Undercover maid

Chapter 113 Brother Wheel...

Nan Jin helped Lu Haochen, who was lying on the ground, up, and then untied the tape wrapped around his body.

"You son of a bitch!" Lu Haochen was so angry that he wanted to teach Xiao Jinguo a lesson.

"Well?" Xiao Jinguo shook the pistol in his hand and said, "I don't mind sending you to the west now!" Nanjin grabbed Lu Haochen and let him calm down.

"Get out!" Xiao Jinguo pointed to Nanjin and asked Nanjin and Lu Haochen to walk out of the cave first, and then he came out. He wanted to solve the people outside the house before Xiao Jinguo's, but when a familiar face appeared in front of Nanjin and pointed a gun at her, she knew that she was wrong, which was ridiculously wrong...

"You're not..." Lu Haochen felt a little unbelievable when he saw the person who would fight outside the house with a gun, and then he hugged the somewhat weak Nanjin.

"Dingdong Koizumi, I didn't expect it to be really you..." Nanjin looked at the person holding a gun at her and kept deceiving herself that it wouldn't be what she thought! Now she is also exempting Ding Quan. He must have received some threats and difficulties! Otherwise, how could he be like this?! But when Ding Quan really appeared in front of her, she knew that no matter how many reasons there were, it could not match a truth!

"I'm sorry..." Ding Quan looked at Nanjin in surprise. It turned out that the boss had noticed something? Sure enough, he didn't follow the wrong person, and the boss is still so powerful! But at this time, he didn't know what to say except apologetic.

"It's too early to be surprised and sad! There will be more wonderful things later! Let's go!" Xiao Jinguo urged them with a gun.

"Help! We are here!!" Lu Haochen shouted for help. Xiao Jinguo punched Lu Haochen in the stomach and dragged them forward.

A van was parked in the woods less than 50 meters away. Xiao Jinguo threatened Nanjin and Lu Haochen to get on the car.

At first, Zhang Dahu heard a bang, thought it was Xiao Jinguo who took action, and heard Lu Haochen's call for help. He made a gesture. The Thunderbolt team broke into the door and found that there was a hole in the room. They quickly chased in that direction, leaving a few people down to find and dismantle the bomb.

Ding Quan sat in the driver's seat. Lu Haochen hugged the sad Nanjin. The car shook a little, but Nanjin's eyes never left Ding Quan, who was driving. Ding Quan did not dare to look at Nanjin in the rearview mirror.

How's it going? Is it bad to be cheated?! But from your tone, you seem to have guessed that it's Ding Quan. Xiao Jinguo said with a smile.

"Why? Why... I trust you so much!" Nanjin kept talking. Ding Quan drove the car without saying a word.

Do you want to know? His real name is Xiao Dingquan! He is my brother's son! You never thought of this!" Xiao Jinguo said loudly, "I have carefully planned for seven years just to wait for a day!" Of course, I want you to taste the feeling of being hurt by the closest people!"

"Are you Xiao Kui's son?" Nanjin was shocked, "So that's it... I've been stupidly thinking that you have been threatened, and I've been looking for reasons for you! It turned out that you stayed by my side for two years to get my trust, and finally stabbed me again?!" It turned out that it was like to be deceived by the people around her. She felt a little bit of Lu Haochen's previous feelings. But you didn't expect me to see Ding Quan's strangeness, did you?

"How do you see it?" Ding Quan finally spoke.

Nanjin smiled faintly, "Aren't you put the previous ecze and **? And yesterday's ecscination, I wanted to give you a chance, but I didn't expect..." After that night in the hotel, she began to sort out her thoughts and objectively recalled everything. On the night of the anniversary, she drank the wine sent by Ding Quan. Before Brother Wheel got married, she drank the wine handed over by Ding Quan, and yesterday she drank Ding Quan's coffee... It was not until the moment she fainted that she was sure that Ding Quan did all this, but she didn't want to believe it! She only had doubts about him before, so she handed over some things to Zhang Dahu.

Ding Quan took a look at Nanjin in the rearview mirror and stopped talking.

