Wolin Opera

Chapter 224 Strong Showdown 2

When the two airflows collided in an instant, the whole sky changed color in an instant. The sky was originally sunny and cloudless, but it was already dark clouds at this moment, and occasionally there was a little lightning swaying back and forth on the clouds.

The power contained in the fist of the martial arts also really surprised Yuanfeng a little!! I didn't expect that the strength of this fist of martial arts was so strong!!

Although at the beginning, Yuanfeng saw that the strength of Wu Zhan's two-handed integration was not as strong as it is now, but Yuan Feng really made a mistake, that is, he really underestimated Wu Zhan!!

I didn't expect that the strength of the martial arts war was so strong. With the strength of the martial arts battle, I could equal the strength I now exuded, which also had to surprise Yuanfeng in his heart!!

However, although the strength of the martial arts war is so strong, Yuanfeng is still not worried. After all, his strength now seems to be very powerful, but he has not fully achieved the purpose of suppressing himself. That is to say, Yuanfeng can still have room for ease to defeat the heavy punch of martial arts.

However, although this is the case, Yuanfeng is also very clear in his heart. Similarly, the heart of Wu Zhan is also the same as Yuanfeng's thoughts, that is, the strength of the two now is only in a state of warm-up, that is to say, the current Wu Zhan and Yuan Feng have not shown their real strength at all. Resistance. Although the strength of the two is very powerful now, which is simply stronger than the energy emitted by Yuanfeng when fighting with the beard, but... it seems that such a powerful strength on the outside is actually the tip of the iceberg of the two.

Therefore, the current Yuanfeng and Wu Zhan are also not in a hurry, because this is the official opening of the good play!!

"Boom!!" At this time, the dark clouds in the sky were also thicker, and with strong lightning, the whole ground lit up. It had been more than ten minutes for the two energies to collide. Although the two energies did not explode as a result, they still hit the two energies. There was unusually strong damage around and even further away.

At this time, the source wind and the place around the martial arts war suddenly became a concave, and the whole ground began to slowly crack, especially the place where the two people stepped under their feet, which was even more violent, and with the intensification of their energy, the whole ground began to slowly shake. Get up.

"brush..." bursts of crisp sounds, containing bursts of strong light shining in the whole factory area, and with the power of the energy emitted by the two, their faces seemed to have begun to have a different sense of caution than just now. For Yuanfeng, the strength of the other party is indeed very strong. If you don't pay attention, it will cause irreparable consequences, and the same is true for martial arts.

It can be said that this battle is almost fought with the lives of two people!! Of course, Yuanfeng is more cautious than the war. After all, there are two brothers behind the war - double-sided snake and scarface.

"Drink!!" When the energy increased sharply, the martial war at this time seemed to be a little uncomfortable, and finally the body began to make a series of reactions!!

With a big shout, his hands suddenly pushed, trying to quickly retreat the energy waves around him towards the source wind. In this way, he will also disperse the energy emitted by the source wind under this huge and powerful pressure, and then achieve the purpose of killing the source wind!! But although Wu Zhan thinks so, he still doesn't know that Yuanfeng has been waiting for him for a long time!!

At this time, Yuanfeng, while waiting for the huge push of the martial arts battle, smiled smoothly with a faint smile on the corners of his mouth and his hands used the same force. However, Yuanfeng's hands were the same force this time. The strength did not go to the opposite martial arts battle, but to the top of his head, that is, the sky. Of!!

"What?!! This...how can this be...!!" At this time, Wu Zhan was shocked to see that Yuan Feng actually wanted to push two energies into the sky!! He really didn't expect Yuanfeng to do this!!

And at this time, the martial war finally understood that the original wind was deliberately waiting for himself, and also deliberately revealing a flaw just now, so that he could enter this trap, so that he could push his energy into the sky and explode!!

The purpose of doing this is only two benefits. The first advantage is that the energy explodes in the air, at least to ensure that the land under your feet is fine, and only the land under your feet is fine. Then the two-sided snake and scarface have no life worries.

