My Goddess

Chapter 372 Flash 5

When this song was sung to the second half, Chu Ruo joined the team.

Not only Chu Ruo, but also Lin Lu and Tang Ying have also mixed in. They sing together and look at Yang Bingbing and Cheng Shuixin from time to time. I guess they are wondering why the two initiators don't do such a popular thing.

"Let's Swing the Paddle" is followed by "*" and "Olive Tree", and the final ending is "Farewell". Although the tunes are different, the atmosphere has always been warm. In the end, the whole square was boiling, and countless mobile phones and eyes focused on this group of young people. People sang along, some even danced, and the cheers of clapping hands never stopped.

At the end of Farewell, maybe everyone knew that this was the last song, and shouted and screamed mixed into the song, bringing the atmosphere to the most**. It seems that at this moment, those trivial things in daily life, those intrigues, those hard work, those pains and uneasiness have turned into short-term joys and integrated into the song.

Life is better than anything else to steal this short joy and leisure of more than ten minutes.

Many times, some people don't know how to get happiness and need to be given by others. Flash is such an activity that gives others happiness. At least looking at the warm atmosphere in front of him, Su Yifan feels that Yang Bingbing has done it.

The dust of the last lyrics settled, the music stopped abruptly, and everyone involved in the flash was paused for a second or two.

It's over! It also succeeded!

Suddenly, cheers and applause came together, almost overturning the food court on the ground floor.

No one will mind that this is some students and young people. No one cares that the melody and lyrics of some classic songs have been modified.

Beautiful things are always beautiful, and the ignited memories have always been precious. People do not hesitate to give their own applause and desperately give their praise to these young people.

"That's great!"

"Good! That's great!"

"You are awesome!"

"It's so beautiful, I didn't expect it!"

"Which school is it from? It's a good rehearsal..."

"Is this an activity in the mall?"

"Don't you understand? This is called a flash. They will withdraw after the performance. They will definitely leave no more than a minute.



In the whispering voice, there are more conversations between friends and relatives. It seems that the completed scene in front of us has touched many people, and they are exchanging feelings with their relatives and friends. In those stories that are happening, these onlookers are also lucky to be one of the stories of others. This sense of on-site participation is always unmatched by listening to other people's talk, and everyone has their own opinions.

In the lively crowd, Yang Bingbing waved to the three leading singers and turned around and took the lead to leave.

After the run-in of the performance, everyone also began to evacuate with a tacit understanding, leaving only the food court that should still be the dining place, leaving the songs and touches that lingering in their ears.

Watching everyone leave one by one, Su Yifan and Su Xiaoqing also turned to the employee channel side by side.

The heat in the air seems to be the same, and the music in the radio has long stopped. Everything beautiful doesn't stop after blooming, just like now. Su Yifan looked at the people who were still excited in his eyes and was a little moved.

It's really good to commemorate your youth in this way.

When he successfully arrived at the employee channel, Su Yifan saw that the participants were talking to each other excitedly. Everyone walked fast and filled the whole corridor.

Yang Bingbing and Cheng Shuixin should be at the forefront of the team. Su Yifan and Su Xiaoqing were not in a hurry and walked slowly behind.

Within a few steps, Han Yun and Shu Chang quickly caught up.

"Congratulations." Han Yun said to Su Yifan, "The flash is too successful. I guess the news will be on the provincial stage tomorrow."

Su Yifan's footsteps did not stop: "As long as no one scrimbles, I will thank God."

Han Yun smiled with a little embarrassment: "That... some self-righteous people deserve it. But this interview should give me a chance, right?

Su Yifan didn't say anything, and Su Xiaoqing around him would not express his opinion on such a matter, so that Han Yun didn't know what to say next.

"Well..." Looking at Han Yun's embarrassment, Su Yifan couldn't bear it. "I'll arrange for you to interview a few lead singers and take a few group photos for everyone by the way. Don't interview the organizers. I think they should be quite afraid of trouble.

Han Yun also knew that this should be Su Yifan's bottom line and nodded, "Well, I'll thank you first..."

"Why are you so polite?" Su Yifan smiled and said, "You also know my attitude towards the interview. This kind of thing is actually not good for the parties involved."

Han Yun sighed that the general trend in the media industry could not be changed. She had to admit that Su Yifan's attitude represented a large number of people.

Back to the conference room, the atmosphere was very warm. Everyone thought that this flash could be quite successful, but they didn't expect the atmosphere to be so warm. Now that I have a reservation about Yang Bingbing's selection of some old songs, I have also figured out that only when everyone can hum the lyrics can really arouse the strongest resonance in everyone's heart.

