My beautiful boss's wife

Chapter 267 Lu Shuaijie's double

"Brother, you are a fool. You want me to forget alone, and you carry this love alone. Don't you know that it will be painful for you to do this?"

"Brother, although the probability of success of this operation is less than Chengdu, in order to come back to you, I must succeed..."

"Brother, next time we meet, I will let you see a different Yan Qingcai..."

"Brother, wait for me to come back..."

When Yan Qingcai was at the corner of the street, a car suddenly came in front of her, and it was her second brother Yan Luowang.

"Brother!" Seeing Yan Luowang getting out of the car, Yan Qingcai stood in front of the car and said in an almost crazy tone, "I'm ready. I'm going to have an operation."

Although King Yan Luo didn't know why Yan Qingcai suddenly changed his mind, he knew that all this was due to the weekend. Looking at the perseverance in Yan Qingcai's beautiful eyes, Yan Luowang nodded slightly, and his eyes were even slightly moist: "Sister, you can figure out the best. I have got the plane ticket temporarily. We are now Let's go. My parents and eldest brother are waiting for us in Professor Arnold's laboratory.

"Uh-huh!" Yan Qingcai turned his head heavily and then got into the car.

Before entering the airport and getting on the plane, Yan Luowang replied a text message at the weekend: "Our Yan family can still afford this medical expenses. Goodbye!"

This night, sleepless on the weekend, he lay ** staring at Yan Qingcai's phone number on the mobile phone screen and finally chose to delete it.

But is it useful to delete it? He memorized this string of numbers...

The next morning, I got up early on weekends and my eyes were slightly red, which was a sign of insomnia.

Open the bedroom door and saw that the door of Qi Baobao's room next door was closed. On the weekend, he raised his hand to knock on the door, because he felt that he needed to explain something to Qi Baobao, but as soon as his hand was raised, the door opened, as if Qi Baobao had been hiding behind the door waiting for him to knock on the door.

"So early, how can you roll with your green vegetable sister?" Qi Baobao spoke first, and her tone was very flamboyant, which was different from the woman who hid in the quilt and cried all night.

Noticing the tear marks on Qi Baobao's cheek and looking at Qi Baobao's brilliant expression, he couldn't help but feel warm on the weekend and paused. He said, "She left last night and I guess she is on the plane to the United States now."

When I said this on the weekend, my tone was calm and calm, and I couldn't see any sadness of separation from my lover.

"You..." Qi Baobao squinted her eyes and tried to see something from the weekend's eyes. Finally, she suddenly laughed without warning. The smile was not pretentious and public. For a moment, she seemed to be a power bank full of electricity. She jumped downstairs and looked at herself. What kind of nutritious breakfast should I make this morning to reward myself?

After eating the breakfast made by Qi Baobao, he immediately went to the police station on the weekend.

I have made an appointment with Li Aiguo on the phone, so when I drove the Kia K3 to the gate of the police station on the weekend, Li Aiguo had already stood outside the door to greet him.

After Yang Muye fell, Zhao Longfei took a strong position. In Li Aiguo's eyes, her identity naturally rose on the weekend, not to mention that the weekend is now the earth emperor of the whole Kangcheng underground, which is worthy of Li Aiguo's careful service.

In Li Aiguo's office, he sat on the sofa on weekends: "Mr. Li, where is Lu Shuaijie now?"

Although I don't know why he suddenly asked this on the weekend, Li Aiguo still said truthfully, "He is still locked in our bureau. He has committed a lot of things. Now he is waiting for the approval of the province to be shot."

"I want to see him!" On the weekend, he explained his intention. While saying this, he took out three thick red versions of soft girl coins from his pocket.

There are only two people in the office. Li Aiguo and the weekend. Li Aiguo did not hide it. After stuffed the three stack of soft girl coins into the safe behind the desk without showing a trace, he smiled and said, "Boss Zhou, it is reasonable that repeat offenders like Lu Shuaijie are forbidden to visit the prison, but you and I are old friends, so it's okay for you to show them. ."

