that the matter was going big, he exclaimed and his expression changed greatly.

At the same time, several companions of the security guard also changed color at the same time.

"I'm not an unreasonable person. Since you want to check it, you can check it. However, you can only call your headquarters to ask if Villa No. 9 is on the weekend. You can't turn over my bag. Otherwise, that's the end!" Despite the fear of the security guards, he surrounded him on the weekend. While saying this, he slapped the big man in the face and staggered back several steps.

The big man is also an interesting person. No wonder he will say that he is a dog on weekends. After eating, he will not shout, but just buried his head and cover his mouth and face. As for the hand that was crushed by the weekend, it hung weakly at this time and hurts, but he dares not bark. If he angers the evil star in front of him, it is difficult to protect it. Will the other hand be crushed by the other party?

The slap on the big man's face on the weekend should be crisp and crisp, which shocked the security guard's head and other security guards.

Immediately, the security guard called the security center. He clearly knew that Villa 9 was the obvious property of Mr. Alcatel, a multinational boss, but he still couldn't help confirming through the female customer service on the phone.

What the security guard never expected was that the answer given by the crisp and pleasant female customer service was: "Hello, Emperor Longting Villa No. 9 just transferred to a boss named Weekend a few days ago..."

"Zhou... boss..." After hanging up the phone, the security guard looked guilty. He looked at the young man in front of him again, dressed in a sunny dress and a childish handsome appearance. How could he look like a student? How could he buy Villa No. 9 from a multinational boss like Alcatel?

How much does it cost? The security guard can't even imagine it.

No one knows better than on weekends that Villa 9 is the house of the female goblin Li Guanmei. Mr. Alcatel, the multinational boss in the mouth of these security guards should be Li Guanmei's deliberately disguised name.

However, in any case, he could see shock, worship, disbelief and other looks in the eyes of these security guards. The weekend was very refreshing. Although it was a fake tiger, it made him extremely useful.

"Have you checked it clearly?" Seeing that the security guard's face had changed dramatically over the weekend, he pretended to ask calmly, "Is Villa 9 Alcatel's or mine?"

"Yes... it's your... Boss Zhou... Villa No. 9 is Boss Zhou's... We were so offended just now... Yes... I'm sorry..."

The security guard bent his head and apologized carefully. As for the big man and several other security guards, although they all had an unbelievable expression, they also apologized in a low voice like the security guard.

"It's okay. I'm generous. You can continue the routine inspection. I'm in a hurry." On the weekend, he showed his simple smile again, raised his hand and picked up the travel bag on the ground and left.

The security guard, the big man and other security guard bent down and left on the weekend like a cement porter carrying a travel bag. He was secretly relieved. The security guard wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and sounded the alarm with his companions: "Remember, this boss Zhou is the owner of Villa No. 9 next time. Don't make mistakes. Damn, you can Erkat bought this Chinese villa, and I don't know where it came from.


When I came from Emperor Mountain to the suburbs of Kangcheng, I took a bus on the weekend. On this straight road, Kailin almost stepped on the accelerator of the sports car. Therefore, although it was far away, I didn't feel it on the weekend. However, I walked back on foot and cried for my mother on the weekend. The most terrible thing is that the sun is very hot today. In the morning, the sun shines hot, making me sweaty on the weekend.

If there is a taxi and bus or something passing by, you won't save that few yuan on weekends, but the problem is that you live in the Emperor Longting, which one doesn't have a famous car? If buses and taxis run this road, the driver will starve to death.

I roughly estimated that from the railway station on the outskirts of Kangcheng to Emperor Longting, the distance is equivalent to running around the new and old districts of Kangcheng at least five times. If you want to walk back on weekends, you may not be able to go to the baby travel agency at night.

walked against the scorching sun for almost an hour, and he couldn't stand it on the weekend. He wanted to use dark energy, but if people saw it in the daytime, he might be regarded as an alien or something, so he finally sat down on the roadside on the weekend.

"Nima, I'm rich. I must buy a car!"

I touched the iPhone with my pants pocket and had to turn it on on the weekend.

The mobile phone has been turned off for so many days. On weekends, you can imagine how many text messages Qi Baobao will send to scold him once it is turned on.

Sure enough, countless text messages came as soon as the mobile phone was turned on, and the frequency of vibration almost made the weekend mobile phone numb.

"Where did you bastard go on the weekend?"

"*, if you don't turn it on, I will come to you all over the world with a kitchen knife."

"Bastard, where have you been? A lot of people are looking for you!"


Except for the text messages sent by the female bandit Qi Baobao, and then the text messages sent by Zhou Xiaomo, all of which were worried words. Seeing Zhou Xiaomo's text messages on the weekend when she was frightened by Qi Baobao's threatening text messages, she couldn't help but feel happy.

In addition, Yan Qingcai also sent a text message.

The first text message sent by Yan Qingcai was to reply to the text message sent when the phone was turned off on the weekend: "Brother, I'm not by your side. Remember to take care of yourself and miss you."

Another text message was sent yesterday:

"Brother, are you back? I need to go home for a few days. Now I'm on the plane. If you come back, remember to contact me.

Seeing this text message, my heart skipped on the weekend and was about to call back, but I happened to get a call.