My beautiful boss's wife

Chapter 370 The Walking Dead

Aoki Chizuru was not idle and tried his best to take off his weekend clothes and trousers.

In just a moment, there was only the close-fitting piece of shame//cloth left on their bodies.

At this time, the bedroom door seemed to have been pried open.

The two are covered with bedding. As long as they act like, it doesn't matter whether they take off or not. As for Aoki Chihe's close-fitting bra...

On the weekend, his hand reached to Chiru Aoki's vest, and it was directly untied without giving Chiru Aoki time to react.


The door was gently pushed open from the outside.

On weekends, his eyes were fast, and almost opened a gap in the door. At the same time, he had already hidden the bra of Aoki Qianhe under the pillow.

"Come on!"


"Come on!"

Aoki Qianhe naturally also knew that the door had been opened. She could not care about the bra she had covered by being taken off on the weekend, and the weekend's hand was rubbed in the full part of her chest at this time.

The only thing Chikaru Aoki can do now is to open her voice and shout hard. On the one hand, she is ashamed to admit that she was really touched by the weekend...

No wonder that both of them are so honest with each other. Can they not feel it?

While rubbing on weekends, don't forget to shake your body vigorously, just like a prince riding on a white horse...

Although there was no light in the room, there were lights in the corridor outside the door, and the eyes outside the door naturally saw the "**" scene of **.

There was no sound, and the door seam was closed by the man from the outside again.

The fake weekend and Aoki Qianhe can no longer control herself. Aoki Qianhe's cry is from the bottom of her heart, and her body is hot and real. She really hopes to pinch and rub hard on the weekend. However, she can't say such words even if she kills her. After all, the one in her body The shaking man was her father's enemy, and she had witnessed that scene with her own eyes.

As for the weekend, from passive to active, he has fully controlled the initiative. While shaking, his hand can't help reaching under the abdomen of Aoki Qianhe, gently lifting his fingertips to pull down the only remaining small inner on Aoki Qianhe...

"" Just as the weekend just started, Aoki Qianhe's body suddenly stiffened. She hurriedly grabbed the weekend's hand. At the same time, she began to struggle and her eyes were moist, "No... we can't..."

"Why not? You have ignited my fire!" Of course, Aoki Qianhe knows what he is afraid of on the weekend, but how can he stand it when it comes to this?

While talking, he struggled to pull it on the weekend, and the only piece of lace on Aoki Qianhe's body was suddenly torn.


"" Aoki Qianhe panicked and cried bitterly, "Please let me go... You are my father's enemy... How can I be with you... As soon as I close my eyes, I can't help thinking of the scene where you killed my father... I admit that you are not wrong...but...but..."

"But after all, that's my father... You are my father's enemy..."

"We won't have a result... We will be punished by God..."

"Please...weekend...I beg you... okay...please..."

Aoki Qianhe's mood is a little out of control. In this case, she is no longer a strong woman, no longer a big man who has raised several masters. She is just a woman, a weak woman struggling between hatred and love//love. The only thing she can do is to plead and cry.

At this time, the weekend grabbed her buttocks with both hands and was ready to attack, but after listening to Aoki Qianhe's intermittent and mixed crying words, he finally gave up.

Yes, if something really happened with Qianhe Aoki, he would be happy, but what about Qianhe Aoki? This woman will live in the shadow all her life.

And, in the final analysis, with the understanding of Aoki Qianhe now, Aoki Qianhe may not really kill the weekend. If she really wanted to kill the weekend by any means, how could she not use a syringe to prick the weekend at that time?

Is Chiru Aoki really standing on the side of the weekend at a critical moment just to get rid of Mr. X's control?

If Aoki Qianhe really wants to die on the weekend, what if he is controlled by Mr. X for the rest of his life?

"I'm sorry!" On the weekend, he turned over and left Aoki Qianhe's body, and even took the initiative to get out of bed, and then sat on the sofa to smoke.

"Woo...Wow..." Qianhe Aoki continued to cry, but the cry was much lower.

"Do you know what medicine Mr. X wants to inject into your body?" Finally, Aoki Qianhe couldn't help asking the weekend quietly.

After the bedroom door was closed, the room was dark and he couldn't see his fingers. Qianhe Aoki wanted to see the weekend sideways, but what he saw was only sporadic light spots. They were cigarette butts in his mouth on the weekend. When he took a deep breath on the weekend, the light spot would shine on the weekend's face. Aoki Qianhe could faintly see the weekend. Handsome and resolute, knife-like face.

I don't know why, Aoki Qianhe suddenly felt that she was very quiet and down-to-earth at this time. She didn't have to worry about how to kill the weekend, and she didn't have to worry about how to avoid Mr. X's invasion again and again.

Chizuru Aoki is the youngest and most promising figure in the Aoki family. Therefore, the Aoki family focuses on her and hopes that she can inherit the huge Aoki family business in the future.

However, she loves the life of a killer. She has carried out murderous tasks countless times without telling her parents.

Because her father had business cooperation with Mr. X's family, Chizuru Aoki fell in love with X, a white handsome man, by chance.