"Thank you!" On the weekend, he smiled faintly and handed Li Aiguo a golden health.

Soon, he changed into a dress* on the weekend, and then accompanied by Li Aiguo to the place where Lu Shuaijie was imprisoned.

In a dark prison, Lu Shuaijie in a black and white plaid suit was lying asleep. He leaned sideways in the direction of the main door, with his hair fluff, which was completely different from the second head of the tiger head who liked to wear gold silk glasses and a straight suit.

The prison is deeper than the basement of the baby travel agency, so even in the morning, the prison is gray.

Looking at Lu Shuaijie lying on his side lying on his side**, he frowned slightly on the weekend and couldn't help looking at Li Aiguo beside him. He lowered his voice and questioned, "Li Bureau, are you kidding your brother? Are you sure this is Lu Shuaijie lying on **?"

"This is indeed Lu Shuaijie!" Li Aiguo pointed to the information card outside the prison and explained, "The name is Lu Shuaijie, 31 years old, isn't this clearly written..."

"My big bureau, don't you know that you have been dropped?" I was speechless on the weekend.

Li Aiguo did not believe in evil and immediately ordered his subordinates to go in to verify.

After the prison guard took out the key and opened the door and went in, he kicked Lu Shuaijie lying on **, which made the latter roll up from ** and then hid to the head of the bed.

No matter how beautiful Lu Shuaijie is outside, the prison guard pulled Lu Shuaijie to the iron gate, and then broke Lu Shuaijie's face to see Li Aiguo on the weekend standing outside the iron gate.

"Haha, isn't this Lu Shuaijie?" Li Aiguo also had a friendship with Lu Shuaijie. After seeing Lu Shuaijie's face, he patted the shoulder on the weekend with a smile, "I said what could be wrong."

Staring at Lu Shuaijie and Lu Shuaijie's frightened eyes, he shook his head slightly on the weekend: "Li Ju, this is not Lu Shuaijie!"

While saying this on the weekend, he took out the mobile phone in his trousers pocket, turned on the flashlight, and a strong white light shone on Lu Shuaijie's face, which made the latter hurriedly reach out his hand to block it.

"Look, is this Lu Shuaijie?"

Li Aiguo went to see Lu Shuaijie again and couldn't help shrink his pupils. The person in front of him looked like Lu Shuaijie's, and his body was similar. In addition, the lights in the prison were dim, so Li Aiguo actually admitted his mistake. He exclaimed, "How could this happen? This is not Lu Shuaijie!"

Although it was expected that Lu Shuaijie had already escaped from prison, he was still surprised to say anything after getting the exact answer.

The masked woman didn't lie to me!

Recalling that the masked beauty in a long black gauze skirt secretly stuffed a note for herself last night, the back of the weekend couldn't help but be cold.

Now that I think about it, Lu Shuaijie is really too cunning. Most of the stand-in for him in prison has been prepared for him for a long time, in order to prevent him from playing the trick of "civet cat for prince" after he accidentally goes to prison one day.

If the masked woman did not provide information to the weekend, she would never have thought that Lu Shuaijie had escaped from prison. In that case, he would have been killed by Lu Shuaijie behind his back sooner or later.

The vest was furious on the cold weekend. He glanced at Li Aiguo and asked viciously, "Didn't you say that Lu Shuaijie was still here?"

Li Aiguo was also scared. After all, Lu Shuaijie was a repeat offender. The repeat offender escaped from his territory. How could he escape?

"Flaw, what do you think of people?" Li Aiguo slapped the prison captain's face behind him, "What the hell is going on?"

"Bureau Li... I... I don't know... I don't know..." The 45-year-old prison guard captain had an innocent face. Of course, he was more afraid that a recidivist like Lu Shuaijie escaped from the prison, and none of these prison guards could escape.

