Undercover maid

Chapter 108 Angels also have broken wings...

"Open the door! Don't you know that once a man's desire rises, it is difficult to extinguish it? Lu Haochen knocked hard on the door.

"I don't know! You can solve it by yourself!" Nanjin ignored Lu Haochen at all.

"You..." Lu Haochen lay boredly** and resisted the restlessness in his heart, but the sound of bathing in the bathroom made him unable to calm down.

After taking a shower and getting dressed, Lu Haochen opened the bathroom door. Lu Haochen hugged Nanjin and kissed her on the neck, "Go away! Go and take a shower! We still have to rehears on the spot. We can't make it in time!"

"No." Lu Haochen is like a child.

Nan Jin smiled and kicked Lu Haochen's leg hard. "Don't forget that I'm a policeman!" You are no match for me!"

Lu Haochen rubbed his legs in pain, "Why are you getting more and more barbaric?"

"Don't like it? Forget it if you don't like it!" Nanjin went to the bedside and picked up his bag.

"Who said I don't like it?" Lu Haochen stood in front of Nanjin, "I like it, I like it very much!"

Nanjin smiled and said, "I'm really leaving, and I have to get the dress!" Come here as soon as you finish packing."

Lu Haochen took Nanjin's hand, kissed the back of her hand, and then his lips were imprinted on Nanjin's forehead. "Anyway, it will be mine in the future, and I'm not in a hurry at this moment."

"I'm leaving--" Nanjin turned around.

"Ji--" Lu Haochen called Nanjin, and she looked back at Lu Haochen.

"Did I tell you? I love you..."

The sunshine outside the window was a little dazzling. Nanjin rubbed her eyes. She couldn't see Lu Haochen's face in the sun clearly, but after hearing those three words, she smiled happily and said, "Really gone!"

Lu Haochen looked at the departing back and smiled happily. It turned out that he could also be so happy!

"Mr. Lu! Where are you?" On the other end of the phone is the voice of Special Assistant Yu.

"Didn't you say I won't go to work today?" Lu Haochen talked on the phone while wearing the dress he had just sent.

"But here is your expedited express!?"

"Exergency mail? Deliver it to the door of the hotel." Lu Haochen took a look at the cloudy bed he and Nanjin turned over last night, smiled sideways, and then took the car keys and left the presidential suite.

"Mr. Lu, this is your express." Special Assistant Yu handed a folder to Lu Haochen in the driver's seat.

Lu Haochen threw the folder on the side seat and said, "I won't go back to the hotel today. Call me if you have something to do." He stepped on the accelerator, and the rapid disappearance of the sports car was in the eyes of the special assistant.

Lu Haochen's car stopped at the intersection, waiting for the green light to arrive. He picked up the documents on his seat and looked at it. "Lu Haochen personally opened it." He smiled. What was so mysterious. Lu Haochen's mobile phone vibrated, and he put on a Bluetooth headset and threw the newly opened folder back to his seat.

"Chen - we have finished the rehearsal. When will you arrive?" Nanjin's voice came to Lu Haochen's ears.

"On the way, I'll be there soon. What? Do you miss me when you don't see me for a while?" Lu Haochen asked with a smile.

"Cut - yes! I want to teach you a lesson!"

"Okay, it's the green light. I'm leaving!" Lu Haochen started the car, and the folder on the next seat slipped to the ground, and a photo was exposed...

Today, the sky is clear and the sun is gently sprinkled on the beach. At the romantic seaside, bright red roses are placed next to two rows of white chairs, leading to an arch stitched with red roses. Brother Wheel and Mr. Xu will make a vow of love in the sacred place facing the sea.

The wedding band next to her was playing the beautiful Cannon. Nanjin put her mobile phone in her handbag, and the breeze blew her skirt. She took a look at the sea of the same color as the sky and frowned slightly.

"Nanjin! Why didn't you go home last night?" Nanyuhang walked to Nanjin's side.

"Haha... Dad, I was busy at Mr. Xu's house yesterday. If you don't believe it, ask Mr. Xu!" Nanjin quickly made up the reason to muddle through.

Nan Yuhang smiled and said, "Forget, I won't pursue you. A girl can't stay up all night in the future. It depends on how good and sensible Ding Quan is."

