My Goddess

Chapter 205 New Students

Although it is not clear why David did such an obvious behavior that attracted people's attention, this counterattack did catch Mrs. Yang off guard.

For Mrs. Yang, stability is more important than anything else. Since Yang Bingbing was attacked, the stability she controlled with one hand has ceased to exist.

Yang Jialiang and Zhao Chuanzhi rushed to New York overnight to see Mrs. Yang. Before they could sort out their thoughts and talk to Mrs. Yang in detail, everyone was shocked when the news came.

The people who were sent to "take back" Dai Ge's mother and daughter will never die. These lives alone are enough to give Mrs. Yang a headache, not to mention that they have lost the news of Dai Ge and Zhao Xuan.

What happened in the suburbs of Xinyang City was quickly known by the main parties, and everyone's reaction was different.

Dai Qing was still under house arrest. He laughed nervously when he heard the news and did not make any comments.

On the contrary, Yang Jialiang, who has always been cautious and cautious, immediately called Yang Zongyuan in China: "If Zhao Xuan contacts you recently, remember to inform me."

Yang Zongyuan, who received the phone call, was looking at a note on his office desk and smiled bitterly.

The note is written on the guest message letter of Huazhimeng, and there is only one English word on it.

Hope, that is, hope.

There is no doubt that this is what Zhao Xuan left to himself.

Yang Zongyuan finally understood that David came to become friends with him, and even the close personal relationship between the two was just Zhao Xuan's first-hand arrangement.

Even David asked him to save Zhao Xuan and asked himself what choice he wanted to make was just a formality and wanted to see his attitude.

Between his mother and Zhao Xuan, Yang Zongyuan finally chose to rescue Zhao Xuan.

As David said, violence can bring a certain degree of deterrence. Mrs. Yang had to work hard to strengthen protection, and also took into account Yang Bingbing's personal safety. With so many fears, Mrs. Yang will definitely avoid Zhao Xuan's edge.

Zhao Xuan's method is very simple and effective. Yang Zongyuan estimated that Mrs. Yang would not make too fierce actions in a short period of time. Older women are easy to compromise, while young people play a brave role. The rules of the world have always been the same and have never changed.

The only thing that worries Yang Zongyuan is, what should he do if Su Xiaoqing intervenes again?



In the morning, when he learned the news that people couldn't sleep well, Su Yifan did not call Su Xiaoqing at the first time, but thought about it for a moment, then got up for breakfast and went back to school to participate in the return to school day.

drove to pick up Yang Bingbing and met Cheng Shuixin's mistress car that picked up Zhang Yao. Several people went straight to school.

After seeing Yang Bingbing, Su Yifan did not deliberately mention what happened last night, but said a few jokes he made in the morning, which made Yang Bingbing laugh for a long time.

On such a happy day, Su Yifan really doesn't want anything to ruin Yang Bingbing's good mood.

Today's school gate is very lively, and all kinds of private cars are parked almost full in the parking lot at the door. Usually, the students who are suppressed by school uniforms and their personalities are almost distorted in school dress up either bright or secretly, and buy the school gate confidently one by one.

In the third class classroom, it was still the earliest monitor Li Peiran to arrive. When Su Yifan and Cheng Shuixin entered the classroom with a smile, Li Peiran's eyes were slightly bright.

Su Yifan thought what was wrong with Li Peiran. He glanced at him and found that the boy was actually wearing an Omega, which was similar to the one in his hand. He was rolling up his arm and putting it on the desk so that it was easy for people to see.

Cheng Shuixin also followed Su Yifan's eyes curiously and immediately understood what was going on. She turned to Su Yifan and smiled and whispered, "It's awesome. Isn't it expensive?"

For Cheng Shuixin, who usually has first-class acting skills, Su Yifan really doesn't want to comment on anything now. He is not only pompous, but also has a perfunctory attitude.

"I don't know, I don't understand." Although Cheng Shuixin obviously doesn't want to act, Su Yifan is still very cooperative.

Cheng Shuixin said "Oh" and didn't look at Li Peiran again. She sat in the seat next to Su Yifan at all, which quickly changed the topic.

"Today is the shift, as you wish?"

Su Yifan asked with a smile, "Isn't it as good as you want?"

Cheng Shuixin was not good at Su Yifan. Now it is almost a typical feature of Su Yifan. Since he had close contact with himself, the boy has been much more presumptuous towards himself. This kind of presumptuousness made Cheng Shuixin secretly happy, but he was also worried that he had the same attitude towards others.

Shuixin's own psychological disorders have now been solved a lot. Just like now, Cheng Shuixin herself feels good about the scene of sitting side by side with Su Yifan, and she has become more undifferent to other people's eyes than before.

The two said a few words, and their classmates began to come one after another. Lin Lu and Tang Ying entered the classroom hand in hand like a pair of sisters. Seeing Cheng Shuixin sitting next to Su Yifan, their eyes became a little strange.

The two also saw the scene of Yang Bingbing's birthday party that night. In fact, although the Huazhimeng Hotel is luxurious, it is not a non-consumable level. The main reason is that when the two saw the appearance of many so-called celebrities with countless terrible names hanging on their heads, the index of awe of Yang Bingbing suddenly rose by several levels.