It is also because of Mr. X, who carried out the task of killing the female goblin Su Daji.

Unfortunately, when he failed and was against Su Daji, the female goblin, Qianhe Aoki didn't take a move.

Of course, the female goblins who like to take people who want to kill themselves around them did not kill Aoki Qianhe. She brought Aoki Qianhe to her side and even instructed Aoki Qianhe two moves.

In this way, Qianhe Aoki became a spy placed by Mr. X beside the female goblin Su Daji.

During this period, she still missed Mr. X deeply, but Mr. X did not see her once, and did not even take the initiative to contact her. Even when he took the initiative to contact her, he asked about the living of the female goblin Su Daji.

In the battle of practicing in the imperial dragon court villa, Aoki Qianhe was lucky enough to die and was taken away by Mr. X. From then on, she embarked on the road of no return to avenge her father. She vowed to kill the weekend and must kill her father's enemy.

During that time in Europe, Qianhe Aoki's love for Mr. X was still immortal, and even took the initiative to date Mr. X several times, but she didn't even know why she refused every time Mr. X wanted to take off her clothes.

It was also because she rejected Mr. X that she zheng zheng one point that Mr. X had an affair with countless women. Whether it was actresses in Europe or other outstanding women, Mr. X received one by one.

That tall white man doesn't know what love is at all, right? If not, why did the women he slept with become his killing tools? If he really understands love, how can he have the heart to inject such a poisonous drug into those women's bodies at the moment when they reach high/chao?

Chiru Aoki was very scared. She was afraid that one day Mr. X would deal with her like this, making her a walking corpse with no pain, no memory, and only knew how to kill for Mr. X.

So, she decided to find an opportunity to betray Mr. X, and she decided to kill Mr. X!

"What kind of medicine is it?" Ask on the weekend.

"I don't know the chemical name of that medicine, but I know its effect." When Aoki Qianhe said this, her body trembled slightly. Obviously, her fear of the medicine had changed. "Mr. X called that medicine 'Walking Dead'!"

"Why is it called this name?" I'm a little curious on the weekend.

"The person who is injected with this drug will forget all his memories and become an amnesiac when he wakes. Moreover, under the action of the drug, another memory will be born in the brain of the injected person. This memory is the person he loved///loved before is his lover and his master." Aoki Qianhe suppressed his fear and said, "Speakingly, it's sensational, that is to say, the person who was injected with that medicine has lost his soul from then on. He will unconditionally obey any orders of his lover and master in his memory, including suicide..."

Aoki Qianhe once saw a female star in Europe jump down from the 28-story building without hesitation because she asked her to jump off the building, her brain burst and covered with blood.

"This medicine must be injected when people do something to reach the most hyperactive, right?" After listening to Chiru Aoki's introduction to the medicine on the weekend, he couldn't help but feel creepy.

"Yes!" Aoki Qianhe nodded and said, "He will be deprived of his memory when he is the most excited and happy, and then root a false memory."

Horrible! Absolutely horrible! The person who developed this medicine should go to 18 layers of hell.

On the weekend, I felt that my vest was soaked. It was hard to imagine that if he had not maintained a high degree of vigilance at that time, if it hadn't been for Chiru Aoki to temporarily pull him into the gang at that time, he would not have been himself now, but a walking corpse with life, which was more degrading the soul than those described in those fantasy novels. The land of Jiuyou is doomed and is still horrible.

At that time, I didn't understand why Aoki Qianhe put silicone on her own thigh in advance and why she injected the medicine into silicone, but now, I completely understand it on the weekend.

The bed is specially made, and the whole room is also specially made. Aoki Qianhe can only inject the medicine into the body on the weekend or into the silicone of her thighs. Only in this way can it be found by Mr. X, the big conspirators.

Aoki Qianhe continued: "Mr. X's family is very powerful. This medicine has been developed since his father's generation. Almost all the top scientists and biologists in the European continent have secretly participated and it took half a century to complete."

"Half a century?" I can't believe it on the weekend.

Now that I think about it, it is easy to explain that Mr. X can survive after suffering such a serious injury and even the female goblin Su Daji said that he would definitely die. With the backing of top scientists in the whole European continent, what kind of injury can't be cured?

If he uses that medicine against my family, friends, sister, baby...

He dared not imagine it any more on the weekend. He clenched his fist and said coldly, "Tomorrow, Mr. X must die!"

"Yes!" Qianhe Aoki nodded, "There is no flaw in our play just now. He will definitely not doubt us again. We are fully sure to send him to God!"


On the other side, X is sitting on the sofa tasting red wine, with a comfortable look on his face.

And opposite him, there is a large-screen monitor. What is played on the display is the room of Chiru Aoki on the weekend, and what is played in the stereo is the conversation with Chiru Aoki on the weekend.

"Mr. X's family is very powerful. This medicine has been developed since his parents. Almost all the top scientists and biologists in the European continent have secretly participated and it took half a century to complete."

"Half a century?"


"Tomorrow, Mr. X must die!"