My beautiful boss's wife

Chapter 397 My Beautiful Boss

On the weekend, his hand seemed to stretch out quickly, but in fact it was very slow, or when he stretched out his hand, it was fast, but when he stretched out to Qi Baobao's chest, it was very slow.

Watching the weekend's hand reach out to his chest, Qi Bao, who sat sideways on the cushion, only felt that his heart was about to jump out. The deer hidden in his heart seemed to be drunk and kept jumping up and down.

It's close! Close!

Seeing that the weekend's hand was about to climb up the bulge on his chest, Qi Baobao simply closed his eyes and took the initiative to grab the big hand stretched out by the weekend, and then took the opportunity to stick it to his chest.

Feed the softness on Qi's baby's chest, and his heart almost flew out on the weekend. While grasping it hard, he grabbed Qi's back waist.

Because of the limited space in the car, the two of them lingered in the car for a while. They simply picked up Qi Baobao and got out of the car on the weekend.

The surroundings were quiet, and there was no sound of birds and insects singing. It was full of towering vegetation. On weekends, she held up Qi's baby's buttocks with one hand and reached into Qi's clothes with the other. The beautiful woman in her arms rolled into the dark grass.

It seemed that a downpour suddenly came. On the weekend, Qi Baobao and they were very excited and fought with each other.

Weekend hands and mouth swim on Qi Baobao's blowing and broken skin, kissing...

In the quiet and quiet mountains, it didn't take long for women's unique moans and men's extremely thick breathing, and the sound lasted for a long time...


"Baby, you are my woman now, my beautiful boss!"

The wind and rain stopped, and on weekends, he hugged the naked baby in his arms and said softly, "From now on, you are my woman, the woman of my life!"

"You are so bad!" Baby Qi continued to maintain the shyness and coquettishness that only a soft girl had, and spoke softly. In the wind and rain just now, she was hit by a lot, and the feeling of pain and happiness was still hovering in her heart at this moment, "Don't want to be your woman."

"Then what are you going to do?" On the weekend, he continued to play with the soft jade on Qi Baobao's chest and said with a smile, "Your people are also mine, and your heart is also mine. Why don't you want to be my woman?"

"I want to be your beautiful boss's wife!" The female bandit Qi Baobao said shyly, "I want to control your people and your heart as your boss's wife."


Because Ye Zhengji was mistakenly killed by his bodyguard, a series of conspiracies against the weekend were self-defeated.

Baby Hotel reopened, because it is an indisputable fact that Li Huan died in the Baby Hotel. Therefore, in the early days, the business of Baby Hotel was greatly affected. However, with the passage of time, the death of Baby Hotel gradually faded, and the business of Baby Hotel became more and more popular. The bigger it comes.

As for Zhao Longfei, although Ye Zhengji's death has intensified the conflict between the Zhao family and the Ye family, the strength of the Ye family is not as good as before. It is evenly matched with the Zhao family, and no one can do anything for the time being.

This afternoon, I received a call from Zhao Longfei on the weekend, saying that she had something to discuss, and I didn't ask much on the weekend, so I went straight to Zhao Longfei's office.

Just arrived at the office building on the weekend and caught up with Zhao Longfei from work.

"Let's get in the car and say it!" Zhao Longfei, wearing a small silver-white suit, shines brightly and pedals on high heels. Especially after Ye Zhengji's death, she is in a better mood. Although she is a woman who is almost 30 years old, she looks like a young girl in her twenties.

Seeing Zhao Longfei wink at her mysteriously, she was suspicious on the weekend and opened the door and got into the co-pilot's cab.

"Sister Fei, what's wrong?" While getting on the bus on the weekend, Zhao Longfei also got into the cab. Seeing that Zhao Longfei was in a good mood, she couldn't help asking on the weekend.

"It's okay. I'm just going to take you to my father." Zhao Longfei said that the car had been started.

"See your father?" On the weekend, I suddenly thought, "Why... why?"