What's more surprising is Su Yifan. This classmate usually has a close relationship with several beautiful women. Yang Bingbing and Cheng Shuixin also played the play of two women fighting for husbands at school with Su Yifan as the core. Unexpectedly, Yang Bingbing still treated Su Yifan as the backbone at her own banquet.

Compared with some small details in school, this is so admirable.

"Morning." Su Yifan has a good impression on these two classmates, especially the deputy monitor Lin Lu. Lin Lu is also a girl with her own principles and strong personality. She has stood on her side openly for several times. This alone is enough for Su Yifan to remember all the time.

Lin Lu glanced at Su Yifan with a smile and said good morning, but her eyes were dripping around Cheng Shuixin again.

Cheng Shuixin is not a passively ridiculed person. She didn't have to wait for Lin Lu to ask, "Hashang Chao called you these days?"

Originally, it was a casual question, but Lin Lu's eyes fluttered in a mess.

", oh no, hit, hit..."

Su Yifan didn't care about Lin Lu flirting with himself and Cheng Shuixin's eyes. In his opinion, this kind of thing was nothing. Unexpectedly, Cheng Shuixin's eyes were like a torch, and she saw some strange private contact between Lin Lu and Zhang Chao.

Cheng Shuixin understood the realm of leaving white in traditional Chinese painting, but she asked lightly. After getting Lin Lu's answer, she said "Oh" and stopped asking.

Su Yifan looked at Lin Lu with a sympathetic face and said to himself that the deputy class leader actually wanted to fight with Cheng Shuixin, which was indeed the rhythm of the birthday star eating *.

Not long after, Zhang Chao also came. He had a faint dark circle on his face when he just came back from other places, but he was in good spirits. Seeing Su Yifan, he waved, "Hey, how are you these days?"

Su Yifan asked, "How are you?" Is the trip okay?

"Don't mention it, my parents are so cheap that people' faces are covered with blood in the scenic spot." Zhang Chao sighed, "It doesn't work to call the police. I had to do game planning in the hotel in the middle of the night, which almost exhausted me.

Su Yifan took a look at Lin Lu, who had turned her head and Cheng Shuixin, smiled and said, "Oh, isn't there still time to call? Why didn't you call me?"

Zhang Chao didn't realize that the matter of calling Lin Lu was exposed, and said contemptuously, "You are much busier than me, and you have to accompany so many beautiful women. How dare I call you casually?"

Cheng Shuixin was next to her. Zhang Chao opened her mouth when she cheated her teammates. Her face did not change much, but she joked with Su Yifan.

"Call the deputy monitor when you have time?"


Zhang Chao was speechless for a moment and looked at Lin Lu unnaturally. He found that the little girl didn't even look back. Then he regained a little confidence and explained: "Well... I don't remember the back-to-school day. Ask the deputy monitor. As you know, our monitor is basically a decoration.

Li Peiran was furious when he heard this and almost raised his watch-wearing arm to hit someone. But looking at Su Yifan sitting next to Zhang Chao, Li Peiran could only continue to raise his arm and show the entry-level Omega worth tens of thousands of yuan.

Su Yifan made a suddenly enlightened expression: "Oh, it's for the school, no wonder..."

Zhang Chao knew that Su Yifan didn't believe in himself, so he simply said, "Anyway, I explained it clearly. Do you believe it or not... By the way, Yu Zheng has been pulling me to do things again recently. Are you not going to come to save me?"

Su Yifan asked, "Don't you make money?"

Zhang Chao has realized the many benefits of money. At least he will no longer drool at the computer hardware, and there is no intimidation but only lure to Su Yifan.

"That still has to be earned..."

"Then why did you ask me?" Su Yifan said, "Beway, isn't it good to practice with other people's projects?"

Zhang Chao suddenly felt that Su Yifan was many times more sinister than himself, and he decided not to play DOTA with such a sinister person for a short time.

The students of a class soon gathered together, and the classroom suddenly became an Indian food market again. Everyone exchanged their experiences during the recent summer vacation, showing off their experiences and gossiping with each other. Soon the bell rang, and Wang Qin opened the classroom door and walked in.

The back-to-school day is actually to announce a class placement plan and give parents who want to spend money on activities a time to prepare. Wang Qin stood on the podium and announced the class placement plan blankly. The liberal arts class was still led by her who taught Chinese. Some students left and some students joined. In Su Yifan's expectation, Yang Bingbing's name is also on the list.

After announcing the division of classes, we should repeat the personal safety precautions during the summer vacation. However, at this time, the students below are no longer interested in listening, and everyone is talking about class placement in private.

unless after the return to school day, Su Yifan waited for Yang Bingbing to come out at the gate of the No. 2 teaching building and smiled at the girl with a single ponytail and said, "I will be classmates in the future. Finally, I don't have to work so hard to find you."

Yang Bingbing spit out her tongue very playfully, and her expression was invincible and cute.

"New classmates beg Boss Su to take more care of them."