Undercover maid

Chapter 24 The absent-minded look is funny

"Mr. Xu! What are you doing with so many magazines?

"Oh, the teacher wants to go on vacation with his boyfriend during the National Day holiday, so now let's see if there is a suitable place in the magazine!"

"Ha ha... So that's it!" Nanjin picked up the magazine on the ground and held it in his arms. "I'll take it to the car for you!"

"But... I forgot to bring my car keys today! Didn't drive here!"

"Then let me stop a taxi for you. How can you go home with so many books?" Nanjin said.

"Hehe... I also left my wallet at home! I still took someone else's ride in the morning! I'm worried about how to go home?" Mr. Xu almost found a hole and was ashamed in front of his students!

Namuni held the magazine with one hand, turned it over in his pocket with the other hand, and took out a few one-yuan bills! Mr. Xu's personality really doesn't match her mature appearance.

"I have run out of money... Teacher! Why don't we take the bus back and I'll take you home!"

"Good! That's all I can do. It's all my fault for being careless!" Teacher Xu blamed himself.

The two got on the bus and came to Mr. Xu's house. Mr. Xu's house is a three-bedroom house, and she usually lives alone.

"Come in! Xiaojin! Thanks to you today!" Mr. Xu put the magazine in his hand on the table, and took the magazine in Nanjin's hand and put it on the table.

"Teacher! Your home is so beautiful! It's a very warm feeling."

Is that right? Let's go back later today. In order to repay you, I will make you delicious food!"

"Ye! OK!"

After Mr. Xu put on his home clothes, he began to work in the kitchen. Nanjin smiled. Is the teacher even so sexy in his home clothes?

The sound of something breaking came.

Nanjin ran to the kitchen and saw a broken bowl lying on the ground sadly.

"Teacher, are you hurt?"

"No! The teacher is so stupid! In fact, I seldom cook, and I usually buy food!" Mr. Xu was a little embarrassed. He made a fool of himself in front of the students again today.

Nanjin smiled. After cleaning up the fragments on the ground with a broom, he struggled to find some vegetables in the refrigerator and said, "Then I'll do it!" Just wait to eat!"

"Xiaojin, can you still cook?"

"Ye, my mother died when I was six years old, and my father is usually very busy at work, so I solved it by myself! Cooking is okay!" Nanjin said while washing vegetables.

Mr. Xu's face was sad: "Really? The teacher touched your sadness. I should take good care of the students. It's not easy for you to be so young!"

"Nothing! I'm used to it!" Nanjin smiled and said, "Teacher, do you know? Your eyes smile like my mother, so I like you very much!"

Is that right? The teacher also likes Xiaojin! Then we will be friends in the future. I like to be friends with students the most. You can often come to the teacher's house in the future!" Teacher Xu narrowed his eyes and said.


"Bright, Xiaojin, there are rumors everywhere in the school that you are Haochen's maid? What's going on?" Mr. Xu also asked some gossips.

"Ah? Because I owe him money and I can't repay it, I promised to be his three-month maid to repay it. And after signing the contract, I will be free in more than two months!" Nanjin answered.

"What? How can Haochen bully you so much! Isn't it just owed money? I must talk about him well! Let him terminate the contract!' Teacher Xu put his hands on his waist and looked angry.

"No, teacher, I volunteered! I hope to solve it through my own strength!" Nanjin looked at Mr. Xu gratefully.

"Well... If Haochen bullies you, you must tell me that I will help you deal with him. He will listen to me the most!"

"Hm, is it because you are his uncle's girlfriend?"

"How do you know? Few people in the school know about it," Mr. Xu said in surprise.

"Lin Xiaoke told me, don't worry, I won't spread it!"

"Ha ha, I believe you, but Haochen listened to me not only because of his uncle. Actually... I knew Haochen before I dated his uncle!"

"At that time, he and Han Qingyu and Wenxu were always fighting outside the school. At the beginning, they were bruised every day! No one dares to take care of them. In my opinion, they are just a few big boys who lack care, especially Haochen! Although he is cold on the surface, his heart is actually very fragile. Teacher Xu said with a smile.

She began to recall those old things slowly. "At that time, I came to Fengyun High School as a teacher as a teacher as soon as I graduated. Haochen and they often skipped classes to fight with others. I just wanted to perse them, so I always secretly followed them and persuaded them before they started fighting. Once they were almost beaten. I'm fighting! Thanks to Haochen for saving me! Ha ha... In this way, I moved them little by little! Now they seldom go out to fight! And it will also come to class for my face..."

Nanjin listened carefully to Mr. Xu's words, "You are such a good teacher!"

"Ha ha... So, even though he bullies you, you should care more about him! He really needs a girl like you to care about him.

"Do you need me like this?" Nanjin has doubts.

"Yes! Because I found that you are the only one who dares to argue with Haochen. You are never pretentious and will tolerate him. Although he tries to torture you all day, in fact, he should care about you! Since you came, he has been much more cheerful than before! The teacher believes that you can definitely change Haochen!"

"Real?" Nanjin's face is full of question marks? Is he cheerful? Why can't you see it?! Tolerate him should be because she is his maid and can't resist! However, she really doesn't pretend in front of her like other girls. Basically, no girl can appear within five meters of Lu Haochen. Except for her and Lin Xiaoke, the rest are ordered by the lonely owner to let her go!

"Okay, let's not talk about it. I'll help you. Let's cook together!"

Two people are cooking in the kitchen, talking and laughing. Since she came to F City, this is the warmest meal she has ever eaten.

Nanjin saw that it was very late, so she didn't ask Mr. Xu to take her back. She took a taxi back to Lu's villa.

"xiao jin! You are finally back! I'm so worried! Why can't you get through?" Lin Xiaoke said anxiously when she saw Nanjin coming back.

Nanjin took out his mobile phone and looked at it and said, "It turns out that the mobile phone is out of power! I'm sorry to worry you!"

"As long as you're fine, I thought something happened to you..."

"Ha ha... I'm Nanjinye! Nothing can beat me!"

"I'll ask Yu's mother to get you something to eat!"

"No, I've eaten it. I just helped Mr. Xu bring something home and eat it at her house."

"That's it! Haha······"

"What are you laughing at?" Nanjin asked Lin Xiaoke, who was laughing.

"No, I just remembered that my cousin was very absent-minded when he was eating just now. He didn't eat well. He should be worried about you!" Lin Xiao can explain.