Wolin Opera

Chapter 207 Memories that should not be recalled

Listening to Yuan Feng's words, Xi Xian did not say anything but smiled slightly and turned her head to wink at the waiter behind her, who immediately nodded slightly and retreated.

Seeing this scene, Yuanfeng did not make a superfluous move, but still drank his coffee calmly. Soon, the waiter standing behind Qian slim brought a cup of fragrant coffee. Yuan Feng smelled the fragrant coffee and did not feel stunned, because this cup of coffee was the same as her own coffee - black coffee.

Seeing the cup of black coffee brought by the waiter, Yuanfeng laughed: "It seems that Miss Xixian wants to drink coffee with me until dawn?"

"It's not" Xixian said with a calm smile, "Do you want to know why I became the person in charge here today?"

Yuanfeng listened to Xixian's words and did not say anything, but waited for Qianxian's follow-up with a faint smile. Seeing that Yuanfeng did not continue to talk, Xixian said again, "When I was a child, because my family was poor, my family was killed alive by a group of hooligans when I was three years old. At that time, because these hooligans were very powerful, the Ministry of Law had no choice but to do it. In the end, things ended. ......”

said that there was a little confusion in Xixian's eyes here, as if recalling what she didn't want to happen at the beginning, and then said, "Since I became an orphan, I have begun to wander in this city alone, just because no family would take me in at that time, so I was alone. I wandered alone in this world. I was only eight years old that year. Maybe it's making fun of people. Society is not as simple as I thought. I have been a deliveryman, waiter, massage girl, and I have also experienced being cheated, beaten, pyramid scheme, and even experienced a group of beasts blocking me in an alley and tearing my clothes desperately! At that time, I could hear the sound of my underwear being torn!!"

At this time, Qianxian said here, and her eyes suddenly emitted a light of hatred, which was the light of anger and hatred like a beast. The face that wanted to kill was not as beautiful as before.

As for Yuanfeng, when he heard Qianxian say this, he still didn't say anything, but quietly waited for Xixian's follow-up, because Yuanfeng knew that sometimes persuasion had no effect. On the contrary, listening was the best way to comfort each other.

But soon, Qianxian recovered from the anger, took a deep breath and continued, "Just as the beasts wanted to occupy my body, I seemed to have made a huge decision, suddenly biting the other party's ear, and pulled it so hard, tearing, and heard the blood splashing and killing. When I howled like a pig, I realized that I had bit off the other party's ear alive!! You know, when a person takes that step that he has never taken before, his courage will also become greater, so when I tear off the other party's ear, I suddenly pulled out the dagger from his waist and stabbed it into the other party's heart!!

After a pause, Xixian continued, "At that time, I seemed to hear no other sound except the sound of blood splashing. Since killing that person, I seem to have completely changed. From that originally simple girl to a bloodthirsty demon, for a long time after killing that person, I have been hiding from the pursuit of the other party's accomplices. At that time, I inadvertently joined the LTTE in Kyoto. After that, I dared to fight and became the boss of the LTTE.

With that, Xixian picked up the cup of coffee on the table and said, "Later, for some reason, the Rui organization in Kyoto seemed to have a god-like legendary Ruizhu shuffled the whole Rui organization, and then the power of the Rui organization expanded little by little, so that Our organization can't compete with the Swiss organization, but later Brother Snake found me, and it was also because he entered the Swiss organization and climbed up step by step. After that, I was cultivated by Brother Snake and finally became one of the leaders here today."

Speaking of this, Xixian picked up the black coffee on the table beside her and put it in front of Yuanfeng and said, "Do you know? It's this black coffee. At the beginning, I couldn't even afford this little black coffee. I watched others pour out half a cup of black coffee. At that time, I finally realized that I want to be a superior person and I want to be a cruel character who is afraid of me!!"

At this time, Yuanfeng listened to Xixian's words and said with a faint smile, "Miss Qianxian, if I guess correctly, the experience you said seems to be for me, right?"

"What do you think?" At this time, Xi Xian regained her smiling face and looked at the source wind opposite.

"Oh..." Yuanfeng gently took a sip of black coffee and stared at Xixian's beautiful big eyes and asked, "Say it, what do you want to know?"

