Wolin Opera

Chapter 106 Crystal S skull

After more than two hours of bumps in the car, eight backbone members of the Golden Team, led by the source wind, have arrived at Huaji Airport, which is located on the edge of Kyoto.

When the car was about to approach Huaji Airport, the source wind had already seen a large group of people guarding around the airport not far away from the car through the glass of the car. Just looking at these gusts of Yuanfeng and others knew the value and importance of this batch of cultural relics, otherwise it would have been impossible to send such Many people came to protect this batch of cultural relics.

Soon, after the car drove for a few minutes, it successfully passed through the inspectors outside the airport and entered the interior of the airport. As soon as the car entered the interior of the airport, it drove all the way to the center of the airport, that is, the take-off channel where each flight takes off and lands.

As the car stopped smoothly, Yue Hong, Yuanfeng, Wang Qiang, Yang Jiang and others already knew where they had arrived, and then pulled the door and quickly got out of the car.

"Captain Yuan, I can wait for you!" Just after Yuanfeng and others got off the bus, an extraordinary middle-aged man in military uniform greeted him with a few people with a smile.

"Hello!" After Yuanfeng smiled and shook hands with the other party, the middle-aged man introduced, "Captain Yuan, my name is Zhang Zhi, the head of this escort team. I received an order from my superiors before you came. I learned that Captain Yuan led the team in person, so I waited here early in the morning."

"Ha ha, Director Zhang, thank you for your hard work," Yuan Feng said with a faint smile, and then glanced at Yue Hong behind him and other people: "We also just received the order above this morning. In order not to waste time, we rushed here as soon as we received the order."

Listening to Yuanfeng's words, the person in charge Zhang immediately said, "No, Captain Yuan and others will also work hard this time. Oh, by the way, you must not have time to have breakfast yet, right? It's only about two o'clock in the afternoon, and it's estimated that there are still two hours before departure. I'll arrange some food for you to talk about these things with Captain Yuan by the way, okay?" At this time, Zhang, who said that the person in charge here raised his arm again and looked at the quartz watch on his arm.

"Hmm! "Okay," Yuanfeng nodded and agreed. To be honest, this task is very important. Without a good physical support, I'm afraid that no matter how strong the body is, it can't bear it. Therefore, Yuanfeng nodded and asked Yang Jiang and others to go to the restaurant first.

At this time, the person in charge of Zhang saw Yuanfeng and agreed to immediately say to a woman standing next to him, "Xiao Ma, you can arrange for these members of the Golden Team to eat something. Captain Yuan and I have something to explain."

After the "OK" woman named Xiao Ma nodded, she guided Yang Jiang and others to the restaurant at the airport for lunch, but Yang Jiang and others left, but Yue Hong never left, but still stood next to Yuanfeng.

Of course, Yuanfeng saw Yuehong still standing next to him and turned his head and asked, "Yuenhong, why don't you go to eat, or you won't have the strength to carry out the task in the afternoon."

"Yuanfeng, I ate something in the morning, and I'm not very hungry now. I want to visit with you." Listening to Yuanfeng's words, Yuehong shook her head gently.

And after seeing Yuehong insisting on staying, Yuanfeng was not reluctant, so he had to agree. At this time, the person in charge of Zhang invited Yuanfeng and Yuehong to visit the general protection of the airport first. In order for the Golden Team to play a greater role in protecting this batch of cultural relics, it is necessary to understand these protected environments.

At this time, head Zhang walked next to Yuanfeng and said, "Captain Yuan, I think you have also seen that this periphery is basically defended by ordinary team members, and the middle part is more important. It is drawn from the national guard. In addition, the most advanced infrared infrared is also installed here. Line detectors and surveillance videos at various intersections, etc. to ensure the safety of these cultural relics"

At this time, Yuanfeng frowned slightly after hearing the introduction of the person in charge Zhang and said, "Head Zhang, what kind of precious cultural relics are transported here? How can so many people be sent to protect them?"

Now Yuanfeng is very strange. Yuanfeng has really never heard of it. What cultural relics can be protected and escorted by the country so laboriously, so Yuanfeng asked.

"In fact, to tell you, Captain Yuan, the value of this batch of cultural relics is indeed connected, and this batch of cultural relics is five crystal skulls." Looking at Yuanfeng's doubtful expression, the person in charge Zhang finally said what this batch of cultural relics is.

"Crystal skull?" Yuanfeng frowned again when he heard this. It seemed that he had learned it in Kyoto University before. This crystal skull is said to have been created by the Mayans. Its appearance is crystal clear and can emit magical colors and dizzying light. There are also rumors that this crystal skull can control others with its own power. , seems to have a very magical power, but Yuanfeng didn't expect that he would lead the team to protect such cultural relics.

