Undercover maid

Chapter 22 Are you curious about other people's family affairs?

Nanjin can only take a break during class time. Those girls' mouths are not ordinary big! The whole school knows that she is Lu Haochen's maid, and she sends love letter gifts to her every day and asks her to hand it over! She is almost exhausted!

But she has never admitted defeat. After this week of running-in period! She also slowly found the trick. She worked much more and was able to catch up with the meal time. Just swallow your anger! But sometimes I can't help talking back to Lu Haochen! I will put up with you for a few more days! Although her back hurts every day, Lin Xiaoke, Han Qingyu and Wen Xu will always help themselves intentionally or unintentionally, which makes her heart warm. Unfortunately, there is still no clue from Lin Yongkang. God, don't let her painstaking go to waste!

In Lu Haochen's villa, the three princes and Lin Xiao can watch movies in the movie room, and Nanjin still comes to bring them fruit after dinner.

"Chen! Be sure to bring Nanjin tomorrow night!" Wenxu said to Lu Haochen, "I'm going to invite her!"

"Okay! Let her have a night off!" Lu Haochen whispered his consent.

Wen Xu happily hugged Nanjin, who was sending something: "Haha... You will be free tomorrow night!"

Nanjin avoided the warm embrace and said, "Is there anything special tomorrow night?"

"Tomorrow is my eighteenth birthday! Chen promised me to give you a night off, and you must come to my birthday party tomorrow!"

"Really? Then I will definitely go!" Nanjin said happily, how can we not seize the opportunity to be lazy?

"Cough..." Lu Haochen coughed.

"Then I'll go ahead!" Nanjin waved to Wenxu and left the movie room.

What kind of gift should be given to Wenxu? His family is so rich that there should be no shortage of expensive and strange things! You can't give gifts that you can't afford! You must be careful! Nanjin thought about it in the room after finishing his busy work.

"There is!" Nanjin took out a few crystals from his bag and began to be busy...

In the evening, Nanjin and Lu Haochen and Lin Xiaoke came to Wenxu's villa together. Their villa is in a very remote place, and after several doors, each door is checked by many people in black suits, all of which are fierce and evil.

"Xiaoke... Why do I think Wenxu's family is so awkward? There are so many doors, but also so many vicious bodyguards! Is their family an underworld? Nanjin said to Lin Xiaoke.

"Hehe... You're really right. Their family is an underworld!" Lin Xiao said with a smile.

"Underworld?" Nanjin covered his mouth in surprise.

Lin Xiaoke patted Nanjin on the shoulder and said, "Don't be afraid. That's all the past. Wenxu's father washed his hands and withdrew from the world five years ago. Now he is doing legitimate business, but there are still many former brothers following him. His father is the master of the Poison Scorpion Gang... ”

"Poison Scorpion Gang?" Nanjin recalled, isn't it the most powerful underworld group in the country? I heard in the bureau before that it did disintegrate five years ago, but there are still police watching their every move. I didn't expect that Wenxu was the prince of the Poison Scorpion Gang!

"Do you know the Scorpion Gang?" Lu Haochen spoke.

Ah? I don't know! I just felt very elegant when I heard the name..." Nanjin hid his inner surprise.

After the car stopped, several people came to the hall.

"You are here!" Wenxu came over.

"Hm, happy birthday!" Nanjin looked at Wenxu with a smile.

"Thank you! You're not scared, are you?" Wenxu asked Nanjin.

"No? I'm not afraid of heaven and earth!"

"Oh - I was afraid that you would be afraid of me before, so I didn't tell you. It seems that I thought too much!" Wenxu scratched his head and said.

Lu Haochen threw the key in his hand to Wenxu: "I have had the motorcycle delivered to you!"

Wenxu took the key: "Is it the red assembly car? I have been thinking about it for a long time! That's interesting!"

Lin Xiaoke took out a gold card and said, "This is for you. It's a car maintenance card. You can maintain the car in the future."

"What a thoughtful thought!" Wen Xu said, "Xiaojin! What about you? Don't you give me a gift?"

Nanjin shook the things in the hand, and what they sent was really heavy! It seems that I really can't do it, but the courtesy is light and affectionate!

Wen Xu smiled and said, "I'm joking with you! Just come!"

"I have prepared a gift..." Nanjin opened his hand, and a colorful crystal chain appeared in the palm of Nanjin's hand. "This is the crystal mobile phone chain I made all night. Although it is not the most expensive, my most sincere blessing. White crystal represents purity, amethyst represents romance, topaz represents wealth, and green crystal represents justice..."

Wen Xu looked at the sparkling crystal chain in Nanjin's hand, and his eyes were a little wet. His deceased grandmother liked to collect crystals, saying that it would bring good luck and often gave him crystal jewelry. He never cherished it. After his grandmother died, he regretted not being filial to his grandmother. His grandmother loved him very much and thought of him as soon as he saw the crystal.

"I hope it can bring you good luck!" Nanjin said with a smile, this is sincere.

Wenxu took the crystal chain from the palm of Nanjin's hand and hugged Nanjin excitedly: "Thank you! I like it very much, and I will definitely cherish it!" Then he took out his mobile phone and put the crystal chain on his mobile phone, shaking in front of Nanjin with a smile, "This is the best gift I have received!"

Nanjin was a little flattered and saw that Wenxu was a little sentimental, "Are you... all right?"

"It's okay! Ha ha..." Warm and happy returned to the sunshine and smiling face of the past.

"Brother Wenxu! Then you don't cherish the gifts we give?" Lin Xiaoke said.

"I will cherish it!"

"Young master! This is my gift for you. A group of people in black suits came over, and the leader said respectfully to Wenxu.

"Thank you, uncle!" Wenxu waved his hand and motioned the servants behind him to take the gift. "My father is waiting for you in the study."

"Young master, I'll say goodbye first!" He bowed to Wenxu and left. That man seems to be in his forties. Wenxu calls him his second uncle. It seems that he should be a warm elder, but he respects Wenxu's appearance. Is he the second head of the "Poison Scorpion Gang", Xiao Kui, known as the cold-blooded scorpion?! Why does Nanjin think his back is very familiar?

"Wenxu, why haven't you said that you still have a second uncle?" Nanjin wants to make sure.

"Oh, my second uncle is my father's good brother. He was born to death with my father. He was the second head of the Poison Scorpion Gang, so I called him second uncle."

"Are you curious about other people's family affairs?" Lu Haochen took a look at Xiao Kui who left and said to Nan Jin angrily.

Nanjin replied coldly: "Yes! Very curious! How about it?"

"You--" Lu Haochen didn't know what to say when he heard Nanjin's words.

How's it going? I'm on vacation tonight, and I'm not your maid now..." Nanjin said proudly.

"Okay! Stop bickering, let's go eat something!" Wenxu took Nanjin and left.

There are really people in all industries at the banquet. Many people greet Wen Xu, but he doesn't recognize him. It seems that living in a big family is not so happy and comfortable, but warmth has always given people a lively and lovely feeling. Is it really like this in his heart?

Here, Nanjin can only be with Lin Xiaoke. On the one hand, she has to keep an eye on her, and on the other hand, she has no acquaintance here except Lu Haochen and Wenxu. Wen Xu is greeting other people, so she won't follow Lu Haochen's demon.