And as for another point, it is nothing more than wanting to use this opportunity to consume a lot of his strength. After all, the powerful strength emitted by his fist just now is extraordinary. If Yuanfeng can remove this part of his strength, then Yuanfeng's chance of winning himself will become greater! !

"Damn!! Yuanfeng, I didn't expect you to play this!!" When the martial war figured this out, it was too late. The huge energy, accompanied by the force of the source wind, has begun to slowly escape from the control of the martial arts!! That is to say, the energy emitted by the war is no longer under its control!!

However... Looking at the energy emitted rising into the sky, Wu Zhan thought of a key question. That is, your strength is opposed to the strength of Yuanfeng, but if Yuanfeng forcibly pushes his strength to the sky, doesn't it mean that the strength emitted by Yuanfeng is also blown into the sky and consumed??

So if this is the case, what is the meaning of the consequences of Yuanfeng?? After all, Yuanfeng pushes the energy of the martial arts battle into the sky, and Yuanfeng's strength will also explode and dissipate together. In this way, doesn't that mean that Yuanfeng's own strength is also consumed??

Wu Zhan thought so in his heart that now he really doesn't know what Yuanfeng did all this for, or... he didn't understand what Yuanfeng was thinking at all??

And when the martial arts war can't figure out, Yuanfeng still smiles and looks at the martial arts war opposite. In fact, the doubts in the heart of the martial arts war is clear. The reason why Yuanfeng can make his own move shows that he absolutely has a way not to lose his strength and can fully use these energy of martial arts warfare. The department was damaged!!

Thinking of the source wind here, he finally began to launch his own idea, and when Yuanfeng launched his own idea, the martial war on the opposite side finally began to understand what the purpose of Yuanfeng was doing this at this moment.

"!! Bastard!! You will temporarily reduce your strength!! Bastard!! Bastard!!" At this time, after seeing these things clearly, Wu Zhan's face suddenly changed, and then the thick blue and purple spread all over Wu Zhan's face!! He jumped and scolded there regardless of his image!!

The current situation is that the military war can't imagine that the source wind can temporarily reduce energy!! In fact, the temporary reduction energy used by Yuanfeng is also learned from the Kirin formula, and the purpose of this method is to use a small amount of energy to consume the other party's powerful strength!!

That is to say, the source wind pushes the powerful energy of the martial arts war into the sky. Its purpose is to consume the energy of the martial arts war. When the source wind pushes these energy into the sky, it is bound to consume the source wind's own huge energy. At this time, there is such a temporary reduction of energy, which is equal to the source wind. When launching the powerful force of martial war, he forcibly suppressed his huge energy, so that his strong strength had no way to burst out. However, a small amount of energy is emitted to continue to push this energy to the sky. When this small amount of energy is exhausted, the huge energy has also been pushed to a large part of the sky, and where it explodes will not only not affect your current ground creatures, but also will not deplete your body. There is a huge amount of energy in it!!

And this method is the best of both ways!! No wonder Wu Zhan's face instantly glowed with anger after seeing what Yuanfeng was going to do.

But now no matter how angry the martial arts war is, it is useless. After all, the source wind is about to push the energy to a higher place, and this energy is no longer under its control, so the martial arts war at this time can only watch its energy explode.

"Boom!! Boom!! Boom!!" Finally, just when the small energy emitted by the source wind was about to run out, the energy of the war also began to change dramatically!!

The original dark blue energy began to gradually develop towards light blue. Slowly, in a few seconds, the original dark blue energy has also begun to become gradually transparent!!

"It's over!!" Seeing that this energy began to become a little transparent, Wu Zhan shouted, because he knew that this was a precursor to the energy was about to explode!!

Finally, when the war first thought of it, the huge and transparent energy began to explode violently. Under the huge sound and the huge light, the energy of the huge thing finally burst!!

"Rumble!!" At this time, after the huge sound, countless strips of light appeared. Then, the light gradually expanded and gradually emitted a huge burst of energy, covering the whole sky in an instant!