My Goddess

Chapter 409 Private Time

Su Yifan's coma did not last long. When he woke up again, he could still see a faint sunset outside the window.

This is a bedroom where it is. Looking around from where Su Yifan is lying, the wall is a newly painted clean white wall. The decoration in the room is nothing but a mattress and a bedside table. There is a circular fluorescent lamp on the roof, and there is nothing on the bedside table. Lying on the mattress, I could only see the sunshine and white clouds outside the window, which seemed to be in a house on the top floor of a high-rise building.

Covered with a snow-white cicada quilt, Su Yifan found that his upper body had been striped and the wounds on his body had been treated. Although there is still a faint pain, more of an itching spread around the wound. Except that the head is still a little dizzy, it seems that the injury is not deep.

After a little effort, Su Yifan sat up from the mattress and was about to call someone. Nell, who had changed into a simple home suit, had pushed the door in.

"It's good to wake up so soon."

Nelle's Chinese is no longer the same strange tone this time, which is better than many Chinese people who know Su Yifan. Su Yifan looked at Nell, who had been reunited for a long time, and wanted to see what was different about her, but felt that it seemed to be no different from the energetic British girl before.

When Su Yifan stared at me like this, Nell laughed and said, "Am I thinner?"

Do girls have to ask this first when they meet? Su Yifan nodded speechlessly. He found that Nell was not only thinner, but also a little darker than before. Obviously, she suffered a lot.

"It's also more beautiful than before."

Nil walked to Su Yifan with a smile and sat down and helped him put the pillow up. Naturally, people could completely ignore that she had just killed six people.

"You have also become smoother than before."

Su Yifan looked at Neil speechlessly. As an Englishman, do you want to use your idioms so smoothly?

The amount of information that happened before was so large that Su Yifan thought of the girl who should have been hijacked almost instantly: "Where is Cai Yan?"

Nelle curled her lips and said, "I know I care about other little girls... Don't worry, her family has picked her up. If it hadn't been for her, I wouldn't have dared not kill anyone.

Thinking of Neil killing people for herself, Su Yifan felt guilty: "Can Cai Yan settle this matter?"

"Of course she can't. Her father and aunt are fine." Nell said very casually, as if the eight generations of Cai Yan's ancestors were familiar with it. "With her, there should be no insoluble trouble in this matter."

Su Yifan breathed a sigh of relief for Nell and was also glad that Cai Yan was finally safe. Although the scene of Neil's murder is still hovering in his mind, Su Yifan still decided to discuss this issue with Neil as little as possible, but asked about Neil's recent situation.

"I don't even bother to say it." Neil shook her head. She really doesn't like to talk to Su Yifan about this after suffering too much. "Anyway, I don't want to see Su Xiaoqing now. You are not allowed to contact her for the time being to make her anxious."

Su Yifan said helplessly, "I have such a big event. Do I have to tell her?"

"Don't worry, I'll let her know that you're still alive." Speaking of Su Xiaoqing, Neil looked unhappy, "If something really happens, that woman can bury the whole world."

"It's not so exaggerated, is it?"

"She must be able to do it." Neil still had a lingering heart when she remembered what Su Xiaoqing said to her. "At least if you recover from your injury and go to see her, I don't want to be angry."

Su Xiaoqing has always reacted fiercely to Su Yifan's injury, but what Neil said is true. Su Yifan subconsciously wanted to touch the phone and found that the phone was gone.

"I lost the phone." Nell took it for granted, "I've killed six people for you. I've never killed anyone!" Can you just be wronged?"

Su Yifan said that there was no phone if I didn't agree? Anyway, since the relationship between Nell and Su Xiaoqing is not very good, try to adjust it in the middle... Thinking about this, I'm not so afraid of what happened just now.

Seeing Su Yifan's acquiescence, Neil hugged Su Yifan again happily: "The wound medicine used for you was sent to me by that woman, which is very effective for wound healing. Anyway, you will be as if you have not been injured in a few days."

Su Yifan remembered his parents and struggled to remember: "I have to tell my parents..."

"Don't worry, Cai Yan will help you solve this little thing." Neil took it for granted, "You saved her and disappeared again. She will definitely look for you desperately while helping you lie to your parents. Hey, how much reward can she give me if I send you out?

Su Yifan said helplessly, "Are you short of money?"

"A lot of funds have been frozen by the company, and I don't have much left." Nell said pitifully, "There are probably less than 100,000 dollars left now."


Su Yifan almost fainted in one breath. She was almost richer than herself and was still crying poor.

"Have you received my birthday wishes?" Nell's mood changed quickly. She looked at Su Yifan, who covered her upper body with a quilt, and asked, "You look so cute with cream on your face."


