My beautiful boss's wife

Chapter 225 If you look at me again, I will eat you all

Seeing that he was serious when he said this on the weekend, Dulong suddenly thought of the section in Journey to the West where Sun Monkey peed in the palm of the Buddha's hand. At that time, Sun Monkey was also with this serious expression. Dulong was immediately dumbfounded. If he was really peed on the weekend, would he still have the face to live? That feeling is more painful than bursting his **.

"I... I'll do it with you..." Dulong was anxious and blurted out.

After saying this, Dulong immediately softened. It was a manifestation of exhaustion after exhaustion. Although he would not faint, from his expression, it was no different from a living dead man.

Looking at Dulong's look, he can see that Dulong was really subdued by him this time on countless weekends in small restaurants and baby travel agencies, so he smiled and hurriedly pulled the weekend back into his crotch: "Brother, I'm just scaring you. Do you think I'm like that kind of vulgar person who defecates everywhere? "

Dulong had no strength to continue to grind his mouth with the weekend. He couldn't beat it, and he couldn't say it. He simply used body language and movements to communicate with the weekend. After listening to the righteous and solemn words on the weekend, Dulong boldly nodded desperately.

Your mother took out her little brother a minute ago, and now she says that she is not the kind of layman who defecate everywhere. Isn't she too thick-skinned?

Dulong can't wait to go behind his breath, and it's better than to bear every sharp word on the weekend.

"My mother..." Seeing that Dulong nodded, he smiled maliciously on the weekend. His hand, which had just touched his little brother, suddenly raised his head and was about to scratch Dulong's ears.

Dulong had been scared for a long time. Seeing that he was going to be rough on the weekend, he hurriedly put his head in his hands and covered his face.

In the eyes of the weekend, the raised hand did not really hit it. The hand suddenly became very gentle, gently put it on Dulong's chest, cooperated with the other hand, and pulled up the paralyzed Dulong. After Dulong stood up, he patted Dulong's body with his hand on the dust, facing a beautiful woman or It is the eagerness of customers. At this moment, it is launched on the weekend, giving Dulong a feeling like sitting on pins and needles.

After patting the dust on Dulong's body, he handed Dulong a cigarette on the weekend, and even lit a cigarette for Dulong very kindly. A young brother served the boss: "Brother, don't blame me for just beating you. I'm a reasonable person, not a violent maniac. I hit you just now because you were disobedient. If you are in the future Be obedient, I can not only make you make a lot of money, but also play with beautiful women..."

On the weekend, he put his hand on Dulong's shoulder and invited Dulong to walk all the way back to the baby travel agency. He was suspected of abducting Huanghua's daughter, which was better than singing.

And Dulong has always been like aggrieved daughter-in-law. Occasionally, he nodded or "um" to say that he had heard the weekend. He did not dare to express his opinion, for fear that the smiling tiger pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger would beat him again.

Although he is now a boss with some industries on weekends, his young man's temperament can't change sometimes. He can spend thousands of yuan to treat Zhao Longfei for a meal, or he can also grit his teeth and throw 500 yuan to the taxi driver. Occasionally, when he gives money to Li Aiguo, although his heart hurts, he is still superficially. It was very refreshing, but when the matter of spending money fell on himself, he became stingy and stingy to a heinous extent!

How can I take a taxi back in the middle of the night? Dulong walked all the way and hinted at the weekend, but on the weekend, he pretended not to understand and stopped all the way. By the time he finally saw the baby travel agency 100 meters away, Dulong was so tired that he almost collapsed to the ground.

At present, it is already two o'clock in the morning, and the big glass door of the baby travel agency has been closed for a long time, but through the glass door, there is still a bright hall inside. This is because Qi Baobao turned on the light and waited for the weekend to come back.

What I didn't know on the weekend was that when he went to Shuicheng for a class reunion, Qi Baobao also turned on the light every night, but she didn't come back on the weekend. She simply set up the floor under the huge cashier.

The reason why Qi Baobao turned on the lights and waited for the weekend as usual was that he already knew why on the weekend. Qi Baobao was afraid of getting lost on the weekend.

Women's beliefs are always so terrible when they persist, such as what the fire meteor does in order to be able to take charge of the Crown Group alone, such as the drifting that the female goblin Li Guanfei is used to, and the female bandit Qi Baobao who stays up late and turns on the lights and returns home on weekends.

However, this time there was an accident. Although the light was on, Qi Bao sat in front of the cashier with his cheeks and dozed off. Sitting in front of the cashier watching TV was Li Honglian, the girlfriend of the fat Jin Ruinian.

Through the glass door, I saw Li Honglian eating while watching TV with a bag of French fries outside the door on the weekend, and occasionally laughing, which was obviously fascinating.

Because I am so busy every day, I don't have much contact with Li Honglian on weekends, and I only have a few greetings in my impression.

When I first met Li Honglian, Li Honglian was in the big kitchen of a small restaurant. She was dressed as a village girl, which was not beautiful, but the beauty that came with her body was eye-catching.

Now, under the leadership of Qi Baobao, Li Honglian's life has changed dramatically. She has learned to use facial cleanser and toner when girls wash their faces. She has also learned how to tie various hairstyles, and even buy cosmetics or close-fitting clothes online. As for tonight, Li Honglian is wearing pajamas. Dress up.