"I know, it's not me** to come out!" Nanjin smiled and said, "I'll help Brother Wheel. You can sit down first."

Nanjin is helping to play with things on the beach.

"Be careful!" One hand blocked the chair that was about to stop Nanjin.

Nanjin smelled a faint jasmine fragrance, and she looked back and saw Guo Jinxiao's face, "Thank you, but why are you here?"

Guo Jinxiao smiled and said, "I'm friends with the wheel, and of course I'm coming to his wedding."

"Real?" Nanjin glanced at the wheel that was talking to the guests.

"How are you and Mr. Lu? I haven't seen you in the hotel these days. Is the wound better?

"Looking at me, I also know that my injury is not serious. As for Lu Haochen and I, I are also very good!" Nanjin replied, "Thank you for taking care of me that night. We didn't have sex at all, right?"

"Ha ha... I never said what happened to us? It's just that your clothes were dirty at that time, and I sent someone to help you take off your clothes, which seemed to have caused everyone's misunderstanding, and you didn't give me a chance to explain.

Nanjin smiled shallowly, "Really? Anyway, thank you! Right? I forgot to ask you, did I drink a lot of wine that night? Or······"

Guo Jinxiao held the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said, "I don't know you can't drink. You will faint without drinking two cups. If I had known, I wouldn't have let you drink."

"Actually, I'm good at drinking! Come out and compete some other day!"

"Aren't you afraid that I will rob you when you are drunk?" Guo Jinxiao joked.

"I know you won't!" Nanjin looked at Guo Jinxiao.

Guo Jinxiao's smiling face stiffened, "What I said that night is not all fake. In fact, I like you very much. I want to chase you, okay?"

"It's okay to chase me, but friends can still do it!" Nanjin vetoed it.

"Ha ha... Don't you even have to think about it? Why don't you give me a chance at all?"

"I have always been cheerful! The impossible is impossible. If you like it, you can make friends with you. If you don't like it, you can be a stranger! At least I don't hate you now..."

"Isn't it an honor for me?"

"If you make me hate you, it's your misfortune!" Nanjin stared seriously into Guo Jinxiao's eyes and then smiled: "I'm kidding! I'm going to be busy. Go ahead."

Guo Jinxiao smiled faintly, picked up a glass of wine and took a sip, and then watched Nanjin's figure leave. The sea breeze blew her long hair and skirt. The sun shone on her body, and the smile on the corners of her mouth was like an angel falling into the mortal world. Unfortunately, the angel also had times to break its wings. ····

"Hasn't Chen arrived yet?" Han Qingyu walked to Nanjin's side.

Nanjin nodded, "I'm still on my way. I guess I'll be there soon."

"I think you two have made up, right?"

Nanjin smiled and said, "Hmm."

Han Qingyu smiled and said, "I'm a great hero. If it hadn't been for my words, Chen would still be struggling!" Don't forget to invite me to dinner then."

"Great Meritorious Officials? What do you mean?

"Secret!" Han Qingyu smiled.

"Xiao Ke! Here!" Nanjin waved his hand to Lin Xiaoke, and Lin Xiaoke was stunned for a second and then walked over.

Nan Jin whispered in Han Qingyu's ear, "Can I also be a great hero between you and Xiaoke?"

"What are you doing?" Han Qingyu whispered.

"All the way! I can see that you are also a little interested in Xiaoke. Isn't it embarrassing? Let me help you!"

"What are you talking about?" Lin Xiaoke came over.

"No! Just now Yu said that he would give me a movie ticket and asked me to transfer it to you!" Nanjin looked at Han Qingyu with a smile, and Han Qingyu looked at Nanjin doubtfully.

"Give me a movie ticket? What are you doing?" Lin Xiaoke asked strangely.

"Of course, I'm sorry to invite you to watch a movie!" Nanjin said loudly.

"Please invite me to watch a movie?" Lin Xiaoke took a look at Han Qingyu and then looked at Nan Jin and said, "Okay, don't joke! If you invite me to watch a movie, I will be happy to accompany you!"

"Wouldn't you like to go if I invite you?" Han Qingyu suddenly opened his mouth.