My Goddess

Chapter 499 The Last Straw

Su Yifan has never hugged Neil so hard, even if the little girl swallowed the sword for him so hard.

The joy and fear of the rest of his life after the disaster bulging in his chest, Su Yifan wanted to try to kiss Nell's cheek, and the wind in the air made his eyes have the impulse to cry.

Nier held Su Yifan as hard as she was, and was afraid of pressing his wound, so she could only show her excitement, like a little mute.

The two slowly fell from the air, and below was the botanical garden in Donglin City, which was silent this morning.

Su Yifan had no similar experience. After landing, his legs subconsciously softened and were supported by Nell.

Just in the air, it was also Nell who pressed the pressure detonator without hesitation.

"Albert also came down." Nell firmly supported Su Yifan and whispered, "We still have to be careful."

Su Yifan took a breath and showed a little smile on his face.

"I want to kiss you."

Nelle was stunned for a moment, and then kissed Su Yifan's smiling face, but said, "This is not an American movie. Don't be so romantic..."

The kiss between the two lasted only two or three seconds. Nell untied the parachute shoulder strap with her backhand and whispered, "Albert should be coming soon. Let's go."

Su Yifan shook his head with a smile: "I don't think he will have a chance."

In the sun, Su Yifan's smile is still bright, just like the one Nell saw many times before.

Nelle understood something in an instant and stamped her foot and said, "You and Su Xiaoqing really have a tacit understanding."

Su Yifan smiled happily, and a joy for the rest of his life spread in his heart.

"It's the same as you."

This sentence comforted the little blonde girl very well. Nell knew that Su Yifan had a good cooperation with her just now, so she acquiesced to this fact and was no longer awkward.

Albert, who climbed up from the artificial lake, could cross the woods and see Nell and Su Yifan from afar. He didn't even shake the water on his body. He adjusted his posture and began to sprint in the direction of the two.

Nil's reaction was no slower than Albert. After untied the shoulder strap of the parachute, she pulled Su Yifan and began to run to the door of the botanical garden.

Su Yifan is not as anxious as Nell. At this time, he has completely believed in Su Xiaoqing.

Albert's last luck has been used up on the helicopter.

After following Nell's footsteps, Albert was less than 150 meters away from them. At this time, Su Yifan suddenly pulled Nell to stop.

Nil was stunned for a moment, but there was no hesitation, and also followed Su Yifan to stand still.

The botanical garden in Donglin City covers a vast area, but the people who come are too few. The empty grass is as green as fake grass, and the sun is very beautiful on it. Albert stepped on it, and every step was so far that it made people suspect that he had participated in the Olympic Games.

Looking at Albert from afar, Su Yifan slowly raised his arm.


After saying this sentence, Albert, who was still sprinting, suddenly stagnated, as if he had been held down by some inertia, and fell head on the grass.

Fortunately, it was the grass. Albert struggled to jump up from the ground, and there were no obvious scars on his body.

The position of the knee was hot and painful. Albert felt it in astonishment and knew that it was a rubber bullet, the kind used to maintain street order.

Who would use this kind of thing?

Many thoughts flashed in Albert's mind, but at this time, the sense of loss that he should have succeeded was hitting his heart, making him unable to think normally.

Nil looked around and sighed helplessly.

"Su, do you think they will take me too?"

Su Yifan held Neil's hand tightly.

"With me, I won't."

In just a few seconds of Albert's hesitation, a lot of light and shadow began to shake beside the surrounding tree trunks, on the grass, and even among the thick branches and leaves.

Even Nell has to take a closer look to know that the level of these camouflage is far higher than the so-called leaf camouflage she has seen.

If those people hadn't begun to make obvious large movements, even Nell would have been difficult to see how many people were hidden here.

No matter how many people there are, these people are obviously on Su Yifan's side.

A camouflage close to Su Yifan first stood up. He was a tall young man with a masked face and showed a pair of eagle-like eyes.

The young man stared at Su Yifan, focused on Albert and raised his left hand high.

Albert also saw the young man's gestures and closed his eyes and shook his head.

The young man's hands fell and fell, and countless rubber bullets were fired at Albert in an instant.

Because there are too many people lying in ambush here, Albert can't dodge at all. He can only protect his head with his hands and curl up to minimize the damage.

When Su Yifan saw this scene, he was actually a little flustered just now and finally stabilized.

Nelle looked at these people in surprise and shook her head, "How did they do it?"

