Undercover maid

Chapter 68 Honest Explanation!

But... Lu Haochen said that he hates others to deceive him the most. What if he knows that he is an undercover agent? Aren't you angry? Isn't it?! He also said that it depends on the situation, and he didn't do anything shady! Lin Xiao is not angry, but will he? Nanjin's brain is dying of pain! How can the identity of the undercover agent be easily exposed?! If you don't do it well, it will cause murder!

After a few days of recuperation, Nanyu Airlines went through the discharge procedures for Nanjin and directly took her to the hotel to stay. Suddenly, she did not have time to inform Lu Haochen and the others.

Nanjin's phone rang.

"Hey! Why are you discharged from the hospital? Lu Haochen's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone.

"My father insisted that I be discharged from the hospital. I'm sorry, I didn't have time to tell you!"

"It's been a waste of time! Where are you?"

"How can it be a waste of time? Yu is also in the hospital. You can go to see him! Stay with him for a while. I'm staying in a hotel now and packing up.

"What? Hotel?! Why don't you go to my house? My parents seem to like you very much. You can go back at any time!" Lu Haochen has to see Nanjin every day, otherwise he will always feel that something is missing in his heart. Wait! Did she say Yu just now? Why did you suddenly call so intimate?

"It's my father's idea. I live here well!" Nanjin replied that in fact, she also wanted to go back.

"Nanjin! It's time to eat!" Nanyu Airlines shouted to Nanjin lying on **.

"My father is here! I'll hang up first and call you later!" Nanjin quickly hung up the phone and got up from **.

"Hey--" Lu Haochen heard the sound of hanging the line, "What? Are the wings hard now? Dare to hang up on me?! Am I spoiling you too much these days?!" Lu Haochen said to himself on the phone. Forget it, I've been visiting Nanjin during this period, and I haven't seen Han Qingyu. Let's go to see him. Why is he also his girlfriend's lifes lifesaver, hehe... girlfriend?! Lu Haochen laughed unconsciously.

After the room service brought the food, Nanjin couldn't wait to eat and packed up the things for most of the day. She had been hungry for a long time!

"Eat slowly, no one will grab you!" Nanyu Airlines handed Nanjin a glass of water.

"Dad... Do you want to take me back?" Nanjin's tentative question.

"Why are you still here? Are you going to stay here?

Nanjin smiled and said, "Dad! I think it's very good here. Why don't we move back? Anyway, the old house here is not for sale. It's also very convenient to see my mother here!"

"Why do you suddenly want to come back to live?"

"Just... Do you want to come back? OK! Dad--" Nanjin coquettishly grabbed Nanyuhang's arm.

"Hehe..." Nanyu Airlines smiled, "Don't do this with me! It's the right thing for you to go back and finish your studies right away! Stop messing around with the police station!"

"Dad!! How can this be called nonsense! I am also a contributor to the country! You should be proud to have a daughter with a sense of justice like me!" Nanjin said proudly.

"Good! Proud of you! Eat your meal quickly!" Southern Aerospace ordered.

"Humph~~" Nanjin was sulking while eating, so that she couldn't digest the food she ate.

In the hospital, in Han Qingyu's ward, Lu Haochen and Han Qingyu leaned against the window, and the breeze sometimes blew, taking away the smell of disinfectant in the ward.

"Are you better?" Lu Haochen opened his mouth.

"I will be discharged from the hospital in a few days. By the way, I just heard from the nurse that Nanjin has been discharged from the hospital? Why didn't you tell me..."

"I was picked up by her father. I just called and found out. It seemed to be very sudden, so I didn't tell everyone!"

"Real?" Han Qingyu muttered.

"Why did you block that shot for Nanjin without hesitation at that time? Aren't you afraid?" Lu Haochen has always wanted to ask him this question. Can he give up his life for love? Is Nanjin really that important in his heart?

Han Qingyu raised the corners of his mouth, "If I encounter that situation again, I will still go to her regardless of my life. She is worth doing that for her!"

Lu Haochen is stunned. Will he still do that? He suddenly felt ashamed. When Nanjin was in danger, he could not get out of the pain of the past, but Han Qingyu was willing to protect Nanjin with his life! Yu, what is your feelings for Nanjin?

