My beautiful boss's wife

Chapter 571 Fox fake tiger power

"Tianluowan" is located in the depths of the night. It is sparsely populated and there are no street lights at night. The stall owners of barbecue stalls are unwilling to put stalls in this place. It can be imagined that Tianluowan Bar is open here, and it is strange to have business.

However, according to Bai Yan, in the past few years when Li Haotian's "New Tiger Head Gang" controlled the night, although Tianluowan was half closed, it secretly made a lot of money because of yellow and poison.

After that, Li Haotian fell from power, and the "New Tiger Head Gang" with Bai Yan as the boss took over the night. After cutting off the financial roads of yellow, gambling and poison, Tianluo Bay was really in a semi-broken state. Whether day or night, Tianluo Bay with three facades side by side has no business.

Of course, Tian Luo does not want to do this, but under the deterrence of the "New Tiger Head Gang", he can only dare to be angry and dare not say anything.

I walked for seven or eight minutes. Under the leadership of Bai Yan, I arrived at the gate of Tianluowan Bar on the weekend.

It's past 8 p.m., because the street lamp at the door is in disrepair, the whole gate of Tianluowan is dark, and a dim yellow light at the door is weaker than the light of candles.

"Is this it?"

Standing at the door of Tianluowan Bar, he glanced at the old door and frowned slightly on the weekend.

"Yes!" Bai Yan followed the weekend and said uncertainly, " boss, I always feel strange in this bar. Shall we go in?"

"Of course I have to go in." He said on the weekend, "Bai Yan, after you go in, you can talk to Tian Luo, and I will be your little brother."

Bai Yan understands the intention of the weekend. On the surface, Bai Yan is the boss of the New Tiger Head Gang. In order to make Bai Yan really shock her from the night, it is certainly inconvenient to appear on weekends. Yes, Bai Yan nodded and took the weekend into Tianluo Bay.

Like the depression outside the door, in the Tianluowan bar, except for three or five tables of guests drinking, there is only one male waiter in the whole bar, who is sitting around drinking with several fox friends.

"Come out of the field snail!"

After being the boss of the new tiger head gang for a few days, Bai Yan's aura has been practiced. In addition, there was a weekend behind her, and her "fox fake tiger power" was so strong that she shouted as soon as she stepped into the door.

Tonight, Bai Yan wears a long black waisted lace skirt, and her small waist is tied by a leather belt. Her slender waist and chest form a strong visual impact. Her sexy little feet step on a pair of high heels of more than ten centimeters. In addition, she is outstanding, and her whole body is like a black rose, shining. Yao people.

Hearing Bai Yan's words, several tables of guests in the bar looked sideways. After seeing Bai Yan, a group of men who drank red and thick necks showed saliva. However, after their companions quietly whispered a few words in their ears, the saliva on the faces of the guests turned into fear. Three or five tables of guests , left one after another.

As for the table where the waiter was, seven or eight young men all looked at Bai Yan and the weekend behind Bai Yan with unkind eyes. Obviously, these people were all Tianluo's subordinates and covered the scene.

"Yo, is Sister Bai here?"

The waiter is only 20 years old, tall and thin, and has a little telegraph pole meaning. However, he speaks very feminine. If his big cake face was full of disgusting acne, he would have thought he was dressed as a man on the weekend.

The waiter and Bai Yan greeted in a very enthusiastic tone, just like a little eunuch dealing with the old Buddha. However, he was only enthusiastic and did not intend to stand up and entertain Bai Yan. Not only that, while speaking, he also proudly raised his glass and clinked glasses with other seven or eight young men. .

"Sister Bai, Brother Tian is not here. Come here another day if you have something to do!" The waiter raised his neck and drank a glass of beer, then glanced at Bai Yan's chest maliciously and said strangely, "Of course, if Sister Bai wants to come to our Tianluowan to find a man, I can arrange it, haha!"

"Haha! Hahaha!"

The waiter laughed, and the seven or eight men in the field also laughed. They all stared at Bai Yan, who was still standing at the door with extremely playful eyes. They were like hungry wolves, and their eyes did not leave the drum in Bai Yan's chest for a moment.

"Yo, Sister Bai, you are really beautiful after you become the boss of the Tiger Head Gang. You are following the little brother behind you!"

"It's just that your little brother is too weak. He is as thin as ribs. Can he protect you?"

"Sister Bai, your little brother's classmate should not be your little lover, right? Didn't he sleep with you at night?"

After the waiter raised his head, for a moment, seven or eight men teased Baiyan at me, and the words that popped out of their mouths were all thorny without exception.

If it is the world without night, then the New Tiger Head Gang is the army that controls the world, and Bai Yan is undoubtedly the female emperor of the world at night, even if the female emperor has just succeeded to the throne.

The waiter and little brothers under the name of Tianluowan dare to make a joke about the female emperor, and it is also a joke. Obviously, they have something to rely on and have no fear.

In the final analysis, Bai Yan was born as a "missary", so there are people everywhere who gossip about her behind her back.

It is impossible for Bai Yan to travel back to the past and come back again. She can only face her identity and laugh at her past. If she can't even accept her past, then who will accept her past?

