My Goddess

Chapter 297 The Nature of Greed

There are not many guests on the second floor. There are several tables sitting together bragging, hiding behind the curtain. There are also private rooms, so naturally they won't come out to see what's going on. Han Yun's scream attracted malicious and doubtful eyes. After all, such a beautiful beautiful woman, wearing an infinitely reverie suit, let out a scream. Everyone wants to know what happened.

Su Yifan looked calmly at Han Yun and grabbed the ice in his collar in a hurry. Seeing a beautiful woman reaching out in her chest, Su Yifan didn't feel it at all. He admitted Han Yun's charm, but when he thought that this charm was played in an unconscious state, he felt boring.

Han Yun's charm comes more from her intelligence and rationality. Such Han Yun is not cute at all and is not suitable for communication.

Han Yun reached out and touched it a few times, and finally caught two ice cubes stuck in her chest on the edge of the bra and threw them out.

The ice has melted off a layer of body temperature, and Han Yun's fingers are full of ice water. Su Yifan handed over the paper towel to wipe Han Yun's hand. Han Yun took it angrily and wiped her fingers a few times with hatred.

Su Yifan held her shoulder and stared at the woman. The eyes attracted by her screaming had not left yet. She wanted to see what had happened between the two people.

"Are you awake?"

Han Yun was stimulated by the ice and felt that the goose bumps on her body stood up. The most hateful thing was that the two buds on her chest also seemed to stand up because of the strong stimulation.

What makes Han Yun feel more difficult to calm down is that Su Yifan's eyes in front of him are still calm without the little boy's obsession and yearning for mature women.

"...a little better."

"That's good." Su Yifan waved to the waiter who was also watching the bustle, "I'll pay the bill and take you home."

Han Yun felt that her self-esteem would be shattered in the calmness of this teenager.

"Am I so unlikable?"

Su Yifan shook his head: "No, you are very tempting, so you have to go home early."

This answer was a compliment, but Han Yun was not happy at all.

Su Yifan added, "In the future, if you are drunk and drink at home, don't be recognized in such a public place. It's more troublesome to be dragged away to pick up the body."

Picking up corpses is a nightclub saying, which is probably the kind of drunken women who take home when they are not awake. Han Yun is a journalist. Of course, she understood these words as soon as she heard it, and suddenly felt a little ashamed.

Su Yifan is telling the truth. If he drinks like this and finds a man's ** lying on the sheet tomorrow morning, there is still a faint blood stain on the sheet, which is so wonderful... It's so wonderful that I can't look directly at it!

staring at Su Yifan for a long time, Han Yun suddenly pleaded, "Then can you have a few drinks with me? Just take me home later."

Su Yifan smiled and said, "But I'm not very safe."

Han Yun, who was already awake, shook her head with a smile: "If you are not safe, I will admit it. I saw the wrong person."

This way of retreating is very similar to Cheng Shuixin. Han Yun uses it more naturally. Of course, it may also be because women of her age don't care more.

Of course, Su Yifan will not give Han Yun a chance to exert his advantage. He shook his head with a smile: "That won't work. I still feel at a loss."


Han Yun felt that she had been eating her life in front of this teenager, but she could only retreat and be cute.

Of course, female reporters can also act cute, but the targets of cuteness are successful people such as business bosses. Han Yun simply stood up directly and sat next to Su Yifan opposite. The wide sofa squeezed two people and immediately made their bodies close to each other. From Su Yifan's point of view, it was simply the feeling of a hot body into his arms.

"Would you like to sit with me?"

Su Yifan was speechless. Han Yun seemed to be sober, and the power of alcohol remained in the blood after all. Now that so many people are watching on the second floor, she sticks to her side without hesitation. If it is really recognized, will this woman fool around in the radio and television center in the future?

Han Yun, who was close to waking up, moved boldly, but her brain was not slow. She squeezed Su Yifan with her body and whispered, "Don't worry, even if you are recognized, this is also a private life that others can't control."

Su Yifan turned his head and took a look at the female reporter close at hand. Her bright red lips sparkled in front of her, making her look particularly**.

"Isn't that good?"

Su Yifan tried to move aside to separate himself from Han Yun. However, the sofa was so big that he would go out after moving again, and the situation did not improve much.

"What's wrong?" Han Yun still stared at Su Yifan delicately, "If you have to choose one, I will choose it myself, better than others forcing me to choose?"

Su Yifan immediately knew why Han Yun was unhappy.

"The director of the advertising department hasn't gone down yet?"

Han Yun's face darken: "He left the relationship of the mayor's brother-in-law. It's impossible to go down, but he was just beaten."

Su Yifan sighed: "The world is really cruel, and the relationship between the third brother is not good either?"

