My Goddess

Chapter 482 Your heart is gentle 1

One person goes out, one person on the plane, and one person leaves the city. Su Yifan has never tried to walk so alone recently. When he dragged his luggage through the long airport passage alone, he even regretted not letting the girls come to see him off. But looking around most of them are lonely travelers, he feels that all this is actually normal.

I don't know since when I have not adapted to this lonely life. If it were in the past, the current state is the norm, right?

Thinking about something in his mind, Su Yifan got on the plane and began to rest.

The time difference between Europe and China is not as exaggerated as that of the United States, and it also has a certain impact on work and rest. Su Yifan put on a blindfold and huddled motionless on the first-class lounge chair.

It doesn't matter to Su Yifan how noisy the world is now. What he needs is quiet.

Before seeing Su Xiaoqing, Su Yifan didn't want to do anything. Although he knew that this state was quite bad, he still insisted.

Before leaving, Su Yifan met many people, not only girls like Cai Qi, but also Feng Feng and Huang Di. Arrange what can be arranged, and what can be given to others. Su Yifan only knew how difficult it was for Su Xiaoqing to throw the company into the United States for remote control. Su Xiaoqing, who usually seems to be relaxed, deals with more things, but she has never been delayed in getting along with everyone because of this.

Thinking of this, Su Yifan felt even more sorry for Su Xiaoqing.

Li Zheng's project has begun. Although the weather is so cold that it can't do any projects, the design drawings and other work should be carried out in an orderly manner. Su Yifan and Li Zheng did not meet. The two just talked on the phone, but Li Zheng patted his chest and promised that he would help Su Yifan solve those troubles during Su Yifan's absence. For example, for a series of fire problems in the cinema, Li Zheng's doorway is much better than Huang Di and Su Yifan.

After arriving on the plane, looking at the professional smile and suit of the stewardess, Su Yifan remembered what she and Han Yun did at her residence that day... Thinking of the scene when Han Yun was teased by herself at that time, Su Yifan unconsciously smiled.

Compared with other girls, Han Yun is already a mature sister, and the smell of her body is different from Cai Qi. Su Yifan remembered that he somehow kissed Han Yun's neck first, and then the girl stopped struggling and let herself bully in her arms.

I don't know whether his inner desire finally expanded or was amplified by some kind of pressure. Su Yifan rudely violated Han Yun. Although Han Yun struggled a little shyly, most of the time he still responded positively and encouraged Su Yifan.

By the time Han Yun came to her senses, Su Yifan had pulled her coat open, revealing her white skin. Knowing that this was in her own home, Han Yun was still symbolically shy, and then held Su Yifan's head with both hands and felt the pleasure in her chest.

Everything happened naturally, as if the past that Su Yifan and Han Yun provoked each other before were the best foreshadowing. When Su Yifan really began to invade Han Yun, the beautiful female reporter let out a sigh of satisfaction and held Su Yifan in her hands and remained motionless except for the fierce breath in her mouth. This situation lasted for about three or two minutes, and then Han Yun kissed Su Yifan desperately, as if the drowning poor man found an oxygen cylinder.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Su Yifan knew that he had become a rotten person hopelessly. He cooperated with Han Yun's breathing, and the two of them indulged in pleasure and did not want to come out.

After that, there were all kinds of time-wasting but very pleasant activities. Su Yifan and Han Yun did not talk all the way. The female reporter just kept looking at Su Yifan affectionately until the end.

"You see, I have become the kind of person I hate the most."

Su Yifan answered clearly, "You are not."

Han Yun smiled, and there were tears in the corners of his eyes, but the smile was indeed very satisfied.

At that moment, Su Yifan felt that he had gone too far, but even if he did it again, he would still do it, because he found that he didn't want others to be too much to Han Yun.



When the plane was firmly at London Airport, Su Yifan was ready to go. Su Yifan, who has only one small backpack all over his body, makes people feel energetic. The short hair that has just been carefully trimmed is matched with a black casual clothes. Su Yifan, who should not have much presence in the crowd, can attract a lot of attention at this moment. It can be seen that the change of a person's spiritual temperament is indeed important.

Before Su Yifan could make a phone call from the airport, the latest Mercedes-Benz sports car had stopped in front of him.

A woman who looked a movie star got out of the car in a suit and smiled at Su Yifan.

"Hello, I'm Suna, who is responsible for picking you up."

Su Yifan took a look at this tall beauty, and her red hair was impressive.


"Yes." What Suna said was actually a heavenly language, and it was very standard. "Miss Su is waiting for you. Please get in the car with me."

