My Goddess

Chapter 403 You have a new message 2

From the parking lot to the periphery of the main building of the Pentagon, the group walked for about ten minutes. The blonde woman in the front, who claims to be Sandy, is a clerician in charge of reception work and has been working in the Pentagon for almost seven or eight years.

Sandy was obviously very surprised to deal with this seemingly embarrassing scene. While introducing herself, she said some gossip to clean up the ten minutes.

Through the first door, Zhao Xuan and others underwent a second inspection, including a strict metal scan.

The closer to the center of the Pentagon, the more strict and frequent these inspections are.

David has been familiar with this place as if he were going home. When he was examined, he still had a smile on his face and acted very relaxed.

Probably no one can see what is hidden in David's smile. In fact, he has long learned these disgusting hypocrisy in order to survive in that cruel world of espionage.

After everyone had no problem with the security check, Sandy took a group through a small office area and arrived at the public meeting area.

This is a small conference room, with huge mirrors on the walls, clean tables and chairs neatly arranged, American flag hanging by the window, and portraits of founding fathers next to it.

Zhao Xuan glanced at the mirror and asked the middle-aged man with long hair with a smile, "Is this one-way glass?"

A middle-aged man with long hair nodded and was not very talkative.

The smile on Zhao Xuan's face is still the most relaxed of everyone, but in David's view, this smile similar to innocence seems a little terrible.

"Oh, let's wait for someone first."

It's really like a spring outing. Zhao Xuan casually found a seat to sit down, with a pair of slender legs raised, and the gray stockings looked tempting to commit crimes.

The long-haired middle-aged man also sat down, but the white-haired old man Oldman did not respond and still stood still.

Oldman's mobile phone was just taken away. At that time, David almost maliciously guessed how the old man would react. Unexpectedly, Oldman just casually let people take away his mobile phone.

There is no communication equipment, no weapons, and no plan. David thinks that Zhao Xuan's only way out now is probably in negotiations, and he is looking forward to Zhao Xuan's amazing answer.

After sending several people to the meeting area, Sandy showed her simple and pure professional smile, and then hurriedly left.

Everyone knows that the civilian staff of the Pentagon are also a little busier than elsewhere. This is a place where any behavior needs to be reported.

David did not sit down, and the wound on his body was still faintly painful. Zhao Xuan's knife was so fierce that David was almost unwilling to think about any details again.

Zhao Xuan is the most comfortable among everyone. Although she has no mobile phone and can't do any pastime, she still looks in a good mood.

"Who do you think will receive us?" Zhao Xuan asked David.

David glanced at the camera above his head, lowered his head and avoided his mouth shape from the camera and said, "I don't know. It's probably some old man who is good at dancing."

Zhao Xuan narrowed his eyes and said nothing.

Although it seems to be a bureaucratic process, it actually didn't take long to wait. The door of the reception room was pushed open about seven or eight minutes later, and a middle-aged man with glasses came in.

David saw the middle-aged man and narrowed his eyes slightly. Of course, he recognized the other party. This is Hancock, a middle-level official specializing in intelligence analysis and tactical development. A large part of the various complicated intelligence activities associated with the Ministry of Defense are approved and executed by such people, and their power is concentrated at the operational level. Whether it is surveillance, arrest or torture, there are such people.

Because of the nature of this work, Hancock also has frequent contact with cutting-edge intelligence personnel such as David. Although the two have not been in direct contact, they have still met many times in the department.

Hancock is a man with no smile on his face, and this kind of serious face is the most common in the Ministry of Defense. David felt a little kind when he saw the straight-faced Hancock enter the door. At least the man in front of him was not one of the decadent and complicated system.

"David, I didn't expect you to come back in this way."

Hancock did not face Zhao Xuan, who looked like the core of the crowd, but spoke directly to David.

The long-haired middle-aged man looked at Hancock and frowned slightly, as if he was dissatisfied with this attitude. Zhao Xuan looked very calm, and the smile on his face did not change much. He still had his legs up, his sexy and slender calves shook, and his attitude seemed to be extremely relaxed.

"There are a lot of things we didn't expect, aren't we?" David's mood was calm at this moment. Returning to this familiar place, he felt that everything he had insisted on was extremely ridiculous.

"That's right." Hancock holds a folder in his hand, which makes David feel subversive. He has never imagined how Hancock works in the civilian field.

"So... where do we start now?" David looked at Hancock indifferently and waited for him to say, "Do you want to ask me from the beginning, or do you want to talk to this beautiful girl first?"

Hancock looked at David meticulously and said in a low voice, "We can start from anywhere. We are very interested in everything."

David sneered and looked back at Zhao Xuan.

"What should we do now?"

Zhao Xuan is looking at her new nails today. Her fingernails are neatly painted, beautiful with a little glamour, and a little reflective in the light.

"Change people."

