Undercover maid

Chapter 54 Confession!

"It's okay with me, you... don't be angry with me..."

"What's wrong with me? In fact, I don't blame you for that at all. Brother Qingyu doesn't like me at all. It's my own wishful thinking!"

"Xiaoke, don't say that, in fact, Han Qingyu..."

"The person he likes is you, I know! If you are together in the future, I will also bless you! Well, let's stop talking about this matter. We are still good sisters, aren't we?" Lin Xiaoke's smile is no longer simple.

"Are you still willing to be my good sister?" Nanjin grabbed Lin Xiaoke's hand excitedly.

Lin Xiaoke said, "Of course, didn't we say we would be sisters forever?"

"Ye" The two laughed happily.

After Nanjin's wound was bandaged, she went back to her room and received a phone call from the wheel.

"In the past two days, I have seen a few sneaky people around the school. You'd better be careful!"

"Ye, don't worry, I will pay attention!"

As soon as Lu Haochen entered the villa, he saw that the lights in Nanjin's room on the second floor went out.

"She slept? Is the wound wrapped or not? Lu Haochen was a little worried.

I wanted to ask about Nanjin's injury in the morning, but I didn't expect her to go to school early in the morning. By the way, today seems to be the day when she replied to Han Qingyu! Is she in such a hurry? What will her answer be?

"Hey! I didn't say anything. How dare you come to school first? After seeing Nanjin, Lu Haochen popped up such a disgusting sentence. Looking at her leg, it has been bandaged. It should be nothing serious.

"Young master! I have prepared your early, and all your "mounts" have been wiped. Of course, you have to come to class when it's time!"

"Are you a young master or am I a young master? You are my maid! Don't forget your identity!" I wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday, but he always had a different heart.

Yes! Young master!" Nanjin answered, and then opened the textbook to preview the lesson. She is very angry. Why does Lu Haochen always find fault with himself?

Lu Haochen looked at Nanjin and thought she would quarrel with him again. Unexpectedly, he didn't even ignore himself now, huh?! Good, Nanjin!

During the lunch break, Nanjin received a text message from Han Qingyu, saying that he was waiting for her on the rooftop, and Nanjin had been thinking about whether to go.

"Xiaojin, was the meal just now delicious?" Wen Xu has been turning around in front of Nanjin.

"It's delicious! How many times have you asked? Nanjin's funny answer.

Wenxu smiled shyly, and then walked back and forth in front of Nanjin, "Shall we play games at night?" No, I'd better take you for a ride. I know a place with great scenery! I've always wanted to show you!"

"Ha ha... I have something else to do in the evening! What's wrong with you today?" Nanjin looks a little absent-minded and gentle, isn't it?! Does Wenxu really like himself? So what happened in the video is true. Did you really fight with Han Qingyu for her?!

Ah? No, I'm fine! Then let's do it another day!" He said with a warm smile.

"Oh, then... I'll go out a little in advance!" Nanjinsi decided to go to the appointment after thinking about it. Sometimes it's better to say things clearly!

Wenxu watched Nanjin leave, wandering back and forth in the classroom, not knowing whether to follow him or not.

"Are you really worried that you won't come?" After Han Qingyu saw Nanjin, the stone fell in his heart.

"How come? I won't let you wait for me here for no reason!"

"So... can you tell me your answer?" Han Qingyu looked at Nanjin with expectant eyes.

"Han Qingyu! In fact... I've really always regarded you as a good buddy, and we've been like this... Isn't it good?" Nanjin carefully solicited Han Qingyu's opinion, and she was unwilling to hurt Han Qingyu.

"Ha ha... good friend? This is the answer I don't want most!" Han Qingyu was obviously frustrated, "Is it because of Chen? Is the person you like Chen?


"Do you want to ask me why I know? Because I've been paying attention to you, so I know, you like him, right?

"Han Qingyu... I admit that I really like him. However, he already has someone he likes in his heart. It's impossible for us, but he has occupied a place in my heart, so... I can't leave another place in my heart!" Yes, Lu Haochen has Mr. Xu in his heart, how can he have a place in Nanjin?

"Does he like others?" Han Qingyu wondered, based on his understanding of Lu Haochen, he thought that the person Lu Haochen liked was Nanjin? It's just that he hasn't found it yet and dares not admit it!

"That means... I still have a chance!" Han Qingyu continued.

"I didn't mean that!"

"Okay! I'm kidding, but if there is no one day in your heart, can you leave it to me? I will wait for you forever!" Han Qingyu's eyebrows revealed seriousness.

"I can't promise you that if you want to forget a person, you don't forget it! Maybe one day I will forget Lu Haochen, but... I will always treat you as a friend!" Although Nanjin knew that saying this would hurt Han Qingyu, if he dragged on like this, more people would be injured in the end.

Han Qingyu looked at Nanjin and nodded with a smile, but how could she know that he had liked her for more than ten years? She doesn't even remember it until now. It seems that he really has no place in her heart! Friend? It's better than strangers.

"Then let's go." Two people left the rooftop.

"Ah--" When Nanjin went down the stairs, one of them didn't stand still and almost fell down. Fortunately, Han Qingyu quickly took Nanjin into his arms.

"Thank you..."

"Your leg is injured. I'll carry you downstairs!"

"Don't be so troublesome, I'm not lame!" Nanjin shirked. Even if she is really lame, she can't let him recite it. If others see it, they will misunderstand again. Now the people in the school seem to be particularly curious about the direction of her feelings!

"Then I'll help you. You don't have to shirk it!"

"Ha ha... All right!"

The scene of Han Qingyu helping Nanjin was just seen by Lu Haochen, who passed by. Lu Haochen turned around angrily and left.

"Haochen?!" Mr. Xu saw Lu Haochen and came over and stopped him.

"Oh, Mr. Xu!" Lu Haochen answered politely.

"You don't look well? Humph~~ By the way, today is the day for Xiaojin to reply to Qingyu! The whole school is paying attention to this matter. It seems that you are very nervous!" Mr. Xu joked.

"Where do I have it?" Lu Haochen died and did not admit it.

"Haochen, in fact, if you like someone, you have to fight for it by your own efforts! How do you know if it works if you don't try? I once tried hard. Although I didn't catch it in the end, I won't regret it, because I fought for it and didn't escape. Now my heart is much more comfortable!" Mr. Xu looked at everything.

"Teacher... You really have a clear separation of love and hate!"

"So... I think you should know what to do!" Teacher Xu said that she understood what she said enough, confess! I hope Lu Haochen can do it.

Lu Haochen was silent for a moment. He didn't even try. How did he know that Nanjin really didn't like him? Maybe she is really hard-mouthed! Maybe he has been fascinated by him for a long time? He should really learn from the indomitable Angie!