Wolin Opera

Chapter 55 Spring!

At this time, the brake sound of the car sounded, and a red Porsche stopped beside the source wind.

As the door of the car opened, a pair of black high-heeled boots poked out with the slender legs. Soon, a beautiful woman wearing sunglasses leaned half out of the car and smiled at Yuanfeng not far away, "Wind!"

Listening to this sound, he immediately pulled back the thoughts of the source wind. Yuanfeng turned his head and rushed to the roadside, and then he saw that Huan Huan was smiling at himself.

"Oh... I didn't expect to come so soon?" Yuanfeng stepped forward and smiled, "Tut, this car is not cheap!" With that, Yuanfeng opened the door on the other side and sat in the co-pilot's seat, and Huanhuan pulled up the door and started the car. Only a roaring engine sound was heard, and the car slowly drove on the street.

"Ringhuan, do you remember what I told you yesterday?" Yuanfeng looked at the sight in front of the car and smiled faintly.

"I remember" nodded ring: "But there is one thing I don't understand. Why are you dressed like this?" With that, Huan Huan looked at the source wind again. At this time, the colorful colors of the source wind and the domineering clothes on his body made Huan Huan puzzled.

Looking at Huanhuan's strange eyes, Yuanfeng smiled: "Well... I think it feels good to be a playboy. Let's just do it first. Oh, by the way, Huanhuan, remember that your and my name will change when we get to the place. I'm not your master, nor are you my subordinate, and I'm a playboy. Your brother Feng, do you know?"

Yes! After the ring nodded, his right foot stepped on the accelerator again. In an instant, the red Porsche flew out like a red arrow in winter.

Ten minutes later, the red Porsche stopped in front of a villa courtyard. As soon as the strong man guarding the gate of the courtyard saw the red Porsche, he immediately opened the door of the villa and let it go.

"Boom..." As the Porsche engine was extinguished, both the source wind and the ring got off the car.

Looking at so many strong guards in this villa, Yuanfeng really sighed. Unexpectedly, the place where the spring is located is so good. It seems that he is well taken care of by the father and son of the Zeng family.

After Yuanfeng and Huanhuan looked at each other, they walked back to the villa one after the other. From the ring road, the two came to the door of a huge house behind the villa. When he came, Yuanfeng had already heard Huanhuan say that Quan never liked to stay in the villa. He had a habit of training in this martial arts competition every day with his men.

"Bum!" Just as Yuanfeng and Huanhuan came to the door of the room, a strong muffled sound suddenly came out of the room, and when Huanhuan opened the door, a huge body lay at the door.

"Hmm, old bear, you lost again!" A man with blond hair on his upper body said to the old bear lying on the ground.

"Well..." The old bear supported his body with both hands, barely got up from the ground and gasped and gasped, "Quan, every time you fight with you, you always use so much force, but you fell to death." He shook his body, and a crisp sound suddenly spread all over his body.

"Hum" Quan smiled faintly and didn't say anything, but shouted at the door: "Ringhuan, you're here"

Listening to Quan's words, Huan Huan lit a cigarette and walked in and said, "Quan, why don't you go to Zeng's father and son?"

"Well, those two old and small guys!" Quan turned around and picked up the clothes on the hanger next to him and said, "If it hadn't been for the sake of these two guys, I would have killed them... Hu, by the way, Huanhuan, who is the little brother next to you?"

"Oh?" Huanhua exhaled a smoke ring and said, "My brother, Feng, wants to join the organization"

"Your brother?" Quan was stunned for a moment and smiled, "When did you have a younger brother? Why don't I know?" With that, he turned his head to Yuanfeng beside Huanhuan and said, "Little brother, don't you think you've come to the wrong place?"

Looking at Quan's contemptuous eyes, Yuanfeng did not feel disgusted. Instead, he took out a cigarette like a ring and lit it and took a sip: "What's wrong? What's the right place? In my opinion, the wrong place is the right place, and the right place... is still the wrong place.

Listening to Yuanfeng's words, I can't help but surprise Quan. Even if I don't judge from the words Yuanfeng said, I can see that this person is not simple from his calm eyes and calm thinking!

"Haha" Quan laughed and turned his head to Huanhuan: "Yes, Huanhuan, your brother is indeed very individual, but..." With that, Quan put away his smile and said to Yuanfeng, "Little brother, do you know that coming to us is not only a mouth that can speak... More importantly, you need a pair of powerful Fist!" With that, Quan suddenly waved a fist at the air next to him. In an instant, Yuanfeng could clearly hear the hissing sound in the air. Yuanfeng knew that this was the sound of strong friction with the air when Quan waved his fists.