"Pease me all for inspection!" Li Aiguo said angrily.

While Li Aiguo punished those prison guards, he had entered the prison where the fake Lu Shuaijie was imprisoned on the weekend. He raised his hand and grabbed the collar of the fake Lu Shuaijie. On the weekend, he asked in a flat tone, "What's your name?"

"I...I..." Fake Lu Shuaijie panicked when he saw the weekend's fierce expression and couldn't help blurting out, " name is...Lu...Lu Shuaijie..."


On the weekend, he raised his hand and slapped him in the face, which made the fake Lu Shuaijie's eyes white.

"Ask you again, what's your name!"

"Lu...Lu...Lu Shuaijie..." Bubble Lu Shuaijie looked as timid as a rat, but his mouth was very hard. He covered his face that had been beaten by the weekend and continued to persist.


On the weekend, he lifted it away from the ground with one hand and hit the kneecap fiercely against the other party**.

"What the hell is it called!"

"Lu...Lu Shuai...Jie..." After the fake Lu Shuaijie bit his mouth and held out these three words, he rolled his eyes and immediately fainted.

The relationship at the police station was hard on the weekend, so he beat the fake Lu Shuaijie so violently. Li Aiguo and those people will only pretend not to have seen it. Even when he saw the fake Lu Shuaijie passed out on the weekend, Li Aiguo also personally arranged a prison guard to fend water to wake up the fake Lu Shuaijie.

A basin of water rushed to the face of the fake Lu Shuaijie. His body curled up on the ground trembled, and then opened his eyes painfully. The first sight was naturally the weekend squatting in front of him.

"Brother, smoke a cigarette!" Unlike the attitude of beating the fake Lu Shuaijie just now, he suddenly became friendly this weekend, smiling, and even stuffed a cigarette to the other party, and then lit a cigarette for the other party in person.

After ordering a cigarette for the fake Lu Shuaijie, he turned around and glanced at Li Aiguo on the weekend.

Li Aiguo's ability to observe words and looks is not empty. Seeing that he looked at himself on the weekend, he nodded slightly and transferred all the prison guards and his men around him out.

After only Li Aiguo and the fake Lu Shuaijie were left in the field, he raised his hand to pull up the fake Lu Shuaijie curled up on the ground, and then glanced at Li Aiguo. He said, "Li Bureau, the real Lu Shuaijie has escaped from prison. I think your crime is not small."

"Yes...yes..." Li Aiguo was so scared that he couldn't speak. Although he could not be convicted of his crime on the weekend, he was from Zhao Longfei on the weekend. If he didn't know about it on the weekend, it was okay, but since he already knew it on the weekend, if a gust of wind blew in Zhao Longfei's ear on the weekend, then Li Aiguo, Kang The director of the city police also made his head, "Brother, you have to give your brother an idea..."

"Hey!" On the weekend, he looked at the fake Lu Shuaijie and said to Li Aiguo, "Li Bureau, what are you afraid of? As long as I don't say that you don't talk about the witnesses under you, who will know that this guy is a fake?

"You mean..." Why didn't Li Aiguo think of this trick of "fake the truth and make mistakes"? Just like what the weekend said, as long as everyone doesn't say it, who will know that Lu Shuaijie in front of him is fake? However, what he has always tabooed is that he does not want to stand on his side on the weekend. After listening to the weekend's words, Li Aiguo was ecstatic and couldn't help blurting out, "Let's think of this fake Lu Shuaijie as a real Lu Shuaijie. After the provincial order is issued a shooting order..."

The fake Lu Shuaijie was shocked when he heard the weekend and Li Aiguo's words.

"I...I..." He wanted to speak, but was slapped in the face by the weekend.

"What are you? Aren't you willing to be a stand-in for Lu Shuaijie? Then you should have thought of being his scapegoat!" On the weekend, he stared at the fake Lu Shuaijie with great interest.