Wolin Opera

Chapter 46 Exclude the Enemy 3

" hiss!" With a burst of strong light, Brother and others couldn't open their eyes in an instant by the strong light, and quickly resisted the strong light with their right hand and let their eyes slowly adapt.

Soon, a few minutes later, after adapting to Brother and others, the scene I saw immediately cheered my heart. All the places at the scene were crowded with people, and everyone was staring at the generals and others in the middle.

"It's not good! There is an ambush!" At this time, a burst of thoughts were percoctioned in Brother's mind, but it was too late. The number of the other party was obviously dozens of times that of himself, and it was futile even if he resisted. Now the general brother also put all his hopes on those two Samsung dark. These two Samsung dark generals know that their strength is definitely not something that ordinary people can fight against!

At this time, a path followed the crowd, and several strong men came out from behind the crowd.

With this strong light, I could see clearly who these men were. It was the scar faces, little five sons and double-sided snakes that they wanted to remove.

How's it going? Brother Jiang, are you all right?" Scarface looked at the general who was trapped in the middle and smiled faintly, but anyone could hear the sarcasm in Scarface's tone.

"Hmm!" Brother Jiang heard the sarcasm in the scarface tone, took out a cigarette from his trousers pocket with a sneer, and ignited gracefully, "Scarface, since I have been trapped by you, I think I'm unlucky, but it's absolutely impossible for me to surrender! If you want to fight, fight, kill if you want. If you frown, I won't be a general!"

With that, Brother took off his black suit and exposed the white shirt inside. The guard is the guard. Even in winter, it is impossible to wear down jackets to go on the mission, so they are wearing black suits and black suit trousers all year round.

After taking off the coat of the black suit, he narrowed his eyes on the white cuff wrist with a cigarette in his hand and said, "Come on! Let me learn your strength!"

With Brother's movements, the two people he protected also took off the black suit and planned to fight to the death with Scarface and others.

"Good! It's a man!" Scarface looked at the general brothers and came to fight with the mortal determination and appreciated them very much. When he threw away the big knife in his hand, he also took off his upper clothes and said, "Old snake, don't interfere. Let me meet them. If you intervene, it will be too boring to destroy them in an instant!" With that, he walked towards the brother's place in the middle of the venue.

With the drop in temperature at the scene, a big war broke out in an instant!

In another place, Yuanfeng stood quietly in a dark forest with his eyes closed, without a trace of movement or sound. The whole forest seemed to be silent in peace, quiet and terrible!

When it is often quiet, it will mean the arrival of a bloody wind!

Finally, after more than ten minutes, Yuanfeng finally slowly opened his black eyes and gently exhaled, "Samsung Dark... Are you too confident in your own strength? Come out, don't hide! Do you want me to find you out one by one?

As soon as the source wind's voice fell, two voices suddenly sounded. In an all second, two figures appeared opposite Yuanfeng, two strong men with explosive muscles.

These two men are the same as the man who fought desperately with Yuanfeng at the beginning, they are murderers trained by the mysterious organization - Samsung.

"Ky, your strength is good! I didn't expect that we hid ourselves so much that you found us!" One of the three stars secretly looked at the source wind standing quietly on the opposite side and said with admiration. To be honest, although the two of them were the lowest warriors in the night killing, they were still very confident in their strength. However, it made them strange that they did not feel the energy wave in Yuanfeng's body at all. Move, if you don't even feel the energy fluctuation in the other party's body, it can only explain two points. First, the other party is an ordinary person at all. Second, the other party's strength is much higher than his own strength...

Although this is the case, every soldier trained in the dark night killing has been instilled in the idea that no matter whether the other party is strong or weak, he must have the determination to complete this task!

Listening to Samsung's secret words, Yuanfeng smiled at the corners of his mouth: "Is that right?"

With that, Yuanfeng moved his muscles and said, "I sincerely hope that you can go to the temple to draw lots when you go out today, and bless you don't draw lots."

Yuanfeng's mockery, the two stars did not speak secretly, and their faces were cold and expressionless, just like a dead object without any facial expressions.