Su Yifan continued to be speechless. He guessed that this message must have been sent to Nell by Su Xiaoqing. Probably because Su Xiaoqing also behaved poorly, Nell didn't like her, right?

"I got it."

Nil looked at Su Yifan, and the smile on her face couldn't stop blooming: "That's good. I haven't figured out the birthday gift yet. I'll make it up to you when I think of it."

Su Yifan shook his head weakly: "No, you saved me. It's better than any gift."

"I'm not just saving you." Nell replied seriously, "I'm saving the world. Only you can stop that crazy woman."

"Sister Qing is not that terrible, is she?"

"She's only not terrible to you!"

Su Yifan decided not to argue with Neil about this issue. He asked, "Are you still being chased by the company?"

Nelle hated Su Yifan's pot, but she still replied patiently, "The worst situation... the company's action seems to have been upgraded."

Su Yifan asked, "Even Sister Qing can't save you?"

"Let Su Xiaoqing protect me?" Nell asked exaggeratedly, "Do you think I dare to do that? She will definitely kill me and proudly tell you that I died in an accident.

Su Yifan defended: "I don't think Sister Qing will do that..."

"Of course she wouldn't do that if you were here." Nell did not deny Su Yifan's defense, "But I would rather face AUU's most ferocious mercenary than face her again."

Su Yifan found that the person who was afraid of Su Xiaoqing was not only Nell, but also Cai Yan showed a strong sense of fear before... On the contrary, Cheng Shuixin and Yang Bingbing got along well with Su Xiaoqing, and this kind of thing may really be separated.

Nil saw that Su Yifan was still trying to look around and advised him, "Don't look. There is no electronic signal here now. I don't bring any communication equipment."

Su Yifan was surprised: "Then how did you find me?"

"I know you well." Nell can't help but be charming to Su Yifan. She thinks it's like her own reflex. It's really terrible. "Your life is quite regular."

Su Yifan was quite embarrassed to think that he had been followed by Nell for a whole day: "Well... you followed me all day?"

"I have nothing to do anyway." Nell said indifferently, "Now you are surrounded by a vacuum field that no one else can step into. Except for a stupid girl like Cai Yan, who dares to take the initiative to trouble you?"

Su Yifan found it difficult to understand: "I always thought everyone was thinking about Qingjie's technology..."

"There must be a lot of people who are thinking about it." Nell said carelessly, "But most people have to consider the consequences and only dare to contact carefully. It's a little unclear, and it's likely to be unfavorable to you and Su Xiaoqing.

Su Yifan thought of the dead mushrooms and Ali. If these two people really knew their importance or knew something about Su Xiaoqing, I'm afraid they would not make the decision to kill themselves so easily and would not die so happily.

Nile saw Su Yifan's melancholy face and knew that the teenager who had always been kind-hearted was regretting for others. She patted him and said with a smile, "Well, don't think about this. Now you are my person. Stay with me for a few more days."

Su Yifan was shocked when he heard Nell's words, "Are you going to stay in Binhai?"

"Who knows what will happen tomorrow?" Nell shrugged his shoulders, which was very similar to Su Yifan before. "Have you been to that bar later?"

"I've been there once." Su Yifan said, "It's not bad. I still want to go."

"It's a pity that I can't go these days." Nell looked at the wound on Su Yifan's body and said, "What do you want to eat? I'll do it for you."

Su Yifan realized that he seemed to be very hungry after Nell's words. After all, he encountered such a thing in the evening, coupled with excessive physical exhaustion and knife wounds, and his stomach had been whining for a long time.

"I can eat whatever I want." Su Yifan still doesn't believe in British girls' craftsmanship, "Why don't we order a boxed lunch..."

"There is no phone." Nell spread out his hands and said, "I don't worry about leaving you here alone. Why don't you eat compressed cookies first?"

Su Yifan has eaten that kind of military food several times before. I have to say that the taste is really bad. The taste is barely acceptable, but if he eats too much, he will definitely feel sick. Hearing Nell say about compressing cookies, Su Yifan hesitated for less than a second and nodded: "It's okay."

Nelle got up and went to the kitchen. The little British girl walking like the wind is now not cute at all. The cutest highlight on her body is still the long white and golden hair, tied into a small bun and drooping a few roots. It looks like a mature girl.

"Actually, I forgot to tell you that there are also instant noodles."

"...that's okay!"

Su Yifan knew that he was not qualified to be picky about food now and promised more happily.

Nil leaned out half of the kitchen and said with a smile, "I'll show you my unique skills. I can make instant noodles and scrambled eggs. Do you want to eat?"

Su Yifan, who was moved by Neil's cooking for himself in **, couldn't help but feel lost when he heard this magical combination. He said that Nell was indeed a fake British, and this dish was enough to prove that her bloodline was pure.