Undercover maid

Chapter 56 Are you satisfied?

"Are you all right?" Nanjin whispered to Mr. Xu and Lin Xiaoke with a frightened face.


After confirming that they were not injured, Nanjin carefully observed the environment in the house. There was nothing sharp in the house. "Xiaoke, I'll help you untie the rope first, but then you can untie it for us!"

Nanjin and Lin Xiaoke leaned back, and she tried her best to help Lin Xiaoke untie the rope in her hand.

"Xiaoke, help us untie it!" Nanjin said to Lin Xiaoke, who was stunned.

Lin Xiaoke reacted and helped Nanjin and Mr. Xu untie the rope. Nanjin piled it under the window with debris. The window was very small. It seemed that it was only used for ventilation before. She observed the outside environment.

It was getting dark. She saw a car leaving. Several people guarded the gate and walked behind the door. The door was locked by a big chain. Through the crack, Nanjin saw several people sitting at a table drinking.

"It should be all right for the time being." Nanjin breathed a sigh of relief, as if they would do nothing for the time being.

"Why did those people kidnap you?" At this moment, Mr. Xu has recovered from the thrilling kidnapping just now.

"I don't know... Unfortunately, it's also tired of you..." Nanjin took a look at Lin Xiaoke. There was a flash in her eyes and was found by Nanjin.

"Hey! It doesn't matter. I just drove by and saw you surrounded, which scared me. I went to help you in a hurry! Ouch!! Shit! I forgot to call the police first!" Mr. Xu knocked on his head with regret.

"Don't worry, they fired a shot just now. Someone should have heard it and someone will call the police. Besides, if we haven't been back for so long, there should be someone... worry~~ Let's wait and see what happens." In fact, she didn't know if anyone had called the police, and she didn't know if Brother Wheel had found anything abnormal. She is afraid that these people are coming for Lin Xiaoke, which is very likely to be Lin Yongkang's enemies. In order to attract Li Yongkang to appear, he will catch his daughter to lure the snake out of the hole, and may also kill people...

The sky is gradually getting dark, and I don't know exactly what time it is. Will Lu Haochen be worried about it so late? I don't think so. They just quarreled in the afternoon.

The house is completely closed. The three girls leaned against the wall. The dark environment made Nanjin feel a little depressed. It seems that she had seen this environment a long time ago? When she was confused, she heard the sound of unlocking.

"Bad girl! It's really dishonest!?" In the faint light, Nanjin recognized the bald head who took the lead just now!

"Who the hell are you? What do we want to do?" Nanjin spoke first.

"Hmm, what are you doing? Well... It's hard to say. You'll know in a while!" The bald head looks obscene.

"Is it for money or death? Give me a good one!" Nanjin super hates others to beat around the bush!

"Yoh! It's spicy enough! You guys are not bad-looking." The bald man held Nanjin's chin with his hand and looked at it carefully.

Nanjin opened his bald dirty hand with his hand, and the bald man shouted in pain, "Are you still stubborn for a while?"

"Take the one next to you!" The bald head pointed to Lin Xiaoke, and the two people behind him set up Lin Xiaoke and left.

"Lew!" Namjin kicked one of them away.

"You bandits! Let go of my students!" Mr. Xu also shouted nervously.

"Peng--" The gunshot sounded and the bullet hit Mr. Xu's feet.

"Ah--" Teacher Xu covered his ears in horror.

"You! If you want to kill me, come to me! What is it to bully two weak women?!" Nanjin didn't dare to do it again for fear that the bald head would hurt Mr. Xu and Lin Xiaoke again.

"I know you are good at fighting, and it will be your turn in a moment!" The bald smiled proudly and put away the pistol. The two took Lin Xiaoke away, and the door was locked again.

"Ah! Help!"

When Nanjin heard Lin Xiaoke's shouting, he felt very uncomfortable.

"Bastard! If you dare to touch her cold hair, I will destroy 18 generations of your ancestors! Bastard!" Nanjin could only knock on the door and shout.

"Woo..." Mr. Xu was so scared that he cried, "What on earth do they want to do? You won't rape first and then kill, will you?!"

Nanjin hugged Teacher Xu to comfort her.

"I'm not a good teacher, and I can't even protect my students..."

"No! You are the most responsible teacher I have ever seen! Don't worry, I won't let you do anything! Nanjin's eyes showed hatred, which was heinous, but Mr. Xu did not find it.

Lin Xiaoke was taken to another room, and she was so scared that she hugged her head.

"Xiao Ke! Don't be afraid! It's Dad!" Lin Yongkang stroked Lin Xiaoke's head, "Look how you scared my daughter?"

"I'm sorry, Brother Kang!" After saying that, the man in black closed the door and left.

"Dad? Is it really you?" Lin Xiao couldn't believe it.

"It's Dad, don't be afraid. Dad will take you away tomorrow..."

"Dad! How did you send someone to kidnap us? Didn't you say you would find a few people to send Nanjin away? Why do those people still have guns? What on earth do you want to do? Lin Xiao asked eagerly.

"Hmm~ Fortunately, last time I was in the resort, I saw her contact with those police, otherwise you would have been kept in the dark? If you do this, you won't be able to see your father!" Lin Yongkang recalled that he had sent someone to closely follow up and investigate Nanjin, and she was indeed an undercover agent of the police.

"Dad! You said she was undercover, but... why? What the hell did you do wrong? Why did they arrest you?"

"Xiao Ke! Dad will tell you later that I will take you abroad tomorrow, and we will be safe after going abroad!"

"Dad!" Lin Xiaoke shouted helplessly. That day at KTV, a man with a cap handed her a paper ball with a phone card in it. Lin Xiao remembered that this man was the person who stole her bag last time. The night the bag was stolen, she also found a new phone card in her bag. After contacting her father, she lost the card according to her father's instructions. .

The man passed behind her and whispered, "Be careful of Nanjin! She is an undercover agent!" So at that time, Lin Xiaoke would look at Nanjin with that kind of eyes and was a little wary of her. She had guessed what her father had committed so that someone would approach her. She had a feeling that others were using it, and that man actually became her best friend, and even her favorite brother Qingyu gradually leaned against her... ···

Lin Xiaoke agreed to Lin Yongkang's proposal and led her to that road. She thought it would scare her and send her away, but she didn't expect... Just now, when she heard that Nanjin was so worried about herself, she felt guilty. Maybe this is because of love and hatred! Why does she become less and less like her?

The door was opened and a man entered the room. That man was Xiao Kui, the second head of the Poison Scorpion Gang!

How's it going? Are you still satisfied? I have sent someone to set a ticket for tomorrow morning, and you can leave at dawn. Xiao Kui held a cigar in his hand, and the younger brother next to him lit the cigar with a lighter.

"I know, that... named Nanjin..." Lin Yongkang asked.

"Don't worry, a little girl won't do anything to her!" Xiao Kui took a sip of the cigar.