My beautiful boss's wife

Chapter 304 Retake the task

"Cough!" Looking at Qianxiang's shy appearance when she spoke, she almost couldn't help jumping up on the weekend. After a pause, he coughed twice, "I mean we should pull out the bullet."

" it is..." Qianxiang listened to the weekend's words, and her already hot cheeks became hotter and hotter, and even felt that she was warm all over. The two rested here all night and were not chased by the people of the Yamaguchi group. Presumably, the other party had lost it and hesitated for a while. Qianxiang said, "Well...that's all right..."

"Get down!" Then, I spread my vest on the ground again on the weekend.

Qianxiang gritted her teeth and finally chose to shake her head, because she thought of the shameful scene of watching her buttocks last weekend: "Don't lie down, I'll just sit like this. Don't worry, I can resist the pain."

Qianxiang was extremely resolute when she said this.

I have to say that Qianxiang's physical fitness is very good. If someone else was hit by a bullet in the back, she would definitely have a high fever overnight, but Qianxiang was as if nothing had happened.

"There is no anesthetic, and I'm not professional. If you are not afraid of pain, just sit down." Speaking on the weekend, he took out the cold glittering * tiger teeth from his trousers pocket.

Seeing this Swiss*, the big light eyes obviously flashed a trace of surprise.

Although Qianxiang's physical quality is much better than that of ordinary girls, she asked herself that she could not play chess while scraping bones and cutting meat like Second Master Guan. Therefore, after listening to the weekend's words, although she felt shy, she finally chose to lie down.

Looking at the light fragrance lying in front of me, I couldn't help looking at the light fragrance on the weekend.

At this time, the sun is rising, and the whole forest is bright. On weekends, you can clearly see the buttocks wrapped in pink shorts.

As if you observe under a microscope, you can clearly see the straight scale and small pores on your legs on weekends, and the snow-white and smooth leg skin is particularly eye-catching.

"Are you ready?" On the weekend, he looked away in panic and asked Qianxiang.

"I should have asked you this, right?" Qianxiang, who was lying on the ground, couldn't help looking back and staring at the weekend anly and said, "I've been lying on the ground for almost five or six minutes. Do you think I'm ready?"

"Well..." After all, he peeked at his buttocks and thighs, so he avoided Qianxiang's eyes with some guilty on the weekend and paused. He picked up a wooden stick thicker than his thumb from the ground and handed it to Qianxiang, "Put this in his mouth."

Seeing the rough and ugly little wooden stick, Qianxiang frowned slightly and said, "I'm a girl, okay? How can I hold such a dirty wooden stick?"

"If you don't include it, what if you scream and bite your tongue when I cut your flesh with a knife?"

"You..." Qianxiang wanted to attack, but when she saw the serious appearance of the weekend, she found that she was breathless. She had no choice but to gritt her teeth and take the wooden stick handed over on the weekend, wiped it with the clothes on the ground on the weekend and then put it in her mouth. She said vaguely, "Is that okay?"

"Hung, I'm going to start!" On the weekend, he said that the gauze block on the back of the light fragrance had been removed.

Although the area around the lightly fragrant wound has temporarily stopped bleeding, because it was too hot, the bullet inside caused swelling near the wound, red, and mostly inflamed.

After removing the gauze, I scrubbed the area around the wound with alcohol on the weekend, and then carefully wiped and disinfected the body of the tiger teeth with alcohol, and washed my hands with alcohol at the same time.

The process of scraping meat with a knife to get bullets is more difficult than doing a small operation in the hospital, and it is the first time to do it on weekends, so he seems very serious.

The sharp tiger teeth* wandered around the light fragrance wound for a long time, and the forehead of the weekend had overflowed with cold sweat, but it still couldn't bear to give the first knife.

The light fragrance* is so sexy and beautiful that I don't want to open a door on it on weekends. Of course, the most important thing is that the light fragrance will be unbearable on weekends.

"Don't hesitate to have an operation. I can stand it." Qianxiang, who was lying on the ground, seemed to have guessed the thoughts of the weekend, so she said in a very resolute tone.

"Okay, hold on!" On the weekend, he said he would do it. As soon as he said it, the tip of Huya* pressed on the wound and then moved quickly.

It is very clear over the weekend that in order to reduce bloodshed, cutting meat and taking bullets must be quick and quick.

Therefore, he cut the knife very fast, and the speed of separating the wound with the tip of the knife was also very fast.


With the exclamation of light fragrance, the wound that had stopped bleeding suddenly gushed thick blood along the place separated by the tiger teeth.

As soon as he saw the blood, he fainted again on the weekend. The feeling of spinning and the strong feeling of wanting to vomit made his hands tremble. He wanted to give up, but he knew very well that if he gave up at this time, he would not only lose all his previous achievements, but also was likely to die from excessive blood loss or wound infection.

Listening to Qianxiang's suppressed cry of pain, looking at Qianxiang's shoulders exposed with blue veins because of pain, she gritted her teeth and held on on the weekend.



Finally, when a drop of cold sweat on the forehead of the weekend fell on the bra strap on the light fragrant vest, a bloody bullet was thrown to the ground on the weekend.

"Uh..." Qianxiang shouted softly, and her eyes fainted as soon as her eyes were black.

Looking at his bloody hands, the sweaty weekend finally couldn't help vomiting.


As if he had spit out all the bitter gallbladder, his strength was drained on the weekend. If he could, he would like to fall to the ground and faint like Qianxiang and sleep fiercely.