Pink and white pajamas are worn on Li Honglian's body, with long hair and shawl. She should have just taken a shower, so her body exudes a kind of spirit. Compared with most women in the city, such clothes are very conservative, at least without revealing her thighs, but such clothes fall on Li Honglian's body. That's an earth-shaking change.

The beautiful and refined village girl is now dressed as a little woman in the city. She is beautiful and refined and graceful. She sits in front of the cashier and smiles at the computer, like a happy yellow warbler.

Li Honglian is probably too fascinated by watching TV, so she stood outside the door for a few minutes on the weekend. She was stunned and didn't notice it, and it was not easy to disturb Li Honglian on weekends. He regarded the fat man as his own brother, and Li Honglian was naturally his sister. He loved Li Honglian, just like Zhou Xiaomo, he gave up Don't disturb Li Honglian's watching TV, just sit on the steps at the door and smoke.

After a long time, Li Honglian finally found the figure sitting outside the glass door. Although she had only seen a few weekends, the impression that she was used to bowing her back slightly on weekends was deeply impressed in her mind. What's more, when she was alone with the big fat man, the big fat man always said "my brother" in her ear. My brother, Li Honglian can't see from the back of the weekend that it is difficult on weekends.

"Brother!" Seeing the weekend, Li Honglian hurriedly got up and opened the door, with an embarrassed and nervous face, "Why don't you knock on the door when you come back?"

"It's okay. I'm afraid to disturb you." On the weekend, he quickly put the cigarette butt on the ground for fear of choking Li Honglian. When he said this, he smiled warmly.

"Sister Qi and Fat Brother went to the hospital. She asked me to turn on the light and wait for you to come back." Li Honglian said quickly.

"I know. You've worked hard. Go to bed quickly." There is no need to think about the weekend to know that Qi Baobao and the big fat man went to the hospital for Dulong's two companions.

After chatting with Li Honglian for a few minutes, he arranged for Li Honglian to go to bed on the weekend. Finally, he locked the main door of the baby travel agency, and then took Dulong to the hospital where Qi Baobao and the fat man were.

At this time, in the double room ward of the hospital, Dulong's two companions lay on a sick**. Both of them were fierce figures and murderous assassins, but at this time, they were all infusions, and their bodies were wrapped with gauze, looking like two seriously injured tigers. Their eyes were dripping. Rotating, always spinning on Qi Bao's body.

The female bandit moved a stool and sat in the middle of the two beds. The big fat man stood behind her. She didn't look at the two injured tigers at all. She crossed her legs and looked left and right, looking gloating.

In addition to a few clerks in the office, almost all the other members of the baby security company are replaced by the brothers of the firewood knife alliance. As the real boss of the baby security company, Qi Baobao has been getting along with those gangsters in the past few days. She, who is originally a female bandit, has become more and more tough. , all reveal a kind of female hooligan and big sister temperament.

Originally, she was wearing a white off-the-shoulder T-shirt and tight denim cropped trousers, but she sat on the chair with her legs crossed, giving people a feeling of a big master, especially with a cigar in her hand.

It's better to say that it's a cigar, but it's better to say that Qi's baby pretends to be a fierce prop, because she doesn't dare to really light a cigarette. On the one is that she smells disgusting. On the other, she is afraid that she will know that she will be beaten on the weekend. Third, she knows that smoking is bad for her health.

Qi Bao, who is still not used to wearing high heels but is keen on high-heeled shoes to show off her beautiful legs and figure, is always used to taking off her high-heeled shoes unpretently after sitting down, and then swinging with her bare feet, regardless of whether others will take advantage of her with her eyes, she has her own set of crooked principles - she can see Laozi's beauty can't be obtained, which is the pain!

At this time, the two companions of Dulong look at Qi Baobao. Qi Baobao, who sits in the middle of the two beds with his legs crossed, is really amazing. Every time the two brothers complete the killer task, they are always used to spending money to go to the hotel to enjoy the taste of beauty, but with the seemingly barbaric female bandit in front of them In comparison, the special workers in those hotels are scum!

"What are you looking at? Look again, be careful that I will eat you two!" On weekends, such a good person can still feel it when he peeks at Qi Baobao, and then chases the weekend with a kitchen knife. What's more, the eyes of the two injured in front of him don't know the essence of guerrilla warfare at all.

Qi Baobao stared at the two fiercely and then said such an intriguing sentence.

The two usually majestic killers had to be afraid of Qi Baobao, a beautiful female bandit, because of their physical fractures. Of course, this is due to the big fat man standing behind the female bandits.

Two meters of abnormal height, a perverted body shape that can plug the door, and no matter whether the big fat man's big fist is really majestic, but before starting to fight barbarism, the visual impact he caused to the two companions of Dulong cannot be ignored.

After listening to Qi Baobao's words, the two shrank their heads at the same time. The one on the left quickly raised his hand and grabbed the quilt to cover his head, just like a frightened mouse.

As for the one on the right, although there is also a panic in his eyes, his eyes always stare at Qi Baobao, and he does not cover his head with a quilt.

Obviously, the brother on the right committed Qi Baobao's taboo, so Qi Baobao decided to "eat" him!