My Goddess

Chapter 422 It's not someone else, it's yourself

Cai Yan followed Cheng Shuixin out for about dozens of meters, and the appearance of two girls holding an umbrella was really touching. Some of the onlookers are shouting in their hearts. If one of these two girls wears white and the other wears blue, it will be wonderful...

Cheng Shuixin's action of holding an umbrella is very natural, giving people a friendly and close feeling. At this point alone, Cai Yan sighed that she was countless times better than Cheng Shuixin. She has all kinds of resources to pick at will, and she can do many things than a smiling face. Until he fell into a coma in his Ferrari, Cai Yan felt that life should have been like this, and he had more than others. When she woke up from a deep coma, she found that there was really little to rely on.

Fulnerability led to self-reflection, and Cai Yan felt that it was really necessary to learn more from Cheng Shuixin.

After correcting her mentality, Cai Yan did not take a gesture, but humbly talked about the attack. She tried to remove Su Yifan's presence in it and asked Cheng Shuixin to help her analyze the current situation.

Cheng Shuixin was curious: "You were almost kidnapped, and how dare you come to Binhai?"

Cai Yan said, "From where you fall, get up from there."

Cheng Shuixin smiled: "It's a pity that Su Yifan is not here, otherwise he can give you better advice."

Su Yifan? Cai Yan bit her lip. It was really difficult for her to imagine how such a seemingly unoutstanding teenager affected the beautiful girl in front of her. Cheng Shuixin's admiration for Su Yifan is different from her sense of distance from others, and she has a sincere sense of closeness.

The two said as they walked, and had walked along the Muhe pier to the entrance of an old street alley.

"Do you dare to try something new?" Cheng Shuixin stood at the entrance of the alley and asked Cai Yan.

"There's nothing to dare." Cai Yan followed Cheng Shuixin into the alley.

The history of this alley is about several times that of Cheng Shuixin. After many years of revision and construction, it is still standing. Unfortunately, in the next accelerated economic construction, it will soon be razed to the ground and rebuild the same towering real estate. * The changes brought are not only external, but also the hearts of many people. Many changes have a decisive taste, completely cutting off all the old connections.

Cai Yan has never been to such an old-fashioned street. He will never be as shocked as the so-called idiot rich girl depicted in the movie. Following Cheng Shuixin, the two still walked with umbrellas, walked through many old houses with wooden windows, and gradually walked to a place where the sun could hardly be exposed.

Put away the umbrella, and Cheng Shuixin pointed to one of Cai Yan's windows. There was a piece of cardboard hanging on the window with a water-based pen with the words "restaurant" written on it.

Cai Yan was shocked. The restaurant in front of her was very different from what she imagined. She thought it should be an old-fashioned restaurant, with at least a wooden sign, and the window served was separated by old-fashioned glass. But I didn't expect that the place where Cheng Shuixin took her to eat was so simple, which made people think it was a prank.

Cheng Shuixin observed how powerful the words were. She looked at Cai Yan's expression and knew what she was thinking. She said with a smile, "Many of the cars you just saw on the other side of Muhe Wharf came here for dinner."

Many cars worth more than a million were parked in the parking space on the Muhe Pier. Cai Yan asked speechlessly, "Are they all?"

"Most of them are." Cheng Shuixin took Cai Yan to push open the wooden door, and the wind bell rang, as if they had entered another time and space.

The dark cement floor is full of people next to several small tables. Except for a freezer, all the decorations in the hotel are so simple that people can't bear to look directly at it.

It's such a place where many well-dressed men and women sit next to the dirty table and eat happily. The scene is more uncoordinated.

"What to eat?" Cheng Shuixin found a remote position to sit down with Cai Yan, "We came early, and there must be no seat later."

"Anything is fine. I'm not picky about food." Cai Yan is also very proud of this in the circle of many rich women. She even eats donkey meat.

Cheng Shuixin smiled, walked to the cashier counter, told a dark-faced fat man the name of the dish, and came back to sit next to Cai Yan.

"Do you think you were attacked or in the downtown area?" Cheng Shuixin didn't know what happened next to the seafood market that day. The news was not reported at all and the gossip spread too slowly. "Since the other party has this idea, he is either crazy or doesn't care about the consequences of doing this at all."

Cai Yan looked back at the door of the hotel, and his bodyguards seemed to follow suit. Jeffka also smiled at himself and found a table to sit down to read the recipe.

Cheng Shuixin also saw this bodyguard team and asked with a smile, "Isn't it cheap?"

Cai Yan nodded: "Each of them earns more than one million a year."

"What a good job, but it's a pity that there is a lot of pressure." Cheng Shuixin sighed, "They dare to take over your safety work under such circumstances. They are very confident in themselves."

Cai Yan is actually not very interested in the bodyguard team. She has focused more on Cheng Shuixin's analysis just now. Cheng Shuixin's conclusion is actually similar to Cai Yan's, and she also feels that the other party should not care.

