My Goddess

Chapter 478 Best Plan

Albert didn't think about it. He punched him casually and directly beat the person who attacked him out.

After the start, Albert's strength is so strong that he doesn't even have a chance to change his opponent. This punch was blown out, and the other party was beaten back a few meters, and the whole person was stuck to the wall and could not move.

Albert didn't look at the man's expression, put away his fist and reported a combination of numbers and passwords directly.

This is the activity password, which changes every 72 hours. Basically, only people who use the intelligence transit station will report this kind of password, and most of the time, the password only needs to be recited by the person in charge of the transit station every 72 hours, and there is no practical opportunity.

A young man who was punched by Albert is a young man who can be seen everywhere in the sky. He has a young face less than 30 years old, his hair is not long, and his body is a little fat. His face is slightly flushed and he is wearing a wrinkled shirt.

The young man pressed his hands against the wall and looked at Albert's eyes as if he were looking at the monster. He gasped a few times before confirming: "Now?"

This sounds very ambiguous, even a bit like a tease between homosexuals. Albert nodded formally: "I want it now."

If this kind of confirmation is only for ordinary customers, it only confirms the time to print things. For Albert, it is to confirm the immediate activation of the action process.

The young man breathed a sigh of relief. His already tight shoulders collapsed and said to Albert, "The company did not inform me that I would have activities. I need to contact the company for temporary activation."

Albert nodded: "The company will send you an official letter. Wait a moment."

In order to keep the operation as secret as possible, arranging vehicles and intelligence relay stations for Albert are two different processes. In this way, Albert's whereabouts can be guaranteed not to be revealed to the maximum extent.

The young man looked up and down at Albert. He was the kind of person who did not have the opportunity to work at the headquarters and could only learn about some of the company's interpersonal relationships from the internal website.

"Hello, Xiao Yu."

Albert shook hands with the Asian youth for a moment: "Albert. Albert."

Xiao Yu obviously knew the legend and was surprised, but he didn't say anything more professionally. Instead, he turned his head and opened another door: "Mr. Albert, please come in. I'll wait for the company's official letter."

Albert prompted: "In your email, now."

Xiao Yu obviously still had a trace of distrust of Albert. He stared at Albert and turned on his mobile phone at the same time, confirming that he smiled more relaxedly after receiving the email.

"What does Mr. Albert want to do now? I will try my best to cooperate with you."

Albert looked back at the light that had not yet fully lit and replied in a low voice, "Wait."

The young Xiao Yu looked at Albert in astonishment.

The best plan is often without a plan.

Only when there is no plan can there be no trace. Albert knows this well, so he came to this country without a detailed plan and action plan.

Those things have been proven to be invalid before, especially the orders issued at AUU headquarters, which should be almost transparent to the witch, right?

After so many circles, what Albert wants to do is just to avoid Su Xiaoqing's intelligence surveillance.

Now that people have arrived in the Celestial Empire, Albert knows that the actions of Nio and Anthony are about to begin. What he can do is not to add fuel to the flames, but to wait quietly.

There is nothing easier and harder than waiting.

Xiao Yu was surprised to find that Albert, who had been extremely manic, impatient and had super action in the legend. Albert actually fell asleep in his small copy shop.

Is this person really the Albert he knows? Xiao Yu is even a little suspicious now.



It took Su Yifan a long time to get rid of the emotion that Nell had just killed a person.

Even holding Neil like this, Su Yifan can still feel that her body is a little cold.

No one can be indifferent to killing people.

If you are really indifferent, it's not the Nell that Su Yifan appreciates.

The two haven't talked for a long time. Nell only cared about driving and enjoyed Su Yifan's hug. From time to time, she bowed to Su Yifan for a rub, just like a cat eager to touch.

"Albert will not use the old intelligence relay station." While enjoying Su Yifan's hug, Nell did not forget to get into business. "Now you must be using the new transit station, where the person in charge is young, ignorant, easy to control, and will not have a fixed view on him."

Su Yifan smelled the faint fragrance of Neil and asked in a low voice, "Let's go straight to Albert?"

Nelle looked at the road ahead and nodded, "Albert also wants me to find him, right? He is willing to come in person, mainly because he is sure that I will come to him.

Su Yifan began to worry: "Can you beat him?"

"I can't beat it..." Nell told the truth, "But I can find a way. There is always a way to deal with it. He should be alone."

