My Goddess

Chapter 463 Three Hours of Time Difference

There are some things in the world that are more terrible than nuclear war, such as hiding private money and being found by a wife, such as going out* to get small particles, such as seeing all kinds of rogue-like tender words in her girlfriend's text messages... For example, a girl begins to cry.

Once the helpless and delicate girl cries, even if the whole world explodes into fireworks, I'm afraid it won't work in front of her.

And the people who cause all this usually feel that they are historical sinners, the culprits of the destruction of the world, and the heinous bastards, tortured by emotions such as guilt, contradictions and even shame.

For Alan, who has experienced many battles, Su Yifan's black hole in his hand, Nell's verbal threat and powerful force, and even the pressure from AUU headquarters and Albert, are not as serious as the little girl beside him.

The little girl who called Ningning cried, and the bald teacher Alan suddenly panicked.

Su Yifan didn't expect things to develop like this. He thought that Alan and Nell's conversation was in Spanish, but such a tall language failed to avoid a high school girl. Both of them felt that their excellent business spies had failed.

Nelle shrugged her shoulders and made a helpless gesture to Su Yifan, saying that she had no experience with this scene.

Ningning's way of crying was very inconsistent with her appearance. Only tears fell down, and her expression was still calm, even a little shy. But the more so, the stronger the guilt she brought to Alan.

It is estimated that Allen, who has seen more dead than living people, is at a loss and doesn't know how to comfort Ning Ning. He raised both hands to press his student's shoulders. He may feel that such a move is too much, and it is very ridiculous to hang in mid-air.

The tense atmosphere suddenly turned into awkward.

Nil looked at Ningning, who was trying to suppress her tears, sighed and said to Alan, "Reply to Albert first and comfort the little girl that you are not as good as him."

After saying that, Nell stabbed Su Yifan with her elbow, indicating that he could now give full play to his strengths.

Su Yifan felt messy. He just felt that it was enough to point a gun at an old bastard who could kill people with empty hands at any time. Now Neil actually comforted a crying little girl?

How much does Nell think of herself...

Allen picked up his mobile phone, but his eyes followed Nell to stare at Su Yifan, and there was a meaning of asking for help in his eyes.

This kind of pitiful look appeared on an old man who had just planned to stab people with an automatic pencil, but Su Yifan was still a soft-hearted person. Seeing Alan's eyes, he knew that he might not be able to refuse this request.

Nodding to Alan, Su Yifan took another look at Neil.

Nil patted Su Yifan's hand and took over the gun he was holding under the table.

"Don't worry, with me, he dares not act rashly."

Su Yifan really likes Neil's almost inflated tone of self-confidence. This little girl is more charming when she is arrogant than when she giggles.

After transferring the mental pressure to Nell, Su Yifan was finally in the mood to take a closer look at the little girl named Ningning.

Because it was summer vacation, Ning Ning did not wear the most common ugly student school uniform, but a white shirt with a clean orange skirt. Although the whole person is very beautiful, if you look carefully, you can still find a little girl's temperament when she has grown up.

Clean forehead, single ponytail, a pair of eyes, not a very beautiful little girl, but a protective sense of weakness.

It's hard to imagine that Allen would pity his students so much. Su Yifan couldn't even help thinking about it, but when he saw that Allen didn't even dare to touch Ningning's shoulder, he felt that the uncle was pure and cute in some aspects.

"Hello, Ningning, I'm a student of Binhai No. 1 High School, and I'm also a sophomore in high school." Su Yifan knew that he was not actually the kind of player who could make people laugh with three sharp words. He simply reported himself to his home. He estimated that Alan had been clear about his information for a long time.

Allen was looking down and replying to the message. Nell stared at Alan, and Ningning was still crying. Su Yifan's words did not have much effect, but they obviously attracted Ning's attention.

Su Yifan spread out his hand to Ningning and continued, "You see, I don't know that my classmate is not only a transfer student, but we get along well."

Ning Ning's eyes withdrew from looking up at the ceiling and stared at Su Yifan. The timid little girl's eyes were actually very fierce.

"So you pointed a gun at my teacher?"

Su Yifan smiled and said, "Do you know? I thought girls would be scared when they saw that.

Ningning said, "The teacher is by my side, and I'm not afraid of anything."

Nelle interrupted, "Such a serious love affair is terrible. Alan, you have to be careful."

Alan, who replied to the text message, angrily said, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Su Yifan still smiled at Ning Ning: "You see, just like your teacher will protect you, I will also try my best to protect my classmates."

Nil, who was still smiling, heard this and turned her head to smile sweetly at Su Yifan.

"You are well protected."