Su Yifan can see that Su Na should be a very powerful woman. Whether it is her walking posture or the imperceptible shaking of her shoulders when talking to people, she said that this woman should have the strength to fight more than a dozen big men. Such a person appeared in front of him, and Su Yifan knew very well that she should be from the national intelligence agency. Thinking that Su Xiaoqing had been surrounded by such people and lived in England for so long, Su Yifan always felt uncomfortable.

Following Suna into the car, Su Yifan did not look around like a child who had never seen anything, but pulled out the phone from his backpack and turned it on and asked Suna, "How long is the drive?"

"About 40 minutes, you can take a break." Suna said politely and politely to Su Yifan, "There is wine in the car. You can drink a little."

Su Yifan smiled at Su Na and watched her drive out of the airport without sleeping or drinking water. Instead, he held the phone and looked at Suna thoughtfully.

There is no problem with the route, and the telephone signal has always been easy to use. It seems that this Suna is not an impostor...

Su Yifan didn't know why he was so**, but he really felt that he should still be careful.

The negative impact of Shaw's death has not completely dissipated. Who knows how many people in the world are planning to avenge the pioneer.

It was quiet all the way. Su Na didn't even plan to get close to Su Yifan, but just tried to perform her driver's duties.

Suna is indeed very beautiful, a bit like a European star who is particularly popular now, with a tall and plump figure and a delicate face. Su Yifan couldn't help comparing Suna and Nell. In his heart, he still felt that Neil was more beautiful. I guess this is Su Xiaoqing's bad taste. He always uses beautiful women to receive Su Yifan, just to see his reaction.

Su Yifan didn't expect Su Xiaoqing to live in a castle, which is no different from a fairy tale. Of course, seeing many antennas spent around the castle, he also knew that the castle was probably full of intrigue, and espioners from various countries would not be at peace.

After entering the castle, Su Yifan found that he was wrong. Everyone didn't even look hostile to each other. Everyone was well-organized, just like a company managed by Su Xiaoqing.

Su Yifan didn't see an acquaintance here, and he had a strange face. But everyone looks at him as if they have known him for a long time, and some will even stare at Su Yifan unpolitely for a while.

Su Yifan has the feeling that he is the only tourist who has entered the zoo.

After walking through the long passage, Su Yifan came to Su Xiaoqing's room.

Su Xiaoqing did not pick up Su Yifan at the airport in person. He knew why. There are too many facts for Su Xiaoqing to do now, and time is precious to her.

Thinking of Su Xiaoqing alone in Europe for so long, Su Yifan always felt a little distressed.

Su Na stopped when she walked here, made a gesture of invitation to Su Yifan, and she planned to leave.

Su Yifan took a strange look at Suna. He could see that this woman wanted to know something from himself, but she never spoke. How much psychological shadow did Su Xiaoqing give her?

There was an iris recognition device in front of the door. Su Yifan stood at the door and was scanned, and the door opened.

Entering the room, Su Yifan saw Su Xiao smiling and facing himself.

Today's Su Xiaoqing dressed very coolly and should not be dressed in this kind of weather. Su Xiaoqing, who had never deliberately dressed, actually wore a British college-style plaid skirt, revealing a pair of long legs, thin black stockings on her legs, and a ponytail tied to her hair.

This dress... looks like a female student, and Su Yifan can't adapt for a while.

Seeing Su Yifan staring at him in a daze, Su Xiao smiled softly: "If you are bored alone, you can play cosplay. Is it good?"

Su Yifan nodded repeatedly: "Good-looking, absolutely beautiful."

Su Xiao smiled slightly, walked to Su Yifan and gave him a big hug.

"Welcome, you have worked hard all the way."

Su Xiaoqing has always been suspicious of Su Yifan, and his beautiful figure has a real squeeze on him. Su Yifan, who ate a lot of meat recently, felt a stir in his heart. He patted Su Xiaoqing on the shoulder, smelled the fragrance of her hair, and was also very excited.

The two have actually separated for a long time this time. Although Su Yifan is very busy, what he misses most every day is Su Xiaoqing.

"It's not hard. You work much harder than me."

Su Xiao smiled, took Su Yifan's hand through the room, and stopped by a small door next to him.

"I have a question for you now."

"What's the problem?"

Su Xiao pointed to the small door: "Through here, you have to face some questions and know some answers. Are you willing to accept the cruel reality?

Su Yifan didn't expect Su Xiaoqing to say this to himself. He was stunned for a moment, but he quickly sorted out his thoughts and asked, "Shouldn't we face the cruel words of reality together?"

The smile on Su Xiaoqing's face was gentle and quiet. She didn't say anything more and pushed open the small door.

"This is my bedroom here. Have you never been to my bedroom before? Please take a look."