Wolin Opera

Chapter 114 General Carrett

"Dong..." After Yuanfeng and others walked into the white gate, the white gate behind Yuanfeng also slowly closed.

And at this time, the source wind was also taken to another room in this room by this group of strong soldiers. No, this should not be regarded as a room, but a hall, a hall larger than the one outside.

At this time, the source wind glanced around the hall and found that it was unusually wide. Of course, the layout of the whole hall was not square, but belonged to the rectangular hall similar to a palace.

There are pots of green plants on both sides of the hall, and the wide and thick leaves cover the whole basin, like an elephant with big ears. In front of these plants, a little inside the hall is a row of stone pillars, on which all kinds of strange patterns are carved.

The whole hall is wide and neat, but elegant and valuable, making the people who come in seem to have come to the palace of Hanjin and white jade.

Of course, it is impossible for Yuanfeng to pay attention to these decorations. At this time, Yuanfeng has already noticed that there is an old man in a white hat and a white beard in white aristocratic clothes, sitting behind a table with a book in his hand and watching attentively.

When Yuanfeng was escorted to him by the soldiers, the old man did not put down the book in his hand and said lightly without raising his head: "Is it Captain Liding?"

"Yes, General Carit, we have something urgent to report to you..." At this time, the head of the soldier known as Liding said cautiously, looking at Carit's attentive reading.

In fact, this Liding is not that he doesn't say anything about Cassier, but that he doesn't dare to say anything when he looks at Carit reading a book, because everyone present knows that Carit has a habit that no one should be disturbed when reading a book. Of course, if someone does so. Disturbing Carit's mood of reading, then... I'm afraid this person is not far from death...

Although Carit established this rule, Liding had no choice but to say it. After all, it was Carit's granddaughter who had an incident this time, and she said she was dead. Because she disturbed Carit's reading, she still died, and she would die worse. Therefore, in the end, Lidin chose to bother Cari te.

However, Liding felt a little strange at this time. What happened to Carit today? The tone of speech is not as fierce as before??

At this time, Liding is puzzled, but these are no longer so important, and the most important thing is to report Ka Xier's matter as soon as possible.

At this time, before Liding could speak, Carit, who was sitting opposite, said without raising his head again, " Liding, what's wrong? Didn't you see the rules I set clearly?"

"No, no!!" Listening to Caritte's words, Lidin's legs trembling and quickly denied, "No, Liding always remembers your rules, just... just..."

"Just what?? Don't hesitate, my soldiers never talk..." At this time, Carit was listening to Lidin's words and said again, but although Carit's voice is still so stable, anyone can hear that Carit is already dissatisfied at this time, quite Not satisfied.

"Yes!" Lidin was shocked by Carit's words, and immediately stood up with his feet together and shouted at Carit, "General Carit! Liding came to report that your granddaughter was injured!!"

"Oh..." Carit still looked at his book and whispered, but after two seconds, Carit finally reacted and suddenly stood up and slapped the book on the table and glared angrily, "What??!! You mean Ka Xier?! What happened to her?!!"

However, when Karit said this, his eyes had already glanced at Ka Xier on the back of a soldier next to the table. At this time, Ka Xier's eyes were still wide open, but her body was like a stone, and even the breath of her nostrils was completely felt. I don't feel it.

But... Although Ka Xier has become like this now, the temperature of her body and the beating of the heart in her chest do prove that she is still alive and completely alive...

"How...how did this happen?? How could this happen?" At this time, Carit still tried to wake up Ka Xier, but... At this time, no matter how he shouted, no matter how he made any sound, even Carit called a drummer of the band, and there was no way to wake up Ka Xier with the powerful sound of drumming, which made Karit anxious on the spot in an instant. !!

"Ka...Ka Xier..." At this time, Carit had no choice but to "bang" a fart. Sitting in the chair next to him, he looked at Ka Xier lying on the temporary activity** and muttered, "My granddaughter...my granddaughter..."

Looking at Carit's current appearance, Liding beside him is completely scared and anxious. He is really afraid that Carit will be executed for his dereliction of duty. To be honest, Liding is less than 35 years old this year, and he will have a good time to enjoy glory and wealth in the future. If he dies like this today... Liddin is absolutely unwilling...

"Dong!!" Finally, while Liding and others were thinking about things, Carit suddenly stood up from the chair and stared at Lidin next to him and roared, "Who is it?? Who is it!! How could my baby granddaughter become what she is now?!! Who is it!! Who the hell is it?!! I'm going to kill him!! I'm going to kill him!! No! I'm going to hang him and die in pain!!!"

Now Karit's face is extremely ugly, and her blood-red eyes are full of hatred and anger!! The blue veins raised by anger are getting higher and higher on Carit's forehead...

"Ka...General Carit, calm down! Calm down!" Looking at Carit as if he was going to eat people, Liddin was scared as if he had been on the gallows now and said, "Yes... the boy in front of you injured Miss Cassier like this..."

"Kka!!" As Lidin said this, Carit finally couldn't help pulling out his sword, turned his head to Yuanfeng next to him, and said ferociously, "You killed Ka Xier... I'm going to kill you today!!" With that, Carit was about to use a knife, but was stopped by Lidin next to him.

"General Carit!! I can't!! This boy is a foreigner!!" Looking at Carit drawing a knife and about to kill people, Lidin quickly shouted, to be honest, if Yuanfeng is a native, just kill him directly, but if he is a foreigner, then... this matter seems to be a little tricky...

"Foreigners...?" At this time, Carit was immediately extinguished by Lidin's words and extinguished the flame that was dazzled by anger. The knife in his hand stopped and did not really hit Yuanfeng's forehead, but opened his eyes and carefully looked at the source wind in front of him.

Black hair, different clothes from myself, and the dark eyes...

Not bad!! It's really a foreigner!! He is a thorough foreigner!!

And finally, when it was clear that Yuanfeng was a complete foreigner, Carit also made it difficult. How could this... be a foreigner??

To be honest, although Carit has great prestige in Wanluo, and even his power is greater than that of the king of this country, but... this is just in this country after all. This is like a tiger. He is the boss in this territory. He is the king, and no one dares to invade it. But if this tiger comes to an unfamiliar territory, it is estimated that no matter how great the tiger is, no matter how powerful the tiger is, it will eventually be swallowed up by the creatures on this territory!!

And this, the so-called strong dragon can't beat the ground snake. And now Carit is the same. Although he is very beautiful and powerful in this Wanluo country now. He can kill whoever he wants and let him go, but... This is only on this territory, and if he kills a foreigner without authorization, if he is known by that country, I'm afraid... Carit is really I have to find a place to hide.

Therefore, when Carit saw that the other party was a foreigner, his heart was also very difficult. What to do?? What to do??

Now Karit is really helpless and helpless. Why did she provoke Ka Xier as a foreigner!! Why a foreigner!!

And at this time, Liding looked at Carit, who was stunned on the spot. Of course, he knew that Carit was also in trouble again. To be honest, killing foreigners is really not a small thing. If this matter is not handled well, then... Whether it is Karit or herself, it will be implicated, and more importantly, it is very likely that The whole country and the whole country will also face an unprecedented disaster!!

However, of course, although Liding has no idea in his mind, he seems to have a small plan, which is to temporarily detain the foreign teenager in front of him, and then make a decision after the investigation is clear. In this way, there can also be an absolute The buffer time period.

Thinking of Liding here, he immediately whispered to Carit, who was standing opposite. Finally, in Carit's helpless long sigh, he agreed to Lidin's suggestion...