My beautiful boss's wife

Chapter 169 Where did the poor man come from

"Bet money?" Lu Shuaijie thought about countless reasons for coming to the six gods on weekends, but he didn't expect that he would come to gamble on weekends.

With Lu Shuaijie's style of acting, of course, he investigated the weekend * clearly. He grew up in a village in Kangcheng City and had good grades in his student days, but he was inexplicably expelled from school in his sophomore year of high school, and then worked in a brick factory for a few months, and then joined the baby travel agency to work as a handyman. Finally, because he used one The rusty firewood knife to babble * and *'s men has stepped into the underground world of Kangcheng.

In addition, she had an ambiguous relationship with Qi Baobao, the former female boss of the baby travel agency on weekends. She had an unclear relationship with her daughter, the boss of her daughter's red hair salon and the mistress goblin, who is suspected to be the boss of the White Dragon Club, and she also had a relationship with the female nerve surnamed Zhao.

These are Lu Shuaijie's understanding of the weekend. Although it is one-sided, Lu Shuaijie confidently believes that the weekend experience is too ordinary, just like his young man's style. At least, Lu Shuaijie did not like it.

However, it's easy to gamble on weekends, which is what Lu Shuaijie doesn't know.

Does such an ordinary young man still like gambling? What bet does he take? Lu Shuaijie's heart was full of question marks one after another.

"Bet money!" The weekend seemed to smile and said, "Why, the boss of the difficult road thinks I can't afford to gamble?"

"No, no!" Lu Shuaijie said quickly, "I'm just curious. With what I know about you, you should belong to that kind of diligent person. Do you still like gambling?"

"Haha!" He laughed on the weekend, "Be honest, I've been a little short of money recently, so I want to come to your underground casino to make a profit."

"The tone is quite strong!" What he told the truth on the weekend was that he came to the six gods because he was short of one million soft girl coins. However, sometimes the truth is often not believed. Lu Shuaijie didn't believe that he could come to his casino to win money on the weekend. He paused and made a gesture of invitation, "Brother, since you have the ability, please invite!"

Immediately, he handed the bottle of mineral water he had drunk to Su Xiaoyue on the weekend: "Beauty, would you mind watching me play gambling?"

Su Xiaoyue was stunned. She couldn't figure out why she always approached her in various ways on weekends. Is it possible that this handsome and young gangster fell in love with her?

Somehow, Su Xiaoyue's heart suddenly felt sweet. Of course, her fair face became more and more red. She subconsciously looked at Lu Shuaijie, who had turned around and walked forward. Su Xiaoyue said softly, "I'm at work!"

"Seeing that I win money, I also go to work. Don't worry, Boss Lu doesn't care." When she said this on the weekend, she came close to Su Xiaoyue's ear. Her voice was also very low. Her hot breath hit Su Xiaoyue's snow-white neck, which made Su Xiaoyue retreat in a hurry.

After saying this, he raised his foot to follow Lu Shuaijie on the weekend and paused. Su Xiaoyue gritted her teeth and followed him.

A Wei and several younger brothers followed behind and squeezed their eyebrows. Obviously, they were admiring the boss's method of picking up girls.

The underground casino in the Six Gods* Room is very hidden. It is in the basement and extends through a tempered glass elevator. You can imagine how deep it is after staying in the elevator for almost two minutes. Moreover, there is camera surveillance throughout the whole process, which shows that Lu Shuaijie attaches great importance to this underground casino and his care.

Out of the elevator is a very narrow corridor. The four walls are simply decorated with concrete, and the top of the wall is an incandescent lamp tube. Because it is too deep from the ground, even if the incandescent lamp is that kind of large wattage, it still gives people a hazy feeling.

The front part of the corridor is straight, leading to the dark and deep distance, and I don't know how long it is.

The narrow corridor can barely accommodate two people walking side by side. Lu Shuaijie and several of his little brothers walked in front, while on weekends, they followed A Wei and others. As for Su Xiaoyue, although she was a welcome in Liushen, this was the first time to enter the underground casino, so she was very nervous and felt uncertain when she walked. Therefore, she followed the weekend closely all the way. Because the corridor was too narrow, she and the weekend's body would meet from time to time.

I don't know whether I felt Su Xiaoyue's nervousness on the weekend or deliberately took advantage of Su Xiaoyue. After walking a few steps in the corridor, I suddenly grabbed Su Xiaoyue's little hand on the weekend.

It's cold and very smooth. Such a small hand is pinched in your hand and you can enjoy it.

Su Xiaoyue subconsciously struggled, but she spoke on the weekend and used this voice that only the two of them could hear: "Xiaoyue, don't be afraid, I will protect your safety!"

Somehow, Su Xiaoyue stopped struggling after hearing this, and she nodded slightly.

Fortunately, the corridor was dark. Otherwise, Su Xiaoyue was held by a man she had just met and had to drill into the ground shyly.

After walking about 30 meters, the corridor began to become open, which can accommodate four people side by side at the same time. Moreover, there are also closed doors on both sides of the corridor. The doors are two floors, the outer layer is a reinforced welded iron door, and the inside layer is a security door, and the security door is still very luxurious and large. Red.

According to the weekend guess, there must be casinos inside the door.

After walking for another three minutes, there is a door every ten steps, which is dense, and the end of the corridor is still dark.

Although he was pregnant with iron sand palms and dark energy on the weekend, he still felt nervous when he was in such a place for the first time, so cold sweat spilled out when he took Su Xiaoyue's hand.

