My beautiful boss's wife

Chapter 593 Jedi Counterattack

pu wa......

The sharp dagger instantly fell into Li Dameng's back.


No one expected that at this critical moment, Li Dameng's daughter Li Guanyun took action, and the target of the attack turned out to be Li Dameng!

The dagger sank into Li Dameng's back waist, which made Li Dameng scream.

The next second, Li Da attacked the weekend's slap and hit Li Guanyun in the chest.


With Li Da's fierce slap, Li Guanyun flew backwards like a broken kite.

"You eat inside and outside, you are rebellious!" Li Da was furious.


At the same time, a palm waved on the weekend has hit Li Dameng's body. Originally, the target of the weekend attack was Li Dameng's face, but because Li Dameng suddenly turned around, this palm hit Li Dameng's shoulder.


In anger on the weekend, this palm used all its strength and sprayed thinly, making Li Dameng spit blood on the spot. Not only that, his huge body was beaten back five or six steps by this palm.


Standing firmly again, Li Da suddenly wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth. He snorted coldly, and his eyes became more and more ferocious looking at the weekend.

At the same time, more than a dozen red robe guardians flashed, all of which stood between Li Dameng and the weekend.

"Kill! Kill this bastard!"

Li Da roared fiercely and roared with all his strength.

At that time, more than a dozen big red robe protectors used their own skills and rushed to the weekend.


With a delicate voice, the female goblin Li Guanfei also joined the battle circle. She dodged and stood in front of the weekend. Without saying a word, she split her hand and beat a big red robe guard in front of her upside down.

"Li Dameng, today is your death!"

The female goblin Li Guanbi's face was cold, and Danfeng's eyes were like cold swords, which knocked down three big red robe protectors in an instant.

Previously, in the small attic of Wuzhishan, I borrowed Li Guanli's dark energy to deal with Huashicheng on the weekend, and then when I returned the secret energy to Li Guanli, I sent nearly half of the dark energy of Huashishi to Li Guanshi.

After the purification of Beiming Shengong, the dark energy in Li Guanli's body became more and more pure. Therefore, her strength climbed again and reached the "chemical state".

Today's female goblin Li Guan Fei is twice as powerful as when she was in her daughter's red hair salon.

Although the protection of Dahongpao is powerful, Li Guanpi, who has stepped into the "chemical realm", can easily deal with three or five.

However, it's only three or five. No matter how many it is, she will feel difficult.

After knocking down six big red robes in a row, Li Guan Fei was besieged by five other red robes, and immediately fell into a desperate situation.

Fortunately, he appeared on the weekend. At the critical moment, he also stepped into the "chemical situation" weekend and rushed into the battle group, cooperated with Li Guanbi, and instantly knocked down more than a dozen Dahongpao protectors to the ground.

However, two fists are hard to beat the four legs. Although Zhou and Li Guan Fei are both masters of the masters, the two work together to fight amazingly.

However, there are too many Dahongpao protectors, with more than 30 people, each of whom's strength is comparable to Huabaicheng and Qin Chuangshi. They join hands to besiege them, which is infinitely powerful.

A few minutes later, the weekend and Li Guanpi were trapped.

"Shishi, why don't you help me?"

Li Dameng, who was guarded by more than a dozen red robe protectors, saw Shi Fangyuan standing still and urged him.


Shi Fangyuan was excited and hurried to join the battle group. However, she did not attack Zhou Zhou and Li Guan Fei, but went directly to Li Dameng's side.

"What are you doing?" Li Da suddenly saw Shi Fangyuan walking to his side and was slightly stunned.

"Of course I want to help you!" When Shi Fangyuan said this, a murderous intention flashed in his beautiful eyes.

The next second, she slapped out and hit Li Dameng's chest accurately.


Li Da was suddenly attacked and spit out a mouthful of blood again.

After all, Shi Fangyuan is Li Dameng's wife and the wife of the Li family. Therefore, those big red robes were stunned when they suddenly saw Shi Fangyuan attacking Li Dameng.

"Li Dameng, should we settle our accounts today?" When Shi Fangyuan said this, he waved his palms to the crumbling Li Dameng again.

"Oh!" In anger, Li Da suddenly roared and violently slapped the poem Fangyuan away.

"Bad bitch!" After shaking Shi Fangyuan away, Li Dameng himself has almost reached the end of the crossbow. You know, he has been attacked by Li Guanyun, Weekend and Shi Fangyuan one after another, and it is impossible for ordinary people to persist without falling down.

For a while, the whole lobby of the Li family was in a mess. Including Li Ziye, the maids in long willow green skirts screamed and fled.

The sound of fighting and screaming came one after another.

In such an environment, the female bandit Qi Baobao, who has no power to tie the chicken, is not afraid, but also swung her little pink fist and keeps shouting for the weekend.

"Bad boy, try your best to beat these old men in big red robes!"

"You work hard, don't you think you haven't eaten?"

"I let you work hard! Force it! Force it!"

The lion roar of the female bandit Qi Baobao is like a bell, which is unique in the field of fighting.

At this time, several big red robe protectors outside the courtyard were killed by the big fat man and the tall man. The big fat man Jin Ruinian protected the baby of the female bandit like a black bear, but anyone who wanted to get close to the female bandit Qi baby were all killed by the big fat man and the tall man.

About half an hour later, all the big red robe protectors in the field were killed by the two "combat exporters" on the weekend and Li Guan Fei.

Only Li Dameng, the crumbling light pole commander, is left.