"Yes!" Zhang nodded: "These five crystal skulls are said to have been found in a swamp outside our country. At that time, these five crystal skulls did not sink in the deepest part of the swamp, but floated in the shallowest part of the swamp mud. Later, they were found because they emitted colorful light."< /P>

"That's it!" At this time, Yuanfeng understood a little by listening to the words of the person in charge Zhang, but there is another question, that is, where will these five crystal skulls be shipped? Thinking of this, Yuanfeng said again, "Head Zhang, I don't know... where will these five precious crystal skulls be transported?"

"Special Cultural Relic Research Institution in Baohe Gia"

"S..." Hearing the words of the person in charge Zhang, Yuehong, who had not spoken next to her, immediately took a breath, because she knew where Baohe Gia Special Cultural Relics Research Institute was!

In fact, it is no wonder that Yuehong was surprised. This Baohe Gia Special Cultural Relics Research Institute has been established for more than 100 years. Although it has been established for so long, no one in the outside world knows this research institution at all. In short, in addition to important national figures, this research institution is a position in the country. It is impossible for a slightly lower person to know about this research institution, so that's why the institution has been founded for so long and no one knows about it. The confidentiality is extremely good.

And why Yuehong can know this is because the Golden Team is one of the most special departments of the country. Sometimes the things that the Golden Team is responsible for will also be related to this Baohe Gia Special Cultural Relics Research Institution, so this is why Yuehong can know the fate. That's it.

Of course, it is impossible for everyone in the Golden Team to know about this Baohe Gia Special Cultural Relic Research Institute. Only the captain of the Golden Team has the right to know, so even the members of the Golden Team cannot know about it.

"Moon Red, what? Do you know?? Looking at the incredible moon red next to him, Yuanfeng asked strangely.

"Hmm! I know this." Hearing Yuanfeng's question, Yue Hong said, "This Baohe Gia Special Cultural Heritage Research Institute was established more than 100 years ago, formerly known as the Unknown Research Institute of the Union, and later. After years of opening, it was renamed Baohe Gea Special Cultural Relics Research Institute.

Yuanfeng listened to Yue Hong's words and asked thoughtfully, "Is there anything special about this Baohe Gea Special Cultural Heritage Research Institution?"

"Hmm! Yes!" Yue Hong nodded: "This Baohe Gea Special Cultural Relic Research Institute is said to be an institution specializing in the study of various strange events, cultural relics and various supernatural energies in the world. In short, if the factors formed by something or event are unknown or particularly strange factors, it will be Special research of research institutions. And these crystal skulls are sent to this institution center for research, which means that... this crystal skull is unusual..."

Listening to Yue Hong's words, the person in charge Zhang next to him nodded: "Yes! There is nothing wrong with what I said. These five crystal skulls are indeed too strange, and during the preliminary test, it seems that the body contains unknown energy, so it will be sent to the Baohe Gea Special Cultural Relic Research Institute for special research. Source team, I think you should know why the country attaches so much importance to this matter. And sending so many people to protect is not enough for your gold team to draw people to protect.

At this time, after hearing the two people's words, Yuanfeng made it clear in his heart that it was because of the strangeness of these five crystal skulls that the state handed them over to the Baohe Gia Special Cultural Relic Research Institute for research, but... What's wrong with these five crystal skulls??

Thinking of the source wind here, he said to the person in charge of Zhang next to him, "Mr. Zhang, can I go and see the five crystal skulls?"

"Of course!" Listening to Yuanfeng's words, Zhang nodded and agreed, "You belong to a special department in the country, so you have rights to these." He stopped and pointed to the road on his right and said, "Captain Yuan, five crystal skulls are now stored in the special protection building inside the airport. I will take you now. They went over and made a gesture of invitation, taking Yuanfeng and others to the special protection building.

Soon, under the leadership of the person in charge Zhang, he successfully passed one well-defended checkpoint after another before arriving at the downstairs of the special protection building.

Standing downstairs of the building, Yuanfeng looked down. The building has two floors, and the construction area is not particularly large. Outside the building, a group of heavily guarded team members were standing on guard.

"Team Zhang!" At this time, a team member at the door saw Zhang coming with several people, and immediately ran forward to salute a standard salute and shouted.

"Hmm!" After the person in charge nodded, he said to Yuanfeng next to him, "Yuan Team, this cultural relic is preserved on the second floor. Let's go up now." After Yuanfeng nodded, he took the lead in walking into the building.