Su Yifan grinned, and his mouth was a little red, all the blood from his mouth.

"Of course, it was notified by Mr. Euler."

"So fast?"

"It should be that people have been arranged in the surrounding area..." Su Yifan is confident in the speed of Euler's solution to the battle, but he has little confidence in his behavior just now. "Actually, thank you."

The first round of rubber bullets has ended. Albert's body seems to have been beaten by countless heavy punches, and his whole state is completely different from just now. But these people in camouflage did not intend to let him go at all, and still formed a fan-shaped team to maintain a shooting posture, as if they planned to do it again at any time.

In fact, the young man leading the team also thought so. He looked at Albert for a few seconds and raised his left hand again.

In fact, there is also a loud gunshot when hitting rubber bullets, which can be regarded as a loud gunshot. Su Yifan stood outside a safe distance and watched these people shoot at Albert without any sympathy in his heart.

Even if Albert was killed here immediately, Su Yifan would not feel much sadness.

After the second round, the young man made another gesture.

I'm afraid it hurts when ordinary people are hit by three rounds of rubber bullets by so many guns. After three rounds, Albert is in a different state. After three rounds, he has no strength to protect his head with his hands and loses his previous majestic image.

After three rounds of volley shooting, the young man did not shout to continue, but looked at Su Yifan again and made a waiting gesture.

Albert has experienced many painful scenes in his life, but most of them are on local secret war battlefields, and few such a person has been bombarded like a dog in a corner of the city.

Compared with the pride of tying the bomb to Su Yifan's hand just now, it can be regarded as the most miserable moment in Albert's life.

barely supported his body. Albert stared at Nell and Su Yifan. He knew that he might not be able to rewrite the ending this time, but he still had doubts about the answer.

"Child, how did you do it?"

Su Yifan opened his mouth to let Albert look at the wound inside: "Niel said that I would never learn to hide a blade in my mouth in my life. She lost the bet with me."


Albert never thought that it was such an introvertible skill, and he was really negligent.

Imagine that Su Yifan is a well-behaved student. Even before entering Albert's sight, no one pays attention to him, and there is no bad record in the school. Who would have thought that such a teenager learned to hide a blade in his mouth in such a short time?

The blade that had been hidden in Nell's mouth was handed over to Su Yifan by kissing. He cut his button while others were paying attention to each other and still pretended to be held hostage by Albert.

Su Yifan also hoped to make a big Jedi turnaround, but he didn't expect that it would still not be successful. Albert's experience and reaction are still top-notch, and his little cleverness can only let himself escape from danger.

Nil stood beside Su Yifan with her arm in her arms, and now she is finally completely relieved. The relaxation that had never been before came to her mind, which made her feel a little more mood and asked Albert, "Do you have any good ideas now?"

Albert shook his head. He was not the kind of person who liked to die generously and would not tie a pile of explosives on his body before moving.

Now Albert is considering the identity of these people who came to rescue Su Yifan. If it is an official identity, he still has a chance to survive.

For Albert, who can no longer be regarded as a mere commercial spy, he knows his value better than others.

As long as there are enough benefits and enough weight, you can always find opportunities to regain freedom and come back again.

The other party besieged himself with rubber bullets, but he is actually reluctant to kill himself, right?

"There is no better way." Albert said, "I'm willing to surrender."

Nil pouted and said, "This is not like your style. I thought you would resist to the end."

"I know my situation very well." Albert can still laugh at this time, "Little angel, maybe you won, but it's not enough. You don't know how dark the road ahead is."

"No matter how dark my road is, there are people who walk with me." Nell made a grimace at Albert and said, "But you have nothing but yourself and ambition, and you don't even have freedom."

Albert had no interest in this kind of voice, but just smiled. Although he was in a miserable situation, he still maintained a certain temperament.

But Su Yifan obviously didn't want to give Albert such a chance. He took over a pair of headphones handed to him by the tall young man, listened for a moment, and asked with a smile, "Albert, do you want to know who are these people who shot you?"

A bad emotion surged in Albert's heart. He didn't say anything, just stared at the tall young man, as if he was going to see through what was hidden under his hood.

Su Yifan coughed and snapped his finger at the young man.

"Tell him who you are."

The young man smiled and pulled off the camouflage mask, revealing his true face.

Albert's face suddenly turned pale, and even his steady voice began to tremble.

"Gemini?! You, are you from AUU?!"