"Ha ha!" She laughed at all the rumors that attacked her. Bai Yan stepped on high heels and walked towards the seven or eight men at the table where the waiter was. Her high heels stepped on the ground and made a pedaling sound, which seemed to have a shocking power. "Brother, accumulate a little virtue. Otherwise, how can they die in the future? I don't know!"

Bai Yan walks, follows Bai Yan on weekends, always keeping a three-step distance from Bai Yan, like a shadow.

After seeing Bai Yan's performance, he nodded secretly on the weekend. Judging from Bai Yan's words alone, he believed that he had chosen Bai Yan to be his "split" on the night.

In a sense, I feel that Bai Yan and his personality are very similar.

With the time of speaking, Bai Yan has arrived at the table.

With a waiter, seven or eight men surrounded the big round table without a vacant seat.

Bai Yan had no intention of taking a seat. She walked to the table and took a bottle of unopened beer from the next table.

"Brother, do you dare to drink with me?"

While speaking, Bai Yan had already pried open the lid of the beer bottle with her teeth. She raised the beer bottle in her hand, looked around the male waiter sitting around the table and others, and said heroically, "Cheers, boys?"

"Second Olympics, are you afraid of you?" Seeing Bai Yan looking at him so provocatively, the waiter immediately slapped the table, shaking the wine bottle on the table. At the same time, he also raised a bottle of beer and stared at Bai Yan and said, "Miss, why don't you do it?"

"Do it!"

Bai Yan pretended to "dry" the whole bottle and raised the beer bottle with one hand.

"Wang, if you can't beat me, I will say tonight..." The waiter also raised the wine bottle, and at the same time, he said a very vulgar harsh word.

However, the cruel words that popped out of his mouth were not complete. When the word "day" was just halfway through, suddenly, the beer bottle raised by Bai Yan hit him on his head extremely fiercely.


Really, the beer bottle hit the waiter's forehead and made a muffled sound.

The next second, the beer bottle was broken, and the white foam stains overflowed and splashed on the faces and bodies of seven or eight other men around.

As for the waiter's forehead, it bleeds directly, and the thick blood of his thumb spread from his forehead. In an instant, bright red slipped onto his face.


The waiter was obviously stunned by Bai Yan's attack. After sitting in a chair and calling "Mom", he subconsciously reached out and touched his forehead, and blood stained his fingers red.

" her..."

The waiter trembling and his eyes were distracted. When he said this, the beer bottle in his hand fell to the ground like a loach and fell to pieces.


The sound of the beer bottle breaking finally woke up. His pupils suddenly shrank, and his face was full of tyranny. He reached out and grabbed a beer bottle and shouted, "Brothers, kill this bitch!"


As soon as the waiter grabbed the beer bottle and was about to hit Bai Yan, a voice like a cracked silk suddenly came to his ear.

He subconsciously buried his head, and his thigh had been cut open by the broken beer bottle in Bai Yan's hand.


After half a second, the waiter screamed.

"Your mother! What!"

After Bai Yan scratched a blood-red mouth with a width of her middle finger and more than ten centimeters long on the waiter's thigh, she raised her hand and threw a sharp slap on the waiter's face.


This crisp sound is harsher than the waiter's screams.


Seeing this scene, seven or eight other men in charge of covering the field immediately left. Like mice seeing cats, they all wanted to escape.

Bai Yan grabbed the beer bottle in the waiter's hand and hit it hard on the ground.

Bang! Dang!

The wine bottle has not been opened yet, and it is full of beer. When it falls down, it is as powerful as a small bomb and shakes four people!

"If you don't want to die, just squat down!"

Bai Yan opened her throat and roared hard.

In an hour, the seven or eight men seemed to have been biting their holes and squatted down one after another.

However, this situation only lasted for three seconds, and then, the seven or eight men with a handle reacted that they were men, and seven or eight of whom could be afraid of the single-handed white Yan and the "rib spirit" little brother behind Bai Yan and Bai Yan?

"Bai Yan, you 'brick', you want to die!"

At the same time, seven or eight men swung up chairs and wine bottles one after another, and some even pulled out bright knives and approached Bai Yan fiercely one by one.

"Brothers, let's get together* tonight and take turns to make Bai Yan, a 'coquettish' guy!"

Seven or eight men had a great aura and surrounded Bai Yan and the weekend in an instant.

Seeing this, Bai Yan, who was pretending to be a tiger, subconsciously glanced at the weekend behind her.

"Ha ha!" Then, the weekend smiled faintly, extinguished the cigarette butt in his hand, then raised his foot and protected Bai Yan behind him.

"Oh, boy, aren't you afraid of death?" Seeing the thin weekend taking the initiative to protect Bai Yan, seven or eight men smiled and laughed happily.

"You are as thin as a monkey. I guess you can't move on a woman's belly. Why do you want heroes to save the beauty and protect women and die?"

One of the strong men who was 1.85 meters tall came out more and more. He waved the chair in his hand to the door of the weekend and said, "Monkey, do you believe me to kill you?"

"You guys can only talk*!"

I didn't say a word of nonsense on the weekend. After swearing, I neatly raised my hand to grab the strong man who was waving the chair.

The strong man hasn't realized what's going on, and he has snatched the chair in his hand over the weekend.

"Do it!"

He raised the chair high on the weekend and blatantly smashed the strong man's forehead.