"Ha ha... Why are you so melancholy! Not like you!" Han Qingyu joked.

Is that right? You don't look like you either! In the past, you wouldn't confess to people in public and wouldn't care about any girl! You won't even save a girl regardless of your own safety! Haven't you always liked a girl? It seems that your love is just like this? Change as soon as you say it!" Lu Haochen didn't give face to Han Qingyu.

"But I have never changed. The person I like has always been Nanjin!" Han Qingyu looked at Lu Haochen and said.

"What did you say?" Lu Haochen stared into Han Qingyu's eyes.

"Yes, the girl who has lived in my heart for more than ten years is her. In fact, I have recognized her for a long time, but she was stimulated when she was a child, so she forgot a lot of things and forgot me. It was not until the night that she was kidnapped that she remembered what happened before..." Han Qingyu looked out of the window with a smile on his face.

"So... the person in your heart has always been Nanjin?"


"But what should I do? The person she likes seems to be me! And... she is my girlfriend now!" Lu Haochen announced loudly.

Han Qingyu turned his head and looked at Lu Haochen doubtfully, "Is that right? But isn't the person you like Mr. Xu?

"When did I say I like Mr. Xu?"

"Do you need to say this? I've seen it a long time ago!"

"That's all the past, and now the person I like is Nanjin! Anyway, I still want to thank my girlfriend for me!" Lu Haochen specially highlighted the word "I".

"No, Uncle Nan has thanked me many times!" Han Qingyu also said rudely.

The two looked at each other, and there seemed to be a line with sparks between them!

Lu Haochen stared at Han Qingyu's eyes without showing weakness, but the five-flavor bottle in his heart had been knocked over. He wanted to tell Han Qingyu about his relationship with Nanjin and wanted him to let him quit automatically, but he didn't expect that his feelings for her had been so deep! It turns out that they have known each other for a long time, and both of them have fallen in love with the same person. Is this a test of love or a test of friendship between brothers?

"What are you doing?" Warmness appears at the right time and in the right place.

Lu Haochen and Han Qingyu left each other's eyes.

"Why do I feel that the atmosphere is not right?" Wenxu said strangely.

Where? Why haven't you appeared for so many days? Han Qingyu spoke.

Wenxu sighed, "Isn't it the matter of the poisonous scorpion gang?! It's all my second uncle, no! It's Xiao Kui's evil! My father hasn't been in good health recently, so I'm wiping his buttocks! He······"

"Have you finished processing it?"

"Ye! I'm really sorry for saying this!" Warm and apologetic.

"You didn't do it. What's wrong?!" Lu Haochen said.

Wenxu opened his arm and clamped their heads, "I knew you wouldn't blame me!" This is a good brother!"

Lu Haochen and Han Qingyu broke away from the gentle attack and looked at each other.

" By the way, have you heard about Uncle Lin?" Wenxu asked.

The two nodded tacitly.

"How is Xiaoke now? It must be very sad! Don't you know whether to comfort her or not?"

"It's okay, it's not as serious as I thought. It's just that I'm not feeling well. I'll take good care of her. Don't worry!" Lu Haochen said that now the only thing Lin Xiaoke can rely on is their Lu family. Xiaoke is so weak that she is really afraid that she can't hold on!

"How can my second uncle get together with Uncle Lin? I really don't understand..." Wenxu rubbed his head and said puzzledly.

Lu Haochen smiled faintly and thought about something...

"How can the interests between adults be clear? Maybe they have secrets that they can't tell!" Han Qingyu joked.

The mobile phone rang, rubbing the temples in pain, and did not answer the phone for a long time.

"It's so noisy! Why don't you answer!" Lu Haochen said impatiently.

Warm and ferocious face, "I'm going crazy too! It's all that Angie!"

"Angie? Speaking of which, it seems that I haven't seen her pestering Chen for a long time? Han Qingyu touched his chin and said with a smile.

"Of course! Now it's pestering me!" Wenxu said helplessly.

"Huh?!" Lu Haochen and Han Qingyu stared at Wenxu, and their eyes read "Ho honestly"!

The two slowly approached Wenxu, and Wenxu suddenly fell by the bedside.

"Okay! All right! I said it still doesn't work? Angie, that crazy girl, said she fell in love with me! That's why you have been pestering me!"