"He dares not provoke the third master, and the third master can't touch him." Han Yun sighed, and his body tilted towards Su Yifan again. "Try to maintain balance. Of course, you can't mess with me."

"Are you still depressed?" Su Yifan poured water and ice water for Han Yun. He still felt that Han Yun was more attractive when he was awake.

The number of sighs today is almost the sum of all her past days, and she sighed and said, "Of course I'm depressed. Now the harassment is gone. The whole station is rumored that there is a big brother behind me, and his legs are split open and fake."

Su Yifan couldn't help laughing: "It's really a mouth. Anyway, you can say whatever you want."

Han Yun glanced at Su Yifan, and the strong amorous feelings on his face simply made the cold space a few degrees hot.

"You can still laugh."

"People's words are terrible." Su Yifan has a deeper understanding of this situation, "it's just a terrible level. Do you still care about what you want to do?

Han Yun shook her head: "You should know that people are not individuals. There is always a circle of life in families. Your circle will be ruined by this thing, and people don't have to pay anything.

Su Yifan can't disagree with this. The school is a relatively vacuum environment, and he will always get rid of that environment as he grows up. It's different in society. It's not easy for everyone to break away from the fences made up by their own lives.

In this situation, Su Yifan can only say, "If you drink, it will only make the situation worse."

"Depravity is also a way of life." Han Yun stared at the glass on the table and muttered, "If you choose to fall, you may not care about these things."

"Look at those undressed stars, they also care about being told about the past." Su Yifan doesn't think so. "You have a thorn in your heart. That thorn will not change with anything you do. Only your own mentality can pull it out."

Han Yun tilted her head and stared at Su Yifan.

"Are you really 17 years old this year?"

Su Yifan nodded.

"I think you look like thirty-seven." Han Yun said, "Although I don't know which broken book you copied from, I think you're right."

Su Yifan smiled and said, "It's better than anything if you don't continue drinking."

"This chatter also looks like an old man." Han Yun said helplessly, "Well, I'll listen to you and don't drink anymore."

After drinking all the ice lemonade in one breath, Han Yun's spirit was better, but she didn't seem to leave the sofa and sit back. She still leaned on Su Yifan.

Su Yifan's feeling for Han Yun is very wonderful. He doesn't feel that anything will happen to this beautiful sister, but the hot Han Yun leans against him and faces himself with a nearly defenseless attitude.

As long as you lower your head a little, you can see Han Yun's slender legs, wearing flesh-colored stockings, and shining ** in the dim light.

Han Yun noticed Su Yifan's eyes and smiled, slightly changing the posture of his legs, making his short skirt look shorter, almost revealing the socks with lace.

"Does it look good?"

Su Yifan nodded: "It's beautiful, so don't let couples quarrel in public, right?"

Han Yun made such a ** posture. Although there was a table blocking part of it, it still couldn't stop anyone from looking this way. A bunch of couples sitting against the wall in the distance now seem to quarrel about this. Obviously, the man secretly glanced at his beautiful legs and was angrily condemned by his girlfriend.

Han Yun closed her legs slightly to hide her beautiful legs in the shadow as much as possible.

"Do you think it's human nature to have the same and think more?"

This question hit Su Yifan's heart with a bang, making him in a trance almost for a moment.

Han Yun's problem seems to be specially prepared for herself.

"I don't know." Su Yifan shook his head, "Maybe."

"Are there any questions you can't answer?" Han Yun smiled, "I can see that your little girlfriend likes you very much, and you also like her very much, but your relationship has not yet reached that point."

Su Yifan didn't expect Han Yun to mention this. He looked at the face close at hand and whispered, "You think too much."

"You can do anything to protect her." Han Yun was not entangled on this topic, but said sentimentally, "The moment you stood up for her, I especially envied her."

Su Yifan said yes. He didn't seem to be able to keep calm about everything about Cheng Shuixin. How natural it is to stand up for her, as if you don't have to think about it.

"If I have something to do, would you like to stand up for me?" Han Yun asked herself, "You won't, I don't think you will... because I'm not that important."

Su Yifan said, "If it's not that important, I may not have to come here."

Han Yun laughed at himself: "I'm important because I use it for you, right? If I were a useless passer-by, would you do this to me?"

Su Yifan thought for a moment and nodded and said, "If you encounter it, maybe you will."

Han Yun suddenly sat up straight, stared at Su Yifan's eyes, and asked, "Really?"

Su Yifan calmly responded to Han Yun's inquiring eyes. He knew what kind of person he was, and he had been working hard to face his true self honestly.

Maybe it's not good enough, but I'm already trying my best.

After a few seconds, Han Yun's eyes suddenly softened.

"Well, you are indeed such a person. Sorry, I shouldn't question you.