My beautiful boss's wife

Chapter 194 Finally changed the school uniform


I don't know how to answer Zhang Xinyu's question on the weekend, because in his subconscious, he likes Zhou Xiaomo, and he likes it from the bottom of his heart. However, the relationship between sister and brother is on the surface, so how can he say whether he likes it or not in front of Zhang Xinyu?

"You like your sister!" Zhang Xinyu saw the weekend's panicked look and said without thinking, "A woman's intuition tells me that you like your sister."

"Yes, yes!" Before Zhang Xinyu could see through her thoughts, she was busy with her almost deified calligraphy skills on the weekend, "I must like my sister, because she is my sister. I don't like who she likes?"

"Hey." Zhang Xinyu sneered, "You know that I'm not talking about the kind of family affection, but the kind of love of lovers."

"I'm going to bed!" Seeing Zhang Xinyu chasing after him on weekends, he simply lay down and continued to sleep.

Zhang Xinyu shrugged her round shoulders indifferently and immediately stood up from the chair by the edge of the bed: "Brother, I came back from leave. It's time to go back now."

Zhang Xinyu left without dragging water at all. She wanted to see her off on the weekend, but Zhang Xinyu refused, saying that she liked to walk alone on the streets in the early morning.

On the weekend, I lay in the hospital for seven days. In these seven days, the security business of Lanjian Security Company withdrew from Kangcheng. Under the operation of Qi Baobao, the baby security company completely took over these security services. In this way, the baby security company quickly occupied one-third of the same industry in Kangcheng in a short period of time. Share of the field.

The expansion of the business has made the business of Baby Security Company bigger and bigger. As a result, human resources have become the most difficult thing. In order to expand the company's management team, Qi Baobao personally went to the university town to sign more than a dozen newly graduated college students and recruited several management talents from other security companies.

In just a few days, Baby Security Company has become a giant in the Kangcheng security industry.

The strong strength of Baby Security Company has attracted more entertainment clubs, hotels and shopping malls, and more and more companies choose Baby Security Company to be responsible for their security work.

Seven days later, the day he was about to be discharged from the hospital on the weekend, the marketing manager of Crown Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. came to visit him in person.

At first, I didn't know that Crown Real Estate was Hongmen Sun's industry on the weekend. When the fire meteor in a white suit appeared at the door of the ward, I knew it on the weekend.

In the past few days, Qi Baobao has been running both from the baby security company and the baby travel agency. Therefore, Xiangxiang took care of his living during the weekend hospitalization. When the fire came, Xiangxiang just went to go through the discharge procedures, so there was only one person in the ward on weekends.

When the fire meteor stood at the door of the ward with a bunch of flowers in his arms, he was squatting by the bed and tying his shoelaces on weekends.

When wearing a white Hongxing Erke sportswear and tying shoelaces on weekends, there are some athletes preparing for a 100-meter sprint on the sports field.

The reason why he lay in the hospital for seven days on the weekend is not how much the damage caused by Zhang Xinyu's knife. After all, he has dark energy. Zhang Xinyu's knife is like a skin trauma. Except for losing too much blood and fainting, there is no harm at all. I chose to lie in the hospital on weekends in order to refine the dark energy in my body.

In seven days, his dark cultivation has reached a higher level, making him energetic.

When Huo Meteor suddenly saw him wearing a white sportswear on the weekend, he was obviously stunned.

"You finally changed your school uniform!" When Huoxing said this, he stood by the door of the ward, dressed in a white work-style suit, a pair of crystal high heels, and a tall ponytail, standing there like a female star, bright and touching. She wears light makeup, and her beautiful face adds luster.

The fiery meteor who said this was a little excited and a little frustrated.

"Don't get me wrong, I just think it's a loss of identity to wear that school uniform." On the weekend, he still squatted on the ground and tied his shoelaces. He did not look up at the fire meteor, but he knew that the fire meteor standing at the door was very special, because the sound of the fire meteor was very special, with a crisp female voice and a little rich, which sounded like an ethereal special smell.

"That's right. Anyway, you are also the owner of Baby Travel Agency and Baby Security Company, and it's not like wearing that old school uniform all day long." The fire meteor catered to the emphasis of talking on the weekend and raised his foot to enter the door.

She originally wanted to hand the flowers in her arms to the weekend, but she always squatted on the ground on the weekend and didn't look at her. She knew that even if it was handed to the weekend, she would not reach out to pick them up, so after a pause, the fire meteor inserted the flowers into the vase by the balcony.

"Take your flowers away!" By this time on the weekend, he had already got up and sat on the chair at the head of the bed.

While speaking, he took out a cigarette from the cigarette box at the head of the bed. The cigarette box is a bright red kind of "Kangyan", a whole bag of 100 soft girl coins. In Kangcheng, only a big boss can afford this kind of cigarette. Therefore, locals in Kangcheng like to call this kind of cigarette "Hongkang" or "Boss Kang".

Pressing the lighter of the local tycoon gold, Kangyan was ignited on the weekend, took a deep breath and then spit it out, surrounded by smoke.

"The flowers you sent are like your people. The smell is so strong and coquettish that I can't smell them!"

At this time, the fire meteor standing in front of the balcony with flowers was facing the weekend. After listening to the weekend's words, her delicate body obviously trembled slightly.