"Bum!" In an instant, Yuanfeng took the initiative to attack! In less than a second, even less than a second, Yuanfeng's fists hit the two dark faces of the two three stars on the opposite side!

"Dong! Dong!" Two dull voices sounded, and the two three stars were secretly punched into the ground not far away by the source wind! In an instant, the ground was knocked out into a deep pit of two people's shape!

"Brush!" Bang!" With the emergence of deep pits on the ground, Samsung also counterattacked! The three suddenly fought fiercely in the woods!

At this time, after a dull sound at the end of Scarface, the heavy punch of Scarface hit Brother's abdomen!

"Well..." Brother Jiang was firmly hit on the abdomen by this punch, and in an instant, he felt a burst of overturn in his body! At this time, I felt that the internal organs in my body were about to be broken by the punch of the scar face, which was extremely painful! And at that moment, Brother General closed his breath for a few seconds as if he couldn't breathe oxygen!

"Ah! Huhu..." At this time, Brother General finally recovered from the difficult moment and roared and gasped. Now the general is full of blood, and the original white shirt has already been stained with red blood stains, some of which are dripping and some are flaky.

On the other end, Scarface is much better than Brother. It's just a piece of blue on his face, and there is nothing else.

Since the initial battle between the two, it has lasted for dozens of minutes. In fact, according to theory, Brother General can never compete with the scarface with true power, but the reason why Scarface can fight with Brother for so long is that on the one hand, it is because of the poison imprisoned in the scarface, and the real power in the body cannot be exerted, and even the true power cannot be exerted. That's why I have been fighting with Brother for so long.

On the other hand, although Brother is not practicing true power in his body like Scarface and others, he is just an ordinary person, and he has been fighting with Scarface for so long because he has been practicing martial arts since he was a child and is best at fighting. In this close fight, he also fully played what Brother learned, and the imprisonment of Zhenli in the scar face can only be regarded as an ordinary person. In the battle between ordinary people and ordinary people, the result can also be imagined.

"Huhu..." Brother General really felt a little exhausted at this time. Now he knows why Zeng's father and son have to do everything possible to get rid of scarface and others. It's terrible! Even if Scarface is banned, his strength is still extraordinary, and he is at least a fighting champion. At this time, in the face of people like Scarface, Brother General really feels that he is really too small. Compared with Scarface, Brother is simply a teenager and a baby.

Scarface looked at Brother General, who was constantly gasping for breath, wiped the blood stains on the corners of his mouth and smiled, "Brother, my scar has to tell you that I really admire you. Although the real power in my body has been banned by the damn perilence, it is still more than enough to deal with ordinary people. Even the strong men behind me can't fight me until now. I didn't expect that you have fought with me until now. I really admire you!"

Scarface paused and said, "It's been too long... It's time for us to make an understanding! Your personality is similar to me. If we are not enemies, I think we will become best friends!"

"Hehe..." Listening to Scarface's words, Brother laughed at himself: "It seems that I really want to thank you for your appreciation. Come on! Even if I die, I will never frown! Drink!"

With that, Brother rushed up again in an instant and had the last life-and-death struggle with Scarface!

"Boom!" At the other end, the source wind and the two three-star dark battle entered the white-hot stage. All the trees at the scene were smashed by the energy emitted by the battle, and the originally dense forests were moved to the flat bottom in an instant, and dozens of deep pits of large and small appeared on the ground!

"Bang!" Yuanfeng's cheek was hit by a three-star dark fist! But it just made a muffled sound, and Yuanfeng was not beaten out as expected, and his head tilted at most!

At this time, Yuanfeng knew that the two Samsungs were secretly exhausted. Although they had only fought with each other for half an hour, this half an hour was equivalent to fighting for a day and a night, and the energy in both sides consumed a huge amount of energy!

Although the power in the source wind's body consumes a lot, the unicorn formula of the source wind has reached the third level, and the power is much larger than before, so there are still some power in the body, and the two three stars are different. After such a strong battle with the source wind, the real power in the body is almost consumed. .

But although the real power in the two Samsung's bodies is about to run out, they still desperately hit the source wind, because there is only one thought in their minds, which is to let the source wind die!