"You don't want to?" Zhao Longfei threw a white eye to the weekend and said angrily, "You have eaten other people's bodies. Shouldn't you go to see their parents?"

"Uh..." On the weekend, he didn't want to see Zhao Longfei's parents, but he didn't listen to Zhao Longfei's parents in advance. He was not psychologically prepared at all. Seeing that Zhao Longfei looked angry, he hurriedly said on the weekend, "Sister Fei, don't think about it. How can I not want to? I just don't think it's good to go empty-handed. Why don't you park your car in the mall in front of you and I go in and buy some gifts for the old man?

"I have arranged it for you a long time ago." Zhao Longfei pointed to the back seat with her eyebrows, "My father's favorite drink is liquor. I have prepared a box for you."

"Will I be drunk by him later?" I feel a little guilty on the weekend.

"Just pretend. Can I believe that you are afraid of an old man?" Zhao Longfei obviously doesn't believe in weekend words. She thinks she is a master of wine. Even if she drinks it, she is comparable to her father. However, she has drunk several times on weekends, and every time she is poured down on weekends.

"All right!" I moved on the weekend and tried to make myself more comfortable.

"Are you nervous?" Zhao Longfei couldn't help asking when she saw that she kept moving on the weekend.

"I don't have it!" On the weekend, he secretly wiped away the sweat from the palm of his hand and said, "It's just hot."

"Hot?" Looking at the sweat in front of her forehead on the weekend, Zhao Longfei said contemptuously, "Is it okay for me to turn on the air conditioner?"

"Well, to be honest, I'm really scared!" I confessed on the weekend.

I'm really afraid of seeing the woman's parents on the weekend. After all, the experience of seeing the woman's parents is still vivid. The scene of being pointed to the bridge of the nose by the woman's father and scolding him for wanting to eat swan meat is still in front of him.

"Don't be afraid!" Zhao Longfei freed her hand to press on the weekend's hand. Her movements were very gentle, just like a little daughter-in-law taking care of her husband, "I'm here!"

Zhao Longfei is a very strong woman, dominated the world, and it is also because of her strength. In the process of getting along with the weekend, she rarely has such gentleness as now. Even if there is, it is **, in the arms of the weekend.

Don't be afraid, I'm here!

This is the first time Zhao Longfei has said this to the weekend, but it is not the first time she has heard this sentence on the weekend.

When she first left school and was still wearing a worn-out high school uniform on weekends, a girl said exactly the same thing when she took his hand to meet her parents.

That time, I was scolded by the woman's father at the bridge of her nose on the weekend. So, what about this time?

I felt Zhao Longfei's soft and warm little hand pressing on the back of her hand, and held it in the palm of her backhand on the weekend, as if she had made up her mind secretly.

Zhao Longfei's parents live in a newly built community in Jiancheng. Although it is not as magnificent as the Emperor Longting, it is also a luxurious place where rich people can afford to live.

"My parents live here!" Zhao Longfei pointed to the direction of the main door when she parked the car downstairs.

"Miss!" At the main door stood two rows of security guards in gray suits, followed by eight very beautiful maids in pink dresses.

Seeing Zhao Longfei get out of the car, these people bent down to say hello.

Two clever maids came to help Zhao Long carry things, and the warblers chirped, which was so lively.

While Zhao Longfei got off the bus, she also got off the car on the weekend. Compared with Zhao Longfei's small silver-white suit, the weekend wearing a black suit looks equally tall, and the weekend is handsome. Judging from the appearance alone, this young man and woman can be said to be a talented girl. No wonder the two maids who greeted me couldn't help looking at the weekend.

Obviously, the weekend is a stranger, because these maids don't know him.

"This is Mr. Zhou, a distinguished guest from our family today, Xiao Fang, please go up and inform the master." Zhao Longfei saw the two maids looking at the weekend with very strange eyes and hurriedly explained.

