Wolin Opera

Chapter 300 Strange Crime

A few hours have passed, and the two cars have already entered the realm of Kyoto.

And not long after the car entered the realm of Kyoto, the mobile phone in the source wind pocket suddenly rang. Listening to the sound of his pocket mobile phone and looking at the moonlight lying on his chest, Yuanfeng shook his head helplessly.

Then, Yuanfeng gently put his hand into his pocket and took out the mobile phone that kept ringing.

After taking out the mobile phone, Yuanfeng looked at the number displayed on the mobile phone. It was a strange number. To be precise, it was a number that Yuanfeng did not know, but although Yuanfeng did not know the number, it could be seen by looking at the area code displayed on it. This phone was from Kyoto.

Looking at this strange number, Yuanfeng hesitated a little, and finally answered the call.

"Hello? Which one??" Yuanfeng put his mobile phone in his ear and whispered to the microphone.

"Source wind! You boy, you don't even know me?!!" As soon as Yuanfeng's voice fell, a strong and magnetic voice of a man came from the other end.

"Instor Yuan?!!" Yuanfeng listened to this familiar voice and was suddenly excited!! Yes, the person who called this phone is not someone else. It is the instructor Yuanfeng knew in the school at the beginning, also the introducer who entered the state department, and is also Yuanyuan's brother - Yuan Xie!!

"Haha, boy, do you think of me? As soon as your car entered Kyoto, my people knew it immediately. I called you after informing me. I thought you didn't know me after changing the number!!" Yuan Xie's cheerful voice came from the opposite side.

"Ha ha, no. I'm just a little strange about this strange number, but, instructor Yuan, why did you call me with this strange number? This number seems to be a landline," Yuanfeng asked strangely.

"Yes!!" Hearing Yuanfeng's words, Yuan Xie on the other end of the phone sighed heavily and said, "I'm not in the office now. I'm in a residential community north of Kyoto City!!"

"Residential community?" Yuanfeng is quite surprised, and it is really strange to let a person from a state department like Yuan Xie go to the community where ordinary people live.

"Cough!! Don't mention it! There is really a headache at this end, Yuanfeng, don't go back for the time being. Come to my place! There are still some things that need your help," said Yuan Xie on the other end of the phone.

"Good! I'll be there!!"

After hanging up the phone, Yuanfeng frowned slightly. It seemed that this time it was really extraordinary, otherwise it would be impossible to send people like Yuan Xie there, but... This made Yuanfeng very curious about what happened to the residential community where Yuan Xie was located??

"Feng, who just called?" Just as Yuanfeng was thinking, a slight sound came.

Yunfeng lowered his head and found that Yuehong had already woken up. I guess the noise of his phone call just now woke her up a little. Looking at Yuehong's sleepy eyes, Yuanfeng smiled and said, "It's Yuanyuan's brother. He said that something seemed to have happened to a residential community north of Kyoto and asked us to go there."

"Is that right?" Yue Hong rubbed her eyes and said strangely, "The power of Yuanyuan's brother is relatively large in the country. Even if our golden team is under his jurisdiction, I'm afraid it will be unusual for him to go out in person!!"

"Yes" Yuanfeng nodded and agreed with Yue Hong's consent. Although Yuanfeng still doesn't know what happened on that end, listening to the Yuan instructor's words, I'm afraid this matter will be a little tricky.

Soon, after getting a call from Yuan Xie, Yuan Feng and Yue Hong went to the residential area where Yuan Xie was now located, and Xiao Wuzi returned to Rui's headquarters first. After all, there were still a lot of things to deal with, so the two cars separated at the intersection of the inner ring road.

At this moment, the car driven by Yuanfeng is driving along the inner ring road. At the current speed, it will take about 20 minutes to reach the residential community mentioned by Yuan Xie.

Just as the source wind was driving here, Yuan Xie couldn't help smoking the cigarette in his hand in the residential building in the North District.

This is the sixth time! From the day before yesterday to today, three such things will happen in a whole three days, and in these three days, neither the people of the Ministry of Law nor those from other departments can find any clues to the murderer, and even the footprints and fingerprints of the murderer who came here!

This really gives Yuan Xie a headache! Is it possible that the other party is a ghost or a god?!!

"Report!!" Just when Yuan Xie had a headache, a strong voice came. After getting Yuan Xie's permission, a handsome man in black tights came in.