The afternoon sun was very strong, and it spilled in from the balcony, making the shadow of a pure white fire meteor more and more monetizing.

From the perspective of the weekend, you can see the back of the fire meteor. The legs are slender, the buttocks are straight, the waist is slender, and the shoulders are round. This beauty is unique to women.

"You have changed your school uniform, but you still don't want to forgive me?" Fire Meteor put her hands around her chest on the weekend. This is the habitual action of Fire Meteor, but whenever she encounters something difficult or unhappy, she will do this.

"It doesn't matter whether you forgive or not." On the weekend, he exhaled another smoke ring and said in a teepitable tone, "You take your Yangguan Road, and I'll cross my single-plank bridge, that's all!"

Raising her hand, she seemed to wipe her eyes. The fire meteor turned to look at the weekend. She leaned against the balcony and looked at the weekend's eyes slightly red: "Actually, you don't have to be so hostile to me. We can be friends..."

"Impossible!" He was obviously a little excited when he interrupted the fire meteor on the weekend, but after only a moment, he regained his teval expression, "We are just strangers!"

After listening to the weekend's words, a trace of excitement flashed in the eyes of the fire meteor, and she even blurted out, "Thank you!"

No wonder the fire meteor will say thank you, because she used to be regarded as an enemy on weekends, but now it is enough to say that they are strangers on weekends, which is enough to make the meteor happy.

The conversation between the two has always maintained a question-and-answer mode. The fire meteor said a sentence and a reply on the weekend. If the fire meteor does not say anything, he smokes quietly on the weekend.

Unconsciously, Xiangxiang, who went through the discharge procedures, came back.

Beautiful women and the same beautiful women always repel each other, so Xiangxiang, who had rushed back to the ward with the discharge notice, saw the fire meteor leaning against the balcony, the smile on her face stiffened and turned into an expression of strangers, without enthusiasm or indifference.

The fire meteor saw Xiangxiang's expression the same. The two women's eyes collided in the air for a moment, and then moved away quickly.

Are there always so many beautiful women around him?

This is a question mark that the fire meteor surged into his heart after seeing the fragrance. This question mark is mixed with sourness.

"Xiangxiang, collect what should be collected. Let's go!"

Seeing Xiangxiang standing beside herself awkwardly, she gave an order on the weekend.

Immediately, Xiangxiang began to clean up**'s clothes, all of which were weekend, some were clean, some were worn, some were coats, and some were underwear.

Although Xiangxiang came out of her daughter's red hair salon, she has been working in the baby travel agency for so long, and her hands and feet are very sharp. She packed her clothes and put them in a travel bag.

Weekend is a very careful person. Although Xiangxiang is his subordinate, he will not let him think about doing hard work. Therefore, after Xiangxiang put all his clothes into the travel bag, he took the initiative to lift the travel bag and paused. Without looking at the fire meteor, he raised his feet and walked out of the ward: " Xiangxiang, let's go!"

Xiangxiang is curious about why she treats the fire meteor as air on weekends, but she still obediently followed the weekend out of the ward, feeling a little bird.

Looking at the back of leaving with a travel bag on the weekend, the fire meteor suddenly thought of the day he left school on the weekend.

Also on a sunny afternoon, a young man in a high school uniform, carrying a heavy schoolbag on his shoulder, walked out of the school gate step by step.

The girl kept shouting behind, but the young man never looked back. In the end, the young man and the girl were blocked by the big iron gate at the school gate.

Unconsciously, the fire meteor suddenly shed tears, and crystal tears fell to the ground along her white face, as if it had made a "bang".

"Ban leader!" Just as the front foot of the weekend was about to step out of the ward door, the fire meteor suppressed crying and shouted, "Sh on, stop!"

On the weekend, his figure was slightly stagnant. He tried to continue to lift his feet forward, but his feet seemed to be injected with a shot put and did not listen to his brain at all.

Seeing that the weekend really stopped, the shooting star burst into tears and laughed. She couldn't care about wiping the tears on her face and rushed behind the weekend. Regardless of the girl's reservedness, she grabbed the corners of the weekend's clothes and blurted out: "Bancho, I'm here to invite you to the high school reunion. I hope you can go."

At this weekend, it was like being petrified, allowing the fire and shooting star to grab his clothes. He did not struggle or respond, like a piece of wood.

The fire meteor continued: "Almost all our high school classmates were present..."

"I'm not going!" When the fire meteor was tired and out of breath, he left such a sentence on the weekend.

While speaking, he raised his feet and continued to walk on the weekend, allowing the fire meteor to always drag his clothes.

At this time, the fire meteor was like an oil bottle. She didn't dare to try to walk forward on the weekend. She didn't let go. When she walked in a hurry on the weekend, she trotted on high heels and almost walked to the door of the elevator. Then she said urgently, " monitor, this classmate will be initiated by immortals. You and your good brothers Nian is gone. Don't you want to see him?"

"Immortal?" At this time on the weekend, he was about to walk into the elevator with Xiangxiang. Hearing the name, he couldn't help looking back at the fire meteor behind him, "Is he back?"

"Uh-huh, uh-huh!" Huoxing nodded hurriedly and said, "He just came back a few days ago. I also happened to see him in Shuicheng. He asked me for your phone number, but I didn't..."

"He initiated this high school reunion. The students made an appointment to meet at Sanjiang Resort in Shuicheng tonight..."