My beautiful boss's wife

Chapter 203 From then on, it is a long distance

Almost at the same time when the fire meteor stood up, Deng Ziwei also stood up. Compared with the fire meteor, Deng Ziwei's speed was obviously much faster. She came to the wardrobe with a smoke. She deliberately leaned her back against the wardrobe to prevent the fire meteor from opening easily.

In addition to storing clothes, this hotel's wardrobe is also equipped with pajamas and bathrobes.

"That..." Deng Ziwei felt that she began to stag. She couldn't find a better reason to refuse the fire meteor at all. After all, she is not wearing pajamas now. The fire meteor wants to borrow it. How can she refuse? After a pause, Deng Ziwei's mind flashed and blurted out, "Meteor, sit down, I'll get it for you."

While talking, Deng Ziwei turned to the wardrobe. At this time, only the bedside lamp was still turned on in the room. If the wardrobe was opened, Deng Ziwei's body was covered, so the fire meteor may not be able to find the weekend hidden in the wardrobe, so she hesitated for a moment, and Deng Ziwei gently opened one of the wardrobe doors.

Because the bedside lamp is dim, after opening the wardrobe, it is dark. You can see the shadow of the clothes but you can't see the color and style. As for which one is the pajamas, how can Deng Ziwei tell? However, when I opened the wardrobe and didn't see the weekend, a big stone hanging by Deng Ziwei finally put it down a little.

The wardrobe is a combination of seven doors, and it is estimated that it has hidden deeper on the weekend.

"Ah, Ziwei, this room is dark. How can you get clothes if you don't turn on the light?" The fire meteor allowed Deng Ziwei to hide people in the room, so while talking, she raised her hand and pressed the headlight switch at the head of the bed.

The bedroom was decorated very luxuriously, especially the chandelier hanging on the roof, which was like a blazing sun. When the switch was pressed, the light suddenly sprinkled into Deng Ziwei's sight.

After her eyes were briefly blind, Deng Ziwei's eyes returned to normal. The first thing she saw was the weekend squatting in the wardrobe.

I made a silent gesture on the weekend, but Deng Ziwei couldn't help exclaiming: "Ah..."

The sound is not loud, but the fire meteor heard it.

"What's wrong?" While saying this, the fire meteor went out of bed again.

Deng Ziwei hurriedly took a set of women's nightdress handed over over the weekend and then hurriedly closed the wardrobe door.

"There seems to be a mouse." Deng Ziwei leaned her back against the wardrobe again, and then handed the women's nightdress in her hand to the oncoming shooting star.

"Is there a mouse?" After listening to Deng Ziwei's words, Huo Meteu's face changed slightly. What she was most afraid of in her life was a plush mouse, so she couldn't help getting goose bumps all over.

Deng Ziwei looked at the look of the fire meteor, and her mind flashed. She quickly pulled the small hand of the fire meteor and blurted out, "Meteor, I'm so afraid of mice. Why don't we go to your room and talk."

"I'm also most afraid of mice!" The fire meteor nodded with deep understanding.

After a long time passed and heard the silence around, I opened the wardrobe door on the weekend.

At this time, the lights in the room were all turned off, and it was dark, but the door of the room was still open, while Deng Ziwei and the fire meteor were all gone. I guess they went to the room of the fire meteor.

The weekend was secretly relieved. It was not that he was afraid of being seen by the fire meteor in Deng Ziwei's room, but for the cause of Deng Ziwei. After all, Deng Ziwei is now a woman with a husband. If the fire meteor finds out, it is difficult for Deng Ziwei to have the face to get along with her classmates. I guess it may also reach her husband's ears. In the middle, Deng Ziwei's life is not satisfactory. If such a thing really happens, it will be even worse for her.

probed to the door to look at the living room. The living room was also dark, and then went to see the room of the fire meteor next door. The door was closed. From time to time, the voices of two women talking came out through the crack of the door. They dared not stay any longer on weekends and walked out of the door.

