Wolin Opera

Chapter 215 Kill four people in a row (!)

Looking at the woman's pleading, the four men did not let them go at all.

The man standing first looked coldly at the woman who kept kowtowed on the ground, and then looked at the timid child behind the woman and said, "Humph? Around you? No way! If you are spared, how can we explain it to the above when we go back?!! Besides..."

Speaking of this, the man tightened the knife in his hand and said again, "What's moreover, Master Tian has told us that we must kill you here, so... here today, you and your son... will die!!"

Say this, the man shouted at the other three men behind him: "Do it!!"

After that, the man raised the knife in his hand and was about to cut at the woman's neck!! At this critical moment, Yue Hong, who hid not far away and watched this scene, couldn't help shouting and rushed out!

Yuehong rushed up with several arrows and stood behind the beggar mother and son in an instant. At the moment when Yuehong rushed out, everyone was stunned. Not to mention the shocked expression of the mother and son, just talk about the expressions of the four men opposite them at this moment. No one expected that Cheng Yaojin would come out halfway at this time!!

"Who are you?" Looking at Yuehong opposite, the man calmed down and asked. At this time, his eyes kept scanning Yuehong. Judging from the other party's age, he was about 23 or 24 years old at most, and such a young woman was unarmed, not like the Rui organization that had been competing with the fire organization these days. So... who is this woman??

This is an idea generated in the hearts of everyone present. Of course, the woman is no exception. She really didn't expect that there would be such a person behind her, and she still didn't notice it at all!!

However, what makes the woman more relieved is that the girl in front of her is not malicious to herself, which is unfortunate. If the girl has any intention for herself and her son, then she and her son may no longer be in this world...

"A passer-by!" Hearing the other party ask who she was, Yue Hong did not report her real name, but responded with a frosty reply that she was a passer-by.

"A passer-by?" The man looked at the frosty face opposite the moon red, and they wouldn't believe that she was a passer-by. If it was a passer-by, it was impossible for him to sacrifice his life to save the mother and son. Moreover, the other party was still a real woman. The four big men had never met any woman who could be like this. Stop yourself boldly!

"Little girl, if you are a passer-by, leave quickly and don't hinder us! If there is blood splash or life on your body, don't blame us!" The man shook the long knife in his hand and said.

What he means is that Yuehong can definitely hear it. Obviously, what they mean is to let themselves retreat in difficulty. It's better for a passer-by not to go through this muddy water.

In fact, Yue Hongxin understands that the reason why these men can say this is not really afraid of themselves. After all, Yue Hong can see that either of the four of them is a madman infected with dozens of lives, and the reason why they can politely let themselves leave quickly is that they don't take themselves The killing was caused by the Swiss organization's frequent assassinations against the Fire organization during this period, which made the people under the Fire organization worried every day.

Speaking of which, it is absolutely impossible for the Fire Organization to retreat from fighting with you alone, but if they engage in assassination and destruction, they have no way to do it. After all, the current Rui organization can be said to be that Shenlong hides in the dark, and the skills of hiding are quite smart. No matter how you tumbling in this S city, you can't find their shadow.

This made the local snake in S City panic, so at the moment when Yuehong appeared, the words said by Yuehong and her calm look made the four men indirectly deny that the other party was a passer-by, so they also put down their fight in order to be unresperish. Zi asked Yuehong to leave, otherwise, as usual, even if there are two more Yuehong, they will still kill!!

Of course, Yuehong understands their intention at this time. Of course, Yuehong will not leave. The purpose of her coming out is to save the mother and son. If she really listens to them, it is meaningless to come out from behind the tree to stop them.

Therefore, listening to what they said, Yue Hong smiled coldly and said, "Your aunt, I'll take care of people to the end. Get out of here!"

"Bah!! Stinky girl film!! I think you really don't drink wine!!" Looking at Yuehong's resolute face, the four people finally saw the end of the other party's decision not to reach their goals, so they finally left the four words behind, and their eyes were red with a knife and killed them!!

