Wolin Opera

Chapter 129 One Night?

All night, Yuanfeng still did not return to his room. Because Yuanfeng knew that Ka Xier absolutely did not leave, and it was absolutely impossible for him to leave his room all night.

And this is also what Yuanfeng needs to completely calm down. After all, this emotional matter is not a child's play. If you really hastily accept Ka Xier, then your future life will definitely add some unnecessary troubles, which is also what Yuanfeng does not want to have.

Therefore, in order to make Ka Xier think quietly, Yuanfeng did not return to his dormitory all night, but stayed in the small park all night. Of course, although the weather in the second half of the night of Wanluo is very cold, the source wind has nothing to do at all. After all, there is a unicorn in his body. Even if he wears a half-sleeved coat to the place of ice and snow, he will never be frozen at all, so Yuanfeng also stayed in this small park all night.

Of course, Yuanfeng certainly didn't sleep this night. After all, he was really not sleepy, so he chatted with the crystal skull all night in this small park.

And after tonight's all night, Yuanfeng learned a lot of things. Of course, the crystal skull will definitely tell himself some irrelevant things, but if they are involved in some important things, they are absolutely impossible to say, such as their purpose, Yuanfeng is only a general knowledge. They don't know anything about their purpose except to go back to the past and destroy the world. After all, although crystal skulls are made by others, although they can't have the same wisdom as human beings, they still give them some thinking. This kind of thing of ultimate purpose is even if they are It is absolutely impossible for a fool to tell others easily.

Because they know that too much exposure to themselves is also a quick death.

But Yuanfeng also understands these truths. When the crystal skull hides himself, Yuanfeng is also hiding the crystal skull. After all, it is better not to reveal his card.

Maybe these cards also have their own life-saving straw...


The morning sun showed a smiling face as usual. Although there was a slight rain last night, it did not affect the warmth of the sunshine this morning.

And the source wind is also because it is in this gazebo, so it has not rained at all.

Looking at the sun slowly rising in the sky, Yuanfeng stood up and stretched out a big lazy and said lightly, "It's dawn, and a new day has begun. I don't know what's going on in this new day!!"

However, although Yuanfeng thinks so, he is not worried at all. As the saying goes, when the sky falls, it is better for him to let nature go.

And at this time, in Carit's office.

Another rapid phone ringing broke the quiet atmosphere in the room, and on that table was Carit, who was sleeping with her cheeks in her right hand. Because she had too many things to do in the past two days, Carit also lived in her own office these days, also because she was too tired last night, so she I fell asleep during work.

And with the rapid ringing of the phone, Carit woke up immediately.

To be honest, there are indeed many problems with Carit, but now this matter is breaking her taboo, that is, Carit hates being disturbed by the phone ring when she sleeps, which is also very angry about Carit. Almost in the past, she has disturbed her sleep. The phone, as long as it is irrelevant, such as where the person was killed or set on fire, it will definitely be scolded by Carit.

Carit's idea is very simple. If everything is left to himself, what's the use of raising your wine bags??!!

And now is the time when Karit is asleep, but he is also disturbed by this harsh phone ringing. How can this keep Karit from getting angry!

immediately grabbed the phone and shouted, "Bastard!! What to fight?! I didn't see the general sleeping!!"

"Yes...I'm sorry, General Carit..." As soon as the other party heard that Carit was angry, his legs tremble with fear and said submissively, "But... but the general...this is a big thing...it's a big thing...so my subordinates dare to call you disrespectfully..."

"What's the big deal?!!" Carit originally wanted to get angry again. As soon as she heard that the other party say that it was a big thing, she temporarily suppressed her anger, because although Carit was annoyed that others disturbed her sleep, she did not have to be annoyed by all the phone calls, but it must be a big thing that she would not investigate the little one who called. Soldier, and now he also asked patiently after hearing the little soldier say that there was a big thing.