However, what I never thought of on the weekend was that just as he was about to open the door and go out, the mobile phone in his trousers pocket suddenly rang.

Your mother, what kind of luck is this?

For a while, I was completely dumbfounded on the weekend.

The next second, the fire meteor appeared at the door of the bedroom. Although there was no light in the living room, with the afterglow of the light projected in the bedroom, she still saw the person standing at the door covering her crotch on the weekend.

As for Deng Ziwei, standing behind the fire meteor at this time, her face was red and white, shy, embarrassed and nervous, and all kinds of emotions suddenly appeared on her face.

"You..." Fire Meteor is not a fool. When she saw the weekend standing at the door, she suddenly understood. She looked at the weekend and wanted to say something, but she couldn't say it after all.

Since they were all found and did not hide on weekends, he walked to the sofa in the living room and sat down, and then took out his mobile phone.

After meeting Zhou Keyu before, he and I saved each other's phone calls on the weekend, and this call happened to be from Zhou Keyu.

"Immortal, what's the matter?" In fact, the weekend is now in a hurry. The feeling of being caught in bed made him sweat coldly. However, when he answered the phone, his tone was stable, which showed that he was good at pretending words.

On the phone, Zhou Keyu said, "Brother, where are you?"

"Me?" On the weekend, he deliberately raised his voice, afraid that Zhou Keyu on the other end of the phone could not hear it. "I just arrived at the room where Meteor and Ziwei live. I'm ready to chat. What's wrong?"

The weekend seems to be saying to Zhou Keyu, but in fact, it is hinting that the fire meteor is not here a long time ago, but has just arrived.

While talking, I took the room card in my pocket to play with on the weekend. This room card was taken out of Deng Ziwei's bag when Deng Ziwei, who was in a coma before, came back. The reason for taking out the room card on the weekend is also a hint of a fire meteor. I have a room card. I just came in. The "rat" in the wardrobe is not It's me.

"Fure, don't take your sister with you. Are you still my brother's?" Zhou Keyu scolded on the phone, "Damn, I just went back to my room and didn't see you. I thought you had lost your dog. Wait there. I'll come over for a drink."

After saying this, Zhou Keyu hung up the phone.

Without waiting for the meteor to ask himself anything, he put the phone on the table in front of the sofa on the weekend, quickly raised the room card in his hand, and then said to Deng Ziwei, "Ziwei, is this your room card, right? You lost it when you were eating. Fortunately, I picked it up. I was worried that you can't get into the room without a room card. Well, I brought it to you in the middle of the night.

What he said on the weekend was watertight, but what he didn't know was that when he and Deng Ziwei were sitting by the river chatting, the fire meteor and Yang Tian were watching on the other side of the river.

That is to say, if the room card of the meteor is really lost during dinner, it can be returned to Deng Ziwei on the bank of the river on weekends.

Again, the fire meteor remembers clearly that the door of Deng Ziwei's room was closed when she returned to her room. No matter whether Deng Ziwei was in the bedroom at that time, Deng Ziwei did not have a room card and did not let the fire meteor open the door, so how did she come in?

So, the fire meteor doesn't need a second to react that the weekend is lying.

However, Huoxing is a smart woman. She knows that some words are much better than not to say, so she forced herself to be a fool once.

At this time, the fire meteor had come to the weekend and paused. She reached out to take over the room card handed over on the weekend. Although she knew that the lies told on the weekend were full of loopholes, she still cooperated and said, "Thank you!"

On the weekend, he also knew that what he said was full of loopholes, but as long as he was not allowed to rape him and Deng Ziwei in bed, he would not admit it with his cheek.

Because of the "mouse" incident just now, two women and a man sat on the sofa and looked at each other speechlessly. The atmosphere was so awkward.

Thanks to Zhou Keyu's timely arrival, the deadlock was broken.

As the son of the owner of this hotel, Zhou Keyu's appearance is like a governor patrolling in a small village, high-end and elegant.

