My beautiful boss's wife

Chapter 199 Help

Deng Ziwei got married a long time ago. She married before she finished reading it in her first year of high school. Her most beautiful age was dedicated to a second-married man in his forties.

About this matter, the whole class knew that many people in their class sympathized with Deng Ziwei's experience on the weekend. Of course, there were many rumors that she married an old man for money.

In the month when Deng Ziwei was about to drop out of school, she, who was originally nicknamed "Bangya Girl", changed her previous green dress. The braces were taken off, and the blue and white high school uniforms were replaced by beautiful clothes.

During that time, Deng Ziwei's eyes were slightly red when she came to class every day. She often asked for leave to go to the toilet. On weekends, her deskmate knew that she vomited when she went to the toilet. Every time she came back from the toilet, Deng Ziwei was depressed and secretly patted her stomach with her hands.

When Deng Ziwei was self-studying the day before she left school, she stuffed a note for the weekend, a very beautiful line of small words:

"I have never been born, and you have given birth to me. Flowers and butterflies go to look for flowers and perch the grass at night.

Although his family was not good at that weekend, his identity as the top student in the middle school entrance examination and his handsome image once became the dream god of countless Huaichun girls. Therefore, when he received this note from Deng Ziwei, he did not think much about it on the weekend.

The next day, my deskmate Deng Ziwei did not come. During the morning self-study, the head teacher said that Deng Ziwei had dropped out of school. That day, I threw the note into the trash can on the weekend.

Time is the biggest stage. Everyone has their own play. Onlookers never know what kind of play the protagonist directs and performs.

For example, when Deng Ziwei sat next to the weekend again, she didn't know how Deng Ziwei came over the years.

"Why are you staring at me?" Feeling that the weekend's eyes fell in front of her, Deng Ziwei was a little nervous. She subconsciously put the two bulging rings under her arms and glanced at the weekend angrily.

"Ziwei, how have you been these years?" In order to hide the fact that he was staring at Deng Ziwei, he did not directly avoid his eyes, but suddenly asked a question that was not in harmony with the current quiet environment.

"Ask knowingly!" When Deng Ziwei said this, her tone was a little angry, "Old deskmate, don't you know how I'm doing?"

"Indeed, how can a pregnant girl live a good life when she marries a second-married man?" The weekend looked a little gloomy, "Why didn't you kill the child at that time? Why did you force yourself to marry an old man in his forties?

"Yes! In the past three years, I have lived a worse life than death. When Deng Ziwei said this, she suddenly put her hand on her shoulder. What she did was to take off her clothes.

"What are you doing?" The weekend was obviously a little flustered.

"Let me show you something." When Deng Ziwei said this, her hand had already pulled off the collar of her shoulder, and the black underwear belt was put on her white fragrant shoulders, giving people a touching feeling. However, she was not in the mood to appreciate the beauty of Deng Ziwei's fragrant shoulders at this time of the weekend, because he saw a shocking scene.

On the shoulder, together with the vest, there are bruises one after another. The big one is as thick as the fist and the small one is as thin as the finger. Although it is not as the record of the man on the weekend shoulder, the appearance of the complicated bruises on Deng Ziwei's body is heartbreaking and suffocating.

"Your husband hit you?" Weekend exclaimed and subconsciously reached out to touch Deng Ziwei's fragrant shoulder. When her fingers touched the bruise, Deng Ziwei's body trembled slightly.

"Yes, he found that I was pregnant on the night of my wedding, so he kept torturing me." Deng Ziwei said this very calmly, as if she were a bystander. "But in order to give birth to my daughter a home, I put up with it."

"Alas!" Looking at Deng Ziwei's slightly empty eyes, the weekend sighed slightly, "Is that child so important to you?"

"Yes, it's very important!" Deng Ziwei nodded heavily, "In order to give birth to my daughter, I don't hesitate to fall out with my parents and marry a 40-year-old man. In order for my daughter to live a safe life, I endure the old man's whip at night and don't fear to work hard in the casino during the day."

"You have suffered." After listening to Deng Ziwei's experience on the weekend, there was an impulse to protect the woman. The hand on Deng Ziwei's shoulder subconsciously stroked Deng Ziwei's round shoulder.

There is a saying that a woman's shoulders are connected to the mening part. The shoulder is as big as the mening part is. This statement is very one-sided, but many women have the same ** nerves in the shoulder and the mening part. For example, Deng Ziwei belongs to this kind of woman.

Weekend's hand stroked her fragrant shoulder, as if her fullness was gently rubbed by the weekend's hand, which made her hot all over, and at the same time, there was also a trace of unspeakable softness in her heart. She subconsciously leaned into the weekend's arms.

Do you know that I feel so lucky to meet you again on the weekend?

Deng Ziwei secretly told the weekend in her heart.

"Ziwei, who made you pregnant?" On the weekend, he whispered in Deng Ziwei's ear, "Tell me, I made him pay a heavy price!"

"No!" Like a cat that was stepped on its tail, Deng Ziwei, who was still lying in the arms of the weekend a second ago, suddenly stiffened. She pushed the weekend away and stood up in panic.

Turn around, she wants to escape.

However, she took her little hand the next second on the weekend.

"Ziwei, I asked you the same thing about the evening self-study before you left school. If you think I'm your friend, tell me who that bastard is, and I'll teach him a lesson for you." The weekend looked very excited, and when he said this, he roared at Deng Ziwei.


