Wolin Opera

Chapter 36 Identity Exposure!

"Boom!" The thunder in the sky sounded, and with the sound of thunder, Yuanfeng's eyes became more and more red. At this time, the originally dark and bright eyes were like two red beads, which made people feel a little horrible.

"What's going on?" At this time, the fox at the end seemed to find something strange.

"Well...Well..." At this time, although the source wind's eyes were red, its body was full of pain. The powerful real force hit his body, and the original force in his body instantly reacted and tried his best to break through the confinement in his body, but this incommunicative confinement was too heavy. The Pang Ranyuan force inside didn't break through, which made Yuanfeng so painful now.

"Boom! Boom!" With the passage of time, the power of Yuanfeng's body to break through the prohibition has also greatly increased. At this time, Xiao Wuzi also found something unusual, that is, he had suffered great pain, but now the pressure has been reduced in an instant.

"Damn! What's going on! Ah..." secretly released all the true power in his body to destroy Yuanfeng and Xiaowuzi. As time went by, he found that Yuanfeng and Xiaowuzi had nothing to do with his own efforts, which made him feel a little anxious.

"brush..." The sky suddenly became bright and dark, and the sand and strong wind suddenly made the atmosphere at the scene colder and colder. With the thunder in the sky getting louder and louder, the endless heat generated by the original force and confinement impact in the source wind plunged the source wind into an extremely painful stage.

At this time, the bean-sized sweat beads of the source wind's forehead slipped and the blue veins protruded.

"Ah! Ah!" Finally, Yuanfeng couldn't support this powerful power collision and roared, suddenly stood up and supported his arms, and suddenly an extremely powerful force burst out!

"Boom!" In an instant, all the real power emitted secretly was blocked back by the Yuanfeng's power!

"It's not good! This is! What's going on?! Ah!" In an instant, the powerful power bounced back, boom! With a powerful explosion! The whole yard suddenly fell under the cover of this powerful and true spirit!

"Boom!" With the roar of several people, there were strong explosions in the whole yard! In an instant, all the soil and bricks were instantly rolled into the sky by this strong explosion!

After a few seconds, a strong dazzling white light lit up, and the surroundings suddenly became blurred...

Fifteen minutes later, the white light around it gradually faded, and all the scenery and all the objects were completely exposed...

At this time, the potholes on the ground and the originally thick trees were also smashed by the explosion. The originally large yard has also been overturned by the strong airflow generated by the explosion, and the yard has long ceased to exist.

"Wow..." Standing in the middle of the flat ground, the source wind couldn't help gasping. The strong explosion just now had already consumed the power in his body. Now the source wind also seems to sense a trace of fatigue, and that strong sleepiness suddenly hit his heart.

And the little fifth son at the other end looked at the source wind standing in the center in surprise, and the surprise in his heart was self-evident: Who is he? Why is it so powerful?

"Zeng Niu, you..." Looking at Yuanfeng's rising chest, Xiao Wuzi finally asked gently.

"Boom!" With Xiao Wuzi's words, Yuanfeng's body only moved gently. In an instant, Yuanfeng only felt a feeling of dizziness rushing to his brain and fell to the ground with a bang...

"Zeng Niu!" The moment Yuanfeng fell, he only heard the last two words of Xiao Wuzi shouting, and he felt nothing...


The red sun slowly rises from the horizon, adding a warm feeling to the originally cold weather. At this time, the source wind has been in a coma for a day and a night, but it still has no intention of waking up.

"Squeak" With the sound of the door, a man with a big waist and a scar on his face came in and sighed when he looked at the source wind who still did not wake up: "Little brother, it's really hard for you... If it hadn't been for you, I'm afraid that all our names would have been here!"

At this time, Scarface stayed in Yuanfeng's house for a period of time and left. Walking out of Yuanfeng's room, Scarface said to the two men standing next to the house, "You must protect the safety of the little brother in the house. If anything happens to him, I will ask you!"

"Yes!" As the two men nodded, Scarface sighed and walked straight back to his room.

"Brother Scar! I'm waiting for you to come back!" As soon as Scarface entered the door, the little five was already waiting in the room. At this time, the little five's face was a little ruddy. Since Yuanfeng destroyed the dark and others, the fox also followed the explosion and shattered. After hearing the sound of the explosion at that time, it was not entangled with Scarface and others, and quickly returned back. The place where the fox was, and when he saw the fox and others died tragically, Huo suddenly heartbroken. Without the main bone, Huo dismissed his men and finally killed himself in the place where the fox died.

