Wolin Opera

Chapter 167 Strength, Gap

Yuan Xie looked at the black spherical substance on Yuanfeng's neck and listened to what Yuanfeng said. Finally, he believed that this little thing was a crystal skull.

Because Yuan Xie knew that Yuanfeng would not joke with anything.

However, although Yuan Xie knows that this thing is a crystal skull, there is still infinite regret in his heart. After all, this crystal skull is a national treasure!

It was lost like this, and Yuan Xie couldn't help but feel a little sorry in his heart. However, this regret is regrettable. Yuan Xie knows that Yuanfeng also made it out of helplessness.

After all, when he was in the car just now, Yuan Xie had simply heard the general description of Yuanfeng. This crystal skull is really abominable. It is actually taking human life to protect itself, so this is also the reason why Yuanfeng has no choice but to smash them all. Looking at the source wind, Yuan Xie also sighed helplessly. If you smash it, smash it!

After all, the country has also suppressed these things now. That is to say, even if this thing is not smashed, the country will not be pocketed. After all, these crystal skulls have innate strength. Judging from the original hijacking Yuanfeng and hijacking aircraft, the country will also take measures against the crystal skull. Restrict work.

But now that the crystal skull has disappeared, the remaining one has also been returned to the source wind, so this big stone, Yuan Xie has also been released to the ground.

Soon, after running these things behind his head, Yuan Xie increased the accelerator under his feet, and the Jeep car rushed towards the Golden Team training base like a sharp arrow.

Soon, in dozens of minutes, the jeep drove to the high hillside. Like the last time Yuanfeng went, the car slowly came to the gate of the Golden Team training base after several inspections.

After checking the documents, the big iron gate also opened slowly.

After that, Yuan Xie also passed through the gate smoothly with Yuanfeng. With the roar of the engine, the car still drove to the unique parking lot of the Golden Team training base as before.

After Yuan Xie turned off the car, Yuanfeng and both of them also walked down from the car.

Looking at the old golden team training base, Yuanfeng sighed and sighed that his feeling of coming here was different from that of coming here now!!

At the beginning, I came here just a small gold team training bodyguard, and now Yuanfeng came here with the responsibility of the captain of the gold team.

Of course, Yuanfeng sighs not only for these, but also Yuanfeng knows the moon red here.

At the thought of Yuehong, Yuanfeng's mouth gave a faint smile, and I don't know what happened to the girl. Although Yuanfeng knew that since Yuan Feng and others left, there was another new player in the gold team training base, and the new player's strength was absolutely solid, and he was soon qualified for the new captain. Digit.

And when Yuehong returned to this golden team training base, she only served to assist the new captain, and as for the source wind, it seems that she can only come here to have a look!!

Thinking of the source wind here, I smiled faintly.

"Let's go! Don't be stunned, go and see their training!" Yuan Xie smiled and said, "You are the old captain of this golden team training base, more powerful than the girl Yuehong! I guess if it hadn't been for your first drive, I'm afraid the overall strength of the members of this golden team training base would not have been improved!"

"Oh..." Hearing Yuan Xie's words, Yuan Feng smiled bitterly. He had no choice but to do it at the beginning. After all, he had to lead the team to protect the crystal skull, but now he also verified Yuanfeng's practice at that time.

If the source wind had not implemented the original practice at that time, I'm afraid that the overall strength in today's Golden Team Base would not have been as high as it is now!!

At this moment, the source wind followed Yuan Xie to the training ground of the Golden Team.

At this time, the closer the two are to the venue, the more clearly they can hear the shouting. I guess they are doing some hard training again!!

Soon, when Yuanfeng and Yuan Xie walked by, Yuanfeng also saw many training team members working hard to train their skills at hand.

Yuehong is monitoring their training, helping the new captain correct the training posture of other new players from time to time, etc.

Looking at the sound training of these training players, Yuanfeng is also relatively gratified. Moreover, from the current team, Yuanfeng feels that there are much more than when he was here before. I'm afraid that the original team members were about 20, and I'm afraid that the current team members have increased to more than 30 years ago. Right!!

"Captain Yuan!" At this time, the team members in training, I don't know who found the source wind coming towards them in advance, and immediately shouted softly, which made all the team members stop the training in their hands.