Deng Ziwei didn't say anything, because she also thought of that night's self-study. She broke away from her weekend hand and squatted by the river and cried.

The self-study was the night before Deng Ziwei left school, that is, before she stuffed the note for the weekend.

Taking advantage of the ten minutes of self-study, Deng Ziwei, who was pale from vomiting, was called to the corridor of no one on the weekend. On the weekend, she asked Deng Ziwei, "Are you pregnant?"

Deng Ziwei panicked to avoid the interrogative eyes of the weekend, but the next second weekend, she reached out and pressed her on the wall with a hateful expression: "Tell me who that bastard is. I'll teach him a lesson for you."

Deng Ziwei gritted her teeth and only shed tears without saying a word.

In the end, I had no choice but to let go of Deng Ziwei.


What I was most afraid of in my life on the weekend was for women to cry. Deng Ziwei suddenly squatted on the river bank and cried. He suddenly panicked and said, "Okay, okay, I won't ask. Don't cry. If you don't know, you think I bullied you."

Deng Ziwei was very obedient. She really didn't cry when she begged for mercy on the weekend. Moreover, what she couldn't figure out on the weekend was that she didn't laugh heartlessly on the weekend: "You are still afraid of girls crying as before."

I couldn't laugh or cry on the weekend, so I had no choice but to immerse myself in smoking.

At the end, he asked Deng Ziwei, "Lu Shuaijie has collapsed. Do you have a place to work now?"

Deng Ziwei shook her head sadly and said, "I'm looking for it, alas!"

"Go to work at my place." On the weekend, he blurted out, "My baby security company is clean. If you don't mind the low salary, you can go to work at any time."

"Really?" Hearing this, Deng Ziwei couldn't care about wiping her tears. She jumped up with excitement. The two strong men in front of her also fell together, which was shocking. "I'll go after the classmate party, okay?"

"Definite it." I will smile on the weekend.

Immediately, Deng Ziwei sat on the big stone slab beside her on the weekend.

With the embarrass that just happened, the question of who Deng Ziwei was pregnant for a while became a taboo for the two. The two talked about the world. Deng Ziwei was amused by the weekend from time to time, and the laughter spread far away.

I don't know when two figures appeared on the opposite side of the river bank.

Yang Tian and Fire Meteor.

Both of them stared at the weekend side. Because they were far apart, they did not notice that Yang Tian and Huo Meteor were talking about him on the weekend.

"The two of them came together." Yang Tian looked at the blurred figure of Zhou Zhou and Deng Ziwei.

"Are you jealous?" Huo Xing asked, "That night was your birthday. The whole class was drinking in the bar. A month later, Deng Ziwei dropped out of school because she was pregnant. I guess you did it?"

"Meteor, don't talk nonsense. I dare not take this basin of dirty water." Yang Tian hurriedly denied it.

"You know best whether you have done a good thing or not." The fire meteor gave Yang Tian a white eye and was charming.

Suddenly, Yang Tian put his hand on the willow waist of the fire meteor and stroked it slightly. Yang Tian said, "Meteor, let's go back to the hotel."

"What are you going to do?" The fire meteor dodged Yang Tian's mendged hand to her without leaving a trace.

"Spring night is worth a lot of money, you know." Yang Tian said such a very slutty word in front of the fire meteor.

"I hate it!" Huo Meteor was not annoyed, and even patted Yang Tian's legs lightly. "He didn't do what I asked your father to help me. Can I spend the Spring Festival with you?"

"Simple, I'll go back and tell my father that you can get what you want." Yang Tian hurriedly patted and promised.

"If you let me do what I want, I will make you happy." After the fire meteor threw down this sentence, it twisted and left.

"Damn it, I can do it for you sooner or later." Yang Tian muttered to himself, and then disappeared into the dark night.


Unconsciously, it was already late at night. Deng Ziwei stretched out and said to the weekend, "It's too late. Let's go back to bed."

Seeing Deng Ziwei's tired face, he nodded slightly on the weekend, and then got up with Deng Ziwei. However, as soon as his buttocks left the big stone slab, he felt something wrong, and then said in a voice that only Deng Ziwei could hear: "It's dangerous, run to the hotel quickly!"

If it were another woman, she may not be able to understand why she suddenly said this sentence headlessly on the weekend, but Deng Ziwei is different. She has been working in an underground casino and can be regarded as half a gangster. Therefore, after listening to the weekend's words, her heart came to her throat.


At this time, the two had straightened up and stood up, and the weekend's voice suddenly turned into a roar. While speaking, he pulled Deng Ziwei's left hand and pulled Deng Ziwei away from the river bank.

Deng Ziwei saw the value of force at the underground casino. She knew very well that her staying would only be a burden on the weekend. Therefore, after being dragged by the weekend, she ran desperately in the direction of the hotel.


Almost at the same time when Deng Ziwei ran out, the muffled sound of gunfire suddenly came to her ears. She dared not look back and could only grit her teeth and run hard.

A second before the gunshot, the whole person on the weekend suddenly rolled to the ground, just in the blink of an eye. He hid in a lush flower garden on the bank of the river, and the bullet hit the big stone plate where he and Deng Ziwei had sat before, emitting dazzling sparks.

The flower garden hidden on weekends is half-high, lush, and has a large area, at least more than 20 square meters. It is an excellent place to hide.

However, what made the weekend confused was that as soon as he broke into the flowering, Deng Ziwei's scream came to his ear.