Listening to Carit's tone soften a little, the little soldier answered, "Go back to the general... It was the person in charge of monitoring Miss Ka Xi'er this morning and reported that... Miss Ka Xi'er went to the foreign teenager's room last night, and... and..." said that the little soldier here did not continue to talk. It seems that the following is a big thing.

What?! What?! You and him. Say it quickly!!" Listening to the little soldier's answer, Carit was shocked, did not manage his intelligence and irrationality, and roared at the microphone in his hand!

You know, Ka Xi'er is the apple of Karit's eye. If something happens to Ka Xi'er, you, a grandfather, will definitely be furious!

And this day's great anger, if it doesn't work, it will really bleed into a river...

The little soldier who didn't have the courage to go on saw that Carit was angry again and no longer dared to hide and answer truthfully: "According to the people below, Miss Ka Xier went to the foreign teenager's room last night and has not returned all night..."

"What??!!" When Carit heard the four words "not home all night" suddenly buzzed in his head!! This time it's true! This time it's true!!

When Yuanfeng helped Ka Xier to go to her room a few days ago, he later found that it was a misunderstanding. Yuanfeng helped Ka Xier to the room and left without staying in Ka Xier's room too much.

However, things are different now. Now things are completely different from the original things. It was Ka Xier who ran to Yuanfeng's room. Think about it, what happened before was because of the day, but it was dark last night!

How can a lonely man and woman be alone in the room this night without some trouble?!!

Even if nothing happened in one night, but under the feudal class of Wanluo, if this matter really spreads, not only Carit will lose face, but also how will Ka Xier get married in the future?! I'm afraid I will really bear a bad reputation all my life!!

"I'm pissed off... I'm pissed off!!" Carit muttered when he thought of this, saying that this is by no means a trivial matter!! If it can't be handled well, then Ka Xier's life will really be ruined!!

At this time, Carit was really angry, and a burst of blood rushed to Carit's forehead! Finally, Carit's body shook gently and suddenly felt dizzy in front of her eyes!

"Bang!" With a sound, the body couldn't stand the pressure of this dizziness, and instantly hit the table beside him, and suddenly hit the teacup on the table and smashed it to the ground!

"General Carit...General Carit! Are you all right? Are you all right?" Since the phone was not put down, the little soldier who called had already heard the voice clearly and quickly asked.

"No... it's okay..." Listening to what the little soldier said, Carit quickly shook his head and said to the phone, because now he doesn't care about his body at all. His only concern now is about the situation on Ka Xier. If Ka Xier really said the same thing as the little soldier, So... this is really a big deal!!

Thinking of this, Carit immediately supported his tired body and shouted on the phone: "Quick! Hurry!! Gather people and rush to the room where the foreign teenager lives. If it's true, execute me on the spot!!"

"Yes!!" After receiving Carit's order, the little soldier shouted quickly to the phone, so he hung up the phone to gather people and rushed to the place where Yuanfeng lived.

Carit, who put down the phone, is still dizzy because of Ka Xier's affairs, but there is nothing he can do. After all, Ka Xier is his granddaughter! And she is also her only dearest granddaughter. If something happens to her, how can she live at such an old age?

So Carit now has to drag her tired body and put on her coat and walk out of the room to the place where the wind is located.

In a few minutes after Carit gave the order, a group of strong soldiers with weapons rushed to the place where the source wind was. Each of their faces were full of gloom, because the task they have to do now is to catch the source wind alive and get Carit's order. Then execute it on the spot!!

And when this team rushed to the source wind room, the source wind in the park looked at the sun in the sky. The height of the sun rising estimated that it was about 9 o'clock in the morning. Maybe Ka Xier had already gone back by this time.

Thinking of the source wind here, I decided to go back to my room first. After all, Ka Xier stayed in her room all night. If Carit knew about this matter and she never appeared, it would definitely cause unnecessary trouble, and This is not what Yuanfeng wants.

So he thought of the source wind here, patted the dust on his body and walked out of the small park in the manor and walked towards his room.