"Source wind!" At this time, Yue Hong turned her head and looked at the source wind, and suddenly smiled, sweeping away the original fatigue in an instant!

At this moment, the excited Yuehong, regardless of the team members's still here, put down the training items in her hand and ran towards the source wind, and also rushed into the arms of the source wind in public.

"Wind, why are you here now!" At this moment, Yuehong hugged Yuanfeng tightly and felt the warmth of Yuanfeng's body.

"Ha ha, silly girl, didn't I come?" Yuanfeng held the moon red in his arms and freed a hand to touch his nose. With that, Yuanfeng gently stroked the red and smooth hair of the next month and smiled, "Get up! So many people are watching!"

"Ah, oh!" Listening to Yuanfeng whisper, Yuehong found that there were still so many team members watching, so she quickly broke away from Yuanfeng's arms. The red face showed that Yuehong was embarrassed now.

"Haha! I didn't see it! I didn't see it! Ah! Haha!" Looking at Yuanfeng and Yuehong's Qingqing and me, Yuan Xie hurriedly laughed and pretended not to see it and went towards the team members, which made Yuehong blush even more.

Looking at the relationship between Yuehong and Yuanfeng, many team members are blessing in their hearts, and many new players are envious of Yuanfeng in their hearts. They can have such a beautiful and captain-level girl!

Of course, among the team members, there was also a young and handsome man looking at the intimacy of Yuehong and Yuanfeng, and a trace of loss flashed in his eyes.

He is the new captain of the Golden Team. When Yuehong arrived, his handsome face and graceful figure immediately attracted the new captain. Many times in his dream, he dreamed of the beautiful things of Yuehong eating with him and watching the stars.

But when I saw Yuehong jump into the arms of the source wind, I already knew that Yuehongxin belonged, so there was still a small disgance in this loss.

After all, except for the old players, the new players present do not know the true identity of Yuanfeng. Of course, they do not know the original choice of Yuanfeng, and they will not have such achievements as today.

Soon, when Yuanfeng, Yuehong and Yuan Xie came to the team members, the new captain also gathered the whole team.

Looking at the angry team members, Yuan Xie was also very satisfied and said to them, "Maybe you don't know who the teenager in front of you is. Maybe you still wonder why a strange and student-like man came here. Next, I will be with you new team members. Say it"

said that Yuan Xie here looked at the smiling Yuanfeng before he said, "The old team members know that his name is Yuanfeng is a sophomore at Kyoto University. In fact, he is not only a student, but also has another identity, that is, the position equal to the position of captain Yuehong, that is, in the training base of the Golden Team. Captain of the face! It was also the source wind that disappeared for so long because he led the team to protect the crystal skull cultural relics and then was hijacked by the crystal skull, Captain Yuan!"

"What?!! He is the source wind?!!" When they heard the name of Yuanfeng, all the new players below, including the new captain, were stunned. They really didn't expect that the teenager in front of them would be thunderous!

Of course, they know how others can come to the Golden Team. They also know why their strength can improve so quickly, and it's all because of Yuanfeng. If Yuanfeng had not chosen to let the people below them try to play the role of captain, then their strength would not be as it is now. Rising so fast!!

Similarly, the name Yuanfeng also surprised all their new team members that when the old team members said that they could climb the first cliff more than 20 meters high, they also had a deep shock in their hearts!

But what they didn't expect now is that the character who created the myth in the Golden Team actually stood in front of them alive. How can this not make many new players excited! After all, they are also very admiring after learning about Yuanfeng!

And the more shocking one is the new captain. No wonder Yuehong likes him. No wonder Yuehong is so excited to jump into his arms. Xiang such a legendary figure, how can he not have a little heart like Xiang Yuehong!

Now the new captain finally understands that he is not as unconvinced as he was at the beginning, and now he really feels convinced!

After all, he knows that even if he trains hard for decades, he will never achieve such strength as Yuanfeng!

So he lost, completely lost, and he was convinced!!

At this time, Wang Qiang, who was in the team, looked at the lost expression of the new captain and smiled faintly. Of course, he knows what the new captain thinks about Yue Hong, but he doesn't point out. After all, the new captain is the same as himself, but in front of strong strength, they will eventually understand the gap between themselves and each other...