"Be careful!!" Looking at the fierce knife method of the first man, the beggar woman immediately shouted to let Yuehong be careful, and Yuehong just smiled coldly and kicked her body quickly to one side and kicked it out heavily!!

"Bum!!" After hearing a heavy sound, the first fierce man immediately kicked Yue Hong's heavy leg to the ground and spit blood in an in an innxuous manner!!

Then, when the first man fell to the ground, Yuehong's other leg was not idle. He quickly hit the bridge of the man's nose. After hearing the sound of a broken nose bone, Yuehong shook her hand and grabbed the man's arm and stopped it!

"Puff!!" The man who rushed from behind stabbed the man in the chest, and blood splashed everywhere!!

Watching that he stabbed his accomplice, the man was immediately stunned, and Yuehong also took advantage of his stunnedness to grab the long knife in the man's hand in front of him, shouted loudly and flicked his feet and quickly scratched away!!

"brush!!" A bright white knife appeared, and two bodies appeared on the ground, and these two bodies were the knife that cut the throats of the two men behind them, making them die in an instant!!

After killing three men, the first seriously injured man wanted to struggle to get up and escape, but before he could stand up, he saw a pair of pink travel shoes. Before his forehead was raised, he seemed to find that his neck seemed to be stung by something, so itchy. , such a shallow tingling, as if it had been bitten by a mosquito...

"Plop..." Before the man understood what was going on, he knelt down in an instant, and his pupils dilated and fell to the ground unwillingly...

"Huhu..." Yue Hong wiped the blood from her face, threw away the long knife in her hand and gasped. Although her strength was stronger than the four men, after all, the other party was not a woman and the real four strong men, even Yuehong's strength was strong. It's also a big difference from men, which is a matter of strength.

So under such a violent activity just now, and the killing of four people in an instant, Yuehong's legs also trembled a little. Moreover, Yuehong trained modern weapons and equipment during the golden team training, and there was very little training to kill people with a knife. Therefore, Yuehong appeared under this fierce battle. Some of them are powerless.

Fortunately, the overall strength of these four men is not as good as that of Yuehong, otherwise Yuehong will be life-threatening.

After Yuehong killed four people in a row, the woman had already pressed her child in her arms. She did not want her child to see such a bloody scene at such a young age. Similarly, she did not want her child to become a murderous demon.

"Okay, it's okay." At this time, Yuehong threw away the knife in her hand and slowly walked over and smiled. At this time, Yuehong knew that they were still afraid, but there was nothing she could do. After all, she didn't know them. If she wanted to know from them why the four men wanted to kill her, maybe I have been familiar with it for a while.

"Thank you...thank you..." Looking at the girl saving herself and the child, the mother sincerely thanked the other party. Although the other party killed the four men, she knew that there was nothing she could do. The only way to treat the four men was to kill them. If she didn't kill them, then At this moment, it will be you who fall into the pool of blood...

"It's okay." Yue Hong smiled faintly and then said, "I don't know you..."

And at this time, just before Yue Hong finished asking this sentence, suddenly something happened again!! Hearing a rough shout, Yue Hong suddenly looked back and was shocked on the spot!!

I saw a strong man with a black vest and a beard full of scars rushing over with a knife!! This is nothing, but what shocked Yuehong was that the speed of the bearded strong man rushed over and the blood redness of his eyes suddenly made Yuehong's heart tremble suddenly!!

He is going to kill the mother and son!!

At this time, Yuehong finally knew the other party's goal and sweated coldly in an instant! As soon as you saved the other party, you can't let the other party die like this! Thinking of this, Yue Hong instantly picked up the long knife thrown away by herself on the ground and waved it to the bearded man opposite him with a shout!!

"Ah!" Bang!" "Oh!"

Only three voices of different degrees were heard, and Yuehong's face turned pale in an instant, and the other party's strength was beyond his imagination!! The long knife in his hand was cut off by the other party's knife in an instant!

When Yuehong saw this scene, she suddenly felt that her body was light, and she was shocked by the strength of the bearded strong man dozens of meters away and fainted!