Su Yifan is strange: "Shouldn't AUU arrest you with great fanfare? Why is Albert the only one?

"Albert doesn't want others to know where he is." Nell guessed, "For Albert, I may be more than a traitor who knows that intelligence wants to sell to others, and even now I feel that he added this charge to me. Albert wants more than intelligence from me.

Su Yifan is still worried about Neil: "In this case, just contact Sister Qing and don't confront him head-on."

If there are any questions at ordinary times, I'm afraid Nell will agree with Su Yifan's opinion. Only now, she shook her head slightly in the dark night.

"No, this is my own business. I want to solve it by myself."

Su Yifan said nothing more. He saw himself from Nell a few months ago. At that time, I was too familiar with the feeling that I could face everything and solve everything. Of course, in the end, I actually caused a lot of trouble to Su Xiaoqing.

Many things can only be understood after passing through. Since Nell has her own persistence, Su Yifan feels that he can only respect it.

"Do you have any good idea?"

"No." Nell said, "The best plan is always changing. Let's talk about it then."

Su Yifan sighed at Neil's heartlessness. Of course, the matter of solving three nails in a row tonight also made him look at Neil with new eyes. This girl has the tenacity to go to the black one by one, and Su Yifan also admires this.

"Where is our goal?" Su Yifan asked Nell. In fact, he had no chance to ask on the way when he came, and he just put his arms around the little girl's waist.

Nelle stared at the road ahead with a focused look: "Donglin City."



Nio, who was driving, did not smoke. The carriage was dark, and only the breathing of two old men came one after another.

The speed on the dashboard showed that the car was already speeding. Cancer, who had been silent, seemed to be resting with his eyelids. After a moment, he raised his head and said to Neo, "You are more like the people living here than me."


"Only people who are used to this kind of life will feel that speeding is the norm in life." Cancer took a look at the speedometer and said, "This car is useless. I hope the original owner's traffic points are enough."

Nio is still accelerating the car: "Do you regret joining me?"

"Of course not." Cancer said, "You still regret the decision. Do you think I came out to work on the first day?"

"Like you said, we are all old." Neo said, "When people get old, they tend to become weak."

"What can't kill us will only make us stronger." Cancer took out two bags of mayonnaise-like things from the storage box under the dashboard and bit open one by himself. "Would you like to eat some?"

"No." Neo said, "I'll celebrate until Albert dies."

"It may be us who will die, so let's have fun in time." Cancer is actually more unlucky than Neo. "Albert is not an ordinary idiot. Even if we work together, the winning rate is not so high."

Nio nodded: "I know...but now is Albert's weakest time, which is a good opportunity."

"So you have a plan?" Cancer asked, "It is not enough to know the location and staffing of the intelligence relay station."

"The best plan is no plan." Neo said, "Albert knows me well, and I know him well. The best plan between us is for everyone to give up the plan."

"He knew you would kill him?"

"I don't know, but I will be prepared." Neo sighed, "The old guys know fewer and fewer people."

Cancer looked at Neo and said, "Because there are more and more people like you."

Nio didn't care about Cancer's sarcasm and said, "This time it's because it's against Albert, otherwise you think you can buy me with money alone?"

Cancer sneered, "Of course money can buy you. The difference is just the amount."

"If someone asks me to kill you, I will probably kill that person." Neo said seriously, "In this world, you are my best friend."

"Albert asked you to take charge of this matter because you let me take action again, right?" Cancer is very clear about this stake. "He didn't think you could persuade me to kill him together?"

Neo laughed and said, "Confident people are usually cute, and Albert is no exception."

"What about the tactical team you arranged?" Cancer asked, "What if they succeed?"

Speaking of Ivan and others, Neo, who was stepping on the accelerator, began to slow down slowly.

"They... they won't succeed."

"How do you know?"

"If Su Xiaoqing is really such an easy person to deal with, AUU's gentlemen will not have put up with it until today to let us test it." Neo said, "Albert, the madman, who doesn't dare to provoke, do you think Ivan's team can handle it?"

Cancer smiled: "There are always surprises in life."

"This kind of thing is not buying big*." Neo said seriously, "No matter how lucky Ivan is, he won't be able to complete the task I gave him."

Cancer looked at his old friend and shook his head with a wry smile.

"So you asked Ivan to catch Su Xiaoqing, but you didn't expect him to come back alive, did you?"

Nio didn't say anything.

He acquiesced.