"Okay, Miss." The maid who was called "Xiao Fang" by Zhao Longfei listened to Zhao Longfei's words and hurriedly ran into the door.

Zhao Longfei's parents live on the third floor and have an elevator. Therefore, after getting off the car, they followed Zhao Longfei into the elevator on the weekend. Although the two tried their best to keep a distance, from Zhao Longfei's eyes looking at the weekend, those servants were still able to capture some very ambiguous information.

In a moment, the elevator stopped at the stairway on the third floor.

On the weekend, she and Zhao Longfei both walked out, because Zhao Longfei's gifts for Zhao Longfei' parents have been moved upstairs in advance by the maid, so the two are now empty-handed.

Seeing that he was about to go into the living room to see Zhao Longfei's parents, it was a little unnatural on weekends, so he subconsciously reached into his pocket and took out a cigarette and a lighter.

Seeing the cigarette on the weekend, Zhao Longfei wanted to say something, but finally she couldn't help it.

The corridor on the third floor is full of servants of the Zhao family. There are men and women. The men are very tall and magnificent, while the women are exquisite and unique. Whether standing or walking, they are very temperamental. It is not difficult to see how much people need to think about the current Zhao family.

Especially when Zhao Longfei whispered to the weekend that these servants were all with college diplomas or above, the weekend took a breath of cold air.

After such a while, I have followed Zhao Longfei to the main entrance of the living room on the weekend.

There was a big red carpet at the door, and there were eight tall and outstanding maids standing on the left and right. Seeing Zhao Longfei and the weekend stepping on the red carpet, sixteen maids bowed to salute.

"Miss, Mr. Zhou, the master is in the house!"

The aura of 16 super beauties talking in unison is very large, at least on weekends, I think it is stronger than the aura of the female welcome guests at the door of his baby hotel.

"Well, go down." Zhao Longfei waved her hand and then took the weekend into the door.

The living room is very spacious, just like a huge conference room. The interior is dominated by red and yellow, and the whole living room is decorated very dazzlingly.

The big red wooden sofa has three floors inside and outside. The outermost layer is against the wall, the innermost layer surrounds the glass coffee table in the middle of the hall, and the middle layer is surrounded by the outside.

At this time, the outermost layer and the middle layer of wooden sofa are empty, while the innermost layer of the sofa surrounded by the coffee table sits several people.

There are men and women, young people are about the same as weekends, and the elderly are more than 50 or 60 years old. However, whether they are old or young, these people are all dressed brightly, so tall that ordinary people may not be able to see even if they look up.

A middle-aged man sitting at the head should be in his 50s. Looking at his sitting posture, you can tell that he is burly, at least 1.9 meters tall. A middle-aged man wears a purple-gold Tang suit and a pair of glasses with round lenses on the bridge of his nose. He looks like a real dragon, but anyone who looks at him will feel a sense of oppression.

According to Zhao Longfei, she also knew that the middle-aged man in purple Tang clothes was Zhao Longfei's father on weekends.

When entering the living room, she entered side by side with Zhao Longfei on weekends, which did not seem humble and ashamed, nor did it make people feel too sharp.

As soon as Zhao Longfei entered the living room, the men and women about her age on the sofa in the living room all stood up to say hello. Zhao Longfei naturally responded with a smile.

"Dad!" After greeting people of the same age, Zhao Longfei has led the weekend to less than five steps from the middle sofa. Zhao Longfei smiled and said to the middle-aged man in a purple Tang suit, "This is the weekend I often mention to you!"

"Good job, Uncle Zhao!" The weekend was also clever. Zhao Longfei had just introduced herself to a middle-aged man in purple Tang clothes, and he hurriedly said hello. Originally, she wanted to welcome the middle-aged man. After all, it seemed polite, but because there were too many people, she did not come forward on the weekend.

It's called "uncle Zhao" on weekends, but the middle-aged man in purple Tang clothes is not so enthusiastic.