Hancock thought he had heard it wrong, and finally flashed a trace of astonishment in his serious and old-fashioned expression.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

Zhao Xuan withdrew his upturned legs, and a pair of straight legs were nothing special in Hancock's eyes. There seemed to be no such creature as the beautiful opposite sex in his indifferent eyes.

"I said someone would come here." Zhao Xuan said rudely, "You can't decide what I want to say."

Hancock's face suddenly became more gloomy. He stared at Zhao Xuan and said coldly, "Little girl, do you know what you are talking about?"

Zhao Xuan looked at the man with an indifferent face and replied happily, "Yes, of course I know what I'm talking about. Look at you, you are so fierce to me, as if you have great ability. What do you actually have? You are just a parasite under the disease of power. You can't do anything without the instructions of power. You think I insulted you, and you think I am offending the authority of this country. But without the power granted to you by those bigwigs, you don't even dare to shoot me or hold my throat. I know what I'm talking about. How about you? Do you know?"

Zhao Xuan's voice was not loud and his speed was not fast, but these words seemed to penetrate Hancock's resolute and cold appearance and were not interrupted.

David looked at Zhao Xuan in surprise. He obviously didn't expect that Zhao Xuan would suddenly anger Hancock at this time and show mercy to him.

For a moment, the whole reception room seemed to echo Zhao Xuan's voice, and all eyes focused on Hancock.


Hancock was very much like retorting Zhao Xuan, and even wanted to get up and strangle the little girl to prove that she was talking nonsense. But he knew that he couldn't, and he had to endure Zhao Xuan's insult, because his authority was indeed not enough.

Zhao Xuan saw through the essence at a glance, and she was not afraid of this man who seemed to have killed many people.

He took a deep breath. Hancock didn't say anything. He just got up and left.

David watched Hancock leave with a sarcastic smile on his face.

Obviously, some people want to completely crush the meeting with Hancock's image and style, but they don't know that Zhao Xuan doesn't care at all.

Soldiers are always just soldiers. Zhao Xuantai understands this truth, so her emotions are hardly exposed, and she doesn't talk much. She only breaks out at critical moments.

After Hancock left, the reception room was quiet for a while, but this time no one spoke.

David stared at Zhao Xuan puzzledly. It was difficult for him to imagine why a girl who grew up as an ordinary parent in peacetime had such a terrible psychological quality. The moment he saw Hancock, even David's own heart became unstable. For a moment, he had no doubt that Hancock would fight with him because of his position.

David, who is not at the peak of physical and psychological quality at this time, has no confidence to agree to Hancock.

This time, several people didn't wait long. About a few minutes later, someone entered the reception room.

This time, a black man entered the reception room, wearing a regular military uniform, with a cold face as cold as Hancock and without any sign of melting.

David still recognizes this person, Colonel Thomson, who is in charge of the anti-terrorism investigation team.

This time, Zhao Xuan didn't even bother to speak, but waved to Thomson.


The black colonel did not stop because of Zhao Xuan's words. He went to the table, opened the chair and sat down. He looked at Zhao Xuan in an orderly manner and said, "Mr. Maide asked me to come over and talk to you first. I wonder if you are interested?"

Zhao Xuan's attitude did not change because Thomson mentioned someone else and shook his head: "Replace."

"Okay." Thomson, with a cold face, nodded without surprise at all. "But before that, please let me finish what I want to say."

Zhao Xuan did not say anything, but he didn't say anything. It was a default.

"What I'm saying now can't represent anyone, nor can I represent the Ministry of Defense or the military." Harrison first threw a disclaimer and then said, "I don't know why you came to the Ministry of Defense in person, but judging from the results of our internal discussions, not everyone welcomes you."

Zhao Xuan tilted his head and still didn't care: "So what?"

"So we want to know your specific requirements." Colonel Thomson said seriously, "Even if I don't have the power to make a decision, at least I can tell those big shots about your request and let them make a decision."

Zhao Xuan looked at Colonel Thomson and nodded slightly.

"This attitude is not bad now."

Coloner Thomson's expression has not changed, just staring at Zhao Xuan.

From the moment he entered the door, Colonel Thomson found one of Zhao Xuan's feet shaking in a slow way.

This is a very unlady action. Although it is a little inconsistent to appear on a little girl like Zhao Xuan, it is not surprising.

Only Colonel Thomson, who was used to looking alertly at everything around him, felt something was wrong. He found that the frequency of shaking of Zhao Xuan's beautiful slender feet seemed to be fixed.

It looks like... timed!

A strong uneasiness almost erupted on Colonel Thomson's chest. He didn't understand what was worth timing in the most heavily defended place in the world.



Facing Colonel Thomson's eyes, Zhao Xuan still seemed to be relaxed.

"Can you see it?"

As soon as he said this, Colonel Thomson immediately got up and wanted to rush to Zhao Xuan.

Everything is late.

The whole Pentagon suddenly lost all power!