"Don't be sad!" Lu Haochen hugged Nanjin.

After driving for a while, the car stopped under a hillside. Xiao Jinguo threatened them to go to the top of the mountain and stood on the top of the mountain. The beautiful scenery was obvious, but they did not want to appreciate it.

Nambal stood on this domineering height and looked down at the appearance of the city. It turns out that everything can be so illusory. She took a look at Ding Quan. He has been silent all the way and doesn't even dare to look at her. Is there a trace of guilt in his heart? Or do you hate her so much that you don't have any feelings? Two years of friendship are fake! If you say you can cut it off?!!

"Look at the world for the last time! It's not bad for you to die in such a beautiful scenery!" Xiao Jinguo raised his pistol to Nanjin.

"Uncle!" Ding Quan blocked Xiao Jinguo's arm.

"What? Do you still have nostalgia?" Xiao Jinguo looked at Ding Quan coldly, "Don't forget who destroyed your family!" Your father! Your grandpa! Your mother! It's all because they died! If it weren't for them! You won't be so young without your parents! This is all caused by them! Do you still want to pity them?"

Ding Quan closed his eyes and let go of his hand helplessly. Xiao Jinguo smiled.

Nanjin heard the "wush" sound, and she knew that the Thunderbolt team had arrived.

"Why do you think I killed your brother! Don't you think he has come to this day by himself? It's him who takes the blame!" Nanjin said to Xiao Jinguo.

"Without you! My brother won't fall! It's all your fault! It's all your fault!!" Xiao Jinguo shouted out of control.

Zhang Dahu, dressed in camouflage, quickly ran to Xiao Jinguo and kicked Xiao Jinguo's arm, and the pistol flew out of his hand! Ding Quan beside him has also been subdued by other team members. Xiao Jinguo originally wanted to resist, but the pistol had been put on his body and the handcuffs had been handcuffed to his hand.

Lu Haochen saw that the two had been subdued and hugged Nanjin worriedly, "Are you all right?"

Nan Jin looked at Ding Quan, who was caught, and left Lu Haochen's arms. Xiao Jinguo beside her just lowered her head and laughed. She looked at Xiao Jinguo, who was a little crazy.

"Xiaojin--" came a panting voice.

Nanjin looked for a look and saw that Brother Wheel was actually here, "Brother Wheel? Didn't you go on your honeymoon?

"I felt that something was wrong with you recently. I knew about this activity and worried about you, so I rushed back." Brother Wheel walked to Nanjin.

"Brother Wheel, I'm fine... Go back quickly!"

"Stupid girl! You have suffered!" The wheel hugged Nanjin and stroked Nanjin's hair with his hand. He closed his eyes and whispered, "I'm sorry!" Then he took out a pistol from behind and turned it behind Nanjin and put it on Nanjin's head.

"No one is allowed to move! Let them both go!" The wheel hooked Nanjin's neck and retreated away from the crowd.

"Brother Wheel..." Nanjin leaned in the arms of the wheel in surprise, "Brother Wheel... I'm Xiaojin..."

"What are you doing?! She is Nanjin!!" Lu Haochen looked at Nanjin being held hostage by a wheel in surprise.

"Captain of the Wheel? Did you take the wrong medicine?!" Zhang Dahu pointed his gun at the wheel.

"Do you hear me?! Put down your guns! Let them go right away! Otherwise, I will kill her!" The wheel shouted loudly again.

Nanjin's tears were quietly left, and the picture of once with Brother Wheel appeared in front of him...

"Brother Wheel - I'm back!"

"Yoh! I haven't seen you for a few days, and I've gained a lot of weight!"

"Hmm! I won't give you a gift!"

"Miss! If the little one is wrong, you can give the gift to the little one!"


"I will remember the hatred of my mother, and it will definitely come out!"

"Our Xiaojin has grown up... I didn't expect you to suffer so much. Don't be too sad, okay? Don't hold anything in your heart!"


"Brother Wheel! How did you know I was here today?!"

"I have great power!" The wheel smiled and said, "I have sent someone to clean up your old house. I'll take you back."

"Hmm! Let's go—”