"Who the hell are you? What are you doing here? Why do you have a golden VIP card in your hand? At this time, Qianxian asked these three questions in one breath, and also asked the doubts in her heart.

Yuanfeng listened to the three questions asked by Xi Xian, smiled and put down the coffee cup in his hand and sighed, "Okay, I'll answer your three questions"

"First, my name is Yuanfeng, a sophomore at Kyoto University. Second, I came here to find you. Third, as for this golden VIP card, I'm afraid only the old snake, the little five, Scarface and other powerful people have. Of course, I'm the same."

"You!! How do you know Xiao Wuzi and Scarface?? What on earth are you..." Listening to Yuanfeng's words, Xixian's face changed suddenly and asked in surprise.

Looking at Qianxian's appearance, Yuanfeng shook his head helplessly and said, "It seems that the old snakes really obeyed my orders and did not disclose my situation to anyone other than these old people!!" With that, Yuanfeng stood up and smiled at the surprised Qianxian and said, "How's it going? Miss Xixian, do you know who I am now?"

"You...you...you are actually the legendary Ruizhu mentioned by the old snake?!!" Finally, Qianxian learned who the handsome man standing in front of her was. He was the legendary god-level Ruizhu that she, including the whole Rui organization, had always admired!!

Oh my God!! The legendary god-level Ruizhu is still a student?!! And he is also a college student under the age of 23!! This... This made Xixian never expect such a situation!!

"Papa!!" At this time, when Qian Xian was stunned, a group of strong men came from all directions to surround the source wind, and each of them had fierce eyes on their faces.

And behind these strong men, there came a bald man. Qian Xian's surprised expression had already been seen by the bald man from the electronic screen, which made the man mistakenly think what kind of thing was on Yuanfeng's body that made Qian Xian was so surprised that she had to gather her men to surround Yuanfeng under the condition of worrying about Xixian's safety.

At this time, Yuanfeng looked at the big man Yuanfeng who surrounded him and just smiled faintly, and Sister Qian opposite her roared at the bald head beside her when she saw such a group of people: "Sharp!! You are crazy!! Who asked you to mobilise so many people?!!"

"I... Brother Snake said that Sister Xi's personal safety is the most important!!" The bald man said fiercely, after all, for him, the double-sided snake told him that he must protect Sister Qian's personal safety before leaving, so even if the bald head is exchanged for his life, he must ensure Sister Qian's safety!!

"Bbald head!! Ask someone to step back!! Are you going to rebel?!!" Seeing such a tough posture of the bald head, Xixian said angrily to the bald head, because she was a little scared when she learned that Yuanfeng was Ruizhu!! I'm really a little scared!! What she is afraid of is not that she will be executed by Yuanfeng, but that the bald head will be killed by the legendary Ruizhu!!

After all, Qianxian only knows that Yuanfeng is Ruizhu and that Yuanfeng's strength is absolutely powerful, but after all, she doesn't know what Yuanfeng's temper and personality are like. If Yuanfeng's temper is not good, then the bald move will definitely anger the legendary Ruizhu, and I'm afraid it will be The double-sided snake can't stop it!!

So at this time, Qianxian shouted at the bald head beside her!!

"But, Sister Qian!!" Hearing that Xixian wanted to stop, the bald head shouted anxiously. After all, he was really afraid that the other party would come here by someone from an organization. If that's the case, the whole Kyoto Ry forces will be finished!! After all, now the old snakes have gone to S City. If there is really any accident now, how can he explain to the old snake, Scarface and the little fifth brother?

"Bbald head, let go!!" At this time, when everyone was deadlocked, a strong voice came, and Yuanfeng smiled faintly when he heard this sound, because he had already heard who the voice was. Who else could there be besides the little five??

"Little...Little Fifth Brother!" The bald head was stunned when he saw a figure coming behind him. Xiao Wuzi came from the crowd, and as before, Xiao Wuzi's left sleeve was cut off, leaving only the strong right arm outside.

Soon, when the little five came to the bald man, he smiled and gently patted the bald shoulder, then faced the source wind in front of him, and then said respectfully, "Yuandui Lord!"