Because the fox and others died, Xiao Wuzi also insisted on his teeth and endured the severe pain on his body and carried the source wind back. When he saw the coma Yuanfeng, the scar face was extremely excited. If there was no source wind, I'm afraid that all his people would die here.

"Oh, little five, is your left arm all right?" As soon as he saw that it was the fifth son, the scar face asked.

"It's okay," Xiao Wuzi smiled faintly: "It doesn't matter if the left arm is gone, as long as the right arm is still there. If there is no right arm, I'm afraid the hand holding the knife will be gone."

"Oh...Little five, thank you and Zeng Niu for your hard work!" Scar gently patted Xiao Wuzi's shoulder in front of his face and said gratefully. Looking at the excited look of Scar's face, Xiao Wuzi smiled faintly. At this time, Xiao Wuzi suddenly thought of something and took out two things from his pocket and gave them to Scarface: "Brother Scar, this is from him when I came back with Zeng Niu on my back. I don't know what the two things I found on it are."

"Oh? Two things?" Scarface raised his eyebrows and took these two things and looked at them carefully. One of these two things is a golden brocade bag about the size of the palm of your hand. This brocade is very light, and the other is a black cloth bag. On the contrary, this black cloth bag is much heavier than the golden brocade bag, and there seems to be a very hard thing in it. I don't know what it is inside. Something.

"What the hell is this?" Scarface was a little confused at this time. He picked up the black bag, untied the rope on the bag, and took out the contents.

"This...this is!" When he saw the things in the bag, Scarface and Xiao Wuzi were instantly dumbfounded. This is the highest symbol of the power of Kyoto, Rui's golden token!

"Brother Scar, how can Zeng Niu have this thing? Is it possible that Zeng Niu gave Master Murray..." At this time, the little five son said that if Yuanfeng really killed Lord Murray, then Yuanfeng would be his enemy!

"No!" Listening to the words of the little five son, Scarface affirmed: "Absolutely impossible. We have seen Zeng Niu and got along with each other for some time, but according to my old scar, he can never be a murderer, and... And Mr. Murray was imprisoned in the No. 7 prison area by Zeng's father and son, then if he Niu is the one who killed Lord Murray. How did Zeng Niu enter the No. 7 prison area?

Listening to the analysis of scarface, the little five son thought about it and said, "Is it that Zeng Niu and Zeng's father and son are together?"

At this time, the scar face did not speak, but opened a very neat stack of paper in the black bag and looked carefully at the dense font on it.

A few minutes later, the scar face was raised and closed its eyes and said lightly, "Sure enough, as I expected, Murray is dead..."

"What?!" Hearing the words of Scarface, Xiao Wuzi's face changed dramatically in an instant. Finally, Xiao Wuzi's strong anger burned in his heart in an instant. He angrily picked up a long sword in the room and was about to rush out of the room!

"Hight!" Seeing that Xiao Wuzi was about to go out with his sword, Scarface immediately shouted, "Little Wuzi! What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to kill Zeng Niu!" The blue veins on Xiao Wuzi's face have been exposed: "I thought he was a good brother! As a result, he actually killed Murray, and I went to kill him! Revenge Lord Murray!" Saying that he was about to rush out of the house again, but he was drunk by Scarface again.

"Confused!" Scarface scolded and handed over the note in his hand: "Look at yourself!"

"This...what is this?" Looking at Scarface handing the note to himself, Xiao Wuzi was stunned, but Xiao Wuzi's characterization was relatively strong and soon recovered. As a result, the note was opened and read.

When the little five read the last thing, his expression instantly changed and became incredible.

Soon, Xiao Wuzi read the contents of the note and said incredulously, "Zeng Niu... is actually the successor of Murray? This...isn't that impossible?"

"Hmm!" Scarface snorted: "His name is not Zeng Niu. We should call him Yuanfeng. To be honest, I really think it's incredible. I'm convinced that Murray can choose Yuanfeng as his successor!"

This sound suddenly stabilized Xiao Wuzi's face. Soon, Xiao Wuzi laughed, which was a kind of happiness from the heart: "Brother Scar! I'm sorry for Brother Yuanfeng! I just misunderstood him!" After a pause, the little five son said again, "Brother Scar, Yuanfeng is the owner of this Rui, not only you! My little five son wants to obey! My little fifth son has never really obeyed anyone, but Yuanfeng's words and deeds, the heart of sacrificed his life and kindness for others, let my little fifth son truly recognize Yuanfeng as our new Ruizhu in my heart!"