Zhang Jian is also waiting for these young people to come back at the door. He also saw the excitement of the food court just now, which is definitely the best publicity opportunity for Wanhui Square. If this flash video is put on the Internet, as long as the click rate exceeds one million, you can show off a little in front of the boss. Seeing the current effect, Zhang Jian regretted why he was not enthusiastic at the beginning and had to let the second brother of the Huang family come forward to deal with it.

Huang Le is also very happy. He is already a veteran of doing square activities, but he didn't expect that he could do this in the live event. After all, there are not many forms of flash in China. Occasionally, a good level is really shocking.

"Thank you for your hard work." Zhang Jian stood in the conference room and thanked the young people who participated with a microphone. "We have prepared a small souvenir for you. You can register and take them away directly now."

Most of the budget of Wanhui Square has been given to Yang Bingbing. Yang Bingbing directly subsidized the money to some people who came to participate in the flash mop from afar, plus some other expenses, and the rest is not much. The opportunistic Zhang Jian simply prepared a 100-yuan voucher for everyone in the food court, plus a set of handmade accessories.

This unexpected gift really received a lot of applause, and the enthusiasm of the young people has not completely faded, which gave Zhang Jian a warm affirmation. In the chaos, everyone returned the wireless headset while receiving things, and the order was also good.

Yang Bingbing still stood in the middle of the conference room. She divided the remaining money into equal red envelopes and gave it to all the participants one by one.

All the way to the end, there were three leading singers. First, they gave Xiaocha and Wenya, and the last red envelope was handed to Shanan, but Shanan did not receive it.

"If you come out and have fun, you don't have to take money." Shanan smiled brightly and his voice was quite magnetic. "You are the hardest in this activity. You should take more yourself."

Shanan's obvious statement attracted a lot of noise, and everyone could see what the young man wanted to do.

In fact, many boys have a good impression of Yang Bingbing at first sight. After all, the so-called love at first sight is mostly based on appearance. Today, Yang Bingbing's appearance, dress and temperament make people feel a sense of reverence beyond that of high school girls.

When Shanan made such a statement, Su Xiaoqing smiled first.

"Wherever you go, there are rivals?"

Su Yifan said with a bitter face, "Don't embrace me... Everyone loves beauty. I think it's quite normal."

Su Xiao nodded gently: "Yes, there are still several pairs of eyes staring at Cheng Shuixin, and Zhang Yao is also very popular. Come on!"


Yang Bingbing didn't expect Shanan to come like this, but she didn't even show a stunned expression, but lightly pushed the red envelope forward.

"If you don't take it, everyone will feel at ease. It's not good."

In such an understatement, the red envelopes given to Shanan were sent out. Shanan knew at a glance that he was a young man with a more flamboyant personality, but this does not mean that his emotional intelligence is low. Since he has shown a good impression of Yang Bingbing, it is not good for him to be angry with the public and really don't accept this red envelope.

Of course, Shanan also understands that Yang Bingbing stuffed red envelopes for herself in order to get rid of the relationship between everyone - if she exerted her strength and took the money, no one owes anyone. This way of doing things is relatively straightforward, and it is not easy to go wrong later.

smiled at Yang Bingbing. Shanan stepped back and stood next to Xiaocha and Wenya. The three leading singers were quite conspicuous.

I sent everything that should be sent to everyone, and Yang Bingbing picked up the microphone again.

Many eyes fell on Yang Bingbing, and some girls' eyes were obviously jealous. I don't know whether they were jealous of the girl's appearance or she was too popular.

Facing the eyes of so many people, Yang Bingbing's nervousness when she came to Wanhui Square in the afternoon had completely disappeared. She took a deep breath and only said six words.

"Thank you, thank you."

After saying that, Yang Bingbing put down the microphone and never looked at these people again. She turned around and walked to the door of the conference room and went straight out of the conference room.

After Yang Bingbing went out, many people reacted.

Is this the little girl who organized the activity just left?

Is that all?

I thought there would be some nice words to everyone, which is also a way of activity that the people of China are used to, but I didn't expect that Yang Bingbing's attitude towards the flash is the same as that of the flash activity itself.

It's done, it's successful, and then left?

When everyone was a little stunned, Shanan understood Yang Bingbing's idea and smiled slightly.

Just when the scene seemed slightly embarrassed, Han Yun and Shu Chang pinned their press cards on their bodies and entered the conference room.

"Hapore, everyone, we are a reporter from Binhai TV Station, and this is a famous host Shu Chang. I don't know if everyone would like to accept our interview?


With the successful interception of Han Yun, Su Yifan and others also left the conference room smoothly.