And this man is none other than Wang Qiang, one of the outstanding members of the Golden Team!!

"Oh, Wang Qiang! Is there any new progress? At this time, Yuan Xie saw that the other party was Wang Qiang, which was the one who cheered up and asked.

"The Yuan team, the Ministry of Law has drawn the best autopsy experts from the city and several professional autopsy masters in our golden team have also made the most detailed comparison of the bodies in the house, and the final results are exactly the same. No other useful value clues were found on the body except that the chest seemed to have been pierced and the head was cut off. Even the ground, walls and everywhere in the house have been carefully compared. I really can't find out how the murderer came into the room and killed the victim without a trace!! Wang Qiang took the investigation report in his hand and said respectfully to Yuan Xie in front of him.

"Alas... I expected it would be like this!!" Yuan Xie sighed after hearing Wang Qiang's words: "Actually, I don't understand what kind of person the murderer is. The method is quite sophisticated and extremely cruel. Except for piercing the victim's chest, even the victim's head will be cut off. I'm really a little scared! Is the other party a human or a ghost?

"Yuan team, it has been three days since the incident happened. In these three days, a total of six different places in Kyoto have been found to have been killed by residents, and the other party has used the same means to kill, so I think this is very likely to be a crime gang!! At present, this matter has attracted special attention at the senior level. If we don't catch the murderer quickly, I'm afraid it will have a negative impact on society."

"Alas... I'm so worried too!!" Yuan Xie shook his head helplessly: "It seems that we can only wait for his arrival now. I hope he can find a new breakthrough from here..."

Wang Qiang listened to Yuan Xie's words and asked strangely, "Yuan Team, what you mean by him...?"

"Oh..." Yuan Xie smiled reluctantly: "The person who once dislocated your leg"

"You mean... source wind, source team!!" As soon as Wang Qiang heard Yuan Xie's words, he immediately became excited!! Unexpectedly, it was the source team! I haven't seen him for a long time. How can I not make Wang Qiang excited!!

At the beginning, Wang Qiang was a thorn in his eyes because of the moon red view of the source wind, but now Wang Qiang was extremely excited when he heard that the source wind was coming, and even his hands began to tremble with emotion!!

Looking at Wang Qiang's excited expression, Yuan Xie stood up with a smile and patted Wang Qiang on the shoulder and said, "Let's go!" I guess the source wind is about to arrive at this time!!"

"Good!" Wang Qiang nodded heavily before walking out of the room with Yuan Xie.

At this moment, not far from the gate of the community, a black car slowly drove over. Because such a painful thing happened in this residential community, all the places that can be entered and exited in the whole community are taken care of by the people of the Ministry of Law, and outside the whole community is surrounded by a large group of people. This large group of people include old people, children and men and women standing outside talking. And these people are, without exception, the residents of this community. Because what happened this time is special to prevent more people from being harmed, all the residents living in this place are temporarily placed outside the community.

At this scene, property security and property owners also have the right to cooperate with the people of the Ministry of Law to help maintain order, and as for the people in the community, in addition to some people of the Ministry of Law, there are also some of the best inspectors transferred from the city and ten team members sent by the Golden Team.

At this time, the car slowly approached the community, and the surrounding residents also gave way, and many people began to talk about who was sitting in the car.

In fact, it is no wonder that these residents are talking about this. After all, no one can give all the residents a reasonable answer from the morning to noon from the Ministry of Law and the people sent by the state to noon. Therefore, it is no wonder that some residents doubt that the person sitting in the car now is a more powerful leader.

"Didi!!" With the sound of the car all the way, it soon came to the door of the community. At this time, a property security guard in charge of the main entrance of the community quickly ran over and stopped the car.

After opening the window, the property security guard said to Yuanfeng sitting in the back of the car: "I'm sorry, sir, residents are not allowed to enter or leave the community for the time being. Please park your car outside the community and wait."

Listening to the words of the property security guard, Yuanfeng did not say anything, but took out a small green notebook from his pocket and handed it over to him, saying, "I'm here to help investigate this case."

Looking at Yuanfeng taking out the small notebook, the property security guard opened it doubtfully and looked at it. It didn't matter, and immediately scared the soul of the property security guard nine days away!!

Good boy! Here comes another big shot! Unexpectedly, he is the head of the country with the rank of major general!