On the weekend, the female goblin Li Guanhui, Li Guanyun, Shi Fangyuan, the big fat man, the tall man, and everyone gathered together to surround Li Dameng.

The female bandit Qi Baobao shouted hard: "Kell Li Dameng! Kill it! Kill it!"

While refueling, she also took time to answer a phone call.

Before long, Dulong appeared, and the killers of the final hall came. A Wei, Dawei, Li Tian and others also appeared, and all the people in the whole firewood knife alliance came.

There is also the new Tiger Head Gang led by Bai Yan.

Not only that, even Qin Lan and Zhang Sansheng brought the Qin family's threwists.

At the same time, Zhou Xiaomo and Zhang Xinyu also appeared, and the "Silver Moon Meeting" and "Secret Killer Group" all appeared.

Such a large number of forces poured into the Li family compound, causing the whole Li family to be turbulent. More and more elders in black robes and big red robes appeared, but all of them were rushed to the front of Zhou Xiaomo and put down.

During this period, more than once the police wanted to break into them, but all of them were stopped by the Qi family's legion arranged by the female bandit Qi Baobao outside the courtyard in advance, saying that the Li family's compound was at home.

With the Qi family's legion town, those police who maintain public security take it for granted that the Li family's compound is really playing.

The battle lasted for about two hours. In the end, all the elders in black robes and elders in red robes raised by Li were put down. On the weekend, the black crowd was blocked in the courtyard.

As for Li Dameng, he was trampled on by the weekend at this time.

"Li Dameng, I have to say a word to you before you die!" When he said this on the weekend, he stepped on Li Dameng's chest, "The sky net is slow, and it doesn't leak. It's not that there is no retribution, the time has not come!"

"You kill me!" Li Da roared fiercely and his eyes were full of anger.

"Kill you?" The weekend smiled coldly, "Of course you are going to die today, but I don't want to do it. What I really want to kill is your father Li Xuanji!"

"Would you like to kill my father? You dream!" Li Dameng listened to the weekend's words and roared hard.

"Are you dreaming that you are waiting and watching in hell!" When he said this, he kicked Li Dameng's chest hard on the weekend, kicked Li Dameng directly upside down and hit the wall straight on the wall.

"Sister Fei, he will give it to you!"

glanced at Li Guandi, turned around on the weekend, and took everyone out of the lobby.

As soon as people went out on weekends, the door of the lobby was closed.

In addition to Li Dameng, only Li Guan Fei, Li Guanyun and Shi Fangyuan are left in the lobby.

"Fier, Yuner, I'm your father. Are you going to kill me?" Seeing Li Guanyu staring at him coldly, Li Dameng finally got up from the ground and said with a sad face.

"You killed our mother!" Li Guanyun gritted her teeth and said, "You killed my mother, but you slandered me with false evidence, saying that Fei'er killed my mother. You made me misunderstand Fei'er all the time. Damn it!"

"Li Dameng, I admit that you are my biological father." Li Guan said with a cold face, "But that's all. From childhood to age, I have been responsible for my life. I have never used a penny of you. For me, this family is just a sin. As soon as I get back to this house, I will think of the scene where you sent Li Shanhai to kill my mother!"

"Sometimes, I always think, how can I be born in such a family!"

"My father and grandfather actually killed my mother for their own selfishness!"

"Li Dameng, you won't forget the year I went to college, just because I asked you how your mother died, and you actually wanted to kill me!"

"If I hadn't escaped quickly, and if I hadn't secretly learned martial arts behind your back, would I still be life now?"

"You say that tigers don't eat children, but how do you do it?"

Li Guanjiao stared at Li Dameng and counted Li Dameng's crimes word by word.

"Pie'er... Yun'er... You... You..." Seeing that his two daughters were staring at him with murderous eyes, Li Da suddenly panicked. He can't lift it now, let alone use his secret energy. If Li Guan Fei and Li Guanyun want to kill him, he won't fight back. The power.

So, Li Dameng looked at Shi Fangyuan, who had not said anything, for help: "Shishi, my wife, did you hear me? My daughter wants to kill me, please help me, help me!"

"Ha ha!" After listening to Li Dameng's words, Shi Fangyuan smiled faintly. At this moment, there was no charm and sexiness in Shi Fangyuan's beautiful eyes, but only cold.

"Brother Meng, my husband, do you really think I'm your wife?" Shi Fangyuan sneered, "If you really think I'm your wife, why did you kill my whole family behind my back?"

"You thought you did it seamlessly. You thought you could hide it from the sea, but you were wrong!"

"When you forcibly grabbed me from the depths of the grassland to be your woman, when you forcibly pushed me down in **, I completely saw your face."

"Our grassland clan was destroyed by you. How can I not repay this revenge?"

"I'll tell you now that you have done all the bad things, so even God wants you to cut off your children and grandchildren. I lied to you. Your son Li Guanyu not only killed me on the weekend, but also me.

"He asked me for help at that time, but I said I was busy and I didn't help him!"

"" After listening to Shi Fangyuan's words, Li Dameng was even more shocked, because the three people around him wanted his life, and at this time, he had no resistance at all except that he could barely take a breath.

"Li Dameng, die! Even if I risk the crime of killing my father, I will kill you and avenge my dead mother!"

Li Guan, the female goblin, moved, and her figure was wrong. She waved her palm and split into Li Dameng's face.

If her palm is solidified, Li Dameng's head will be split open.

However, at the critical moment, Li Dameng, who was originally frightened, suddenly showed a ferocious and horrible smile. The smile was so strange that it seemed to eat people!