My Goddess

Chapter 283 Dead

When Yang Bingbing rushed over, Su Yifan just had a simple bombardment in his mind and said that there was too much physical contact between the two. I have hugged and kissed. It's nothing new to watch horror movies holding my arms... Su Yifan also slept all night with Yang Bingbing in his arms. When he woke up in the morning, he put his hand on the back of his jeans and touched the little lion's buttocks in plain words. So he really didn't feel very fresh and exciting when the two hugged each other this time, but it was really a little mysterious that the location became his bedroom.

Now Su Yifan will not say directly what embarrass the girl. Yang Bingbing has gritted her teeth to do this step. He will certainly not be too cowardly. Opening his arms really welcomed Yang Bingbing into his arms. Su Yifan held the girl's strength and asked softly in her ear with a smile, "Aren't you being caught by my mother in the morning?"

Yang Bingbing was so ashamed that she looked up and buried her face in Su Yifan's shoulder and refused to show it. She muttered in a low voice, "Auntie went out very early in the morning. She won't call me after making breakfast. I have figured out the rules these days."

Once the two began to talk, the inexplicable pressure in their hearts suddenly eased. Su Yifan laughed and said, "It's so careful that I forgot what my mother had regular activities."

"If it's a family, it's definitely not ** for this kind of thing." Yang Bingbing hugged Su Yifan and seemed to be in a better mood than just now. "I'm still thinking that it's not good to get up one morning to help my aunt make breakfast."

Su Yifan sighed when he heard it, and even felt that it was not so important to hold a fragrant and delicate body in his arms. With Yang Bingbing's identity and living state, she can think of others. On the one hand, she is kind enough, and on the other hand, she must have her own reasons. If Gu Ying was Su Yifan's mother, Yang Bingbing would probably not have tried to please her so much. Just look at her attitude towards Su Lishi.

"Don't worry, my mother likes you. She will be happy to make breakfast for you."

Yang Bingbing's face was still buried on Su Yifan's shoulder and hummed, "The more good people are to me, the more I should pay attention to them, shouldn't I?"

Su Yifan's heart was clear when he heard this, and his arms tightened, making Yang Bingbing breathe a little nervous in her arms.

"I'll talk to you and go to bed when you're tired."

This time, Yang Bingbing finally raised her deeply buried face and looked at Su Yifan, with a pair of big eyes full of shy smiles.


In the past, Su Yifan felt that lying on the quilt and chatting would only happen in the white description of those who hooked up with traitors, or in the confession of the otaku who sighed that he had missed the opportunity, but he didn't expect that one day it would finally fall on him. Lying on the back of the bed, Yang Bingbing lay on the outside, and the two of them lay there and continued to talk about the past. Their mentality was more natural than just now.

"Didn't she have any airs when you played with Chu Ruo before?"

"It's okay. At that time, we all felt that Chu Ruo was very proud and difficult to contact."

"Have you skipped class together?"


"What do you do when you skip class?"

"Play games, read comics, and sometimes go to comic bars to watch cartoons and watch movies... You know, what entertainment activities can middle school students have?"

"Do you also go out to sing?"

"At that time, Shi Lei organized twice, but the response was average."

"Oh... I thought if Chu liked it, everyone would organize it."

"In middle school, there were not so many girls who were busy playing blindly. How was your middle school? A lot of people are chasing you, right?

"Don't mention it... I dare not go with my classmates after school. Female classmates think I'm popular, and boys think I'm not easy to contact, so they simply don't have any friends.

"In fact, violence in school is quite annoying, whether it is cold violence or superficial violence."

"Well, I was autistic at that time, so I can understand Cheng Shuixin's distress very well."



Talking aimlessly, the two finally couldn't resist sleepiness and fell asleep. Su Yifan was completely relaxed at this time and didn't feel how uncomfortable it was to sleep with a girl beside him. He didn't even think that if he turned over, his arm might touch the girl's forbidden area.

Then Su Yifan really turned over in the middle of the night, because he was used to sleeping alone...

When he woke up the next morning, Su Yifan found that his hand was on a soft body beside him, his wrist was stuck under the girl's armpit, and his whole palm was close to the beautiful arc, and a bulging and soft position was blooming at his fingertips.

Yang Bingbing originally fell asleep in the posture of holding the quilt, but now she has become the appearance of holding Su Yifan's clothes with both hands and half of her body near his chest.

The body feels not dull after waking up in the morning, but quite sensitive. Su Yifan almost excitedly wanted to turn over, but he couldn't help thinking of the embarrassment of waking up after falling asleep with Yang Bingbing in the hotel, so he tried to control his heartbeat and held his breath and did not dare to move.

This kind of contact is really painful for Su Yifan, who has just woken up. He had the physical reaction of the teenager in the early morning, and his fingers wiped the non-thick pajamas, and he could feel the vitality of Yang Bingbing's youth. Su Yifan felt that there was an uncontrolled beast roaring in his heart and wanted to break free from his reason.

Yang Bingbing probably went to bed late and still hasn't woke up. Her long eyelashes trembled with her breathing. The most beautiful version of Sleeping Beauty can be thought of, and her spirit is still floating in her dream.

Many times Su Yifan can observe Yang Bingbing closely, but he knows that the education Yang Bingbing has received since she was a child has always tried to restrain her emotions and show herself a relatively perfect side. Even if the emotion is exposed by chance, it is just fleeting.