"There was something wrong with half of the monitoring records in Binhai City on the day of my accident." Cai Yan said, "The explanation I got is hacking the system. I don't believe it."

Cheng Shuixin thought carefully and said, "In fact, hackers are more likely. There are too many things involved to delete the monitoring records of half of the city. If only someone in a key position leaves a back door for the hacker, only a few or even two people who come into contact with this matter will be enough.

I have to say that Cheng Shuixin's thinking is still relatively clear, and she still takes human nature as the starting point of thinking - since the other party wants to do such a thing, of course, the fewer people know, the better, so she will definitely choose the way with the least participants.

Cai Yan felt that she really found the right person. Cheng Shuixin was much better than the crying women at home.

Cheng Shuixin looked at Cai Yan's expression as if he was in a daze and handed her a pair of chopsticks with a smile: "Try about your family."

Cai Yan looked up and looked at Cheng Shuixin's eyes: "Do you suspect that my family did it?"

"It should be someone who is familiar with you." Cheng Shuixin said, "At least it's someone who knows your personality characteristics and knows more about your recent itinerary."

Cai Yan fell into meditation: "Why do you do this in the downtown area?"

"It should be intentional." Cheng Shuixin continued to analyze, "It's not to prove anything, but to let many people see that you are in danger anytime and anywhere."

This is an idea that Cai Yan has never involved. The confused mentality of the authorities makes her unable to think clearly about the whole thing: "Am I in danger anytime and anywhere?"

"If there is danger anytime and anywhere, you can't move outside, and your actions must be restricted." Cheng Shuixin said, "Of course, if the kidnapping succeeds, you can make all kinds of demands on your father by the way, can't you?"


Cai Yan also thought about what the other party wanted to do. There are too many things you can do to kidnap yourself, ask for money, help, and ask the Cai family to do something... Because there are too many possibilities, it is not easy to lock who did it.

Now Cai Yan is a bit like a frightened bird, feeling that everyone around him is a bad guy with bad intentions.

"What I did made others unhappy?" Cai Yan followed Cheng Shuixin's thinking and suddenly felt suddenly cheerful. "You mean that my contact with Su Yifan made many people unhappy?"

Cheng Shuixin nodded with a smile and is much better than the little girls Cai Yan knows who only know how to make nails and change bags every day.

Cai Yan took a deep breath of cold air. It's not that she didn't think about this possibility, but she didn't want to believe it from the bottom of her heart. Now that Cheng Shuixin, an outsider, said, she really realized that she seemed to be too reckless that she was almost kidnapped.

It's just... Su Yifan is too important, isn't it?

What else does Cai Yan want to say? Someone has already brought the prepared dishes over there.

At a glance at the first dish, the girl from childhood to big was dumbfounded.

What is that on a plate? Why does it look like the larvae of some kind of insect?

There is a soft shell outside, and the body of the meaty worm is exposed. It is roasted golden, which looks good - if you don't look at the worm's head and claws.

"What is this?!" Cai Yan was frightened.

Cheng Shuixin explained as if nothing had happened: "Have you never eaten it? This is a kind of tree insect born in a nearby forest area, which tastes good and has high nutritional value.

Cai Yan felt that Cheng Shuixin was probably intentional, but he just said that there was nothing to eat, and he could not act too weakly. He could only mutter, "I haven't eaten... Let me do psychological construction."

No matter how Cai Yan reacted, Cheng Shuixin first picked up a chopstick and put it in her mouth. Cai Yan stared at Cheng Shuixin's movements in disbelief and found that she really enjoyed the process of eating insects. She was both admiring and a little frightened.

Another dish came up one after another, and Cheng Shuixin ordered four dishes, which was the right identity of Cai Yan. Cai Yan felt that the other three dishes were good in these four dishes, but this tree insect scared her. Seeing that Cheng Shuixin ate so well, Cai Yan decided to try it boldly.

Cai Yan was shaking when he picked up the bug with his chopsticks. The girl's natural fear of insects is particularly strong in Cai Yan, and it is difficult for her to imagine that she will eat insects one day. Finding that Cheng Shuixin opposite was looking at himself, Cai Yan summoned up the courage to throw one into his mouth and chewed it a few times.

...does it taste good?

With this strange feeling, Cai Yan ate the first bug he had eaten in his life.

Cheng Shuixin looked at Cai Yan's eyebrows from entanglement to slowly unfolding, smiling and applauding gently.

"Look, it's delicious, right?"

Cai Yan has to admit that it tastes good.

Cheng Shuixin looked at Cai Yan and said meaningfully, "So you should understand that whether there is a problem or a problem, the most important factor is not someone else, but yourself."

Cai Yan listened to Cheng Shuixin's words and looked cold.

"Thank you." Cai Yan said, "Now I want to ask your opinion on whether you want to be my personal consultant. The annual salary will not be lower than that of the American who eats at that table."