It seems that Su Xiaoyue can feel the thoughts of the weekend, so Su Xiaoyue's little hand began to take the initiative to pull the weekend, as if to encourage the weekend.

"Brother, are you afraid that I will lay an ambush here to kill you?" Lu Shuaijie suddenly spoke in a serious tone and seemed to be joking.

Weekend's heart tightened, and Su Xiaoyue was grabbed by Su Xiaoyue's hand and used her strength. Therefore, Su Xiaoyue almost cried out, but she did not struggle to let the weekend grab her little hand.

"It turns out that this handsome boy will also be afraid." Such an idea flashed in Su Xiaoyue's mind.

"Ha ha!" After listening to Lu Shuaijie's words, there was no interface on the weekend, just smiled faintly and had an unfathomable feeling.

"Just kidding!" Lu Shuaijie also smiled, "You are not enough for me to kill."

The weekend's heart sank again. Lu Shuaijie said it bluntly. He didn't like the current weekend at all. That is to say, the weekend did not deserve to be his enemy, which made the weekend feel very disapproved. Of course, he did not show it.

There is nothing wrong with pretending to be weak, at least it won't cause murder, right?

"Bear by the way, what kind of gambling do you want to play?" Lu Shuaijie suddenly stopped to ask about the weekend.

To be honest, except for playing a few joy* with the notebook that Qi Baobao put at the cashier, he has never gambled in his life. The only impression is that in junior high school, when several best friends in his class played the "fried golden flower" gambling homework book, he read it next to him.

Fried gold flower is a very simple way to gamble. Of course, there are also large and small gambling funds.

Of course, although the gameplay of fried gold is simple, if you want to win, in addition to the size of the gambling card, it also depends on the amount of gambling capital and the psychological quality of the gambler. To a large extent, psychological warfare and winning or losing are very related, that is to say, this gambling method is particularly exciting.

"Fly the golden flower!" This was thought before coming on the weekend, so Lu Shuaijie asked him and answered without thinking.

"My casino is not as good as outside. Here, it is a big gambling method to blow up gold flowers. Do you dare to play at the bottom of 500 yuan?"

"I like it! Hey hey!" Answer on the weekend.

"Good!" As he spoke, the group walked in the corridor for a while. When Lu Shuaijie said this, he motioned the little brother behind him to open one of the doors.

The little brother is as thin and tall as a telephone pole, 1.9 meters tall. Standing in the corridor, his head is about to touch the incandescent lamp on the top of the wall.

He took out a magnetic card from his pocket and swept it on the receiver of one of the doors. Suddenly, the iron door opened, and then he took out another magnetic card and opened the security door in the same way.

Suddenly, the dazzling light came out of the crack of the door. Compared with the faint light emitted by rows of lamps in the corridor, the light was as bright as the sun, which was particularly dazzling.

After staying in the dark for a long time, everyone was uncomfortable and covered their eyes with their hands.

After the tall and thin little brother pushed the anti-theft door open, everyone adapted to such a high-intensity light.

Suddenly, a noisy voice came from the room, with men's voices and women's coquettish voices, a lively scene.

After following Lu Shuaijie into the door, everything in the room came into view on the weekend.

The room is very large, but there are also 50 or 60 square meters, white walls, golden wooden floors, and countless large and small lights on the luxurious ceiling. The dazzling light comes from these lights.

Although it is a basement, the room is as bright as the sun, and it is air-conditioned. After staying in the sultry corridor for a long time, I suddenly came in and felt refreshed.

Exposed to the light, Su Xiaoyue subconsciously withdrew her little hand held by the weekend.

In the middle of the room, sitting at least ten men of different looks, and even a white man, without exception, each man holds one or two women in his arms, and behind them is two or three younger brothers, each with an aluminum alloy safe in his hand. At a glance, I knew that it was for money.

These dozen boss-level people are surrounded by a square table three meters long and three meters wide. The square table is very similar to Slock's billiard table, and there is a pile of red soft girl coins like a hill on the table.

Everyone was gambling, and Lu Shuaijie came out on the weekend without anyone to say hello. In the end, Lu Shuaijie clapped his hands and let the big guy pause.

"Big Lu, who is the boy you brought? It looks like a pair of breasts that have not been broken.

"Damn, don't disturb me to gamble. I've lost more than 300,000 yuan."


Without waiting for Lu Shuaijie's help to introduce him, he said to the people sitting at the gambling table on the weekend, "Bosses, I'm here to gamble."

"Ha ha!"

He spoke loudly on the weekend, but except for a sneer, no one paid attention to him, as if he was farting.

A Wei and several younger brothers couldn't stand it anymore. They wanted to rush to beat those boss-level figures, but they were stared back without leaving a trace on the weekend.

On the weekend, he seemed very calm. After showing his intention, he put his hand in his trousers pocket and waited for everyone to speak, and even took out the cigarettes from his pocket. It was also three yuan a pack of inferior cigarettes. Compared with the boss-level figures who often smoked hundreds of people here, he was too shabby and shabby that he was not even better than beggars.

"Grass, where did the poor come from?" When A Wei took out the lighter and lit a cigarette for the weekend, the man with a big belly sitting on the head couldn't stand it. Originally, he put his hands into the clothes of the two women sitting on his thighs and pushed the two women up and turned to Lu Shuaijie, "Ajie, who is this boy? Didn't you tell him the rules for gambling here? Hurry up and tell him to get out of here, or I'll go."