Carefully recalling that the most real Yang Bingbing Su Yifan saw was probably her when she was watching a horror film.

At this time, the long-breathing girl's expression was quiet, and her whole body was relaxed and cute. Su Yifan stared at her eyes and was a little reluctant to blink. For a moment, she felt infinitely beautiful. She even forgot that her hand was still on the girl's chest and forgot a swelling in her lower abdomen.

The sound of Gu Ying getting up and picking up and packing outside the door has sounded. Su Yifan wanted to wake up Yang Bingbing and prepare her to go back to her room, and felt that it seemed too cruel to destroy the girl's dream. Under the entanglement of the two compartments, Su Yifan simply continued to look at Yang Bingbing's dream face. For a moment, his heart was full of emotions and memories, and it was not clear.

I don't know how long it took, Su Yifan heard Gu Ying's footsteps evacuating from the kitchen, and then the door of his room was knocked.

"Su Yifan, get up. You get up for breakfast first and let Yang Bingbing sleep for a while. You can call her later.

Gu Ying's knock on the door was not loud, but it was enough to wake up Yang Bingbing in her dream. The girl trembled all over and opened her big eyes to see Su Yifan staring at her. She was almost whispered in surprise.

Su Yifan watched Yang Bingbing open her eyes. Of course, he would not let this happen. At this time, he didn't care where he put his hands, and directly stretched out to cover Yang Bingbing's mouth.

This action looks a little like a salty and wet man molesting a girl, but Su Yifan's action is just right, but it doesn't hurt Yang Bingbing. It's just that there are no gaps in her fingers, and the speed is also very fast, which makes Yang Bingbing's expression look a little pitiful.

"My mother..." Su Yifan explained the situation to Yang Bingbing with his mouth.

Yang Bingbing quickly understood what had happened and nodded hard to show that she knew what to do.

Su Yifan smiled apologetically at Yang Bingbing and let go of his hand.

Yang Bingbing took a breath, and the two hands holding Su Yifan's arm did not let go. The whole body was still lying on Su Yifan's chest and did not move.

Yang Bingbing's breathing was slightly short, and she vomited hot in Su Yifan's palm, making his heart hot.

Gu Ying shouted again outside. Su Yifan made a few gestures to Yang Bingbing, and then replied in a half-sleep and half-awake voice, "Ah, I know!"

Gu Ying didn't hear anything and nagging a few words and went out. After hearing the sound of opening the door, Su Yifan and Yang Bingbing were relieved, looked at each other, and almost coincidentally separated their close bodies.

The awkward atmosphere is still there, especially after the tension has dissipated. Yang Bingbing didn't dare to look at Su Yifan's face. She turned her head and said shyly, "I, I'll go back to my room..."

Su Yifan can only reply with a simple word "good" now and dare not say anything else.

Yang Bingbing was a little guilty and covered herself with half of the quilt and got up. She got out of bed to look for slippers. She turned around and just wanted to throw the quilt back to Su Yifan, but found that there was something bulging under Su Yifan's pair of shorts.

There was no need to explain and knew what it was. Yang Bingbing suddenly blushed. She quickly threw the quilt to Su Yifan and fled.

Push open Su Yifan's bedroom door. As soon as Yang Bingbing walked to the center of the living room, she saw Gu Ying push the door in with her head down and nagging, "Oh, it's really old. I remembered that I didn't bring a phone..."

Gu Ying's voice stopped abruptly. While nagging, she looked up and saw Yang Bingbing, who had just pushed open Su Yifan's bedroom door and walked to the middle of the living room.

This scene made Yang Bingbing's heart jump out. She tried to calm herself down and smile in Gu Ying's doubtful eyes.

"Good morning, auntie. I just heard you ask Su Yifan to get up and call him to have breakfast together."

Gu Ying looked at Yang Bingbing with a little doubt, and she was not sure what was going on. Yang Bingbing has made a very good impression on Gu Ying these days. She doesn't believe that Yang Bingbing will get into her son's room in the middle of the night, but the current situation is too subtle...

Just when Yang Bingbing didn't know what to say to save her image, Su Yifan came out of the room with a yawn.

"My mother called again, and you called again... How afraid that I can't get up?"

Su Yifan, who was sleepy, went to the living room and saw Gu Ying, and then he was a little energetic: "Mom, didn't you go out? Why are you back again?"

At this moment, Gu Ying was relieved, and Yang Bingbing was even more relieved.

"It's okay. I left my mobile phone at home." Gu Ying put away her doubts and went out in a hurry. "You should have breakfast quickly. Don't get cold."

Yang Bingbing showed a perfect lady's smile: "Auntie, take your time."

Su Yifan also yawned: "Goodbye, Mom."

This time, listening to Gu Ying's footsteps gradually fade away, Yang Bingbing's expression collapsed in an instant, patting her chest with lingering heart.

"I'm scared to death..."

Su Yifan did not continue to yawn, but said to his parents' bedroom, "Fortunately, my father left earlier, otherwise we would still be dead."

Before he finished speaking, Su Shen pushed open the bedroom door and came out.

"What is the death without a whole body?"


My back hurts so much these days, and sometimes I can't get it if I want to stay up late

Remember all the updates and will definitely return them. I hope you can understand