Undercover maid

Chapter 11 Are you going to sell me?

"Fool Xiaoke! I'm not doing it for your own good! Let you get in touch with your brother Qingyu alone, just forget it if you don't go!" Nanjin took back the handkerchief.

"Well..." Xiaoke grabbed the handkerchief from Nanjin and said shyly, "I... I'm helping you!"

Nanjin smiled happily: "Yes! Thank you!"

Nam thought that this kind of boring gossip can't be allowed to grow. Since everything that happened started with Lu Haochen, let it end with him! Be sure to have a good talk with him and solve the problem completely!

But another day later, Nanjin didn't see the shadow of Lu Haochen. They really saw the beginning and the end! But she was also maliciously attacked by some unidentified girls on campus.

But who is Nanjin? She won't be bullied by others! Locked in the toilet, she climbed out; when she was thrown on the blackboard to wipe water, she quickly dodged away; a snake was stuffed in the cabinet, and she played with the snake in front of everyone...

Nanjin can solve everything, but she didn't come to school to practice reaction. She still has business, no! It seems that we have to solve it with Lu Haochen! Nanjin remembered that Han Qingyu said yesterday that the three of them often go to the rooftop. Anyway, they haven't seen Lu Haochen for a day, so let's go to the rooftop to try their luck!

"Dead Lu Haochen! Auntie, I am at the same time as you!" There was no ghost on the rooftop, and Nanjin shouted at the sky.

"disturbing people's dreams!" Lu Haochen heard someone scolding him and sat up from the roof behind the door and looked down. It turned out to be Nanjin.

"Ah!" The sudden sound shocked Nanjin and looked at the rooftop without seeing half a person.

"Who is it?" Nanjin asked vigilantly.

Lu Haochen jumped off the roof, walked behind Nanjin, and patted Nanjin on the shoulder.

Nanjin felt someone patting her shoulder and reflexively grabbed her hand on the shoulder, a perfect over-the-shoulder fall!

Lu Haochen didn't expect that Nanjin would make this move. He didn't react for a moment. He was pulled forward by Nanjin and was about to fall down. Lu Haochen was anxious for a moment and wanted to hold things to prevent him from falling down, but he took Nanjin's hand. Nanjin pressed his whole body on Lu Haochen...

Nanjin closed her eyes tightly and was ready for pain. She thought she was going to have a close contact with the earth, but she felt that her mouth was soft, warm, comfortable, and her mouth was still wet, and she slightly felt a warm airflow gently blowing on her cheeks...

Nanjin opened her eyes and looked at herself in surprise when she saw a pair of enlarged pupils!

Nanjin slowly moved her mouth away and looked at the face under her body! It's Lu Haochen! They... they actually... kissed! Her poor first kiss! Her beautiful first kiss is gone!?

"Ah--" Nanjin stood up quickly: "You... pooh... pooh..."

Nanjin viciously pointed to Lu Haochen and wiped his lips and said, "You are a ghost!" Stand behind me and want to sneak up on me!" By this time, her temper had exploded to the extreme.

Lu Haochen also stood up from the ground and cleared his throat and said, "I slept well on the roof, but I heard someone scolding me. Of course, I want to see who is so bold!" Who wants to be at a stand with me! You also said, why are you a girl so strong? Lu Haochen rubbed his hand and wiped an imperceptible blush on his face.

"I learned self-defense just to prevent a pervert like you! It's all your fault just now!" Nanjin said angrily.

"pervert?" Lu Haochen glanced at Nanjin from top to bottom with his eyes: "You are not enough! Besides, it seems that you jumped on me... Kiss me?! Did you do it on purpose?!"

Nanjin saw Lu Haochen glance at his body and quickly covered his chest: "You are on purpose! Narcissistic! You are a real bad guy! Let me tell you! You'd better not tell anyone about it!"

"What? Are you afraid of causing public indignation among all the girls in the school?

Nanjin looked at Lu Haochen with contempt: "I've had enough! You hopeless narcissist!" With that, Nan Jin put his feet between Lu Haochen's feet, grabbed Lu Haochen with his backhand, turned around, and threw Lu Haochen to the ground heavily!

"Ah--" Lu Haochen's face was ferocious. He didn't expect Nanjin to do this again! It's too violent. She is really not a woman!

"You dead woman!" Lu Haochen stood up and killed Nanjin with cold eyes! Anyway, he is also a taekwondo master and was knocked to the ground twice by the same stinky girl! What's his face if someone knows?!

How about it? One-on-one?!" Nanjin looked at Lu Haochen provocatively! You are a taekwondo master, and I am also a judo master!

"Hmm~~ I won't be so bored!" Lu Haochen sneered. Who is he? If you move your finger, the school will turn upside down! Do you have the same experience as her with your own hands? He will make her regret it!

"Cut - I don't think you dare! And you'd better not say what happened just now! If you dare to say it, you will die ugly!" Nanjin said angrily.

"I should say this! You should be honored to get my unexpected kiss!" Other girls can't dream of this good welfare!

"I'm still ashamed! If you tell others, I will..."

"What?" Lu Haochen was angry when he heard her say "disgraceful"! Anyway, he is also the most popular boy in the school. It's good that he doesn't dislike her. How dare she express her opinion?

Nanjin stood up and said loudly, "I'll tell others... that you are gay!"

"Puff..." Lu Haochen laughed.

When Nanjin saw Lu Haochen's smile, his brain suddenly short-circuited. Yes, he smiled, and his smile was super beautiful, like a pure angel.

Nanjin shook his head hard and threw out the idea just now. Now is not the time to think about this, "Don't laugh!" What's so funny! I heard that you haven't had a girlfriend. I said that you are gay and some people will believe it!"

"Isn't everyone rumored that you are my girlfriend?"

"I can completely say that you hired me as your girlfriend to hide your gay identity! You also know that people's words are terrible, and you don't want the people you care about to misunderstand..." Nanjin said proudly.

Lu Haochen's expression was slightly stunned.

"I know, you just want to revenge on me. Isn't that what damaged your sports car last time? I'm not that kind of irresponsible person. Let's do this!" Nanjin saw that Lu Haochen didn't say anything and took advantage of the victory. "We will solve the matter of your car peacefully, and then I will change my seat and stay away from you. How about you? Just help clarify the rumors about me and ask everyone to stop provoking me! After that, we will not violate the river! How about it?"

"It seems that I still remind you of me." Lu Haochen looked at Nanjin and said, "Then how do you want to "solve peacefully"?"

"Of course... Of course I will lose your money! But I only pay half of the responsibility of half... I think I can pay in installments!"

Lu Haochen stretched out his hand and said, "Forget it! Don't talk nonsense! That money will be given to you!"

"Forget it?! OK, OK, OK!" Nanjin nodded desperately. Although the word "reward" is really infuriating, it must not be vague when it is time to be cheeky!

"Hmm! I just don't need you to compensate with money. Don't think too much!"

"No money?" Nanjin scratched his head depressedly, "Are you really going to sell me? It's against the law!"