As the door was opened on weekends, boxes of beer and various dried fruits and fruits were brought in by the hotel waiters. In addition to food and drink, there were also two high stereos for one person.

"Are you fucking going to move the karaoke room here?" I saw all this on the weekend and couldn't help laughing and scolding.

"Isn't it just singing and drinking?" Zhou Keyu looked very excited and greeted the waiters to sit on the sofa after putting away the things.

Fire meteor and Deng Ziwei were also particularly excited. The two women hand in hand to connect audio, flat-screen TV, microphone and other equipment.

Opening two bottles of beer, Zhou Keyu handed one bottle to him on the weekend and said, "Brother, can you do it?"

"Do it!" On the weekend, I had a feeling of returning to the high school years with Zhou Keyu. I raised my hand to take the beer bottle handed over by Zhou Keyu, then touched the beer bottle in Zhou Keyu's hand, and then raised my neck to dry the bottle.

Zhou Keyu was not willing to lag behind, for fear of being robbed of the first prize on the weekend. Almost at the same time on the weekend, he also raised his neck and began to drink.

In the end, the two drank their respective beers at the same time.

It was like an attack of alcohol addiction. Next, the two opened the beer and still drank a whole bottle by bottle without taking a breath. They poured into their stomachs. When they drank the fifth bottle of beer, their faces began to turn red.

"Brother, do you remember the first time we drank?" Zhou Keyu put down the wine bottle and said with some unsatisfiedness.

"Why don't you remember?" With the urging of alcohol, the mood on the weekend was also high, saying, "That time you asked me to write a love letter for you to chase girls..."

"Grass!" Zhou Keyu punched the weekend and said, "Who the hell is chasing girls? Don't make it up."

"Damn, I didn't make it up, and Xiao Xingxing also knew about it..." As soon as he said on the weekend, he closed his mouth, because he took the initiative to mention the name of the fire meteor, and it was the other party's nickname.

Fire Meteor, nickname Little Star, this nickname was still given on the weekend. On the weekend, he thought that after so many years, he had forgotten the name, but just now, he blurted out.

At this time, the fire meteor is singing affectionately to the microphone. The lyrics are quiet and beautiful, and the love she pours into this song is even more beautiful:

"Just now, the wind blew unintentionally, and the petals fell to the ground with the wind. What a beautiful cherry blossom rain I saw.

Smell the fragrance of tea and hum an old melody. If you were there, you would be happy.

You used to sit here and talk so broadly, as if all happiness is expected.

When you opened the palm of my hand, everything suddenly became quiet, and you wanted me to accept your sincerity.

Although the flower season will pass, this year and next year, there will be the same style.

Fare in love, thinking that it was the beauty you gave me, which surprised me and made me happy.

Fate intervened too quickly. It's too late for me to return all of them.

Since then, it has been a long distance. Occasionally, I always sigh. If I knew how to cherish it..."

As he sang and sang, the fire meteor suddenly shed tears. On both sides of his delicate cheeks, two lines of tears were clear.


Without warning, she suddenly squatted on the ground. She seemed to want to continue singing, so her mouth was still to the microphone. However, she could no longer sing emotional songs from her mouth, but burst into tears. The girl's unique helplessness, grievances and regret, through the infinite expansion of modern high-quality microphones, It was like a ruthless arrow suddenly pierced the chest of the weekend.

Even if it hurts, it will hurt so much!

The crying of the fire meteor brought several people into silence. Everyone had something on their mind. Looking at the sensational lyrics on the big screen, they looked at each other without saying a word.

"Grass!" In the end, it was Zhou Keyu who broke the silence. When he put the empty beer bottle in his hand back on the table, he drank it and couldn't grasp the strength. Therefore, the beer bottle was smashed. He looked at the fire shooting staring with his mouth but still crying, and then glanced at the weekend staring at the beer bottle in a daze. Zhou Keyu was very reluctantly blurted out. "What the hell happened to you two? Don't you love it before? I was still thinking about coming back from abroad to drink your wedding wine this time.