Looking at Quan's contemptuous eyes, Yuanfeng did not speak, but looked at him quietly, as if waiting for Quan's next words.

"Well," Quan put away his fist and said, "If you have the ability, then I will let you sit on the third leader in the organization. The power is almost the same as that of the ring. Of course, if you don't have the ability, then... you have to break your hands and get out of here, okay? Because you are Huanhuan's younger brother, I am out of law. If someone else... Humph, he can't think of coming out of here alive today. How about it, dare you?"

Yuanfeng listened to Quan's words and thought for a moment: "Okay! I promise you! If I don't have the strength, then I will break my hands and get out of here!"

"Hahaha!" Hearing Yuanfeng agree, Quan laughed, but at this time, the old bear next to him was the first one who refused: "Quan, you can't do this! We don't know the details of this boy at all. If this boy really becomes the third leader of the organization, I'm afraid..."

Before the old bear finished speaking, he was interrupted by the ring next to him and hummed coldly: "Old bear! Why, can't you trust me?"

"Ring! Don't be complacent! Don't think that your subordinates have some power, and my old bear is afraid of you! If it really does, it's not certain who will die!"

At this time, the smell of gunpowder of the old bear and the ring suddenly became stronger, and the two remaining men of the old bear also disagreed with the practice of spring, which instantly reduced the temperature in the house to freezing point.

"Enough!" Quan finally shouted and said coldly, "Don't talk anymore, that's it!" Old Bear, the strength of the three of you is extraordinary. Whether the three of you take turns to fight or together, in a word, fight against this little brother. If you lose, then what I say is counted. If you win, he will never feel good! That's it!"

"But..." The old bear wanted to say something, and when he saw Quan's cold expression, he immediately suffove the words that were about to his mouth.

And Yuanfeng, who didn't speak, still smokes the cigarettes in his hand. In fact, Yuanfeng is not very worried about whether he can defeat the old bear. In Yuanfeng's eyes, the old bear can be called the stupid ones. It is much easier for him to defeat them than to defeat the three stars.

But... what puzzled Yuanfeng was why Quan made himself the third leader of this organization? According to what Huanhuan said, in the organization managed by Quan, it is very difficult to arrange a person to be an important person in the organization. That is to say, if a person wants to be reused in the organization, he must first have stronger strength than anyone else, and on the other hand, it also needs the recognition of Quan. . But this is only for the insiders of the organization. Although Quan knows that he is Huanhuan's younger brother, after all, he is not an insider of the organization, and they don't fully understand themselves. Why do they give themselves such a high right without knowing them?

Is Quan intentional in doing this? Or is it on the face of the ring? This makes the source wind puzzled. But after all, Quan said so, Yuanfeng still felt that it was an opportunity, so he agreed without thinking about it.

When Yuanfeng looked at the coveted old bear and others, smiled faintly, threw out the cigarette butt, and then took off his coat, revealing only the thin black clothes depicting a tiger inside and said, "This big brother is called Lao Xiong, right? Are you going to go together? Or are you going to go one by one?"

"Hmm!" Listening to Yuanfeng's words, Lao Xiong snorted coldly, shook his strong arm and stood opposite Yuanfeng and said coldly, "Joke! My old bear can clean you up by himself!" With that, the old bear put on a posture that was about to fight.

Although the old bear put on a fighting posture, others could see at a glance that he was completely absent-minded. In fact, in Lao Xiong's view, fighting with Yuanfeng, a smelly little hair, really insulted himself, but after all, this is an order issued by Quan. If he doesn't do it, he will definitely make Quan unhappy. Therefore, Lao Xiong can only fight with Yuanfeng aggrievedly.

"Oh..." Yuanfeng smiled faintly, pulled up all the clothes of his arms, revealing the arm wrapped in his clothes and said, "I never bully the weak. You'd better treat it first!"

"Ah!" As soon as the originally contemptuous old bear heard that Yuanfeng actually looked down on him, his heart immediately burned with anger! Damn, when did I get looked down on by a little child?! Suddenly, a strong anger swept his heart. The old bear quickly stepped out with his right foot without saying a word, and punched the door of the wind with the sound of the wind!