Undercover maid

Chapter 41 Why did Madam suddenly care about Nanjin?

"Ah--" Lu Haochen woke up. He opened his eyes in pain and found himself on the ground together with the quilt. He stood up and saw Nanjin taking off her clothes in a daze and saw a few drops of blood on her right back! Looking at the needle lying by the bed for a long time, she must have pulled it out when she was blurred! The drip didn't hit either!

"What are you doing?" Lu Haochen stopped Nanjin's crazy move of undressing. As soon as he touched Nanjin's body, he found that her body was very hot!

"Do you have a fever? This doctor is really a loser!" Lu Haochen looked at his watch. It was past three o'clock in the middle of the night. Don't wake up Yu's mother!

Lu Haochen found the body temperature and measured it. Thirty-nine and five degrees!! Is it a high fever?!

Lu Haochen found the medicine box in his room, found the antipyretics from it, and fed it to Nanjin. Because he always fought and would inevitably get injured in the past, so the medical tools are still well prepared.

Lu Haochen doesn't care about anything! Wipe her body with a hot towel! Anyway, it's not that he hasn't seen it! But the important parts still closed their eyes! He found the ice cubes in the refrigerator, put them in a towel and put them on Nanjin's forehead. I don't know what time it was. Lu Haochen measured his temperature again, 37 degrees! The fever has finally subsided!

Seeing that Nanjin had fallen asleep, Lu Haochen fell directly on Nanjin's ** and fell asleep.

The next morning, Nanjin opened her eyes vaguely, and a handsome face appeared in front of her. Is it Lu Haochen?! So handsome! The way he sleeps is so seductive! Wait! How could Lu Haochen be** by himself? Dreaming? Or dream of Lu Haochen? Nanjin rubbed her eyes and touched Lu Haochen's sleeping face. What a real feeling! It's really Lu Haochen! He... actually lay on his **!

"Ah--" Nanjin screamed loudly and kicked Lu Haochen out of bed.

"Ah! Damn it!" Lu Haochen woke up again and stood up in pain again. Nanjin was looking at himself in surprise.

Lu Haochen pointed to Nanjin and said, "You dead girl, this is the second time you have kicked me out of bed!" Don't you want to live?"

"Second time? Have you always been with me**? What are you doing with me?! What did you do to me?!" Nanjin sat up and instinctively covered his body with a quilt.

Lu Haochen thought Nanjin was funny but cute. He sneered and said, "Do you treat your savior like this? Last night, you had a low fever and a high fever! If it hadn't been for my mercy! You have seen the Lord of Hell for a long time! I took care of you all night! How can American time be good for you? Besides... You don't have anything to watch!"

Nan Jinshun saw his chest with Lu Haochen's eyes, and the quilt was raised again. He said angrily, "If it weren't for you! Can I fall into the water? If I hadn't fallen into the water. Can I catch a cold? You are the culprit of all this!"

"Does it have anything to do with me?"

"It's a big deal! Forget it, there is no need to hold anyone responsible anymore! Go out first. I don't want to see you now!" Nanjin said disappointedly that when she mentioned the incident of falling into the water, she would think of Lu Haochen abandoning her and saving Mr. Xu first. Her heart hurts like being stabbed!

"Don't want to see me?" Who does she want to see? Han Qingyu?

"Yes! I don't want to see you, please go out! I'm going to rest!" Nanjin stood up and pushed Lu Haochen to the door.

"Why are you so unreasonable!" Lu Haochen said loudly.

"Who is unreasonable?" Nanjin finally couldn't help shouting out, and tears flowed down.

"The unreasonable person is you! I fell into the water, and I was the victim, but you didn't believe me! And... you don't save me..." Nanjin said sadly.

"Did you cry? I never seem to have said that I don't believe you, right? There is no help..." Lu Haochen was a little at a loss when he saw Nanjin's tears. This stubborn girl suddenly became so weak. Seeing them fall into the water, Lu Haochen was very anxious. After jumping into the sea, he felt that someone jumped in to save people. He first saved Mr. Xu, who was already cramped. Nanjin is really a little belly. Do you have to make him understand? However, who is the person he wants to save first...

"Then when I asked you if you didn't believe me, you looked suspicious! Forget it, it doesn't matter anymore!" Nanjin said angrily.

Lu Haochen hugged his hands and smiled and said, "How do I think you look jealous?! Don't say you like me!" Lu Haochen's heart beat.

Nanjin raised her head and said slowly, "What if I say so?"

Lu Haochen paused for a moment and looked at Nanjin doubtfully without saying anything.

"Humph?!" Nanjin sneered, "I knew you had this reaction! Don't worry! How can I like you? Never!" She said it in her mouth, but there was a dull pain in her heart.


"Yes, never! Because your heart has been filled with a person..."

"What are you talking about?" Lu Haochen asked with a sinking face.

"Isn't it? Don't you have someone you like?"

"I have someone I like, will you know?" Lu Haochen looked at Nanjin curiously.

"Isn't the person you like... Mr. Xu?"

Lu Haochen was stunned, "You? Shut up! Don't say any more!"

"Why don't you say it again? Don't you know that there are two things in the world that can't be hidden? Coughing and love... Can't you hide the heart of liking a person? So I found your secret! You like... Mr. Xu's secret!" Nanjin's tears flowed again.

"Do you know what will happen if you talk nonsense again?" Lu Haochen's eyes became cold.

"If you don't listen to Mr. Xu at school; if you see Mr. Xu and Uncle close and don't show a sad expression; if you don't secretly kiss Mr. Xu on Mr. Xu's birthday; if you don't save Mr. Xu first after we fall into the water... Maybe... I won't find..."

Lu Haochen looked at Nanjin in surprise.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone!" Nanjin closed the door and leaned behind the door. She won't tell anyone. Everyone knows that Mr. Xu and Lu Haochen have a good relationship. If there is a little wind blowing, Mr. Xu's teaching career is expected to end.

Lu Haochen stood outside Nanjin's door, clenched his hand tightly, waved his fist on Nanjin's door, and left!

Nanjin covered his ears with both hands and sat on the ground. Tears flowed down like a faucet and could not be closed.

"Nanjin! You're right. If you talk about it, it won't be so painful! Anyway, I have to leave..." Nanjin comforted himself, but my heart really hurts!

"Madam! Are you back?!" Yu's mother said to Lin Manqing, who had just entered the door.

"Hm, is Nanjin there?"

"Nanjin? She was still in the room. She was sick last night, so she was still resting in the room. Yu's mother replied.

"Are you sick? Is it serious? Have you seen a doctor?

"It's just a cold. Dr. Li has seen it. It's nothing serious!" Oh, that's good. You take me to her room!"

"Yes!" Yu's mother was a little surprised why his wife suddenly cared about Nanjin. But he still took Lin Manqing to the door of Nanjin's room and then retreated.

Lin Manqing opened the door of the room, and Nanjin had already lay back**. She was tired of crying and fell asleep again. Lin Manqing sat by the bed and gently stroked Nanjin's head.