Su Yifan also smiled: "Faling, I know I'm not qualified enough."

Seeing the tacit understanding between the two, Allen sighed a little: "Your relationship is enviable."

"It's very difficult for him to accompany me to do these things." Nell looked at Su Yifan with a little tenderness, but the muzzle of the gun was still facing Alan under the dining table. "I wanted to solve it by myself, alas..."

Alan now understands Neil's emotional state: "Am I dead now without him?"

Nelle smiled and refused to say anything.


Su Yifan didn't care about the two, but looked at Ning Ning and asked, "You didn't know your teacher's real identity until today, did you?"

Ning Ning took a look at Alan, hesitated for a moment, and nodded.

Allen can't calm down this time: "Impossible..."

Ning Ning lowered her head and whispered, "I find that teachers are sometimes very**, and then they can speak some foreign languages that I don't understand... I will learn them secretly in the same way, but when I can understand, the teacher will no longer speak in front of me."

"That's it, you know?"

"I don't know... just guessing." Ning lowered her head and still had tears, but there were obviously fewer. "Once the teacher used a very small thing to communicate with people, and I saw it."

Nile explained to Su Yifan: "It should be a small bone chip implant, which should be replaced regularly, otherwise it will damage your hearing."

Allen was speechless. He didn't expect that he could not hide his seamless disguise in front of female students.

Ningning probably talked about these things to people for the first time. Unexpectedly, she couldn't stop and continued: "I didn't dare to think too much at that time. Today, when I heard the teacher talking to you, I knew that I was right..."

Su Yifan said, "No matter who your teacher is, you know that he loves you very much."

Ning Ning nodded, and there were still tears dripping.

"I know... I'm small and slow to develop. My classmates bully me, and the teacher protects me and encourages me..."

Hearing this description that overlapped with his encounter, Su Yifan shook his head and said to Nell beside him, "Are you really going to kill Alan? I can't do it."

Nil smiled: "What you have learned these days really doesn't have much impact on you."


Su Yifan suddenly felt very ashamed that he was still a child psychologically.

Alan, who has been covering his face with his hand, slowly put down his hands, looked at Su Yifan and asked, "Child, are you really going to become a person like us?"

Su Yifan shook his head: "I just want to protect some people."

"Don't let him become a person like us." Allen said to Neil, "Just like I don't want Ning to become a machine that only knows how to copy, that road is not suitable for him."

"Of course I know." Nell said, "But pain is the only way to grow up, and you can't get anything in a smooth life."

Alan handed the phone on the table to Nell.

"I replied to Albert that I needed to deal with the chores and then contact him."


"Three hours, what you want."

Nil asked again, "Where is Albert now?"

"Do you think he can speak?" Allen said helplessly, "I have a headache when I think of that person. Maybe only a madman will be appreciated by the board of directors of the company, right?"

"Every big family has to raise two biting mad dogs." Nell said, "Well, you don't have to worry about us. You'd better worry about your good students."

Although Su Yifan felt ashamed on the other side, he still tried his best to accompany Ning Ning. Probably never talked about these topics with his peers. Ning Ning, who looked very shy just now, actually said a lot and said a lot about her own depression.

There are only a few kinds of pains of high school girls. They are excluded, no one likes them, the people they like have no intersection with themselves, and they are dissatisfied with the surrounding environment... Ning Ning's words are almost all about her bullying. Everything is nothing in Su Yifan's eyes now, but it's big for an ordinary female high school student. Over the day.

"...So your classmates think you are appreciated by the teacher and hate you even more?"


When Ningning said these things, she naturally began to look at her fingers, and her expression was still timid.

Su Yifan took a look at Alan, shook his head and said, "I think you should teach her how to be stronger, not just comfort her."

Allen was stunned for a moment and asked, "Let Ningning attack her classmates?"

At this time, Su Yifan couldn't help thinking of Cheng Shuixin. He thought of the girl who was so strong that almost no one could defeat him and said seriously, "Yes... If you don't let others bully yourself, how can those people stop?"

Nelle blew another hooligan whistle.

"Su, you agree with me."

This theory is exactly what Nell thinks now. If AUU hadn't understood that it would cost a lot to pursue him, Nell probably wouldn't have taken the initiative to fight against AUU's nails.

In fact, Nell can choose a more intense way. In her opinion, whether it is Ning Ning or Rennie's little girlfriend, they are all irrelevant roles.

Nelle doesn't mind killing her target in front of these girls in public. At this moment, the only thing she cares about is actually Su Yifan.

Because of Su Yifan, the whole thing has changed.

But so far, Nell thinks that this seems to be good?

The effect of a peaceful solution is not necessarily worse than that of violence.