However, on weekends, he couldn't. Seeing that the blood on Qianxiang's back was still flowing, he could only grit his teeth and support it, wiped Qianxiang's wound with alcohol again, and then chewed up the hemostatic weed picked for Qianxiang when he washed clothes last night and applied it to Qianxiang's wound.

In order not to slide the gauze from the wound, the faint fragrance of fainting stood up from the ground on the weekend, and then wrapped the gauze from the front chest to the back, like wrapping the chest.

After doing all this, he breathed a sigh of relief again and gently put the light fragrance on the soft grass to sleep, while he struggled to rely on the stump and smoked to relieve his fatigue.

Insist on using a knife to separate the light fragrant body from the bullets when bleeding. You can imagine how much pressure you are under on weekends.

"Wow! Whew! Whoo!"

I kept smoking and gasping. I haven't recovered for the past weekend for a long time.

After a while, Qianxiang, who fainted in pain, woke up. When she noticed the pale face and empty eyes on the weekend, she couldn't help asking, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay!" He took a big sip of smoke on the weekend. At this time, he was almost out of breath. "It's just dizzy. It's all right."

"Are you dizzy?" Seeing a large pile of blood-stained gauze on the ground and the clotted blood on the hands on the weekend, the light fragrance exclaimed.

"Hmm!" I nodded embarrassfully on the weekend. After all, it was humiliating to admit that I fainted in front of a beautiful woman.

The next second, the light fragrance that got up from the ground shed tears, and two lines of green tears slid down her delicate cheeks, crystal clear. The delicate bridge of the nose twitched without warning. Qianxiang cried out: "Woo...woowoo..."

On the weekend when he leaned against the stump and smoked himself, he couldn't help grinning and laughing when he saw Qianxiang buried his head in his knees and crying.

After resting in the woods for a while, at noon, the two began to look for the way out of the woods. When it was getting dark, the two finally walked out of the woods and came to an asphalt road.

This asphalt road is exactly the one that I passed by before going to Gambling Village. In order not to be found by the people of the Yamaguchi group, the two squatted next to the road and did not appear.

According to the local man Qianxiang, this road leads not only to the gambling king village, but also to the nearby highway. Sure enough, after waiting at the intersection for a while, a taxi just got off the highway came head-on.

It was already dark when I returned to the Oriental Hotel.

At 1:00 a.m., he appeared at the door of the bathroom on the third floor of the Oriental Hotel on weekends.

At this time, he wore a pair of sunglasses on the weekend, which covered half of his face. In addition, he was wearing a black suit and stepping on a pair of bright black leather shoes, which was full of underworld style.

Although the Oriental Hotel is doing well, it is quiet around in the early morning. After sweeping around the bathroom door and not feeling anyone, he opened the bathroom door on the weekend.

The bathroom is very luxurious, which is more luxurious than the interior decoration of many ordinary people. This is the Oriental Hotel, which is famous all over the world.

Like outside the door, the bathroom is quiet, so quiet that you can hear your own footsteps on weekends. The gentle light is always on 24 hours a day, making this midnight luxury bathroom like daylight.

I didn't see the so-called buyer in the bathroom. On the weekend, I frowned slightly and was about to turn around and leave. Suddenly, I heard footsteps outside the door on the weekend.

The footsteps are very weak, as if they are not heard but felt on weekends.

After a while, the door of the bathroom was pushed open from the outside.

What came into view on the weekend was an old man in a gray long shirt.

The old man's hair is gray, but he wears a pair of round-frame sunglasses, giving people a nonparable feeling. He is short and thin, with his back slightly arched, a black dragon head crutch in front of him, and an aluminum alloy safe in his hand, which is a bit like the turtle fairy in Dragon Ball.

Through the sunglasses, I saw the old man with an oriental yellow face on the weekend, but I can't tell which country he is from.

"Kid, are you here to take the task?" The old man asked the weekend in standard English. His voice was hoarse and weak, and there was a faint meaning in his tone that he wanted to cough, as if he had suffered from a chronic disease all his life.

When I heard that the other party was speaking English, I also answered in English on weekends: "I'm not a boy, I'm a ghost!"

"Are you the 36th ghost on the killer list?" The old man listened to the weekend's words and was slightly stunned. Of course, what he couldn't hide in his tone was distrust and arrogance.

"Old man, who are you?" I asked on the weekend.

"Didn't you call my name?" The old man replied with a smile.

"Are you called an old man?" On the weekend, I obviously didn't believe that anyone would call me by this name, but it doesn't matter. The important thing is to receive the money from the task, so I paused and said on the weekend, "I'll take the task of killing Xiaoliu Village of the Yamaguchi Group. Give me the money!"

The old man stretched out his middle finger and waved it and said with a disdainful face, "Don't worry, if you want money, at least you have to pass the test, right?"

He smiled faintly on the weekend and said softly, "What's the test?"

The old man smiled and said three words: "Knock me down!"

"Are you strong?" He said on the weekend, "Let's change someone. I'm afraid I'll punch you into the coffin."

"Don't be crazy, didn't your final kill suddenly disappear and kill your opponent in seconds? I will let you attack me now, let alone beat me into the coffin. Even if you touch my body, the money will be yours.

With that, the old man opened the aluminum alloy safe in his hand, which was full of red soft girl coins.

"Old man, don't cry!" On the weekend, he saw a whole box of soft girl coins and immediately turned red. He, who was standing still, suddenly punched an old man who took five steps away.